Клемент Маркхэм. Завоевание Новой Гранады.
K.C.B.. D.Sc. (CAM.)
Siempre la brevedad es una cosa
Con gran razón de todos alabada,
Y vemos que una platica es gustosa
Quanto mas breve y menos afectada.
Araucana. Canto xxvi
All rights reierved
(by permission)
SOME knowledge of the civilisation of the Aztecs
and Incas, of the conquests of Mexico and Peru as
told by Prescott, with the stories of Cortes and
. Pizarro, is part of a liberal education. But the
civilisation of the Chibchas and the story of the
conquest of New Granada by Quesada has found
no Prescott, and is unknown to our English
A great many years ago, General Mosquera—
a former well-known President of New Granada
—dined with Sir Roderick Murchison at the Geo-
graphical Club, and took me in his carriage to the
meeting. In conversation the General expressed
regret that although Mexico and Peru had found
a historian, writing in the English language, bis
own country—the story of which was quite as
interesting—had not. General Mosquera was
himself an author.1
1 Geografía de la Nueva Granada, por General Tomas Cipriano de
Mosquera (New York, 1858). General Mosquera was born at
Popayán in 1798. He was a comrade and intimate friend of
Bolivar. President, 1844-49; again in 1863 and 1866. , He died
in 1878.
I pondered over this expression of regret by
an eminent Colombian. At that very time I was
consulting the most important of the New Granada
chronicles, by Fray Pedro Simon, for another
purpose.1 I was then led to read ‘ Piedrahita/ a
later chronicle, and to translate 6 Cieza de Leon *;
and I received encouragement to write on the
subject from Sir Woodbine Parish.
But I waited for some more competent person
with greater local knowledge to undertake the task
of presenting to English readers the story of
Chibcha civilisation and of the conquest of New
Granada. I have waited for fifty years.
My personal knowledge of Colombia is confined
to Santa Martha, Cartagena, and the Isthmus.
But I have had occasions for studying the geo-
graphy of that interesting country for official
purposes. It became an object, in connection
with chinchona cultivation in British India, to
obtain and publish the valuable drawings of plants
of the chinchona genus growing in Colombia,
by Mutis, which I found in the tool-house of the
Botanical Gardens at Madrid. I then obtained
sanction for their publication under the editorship
1 I was writing the Introduction to a volume of the Hakluyt
Society entitled The Search for El Dorado,
of an eminent Colombian botanist, Don José
Triana.1 Afterwards I employed Mr. Cross, a very
able gardener and traveller, to explore the region
of the G. Pitayensis, to the east of Popayán and
Timaná. He brought me back a detailed descrip-
tion of that interesting region. I also published,
in 1867, translations of the works of Dr. Mutis and
of Dr. Karstan on the chinchona genus, with intro-
ductory notes and lives. A letter from Señor Don
Narciso Lorenzano, dated March 1864, on the sub-
ject of the cultivation of chinchona-trees in their
original habitat, led to my publication, in Spanish,
in 1867, of a handbook of chinchona cultivation for
the use of Colombian proprietors. I subsequently
had some official correspondence on Colombian
forest conservancy, and was elected an Honorary
Member of the Historical Society of Antioquia.
In obtaining the MS. of the fourth part of the
work of Mutis at Madrid, and printing it for
the first time, M. Weddell was so good as to say
that I rendered great service to the memory of
the illustrious botanist of Colombia.
I mention these transactions to show that
circumstances have conduced to a continuance of
1 Nouvelles études sur les quinquinas accompagnées de facsimile
des dessins de la quinologie de Mutis, por J. Triana (folio, Paris,
that interest in the land of the Chibchas which
was first aroused by my conversation with General
I submit the following brief account of Chibcha
civilisation and of the conquest of New Granada
without any thought of its taking a place by the
side of the works of Prescott. My intention is far
enough from that. Its object is only to stop a
gap in English literature until such time as it
may be worthily filled by another more detailed
work from the pen of some one who is intimately
acquainted with all the localities, as well as with all
the original sources of information, some of which
are still undiscovered. I trust that such a future
author may already exist, or will exist in due
course. I have to offer my cordial thanks to His
Excellency Don Ignacio Gutierrez-Ponce for assis-
tance and advice. Don Ignacio is descended from
three of the companions in arms of Quesada.
September, 1912.
Reports of actual actors in the scenes they describe: Vasco
Nuñez de Balboa, Pascual de Andagoya, Heredia, Cieza
de Leon, Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada, Castellanos, Pedro
Simon, Piedrahita, Zamora, Fresle Ocariz, Cassini,
Herrera, Oviedo, Duquesne, Lugo, Uricoechea, Acosta
Influence of environment—Mountains and Rivers of Colom-
bia*—Tribes of the Cauca Valley—Cemetery of Zenu—
Country of the Chibchás—Chibcha People: their agri-
culture, appearance, commerce, manufactures, houses,
progress—its causes…….
The great • first cause—Sun-worship—Myths—The Bachue
myth—The Bochica myth—Deities—The Garachacha
myth—The Tequendama myth—The Guatavita myth
and festeval—El Dorado—Gold in the Guatavita Lake—
The Temples—Human Sacrifices-Sun and Moon—Their
marriage—Link between celestial and anthropomorphic
ideas ………
The language progressed with the advance of the people—
Now a dead language—Grammars and Vocabularies—
Grammatical construction—Words for degrees of relation-
ship—Numeration—Times and Seasons—Hieroglyphics of
first ten numerals—System of intercalation—Duquesne’s
explanation of the Calendar—the Cycle—Point reached
in civilisation……..31
The Zipa, the Zaque, and the Iraca—Rule for succession
—Capital and pleasure houses of the Zipa—Interments—
the Zaque of Tunja—the Zipa Saguanmachica’s wars
—the Zipa Nemequene’s wars—the Zipa Thisquezuza—
Influence of the Iraca—the Great Chief Tutasua—
Retrospect of what is known of the Chibchas—Preserva-
tion of their history—Lost Work of Quesada … 40
Expedition of Bastidas—Ojeda and Nicuesa—Defeat of
Ojeda—Ojeda in the Gulf of Urabá—Failure and death
of Ojeda and Nicuesa—Relief expedition of Enciso—
Rise of Vasco Nunez de Balboa—Expedition of Pedrarias
—Description of the coast by Enciso …. 49
Early days of Vasco Nuñez—Took command of Ojeda’*
starving colony—His capacity—His measures—His good
treatment of natives—Account of Coiba and Comogre
—Natives of the Isthmus—Vasco Nuñez received informa-
tion of Dobaibe and his gold—Love for the daughter of
Careta—News of the Pacific Ocean—Ships arrive with
provisions—Letter to Charles V.—Discovery of the Pacific
Ocean—Arrival of Pedrarias—Pedrarias brings robbery
and murder—Atrocities of Morales—Vasco Nuñez writes
again to Charles V.—Character of Pedrarias—Stores
and fittings for shipbuilding—Building of the ships—
Betrayal of Vasco Nuñez—Murder of the great discoverer
—His death a calamity—Panama founded—Nicaragua—
Death of Pedrarias—Destruction of the natives of the
Isthmus—Retreat of survivors—Brave defence and inde-
pendence ………
Bastidas, first Governor of Santa Martha—His murderer—
Palomino the second Governor—Vadillo and Palomino
—Garcia de Lerma, fourth Governor of Santa Martha—
Exploring the Magdalena—Oidor Infante, fifth Governor—
Pedro de Heredia, Governor of Cartagena—Expeditions
of Heredia and Cesar—The Velzer rule in Venezuela-—
Cruelty of Alfinger—Expedition of George of Spires—
Expedition of Pederman……
Story of. the discovery of the Cauca Valley—Origin of
Sebastian de Belalcazar—Founding of Popayán by Belal-
cazar—Aldana appointed to supersede him—Vadillo’s
flight from justice—Cieza de Leon—Vadillo’s expedition—
Cesar’s experience—The chief Nutibara and his brother—
Defeat of Spaniards by Nutibara—Buriticá chief burnt by
Vadillo—Vadillo reaches the Cauca—Death of Cesar—Dis-
covery of the Cauca Valley—Vadillo sent home—Robledo
appointed by Aldana—Cruelty of Robledo—Cartago and
Antioquia founded—Robledo sent to Spain—Andagoya
lands at Buenaventura—Character of Aldana—Añasco—
Founding of Timaná—Andagoya at Popayán—Return of
Belalcazar—Services in Peru—Belalcazar and Heredia—
Return of Robledo—Executed by Belalcazar—Belalcazar
condemned—His death, and character—Shipwreck and
death of Heredia……..92
Parentage and birth of Quesada—His boyhood and educa-
tion at Granada—the Adelantado, Pedro Fernandez Lugo
—Made Governor of Santa Martha—His son Alfonso Pedro
to be his Lieutenant—Quesada to be Chief Magistrate—
Arrival at Santa Martha—Expeditions—Alfonso Luis
steals gold and deserts—Expedition up the Magdalena—
Quesada to command—Expedition starts—the Captains—
Flotilla on the Magdalena to meet troops coming by land—
The march—Touching scene—Mother and Son—Quesada
reaches Sompallon on the Magdalena—Adventures of the
Flotilla—Arrival at Sompallon—Sufferings on the march
—Reaches La Tora—Mouth of the Opon—Firm resolution
of Quesada—Ascent of the River Opon—Argument from
trade in salt—Disaster to the Flotilla on return—March
up the mountains—Arrival in sight of the Chibcha country 110
Scene of peace and plenty—The Zipa in his palace—The
news arrives—The Zipa marches to encounter the enemy—
Rout and retreat of the Zipa—Quesada at Chia—Flight
of the Zipa—The Spaniards reach the Zipa’s capital—
Exploring expeditions—The Panches defeat the Spaniards
—Search for the emerald mine—March to Tunja—Palaoe
of the Zaque—Plunder of the Zaque’s palace—His death—
Temple of Suamo burnt—Last of the Iracas—The chief
Tutama—Battle of Bonda—March to the Valley of Neyva
—Distribution of plunder—Zipa’s camp betrayed—Death
of the Zipa Thisquezuza—Attacks of Sagipa, the last
Zipa—Fatal error of Sagipa in trusting the Spaniards-
Combined forces defeat the Panches—Torture and
death of Sagipa—Quesada decides upon returning for
reinforcements—Name of New Granada—Founding of
Santa Fé de Bogotá—Arrival of Federman and Belalcazar
—Quesada, Federman, and Belalcazar set out for Spain
—Quesada’s brother Hernán Perez left in charge—Deso-
lation of the Chibchas . . . . . • .127
Character of Hernán Perez de Quesada—The encomiendas—
Expedition of Lebrón—Agreement between Lebrón and
Hernán Perez — Lebrón retires —Wheat crop — First
wheaten bread—Hernán Perez resolves on a search for
El Dorado—Tunja founded by Captain Suarez—Murder
of the last Zaque—Hernán Perez sets out on his expedition
—Captain Suarez left in charge—Sufferings of Hernán
Perez and his men—Glorious fight for liberty of Tundama
—Murder of Tundama—Fate of Tundama’s nephew—
Flight of the people to the rock of Tausa—Leap of Olalla—
Massacre at Tausa—Treachery of the Spaniards—Chib-
chas sink into slavery and despair—Spanish cruelty—
Many exceptions—The next blood-sucker . . .145
Arrival of Quesada in Spain with the royal fifths—Quesada’s
return home—At Court—His claim—Stories against him
—Description of Quesada at that time—Claim before the
Council of the Indies—His rival A. Luis de Lugo—Lugo’s
Court interest—Some members of Council for Quesada—
Lugo appointed—Sails—Persecution of Quesada—False
stories against Quesada-—Travels in France and Italy, and
literary pursuits—Lugo’s plunder at the pearl fishery—
Francesquillo attacks Lugo on the river—Arrival of Lugo
at Bogotá—The first cattle—Lugo had come for plunder—
Captain Suarez Roiidon imprisoned—Hernán Perez and
Francisco Quesada imprisoned—Their deaths by lightning
«—Departure of Lugo with his plunder—Made to refund
at the pearl fishery—His crimes unpunished—Denuncia-
tion by Las Casas—Receives a command in Italy—His
death—Claims of his descendants. . . . .158
Expedition to find the gold mines led by Hernán Vanegas—
Battle with the Panches—The Magdalena crossed—Gold
mines found—Victory of the Panches—Wise policy of
Vanegas—Alliance of Vanegas and the Suitamas—Final
submission of the Panches—Armendariz as Juez de Resi-
dencia—Pedro de Ursua in charge at Bogotá—Arrival of
Armendariz—The New Laws promulgated too late—
Resume of the New Laws—Publication of the New Laws at
Bogotá—Expedition of Ursua—Pampluna founded—
Musus and Colimas—Procurators sent to Spain to petition
for alteration of the New Laws—Result—Audiencia of
Bogotá appointed . . . . . . .171
Tardy justice done to Quesada—Quesada made Marshal and
Adelantado—Quesada accompanies the judges to Bogotá
—Licentiate Mercado’s death at Mompox—the other
two judges take charge at Bogotá—Expedition against
the Musus—Ibague and Marquita founded—Quesada
leads an expedition in search of El Dorado—Death
of Medrano—Sufferings of Quesada’s party—Reach the
Guaviare—Return—Armendariz arrested and sent to
Spain—The two judges arrested—Lost in a Shipwreck—
Montano and Bríceño in charge at Bogotá—Quesada and
his Los ires ratos de Suesca—Quesada suppresses an
insurrection in the Magdalena Valley—Retirement and
death of Quesada—His heirs—Burial at Bogotá—Character
of Quesada^—Government of New Granada by Presidents
of the Audiencia, later by Viceroys—Depopulation—
Loss of the Chibcha language—An American race of
Spanish descent—Antioquia and Manuel Restrepo—
Mutis—Caldas — Zea — The botanist Triana — An en-
lightened and progressive people in Colombia. . . 182
ENCOMENDEROS . . . . . . .210
JIMENES DE QUESADA . . . . . 217
LAND OF THE CHIBCHAS . . . At end of text.
THE story of the Chibcha civilisation and of the
conquest of New Granada ought long ago to have
taken its place by the side of the stories of the
conquest of Mexico and Peru; but there has been
no Prescott for New Granada. Yet Quesada is
quite, as important and interesting a figure in
history as Cortes or Pizarro. The materials from
which such a story must be compiled are sufficient.
We have at least half a dozen reports or
narratives from the actual actors in the scenes
they describe. There are several detailed letters
from Vasco Nuñez de Balboa,1 the discoverer of the
1 In the Navarrete Collection.
Pacific Ocean. There is the memoir of Pascual de
Andagoya, narrating the later proceedings of Nuñez
de Balboa, and his own subsequent experiences
at Popayan.1 There is a long letter from Pedro de
Heredia, the Governor of Cartagena, to Charles V.2
Pedro de Cieza de Leon has described the ex-
peditions of Vadillo and Eobledo and the discovery
of the Cauca valley. He was a youth of eighteen
or nineteen at the time, but a keen observer, and
everything he says is to be relied upon.
Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada, the actual dis-
coverer of New Granada, was a scholar and author.
On his return in 1539 he sent in a report, entitled
e Epitome de la conquista del Nuevo Reino de
Granada/ 3 which is chiefly occupied with a de-
scription of the new country and the people. He
also wrote a report on the services of his comrades,
“Memoria de los descubridores y conquistadores
que entraron conmigo a descubrir y conquistar
este reyno de Nueva Granada/ In his old age
he wrote a much more important work, which he
called c Los tres ratos de Suesca/4 It was
1 In the Navarrete Collection, and translated for the Hakluyt
2 Muñoz Collection.
3 Printed by Espada in his pamphlet on Castellanos, 1889.
4 See chap. xv.
unfortunately lost; but the manuscript was in
Bogotá when the chroniclers wrote, and they
were able to use it in the compilation of their
Two of Quesada’s captains, San Martin and
Lebrija, wrote interesting reports, which were
preserved at Simancas. They are in the collection
of Muñoz, and were translated into French and
published by Ternaux Compans.
The first chronicler was Castellanos. He went
out to the Indies as a cavalry soldier, and was
engaged in forays against the natives. His con-
science seemed to have been disturbed by their
treatment, and he went to Cartagena and entered
Holy Orders. He became a canon of the cathedral
there, and eventually went up the Magdalena and
was cura of Tunja for many years. Castellanos had
conversed with several of the first settlers, probably
with Quesada himself. He first composed his
chronicle in prose, and then—unfortunately, as I
think—he turned it into rhyme, with the title
‘ Elegias de ilustres varones de Indias/ A good
deal of accuracy and precision of statement is
sacrificed to the exigencies of metrical treatment.
Castellanos was also very credulous, and repeated
some wholly incredible gossip. Jimenes de la
B 2
Espada published a very severe criticism on his
work in 1889. But the rhyming chronicler, from
his position and diligence in collecting materials,
is quite indispensable, and was much used by
subsequent writers. The first part appeared in
Friar Pedro Simon is a more important authority.
He was born near Cuenca, in Spain, came out to
Bogotá at the age of thirty, and joined the Order
of Franciscans. He arrived in 1604, became
Provincial in 1623, and began to write his c Noticias
Historiales/ He had travelled a good deal in
New Granada, and in 1607 had accompanied Juan
de Borgia, President of the Audiencia, in his
campaign against the Pijaos Indians. He had
the advantage of being able to use the manuscript
history of the conquest, by Friar Pedro Medrano,
who perished during Quesada’s expedition into the
eastern forests, leaving his work to be used by
others, and then to be lost. Simon’s first volume
is on the discovery of Venezuela, and the expedition
of the pirate Aguirre down the Amazons, which
is told in great detail.2 The two other parts
1 The fourth part is lost, but the MS. was seen and used by Simon
and others. The three parts were published in one volume at
Madrid, in 1847.
2 Translated and edited for the Hakluyt Society.
are occupied with the Chibcha civilisation and the
Spanish conquest of New Granada. It is believed
that Father Simon died in Spain. His work is
very valuable, and the most authentic account
that has come down to us.1
The work of Lucas Fernandez Piedrahita is
better known, and is based on the chronicles of
Castellanos and Simon. This author was born at
Bogotá in 1618, the son of Don Domingo Fernandez
Piedrahita and Catalina Collantes.2 In his youth
he was good-natured, vivacious, and full of humour.
He was fond of poetry, and even wrote some
comedies—now lost. He entered Holy Orders,
was cura of Fusagasugá, and canon of the cathedral
of Santa Fé de Bogotá. A judge, who had some
spite against the canon, trumped up false accusa-
tions ; and there was a lawsuit which obliged
Piedrahita to go to Spain. It lasted for years.
It was during this long period of waiting that he
wrote his history. He had the use of Quesada’s
work, the fourth part of Castellanos’s, and Simon’s.
Piedrahita’s work is well arranged, he adheres
well to his authorities, and writes in an agreeable
1 The second part was printed at Cuenca in 1627.
2 Piedrahita, on his mother’s side, was descended from the
Incas of Peru. His mother’s great-grandfather, Juan Muñoz
Collantes, married Prancesca Coya, an Inca princess.
style. The lawsuit at last ended in his complete
exoneration, and he was appointed Bishop of Santa
Martha. He proved a most devoted prelate,
visiting the “uncivilised Indians, and going about in
rags that he might spend all his income in charity
and in the work of rebuilding the cathedral. In
1676 he was translated to Panama; but before he
could start for his new see, Santa Martha was
surprised by buccaneers. The bishop was tortured
to give up his supposed treasure, carried off because
he could not pay any ransom, dreadfully ill-treated,
and at last brought before the buccaneer Morgan
at Providence. That prince of buccaneers released
him, and even presented him with some canonicals
he had stolen. Piedrahita at last reached Panama,
and was installed as bishop. He there preached
in the streets as well as in his cathedral, gave his
whole income in charity, and devoted much of
his time to the Derien Indians. This devoted
prelate and excellent writer died at Panama in
1688, aged seventy.
The Father Friar Antonio de Zamora was born
at Bogotá, but was some twenty years younger
than Piedrahita. He was the historian of the
Dominican Order in New Granada, and was a mere
panegyrist so far as the brethren of his Order were
concerned. He, however, consulted all the manu-
scripts and official documents within his reach, as
well as those of Simon and Piedrahita, but he was
credulous and without any gift of criticism. His
work was finished in 1696, and printed at Barcelona
in 1701.
There is a manuscript written by a native of
Bogotá named Juan Rodriguez Fresle, son of one
of the conquistadores, who wrote in 1636. He
brings the history down to 1618 ; but its chief
interest is local, being concerned with the affairs
of the city of Bogotá.
Juan Flores de Ocariz was an officer of the
Bogotá municipality, who wrote a work on the
genealogies of the settlers in New Granada, which
was published at Madrid in 1634. A lady, in more
modern times, Doña Soledad Acosta de Samper,
also wrote biographies of the more illustrious and
notable men of the new kingdom of Granada.
Cassini, the Jesuit historian, gives an account
of the missions of the Company; but the Jesuits
did not arrive in New Granada until 1598. His
work was printed at Madrid in 1741.
The general histories of Herrera and Oviedo
must be consulted by the student of the history
of New Granada; but Herrera seldom gives his
authorities. Oviedo passed some time in the
The writers who have devoted their studies
specially to the Chibcha people call for attention,
but they have been referred to in the chapters on
Chibcha civilisation. These are Domingo Duquesne,
who wrote a dissertation on the Chibcha calendar;
Bernardo de Lugo, a native of Bogotá, whose
grammar saved the Chibcha language from oblivion;
Joaquin Acosta, who has given an excellent general
view of Chibcha culture in chapter xi. of bis
larger work; and Ezequiel Uricoechea. The last-
named scholar published a valuable memoir on the
antiquities of New Granada and the Chibcha
religion and government, at Berlin in 1854, and
a grammar and vocabulary of the Chibcha language,
at Paris in 1871.
The admirable work of Colonel Joaquin Acosta,
entitled ‘ A historical compendium of the discovery
and colonization of New Granada in the sixteenth
century/ published at Paris in 1848, of which
the chapter xi. above referred to forms a part,
deserves very special notice. The author had
carefully studied every available authority, whether
printed or in manuscript. He has condensed
them, and discriminated between them with critical
skill and sound judgment. His work is admirably-
arranged, and bis style is agreeable and scholarly.
Colonel Acosta bad a great advantage in being
well acquainted with the countries in which the
memorable scenes of the conquest were enacted.
With the Quesadas he had penetrated into the
Amazonian forests; with Vadillo he had explored
the valley of the Cauca; he had lived among the
pure-blooded Chibchas ; and had visited the tribes
on the shores of the Gulf of Darien. He then went
to Spain to examine the archives of the Indies and
the great collection of Muñoz. Thus equipped,
Colonel Acosta1 produced a standard work which
must have been of essential service during the
last sixty-four years to successive generations of
the youth of Colombia.
Colonel Acosta suggested to Mr. Prescott that
he should write the history of the conquest of New
Granada, as he had done those of Mexico and Peru,
offering him all the materials he had collected.
But Mr. Prescott declined, having commenced bis
history of Philip II.
1 Joaquin Acosta was born at Guaduas in 1800. A patriotic
soldier and diplomatist, as well as a geographer and historian.
He published a new edition of the Semanario of Caldas, at Paris
in 1849, and his own historical work the previous year. Colonel
Acosta died in 1852:
At present, a younger generation is giving
its attention to the early history of Colombia.
especially the members of the National Academy
of History. Ernesto Restrepo Tirado has just
published an excellent monograph on the Quimbaya
tribe in the Cauca valley. Another monograph
on the Panches is from the pen of Eugenio Ortega.
and we have a very interesting paper on the
epitaph of the great Sugamuxi from the pen of
the same writer. Señor Carlos Cuervo Márquez
has written important papers on the origin of
the Chibchas and other tribes in Colombia, on
the Caribs, on their invasion of Colombia, and a
very interesting series of essays on his journeys
over various parts of the country.
THERE was a rising civilisation in the north-west
part of South America, now the Republic of
Colombia, which has received less notice than
it deserves. Eor it is a striking example of the
influence of geographical environment on the
development of mankind. This will be seen by
a consideration of* the main features of the
region, some 600 by 400 miles, which is now
known as Colombia.
The great mountain chain of the Andes divides,
in about 2°N. Lat., into four cordilleras, cut
deep by three principal rivers flowing north: the
Atrato, nearest to the Pacific Ocean; the Cauca
and the Magdalena, which unite about ninety miles
before they “reach the Carribean Sea.1 The cor-
dillera nearest to the Pacific Ocean continues
• 1 The Magdalena is the fourth in rank of the great South American
rivers. Its length is 1240 miles, of which 807 are navigable.
along the Isthmus of Panama, thus connecting
the Andes with the mountain system of North
America; and the Atrato, draining its eastern
watershed, falls into the Gulf of Darién or Urabá.
The Atrato is separated from the much longer
and more important Cauca valley by a cordillera
which, in its northern part, was known to the
early Spanish explorers as the Sierra de Abibe. A
lofty cordillera, called the Sierra de Pijaos, divides
the Cauca from the Magdalena valley. Lastly,
the Eastern Cordillera, covering a much wider
area, has the Magdalena on one side and the vast
tropical forest of Venezuela, chiefly in the basin
of the River Meta, on the other.
This magnificent region of snowy mountains,
noble rivers, and rich tropical vegetation was well
peopled by numerous tribes, both on the coast1
and in the river valleys. The central river, Cauca,
was inhabited by several tribes, often at war with
each other, who had made some advances in the
arts and crafts.2 The Armas andQuimbayas3 appear
1 Three hundred miles of coast facing the Carribean Sea, besides
the Pacific coast.
2 An interesting monograph on the Quimbayas, by Ernesto
Restrepo Tirado, was published at Bogotá in 1912.
3 Described by Cieza de Leon, who served under Vadillo and
Robledo in the first discovery of the Cauca valley. See my trans-
lation of his Crónica, printed for the Hakluyt Society in 1864.
to have been the principal Canea tribes. The
former, settled on the right bank of the river, over
an extent of thirty or forty miles, were supposed
to have numbered 20,000 souls, living in villages
consisting of large round dwellings fortified with
stakes. In war they put on circlets of gold,
breastplates, and beautiful plumes of feathers.
They had banners, darts, bows and arrows, lances,
clubs, and slings. They were bold and valiant.
They worshipped idols and had incensors of clay
burning before them, the figures being very rudely
carved in wood and stone. An immense number
of small gold figures were found in their tombs.
As to their cannibalism there is some truth in the
statement; but the accusation is made by the
Spaniards against all valiant defenders of their
No porque alii comiesen carne humana
Mas porque defendían bien su casa,1
as old Castellanos sings. There were only slight
differences between the Armas and the other tribes
of the Cauca and Magdalena. They grew maize
and cotton; and Enciso tells us that on the coast
1 Not because they ate human flesh,
But because they bravely defended their homes..—
Elegías, part ii, canto 3.
they had fruit-trees bearing delicious fruit, and
made channels for irrigation. Their advances
towards civilisation did not go further. It is
true that a vast cemetery was found at Zenu, near
the Sierra de Abibe, with an immense number of
sepulchral mounds, all containing gold ornaments
very skilfully worked to represent every kind of
animal from a man to an ant.1 It has been con-
jectured that the cemetery at Zenu represented
an ancient civilisation which had disappeared like
that of Chiriqui, with which it may have been
allied ; but this is doubtful.
These tribes of the Cauca and Magdalena
valleys had not advanced beyond a certain stage
which was alone adapted for their surroundings.
For they dwelt in deep valleys with tropical vege-
tation, and on steep mountain sides suitable rather
for hunting than for cultivation. Very different
was the progress of the same race when endowed
with a more favourable environment.
1 On the death of a chief or important person they embalmed the
body with certain herbs, and wrapped it in cotton of various colours.
At a place called Catorapa, Enciso says that he found upwards of
twenty of these mummies kept in the houses with the living. At
Zenu the great men were buried in the sepulchral mounds, it is said,
with their wives and favourite servants, with jars and pottery,
and many gold ornaments.
On the lofty plateau, where the Magdalena
rises, there are ruins and carved stones which
appear to be the remains of a prehistoric race in
the valley of San Agustín, which had established
a civilisation, though not very advanced, over
South Colombia. These people may have been
connected with the megalithic empire of Peru.
The San Agustin remains have recently been
carefully investigated by Señor Carlos Cuervo
Márquez and by Dr. K. Theodor Stoepel of
In the Eastern Cordillera, between 4° and 7°
N”. Lat., there is an elevated region in a temperate
climate, with extensive plains and fertile valleys
separated by uplands with alpine lakes. Here
a more advanced stage of civilisation might be
expected, attained by the same race; and here it
was found. The country of the Chibchas is about
150 miles long from north to south and about
40 miles wide, covering 600 square miles, with a
population, before the Spanish cataclysm, of
1,200,000, or 2000 to the square league. It is 240
miles from the sea at Santa Martha. To the north
is the Eiver Sogamoso ; to the south rise the lofty
mountains of Suma Paz ; to the west is the great
Magdalena Eiver; and to the east the cordillera sinks
down into the primeval forests of the Amazonian
basin. The northern half of this favoured region is
drained by streams flowing northwards as tributaries
of the Sogamoso, which falls into the Magdalena.
The River Funza drains the southern half, flowing
from the Eastern Cordillera over the fertile plain
of Bogotá. It then forces its way through a
rocky barrier, and descends in one rush into
the Magdalena valley by the magnificent falls of
Tequendama, one of the highest waterfalls in the
The inhabitants of this favoured region were
called Chibchas. The Spaniards thought the
name was ‘ Muysca/ but this was merely the word
for a man in the Chibcha language. These Chibchas
must needs have led very sober and laborious fives.
Without any domestic animals either for food or
for draught, they depended solely on their skill
and hard work to raise crops of maize, potatoes,
some other edible roots, and beans for their sus-
tenance, and on their prowess as hunters. They
also had constantly to defend their homes against
two fierce tribes on their western frontier, the
Panches and Colimas.1 They were sturdy, thickset
1 There is believed to have been a great invasion of the formid-
able Caribs; and these Panches and Colimas were of the Carib race.
men with less oval faces than the Peruvians, noses
less aquiline, it would seem from the appearance of
their descendants, but the same bright intelligent
eyes. Their bearing was that of a brave and
hard-working, yet imaginative, people. Quesada
said that they were the finest people he had seen
in the Indies: the men well formed and strong;
the women handsome, dressed in white robes, with
a mantle round the shoulders, and a garland on
their heads. Colonel Acosta wrote in the highest
terms of the valour, constancy, coolness, and
discipline of the descendants of the Chibchas as
soldiers. Their fives of hard work, passed between
agricultural pursuits and defensive warfare, had
probably continued for ages. Their country was
healthy and productive, but its height above the
sea debarred its inhabitants from the use of many
things needful for progress. Commerce was essen-
tial for any great advance in civilisation; and by
slow degrees the practice of exchange of products
rose to a well-established system, an increase in
knowledge and in needs coming with it.
Besides their cereal and root crops, the Chibchas
were fortunate in possessing important salt-mines.
The manufacture of this salt, from, the mines of
Zipaquirá and Nemocon, gave rise to a considerable
trade. The products of the Chibcha plateaux ~
were exchanged for fruits, coca, skins, birds, canes,
and timber from the eastern forests; for gold-
dust and cotton from the Magdalena and further
west; and for silver from the south. The chief
market was at Coyaima on the banks of the Mag-
dalena River. There was another, frequented by
the northern tribes coming for salt, on the Sarabita
River. Another market was at Turmequé, to
which the Chibchas brought emeralds from
Commerce led in course of time to manufactures.
The Chibchas became excellent weavers of cotton
cloths, there were extensive pottery factories, and
the people of Guatavita were renowned workers
in gold. The men of rank wore cotton tunics to
below the knee, generally white but sometimes dyed
black or red, and confined round the waist by
a broad belt. Their caps were of the skins of wild
animals, with plumes, and in front a half-moon of
gold. They also wore bracelets and ear-rings.
The women wore a square mantle, brought round
to the front and fastened by a wide belt, and a
small mantle over the shoulders secured by a
great pin of gold. All their clothes were home-
made. Finally, they were beginning to export
their manufactures, made from articles that had
been imported.
The houses of the Chibchas were built of stones
and clay, the rooms having their walls adorned
with cane covered with ornamental reed matting.
The roofs were thatched. They were beginning
to erect important edifices of stone for temples and
palaces, though their principal place of worship
at Suamo was still of the immemorial materials.
But it is reported by a recent writer1 that he found
the site of a stone temple, at Eamiriqui in the
province of Tunja, built east and west, and of
great extent. There were twenty-seven cylindrical
pillars, very well worked, lying near each other.
We have thus seen a people of the same race
as the rest of the inhabitants of the region now
called Colombia, by steady hard work and intelli-
gence, advancing far beyond any of their com-
patriots in the paths of civilisation. That this
progress was due entirely to their geographical
environment there cannot be a doubt. Blessed
with a temperate and healthy climate, inhabiting
a fertile land of wide plains and open valleys,
surrounded by grand scenery, they had every
1 Velez Barrientos {Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Paris,
Aug. 1847, p. 97).
o 2
qualification and every incitement for advancing
step by step towards a goal wbich they were never
destined to reach, as the Incas did, to predomin-
ance and empire. When the cataclysm destroyed
them they had just reached the stage which the
Incas occupied previous to the Chanca War. But
hard work alone, industry alone, had not raised
them to the point they had attained, nor would
industry alone have taken them further. It was
their care for their ancient traditions, their devoted
loyalty to their rulers, their patriotic fervour
in defending their country against invaders, their
zeal in extending the dominion of their kings
which, combined with habits acquired by long
ages of industry, would have led them on to
The religion and traditions and the civil
government of such a people are worthy of record
and of study, because they reflect the genius of
a nation on its way to achievement: not because
it will throw any light on their origin, for it will
not. The Chibchas had always been where they
were found, though their civilisation may have
been partly due to extraneous help, as we shall
presently see.
THE religion of an agricultural people would
naturally centre round tlie beneficent influences
which presided over their sowing and their harvests.
It was so with the Chibchas. The sun and, in a
less degree, the moon were the objects of their
reverential adoration; while the more thoughtful
among them recognised the existence of a great
first cause. An imaginative people, preserved
traditions of ancient worthies who had conferred
benefits upon them in times past, and who had been
converted, in the course of ages, into mythical
heroes and demigods. Such legends became, to
some extent, interwoven with the main religious
ideas of propitiation of the supernatural powers,
who could grant or withhold success for the
The Chibchas held that, in the beginning of all
things, the fight was enclosed in a great receptacle,
which cannot be described, called Chiminigagua,
or the Creator. The first things that came out
from this creative force were black birds, which,
flying over the world, sent forth a resplendent air
from their beaks which illuminated the whole earth.
The origin of the human race is thus explained.
Soon after the dawn of the first day a beautiful
woman, named Bachue (or Fuzachogua), came out
of Lake Iguaque, four leagues north of Tunja.
She had with her a child of three years old. When
the child grew up he married Bachue, whence
came the human race. Then both disappeared
into the lake and became serpents. The Chibchas
venerated Bachue and the child, and made
statuettes of them in gold and in wood.
These people believed that the souls of the dead
went to the centre of the earth: first passing a
great river in boats made of cobwebs—for which
reason it was not permitted to kill spiders.
Bochica appears to have been a great ruler
or benefactor of the Chibchas at some remote
time, and became a demigod residing in the sun,
a beneficent being, and the tutelary deity of the
chiefs called Usaques. A deity called Chibchacum
was the guardian deity of the Chibchas, though
not a very beneficent one, it would seem.
Nemcatacoa watched over weavers, woodmen,
drunkards, and was represented as a bear covered
with a cloak. Chaqué was the guardian deity
of boundaries, crops, processions, and festivals;
Bachue took care of the bean crops; Cuchavira,
the rainbow, was invoked for childbirth and
fevers, and was a messenger of the sun.
Garachacha1 (sometimes confounded with
Bochica) was some ancient worthy who preached
at several places, and disappeared at Sogamoso,
where a great temple was raised for his worship ;
and before his departure2 he arranged the method
of selecting the High Priest or Iraca, intended to
be a peacemaker and mediator.
There was an interesting legend to account
for the great waterfall of Tequendama. The
guardian deity of the Chibchas had become in-
dignant at the excesses of the inhabitants of the
plain of Bogotá, and determined to punish them.
Suddenly two rivers, which had hitherto flowed in
another direction, were turned into the plain and
1 He had other names—Nemterequeteba, Chinzapagua, and Xue.
He is said to have preached at Bosa, Muequeta, Fontibon, and
Cota. Crowds came to hear him.
2 When they heard the legend, the monks promptly gave
Garachacha a long white beard, made him come from the East,
and declared that he was either St. Bartholomew or St. Thomas.
converted it into a lake. The people took refuge
in the hills. They prayed to Bochica, who appeared
one afternoon at sunset, on a rainbow, and offered
to remove the evil. His powerful aid was gratefully
accepted. Bochica struck the rocks of Tequendama
with his golden sceptre, and an opening was made
by which the waters precipitated themselves.
The plain once more appeared, more fertile than
before. Bochica, to punish Chibchacum for hav-
ing afflicted the people, obliged him to support
the land, which was previously held up by firm
props of lignum-vitae. Unfortunately, this retri-
bution was not without inconvenience, for from
that time there were earthquakes. The natives
explained this by saying that they were caused
by Chibchacum passing his burden from one
shoulder to the other. Doubtless the minds of
this imaginative people wrought out many
other legends of the same kind, but they are
lost to us.
The Chibchas had temples, but they preferred
to make their offerings to great rocks, to lakes
or waterfalls in the midst of grand scenery, es-
pecially when the offerings had reference to some
romantic legend of the past. The lake of Guata-
vita was annually the scene of one of these solemn
offerings. It is three miles from Siecha, on the
top of a high mountain—a small tarn not more
than a stone’s throw across. There are some low
bushes on its banks, and a strange being used to
appear on its waters to whom offerings of gold
and emeralds were made, the priest having
watched for its appearance. The story was that
the wife of the chief of Guatavita committed
treason with a courtier, and it became known to
the chief. The man was put to death. The wife
jumped into the lake with her child, and was
drowned. The chief repented of his wrath, and
ordered the principal magician to restore the wife
and child to him. The magician plunged into the
lake, but came back to report that the wife and
child were lodged better than if they were in the
chief’s house, and would not return.
The story had a strange effect on the people,
which was not a passing delusion but lasted, and
the resort to the lake grew in importance. The
offerings continued to increase, and came from
many of the principal chiefs. It was believed that
a lady appeared on the lake naked to the waist,
her lower half wrapped in a red cotton mantle.
Annually the chiefs went to the centre of the lake
in boats to offer the gifts with certain ceremonies.
The chief of Guatavita, perfectly naked, was
anointed all over, and then covered with gold-dust,
so that he appeared to be a golden man, El Dorado.
He then dived, while offerings of gold were thrown
into the lake. The banks were crowded with
devotees, all with their presents. It must have
been a strange ceremony—indeed, quite unique.
This love of the mysterious and devotion to the
heroes or heroines of strange legends was a phase
in the character of this interesting people.
It is said that when the Spaniards came, much
gold was thrown into the lake of Guatavita. The
chief of Simijaca alone threw forty quintals of fine
gold into it. Spaniards, thirsting for gold, tried
to drain the lake. Lázaro Fonte tried. Then
Antonio de Sepulveda of Bogotá undertook the
work in 1580. The soundings gave twenty-five
fathoms. About 6000 ducados of gold were found
near the shore; but funds were short and the
attempt was abandoned. An account of a more
recent attempt to drain the lake, by José Ignacio
Paris in 1822, was given by Captain Cochrane, R.N.,
in his book of travels.1 Humboldt has given a
view of Lake Guatavita2 in the ‘Vues des
1 Travels in Colombia, ii. 193-208.
2 Plate 60 of folio ed.; i. 19, 8vo ed.
Cordilleras/ It was a dreary place enough.; only
a little mountain tarn, in the absence of the golden
chief, the gorgeous ceremony, and the attendant
Fond as they were of this romantic hero-wor-
ship, in which they could indulge at Guatavita and
many such places where folk-lore was stored.
the real business religion of the Chibcha people
was the worship and propitiation of the celestial
body which could give or withhold a plentiful
The temples of the Chibchas were large buildings,
the most sacred being that of the Iraca at Suamo
(Sogamoso), near Tunja. Round the walls stood
large vases of different shapes to receive offerings.
Some were figures of clay with holes in the upper
part; others were simple jars buried in the ground,
except the mouth. The priests, called Jeques,
had dwellings near the temples, and they had
schools into which those destined for the priesthood
entered very young, for a long and careful train-
ing was essential. It was most important that
1 Rumours of ‘ El Dorado ‘ spread over Europe. The Spaniards
sought for him in the basin of the Amazons, the English on the
Orinoco, the Germans in the Venezuelan forests; while all the time
he was the hero of a local ceremony in a tarn of the Chibcha
the neophytes should thoroughly understand the
principle of the Chibcha calendar, which was rather
complicated, and the religious system which was,
in great part, based upon it.
The only deity to which a human sacrifice was
ever offered was the sun. The stones which re-
ceived the first rays of the rising sun were anointed
with the young victim’s blood. All connected
with this solemn sacrifice had a symbolic relation
to the division of time, the calendar, and the
ingenious intercalations dominating the course of
sowing and harvest.
The sacrificial victim was taken as a child,
and very carefully trained and educated by the
priests. He was called the Gueso, or c homeless one.’
He had another name, Quyhyca, meaning a ‘ door’
and a ‘ mouth.’ On attaining his fifteenth year, the
ceremony was performed with great pomp. There
was a wide, level road from the chief’s house to
the sacrificial post, down which the procession went.
The people came in batches, dressed in skins of
pumas and jaguars and adorned with jewels.
Behind, was a throng of dancers and singers. It
was all symbolic. The victim was fastened to the
carved post by a rope, the heart was cut out, and
offered to the solar deity. f What I loved best, to
thee I gave/ Less precious gifts were offered
also: parrots and macaws from the distant
forests, deer and partridges from their own
As the civilisation of the Chibchas advanced
there would probably have been something substi-
tuted for the human victims, such as a ram caught
in a thicket or two pigeons. This was the case
in Peru, llamas taking the place of human beings.
At the time when their existence as free agents
ended, the Chibcha legislators thought that the
dramatic character of the sacrifice was calculated
to arouse the religious feeling of the people, and
impress them with the duty of worshipping and
sacrificing to the sun; for on the beneficent care
of the solar deity depended their means of
Thus the Chibchas believed in a creator, or
great first cause, called Chiminigagua—a venerated
name, but needing no special propitiation or worship.
Their principal deities were the sun and moon,
which were earnestly prayed to and propitiated,
and to the sun alone was a human sacrifice offered.
Not only were these celestial bodies supposed to
control and have power over all the different phases
of the crops on which the people’s subsistence
depended, but they were also intimately connected
witb all calculations needed for the adjustment
of their calendar. The marriage of the sun (Sua)
and the moon (Chie) refer to the complicated
system of bringing the lunar in unison with the
solar year. Bochica, with close solar connection,
if not actually dwelling in the sun, seems to form
a link between the celestial and the anthropomorphic
phases of the Chibcha religion. His intervention
to create the waterfall of Tequendama, and his
guardianship of the rulers of the people, partake
of the latter character, and bring him, as it were,
into fellowship with the demigods, heroes, and
heroines created by the Chibcha mind when
imagination was given full play. These people
seemed to need something nearer and dearer than
the great solar deity to which to bring offerings,
and on which to indulge their religious tendencies,
after giving due worship to their sun-god.
IN considering the civilisation of the Chibchas.
we must always have it in our minds that it was
a civilisation advancing on its own lines and in its
own way—still crude and unformed in many ways
—but with an onward progress. In this condition
a destructive cataclysm came, like a bolt from the
blue, and there was an end. The Chibchas had
long been an agricultural people, probably for
many ages. One reason for this belief is that,
in their language, there were so many words for
different kinds of the products of their crops.
For various sorts and colours of maize there
were eight, for potatoes ten words. This means
centuries of cultivation.
Thus the language made progress as the needs
for a fuller vocabulary increased. Some notice of
it is desirable in a study of the Chibcha civilisa-
tion, because it is so closely connected with the
details of the calendar; and the correct principle
on which that calendar is founded is one of the
proofs that the culture of the Chibchas had reached
a stage beyond that of barbarism.
Chibcha has been a dead language for upwards
of two centuries.1 The only printed grammar
and vocabulary actually taken from the mouths
of the people themselves was written, under orders
from his superiors, by a native of Bogota, early
in the seventeenth century. This was a priest,
who was an excellent Chibcha scholar, Dr. Bernardo
de Lugo, whose work was published at Madrid in
1619. It is now very rarely to be met with.2
Another native of the Chibcha country, an eminent
antiquary, Don Ezequiel Uricoechea, has written
a more complete grammar and dictionary of the
language, based on the work of Lugo and on three
manuscripts, concerning the history and character
of which he does not, however, supply any infor-
mation. His work is the best and most detailed
1 Only eight words have survived, and are now used by the
natives of Bogotá, of Spanish descent. These are: chajuá, rest;
chiguaca, purslain; chiza, the larva of a beetle; chucua, a fishery;
cuba, a younger brother; afutynsuca, rot in potatoes; guapucha, a
small fish; iomgo, the share of the potato harvest given to those
who have helped; and chunso, small idol of gold or other metal.
3 Gramática de la lengua Chibcha por Bernardo de Lugo
(Madrid, 1619). Colonel Acosta mentions a dictionary and grammar
of the Chibcha language in MS. with no author’s name. Grammar,
96 pp. in 12mo; dictionary, 200 pp.
that exists on the subject. It was published at
Paris in 1871.1
The language, with a fairly full vocabulary,
is somewhat lacking in grammatical construction.
The nouns, substantive and adjective, have no
cases, except, in some words, a possessive genitive ;
no genders and no plurals. Cases are provided for
by prepositions following the word. The plural
is indicated sometimes by the actual number
being given, at others by the verb. The pronouns
denote the persons of the verb substantive, gue,
which only has one mood and two forms for tenses,
gue for present and preterite, nga for future. There
is also a negative verb substantive. The verbs
have two endings for the first person indicative,
scua and suca, the participle forming in nca.
As is the case with several other South American
languages, there are a good many words to de-
note different degrees of relationship. There are
twenty-nine in the Chibcha language.
The system of numeration is complete. The
first ten numbers are counted on the fingers;
for the next ten the numbers were repeated with
1 Gramática, vocabulario, catecismo y confesionario de la lengua
Chibcha, según antiguos manuscritos anominos e inéditos, aumentados
i corregidos por E. üricoechea, p. 252 (Paris, 1871).
the word quihicha added, which means a toe.
There is a special word for twenty, gueta, and
the former twenty words for numerals are re-
peated with the addition of the word asaquy
(and more) up to forty, and so on, to a hundred
in twenties, a hundred being gue hisca (five
There is a close connection between the unit
numerals and the calendar, which is thus explained.
The day was sua, the night za. The two
together had four divisions : from sunrise to noon
called sua mena, noon to sunset sua meca, sunset
to midnight zasca, and midnight to sunrise cagui.
Three days made a week and ten weeks made
a month. The days of the months were denoted
by the ten numerals repeated three times. So
that ata (one) is the first, eleventh, and twenty-
first of each month.
The ordinary year consisted of twenty months
and was called Zocam. There was also an
astronomical year of the priests and other initiated
persons which consisted of thirty-seven months,
or three of our years and one intercalated month,
to reconcile the difference between the lunar and
solar years. The cycle consisted of twenty of these
astronomical years, or sixty of our years.
The names of all the first ten numerals had
hieroglyphic figures attached to them which had
reference to the phases of the moon, to the seasons
connected with the sowing, growth, and harvesting
of their crops, and to their superstitions, and
thus they lead us directly to the formation of the
One was Ata, represented by a toad in the act
of leaping, which was the symbol for water. The
time of sowing.
Two was Bosa, the sign of which was a nose
with open nostrils. It represented a sowing round
the central sowing to preserve the latter from harm.
Three was Mica, for which the sign was two
eyes open. Time for selecting seed.
Four was Muyhica, two eyes shut. The
dark and rainy season.
Five was Hizca. The hieroglyphic was two
figures united, denoting the wedding of sun and
moon, rest and a green earth.
Six was Ta, the sign being a post with a rope
attached, the G-uesa sacrifice. Harvest.
Seven was Cuhwpcua, of which the sign was two
ears. Time for storing in granaries.
Eight was Suhuza, the sign being a tail or the
end, after the harvesting.
D 2
Nine was Aca, two toads one on the other,
the time of generation.
Ten was UbcMhica, the sign being an ear. Time
of full moon.
Twenty. Gueta, had for its sign a toad displayed
or spread out, symbol of felicity. Home and farm.
Evidently the Chibchas were on the eve of
inventing a system of hieroglyphic writing.
The ordinary year consisted of twenty moons
or months. When it was terminated they counted
another twenty months, and so on until they had
completed twenty of these twenties. The inter-
calation of a month became necessary after the
thirty-sixth month, to make the lunar correspond
with the solar year. The ordinary year of twenty
months was used by the people without the inter-
calation being noticed, while the initiated had
their astronomical year of thirty-seven months
in which months were intercalated at the right
time, in succession, through the cycle. Carved
stones have been found, with the object of illus-
trating the intercalation of the different months
indicated by their symbols. These stones were
usually circular, but some were pentagons, to
signify that they refer to five intercalary years,
the twelfth part of the cycle. The Chibcha cycle
of twenty years of thirty-seven moons each, equal
to sixty of our years, was divided into four periods
of ten Chibcha years, equal to fifteen of our years.
A grand sacrifice of the Guesa took place át the
end of each of the fifteen years. When the cycle
is completed, Ata, the first numeral and month
when the cycle began, returns to that place again,
all the other months having held it in turn, during
the interval.
It was a priest named Dr. Don José Domingo
Duquesne de la Madrid, the Cura of the Chibcha
village of Gachancipá, who made a special study
of the Chibcha calendar, discovering and de-
cyphering some astronomical stones, and he fully
discussed the system by which their intercalation
made the lunar year periodically conform to the
solar year. Dr. Duquesne’s manuscript was shown,
by Dr. José Celestino de Mutis, the eminent
botanist, to Baron Humboldt at Bogotá, who
published some account of it.1 But the whole text
was first published by Colonel Acosta.3
1 Vues des CordilUres, et monuments des peuples indigenes de
VAmerique, par Alexandre de Humboldt (Paris, 1810).
2 ‘ Disertación sobre el calendario de los Muyscas dedicada a
Señor Dr. Don José Celestino de Mutis por el Dr. Don José Domingo
Duquesne de la Madrid, Cura de la Iglesia de Gachancipá.’ It
forms an appendix to Colonel Acosta’s work—Compendio Histórico
de la Nueva Granada (Paris, 1848).
The system of intercalation worked out auto-
matically and the initiated were enabled to regulate
the times and seasons with ease and accuracy.
They taught their sons with care and tenacity.
marking the seasons by festivals, and by the
periodical sacrifices, in order firmly to impress
the memory.
But observations for times of solstice and
equinox are essential to initiate such a system,
and to adjust and confirm the calculations. None
are mentioned. The Peruvians made such obser-
vations regularly to correct the lunar year, and
inserted the required intercalations. With the
Chibchas there were none. Yet at some time or
other, when their system was worked out, observa-
tions must have been taken. This seems to
suggest that there is a foundation of truth in their
traditions that in the distant past, strangers
arrived to instruct them—Bochica and Garachacha.
If so, I should be inclined to think that their
most probable origin was the ancient megalithic
empire of Peru, which flourished previous to that
of the Incas. The traces of these instructors are
to be found in the two Quichua words, topu, a
pin of gold, and the word for a rainbow, which
has a resemblance in the two languages. They
got imbedded in the Chibcha.1 In the Andean
region the advance was ever from the south north-
wards, of which there are many indications. The
subject has been discussed elsewhere.3
It will, I think, be seen that there is reason to
conclude, from all that is known of the Chibcha
language, religion, and calendar, that their civilisa-
tion will bear comparison with that of the Aztecs,
and of the earlier period of the Incas before their
great conquests were commenced. There is no
evidence of any foreign communication, beyond the
possible arrival of the two instructors, venerated as
demigods in after ages. Allowing for the possi-
bility of that ancient help the Chibchas were
working out their civilisation without further
assistance from without.
1 Cuchavira was the name of the Chibcha rainbow god, but
the ordinary word is Chuquy. In the Inca language it is Cuychi,
The Inca word for a gold breast-pin is topu, and it is the same in
2 See The Incas of Peru, chap. ii.
THE Chibcha people were governed by two
sovereigns: the Zipa in the southern half of the
country, including the plain of Bogotá; and the
Zaque in the northern half. There was also a
religious chief called Iraca at the great temple of
Suamo, about twenty miles from Tunja, the
capital of the Zaque. This office, and the suc-
cession to it, was instituted by the mythical
civiliser Garachacha. The Iraca was to be
elected alternately from among the inhabitants
of two districts 1 by four chiefs.2
The Zipa and Zaque were despotic, ordaining
laws, administering justice, presiding over festivals,
and leading their armies. The veneration of their
subjects was profound. They were surrounded
by Usaques, or chiefs of provinces. When,
previously, independent chiefs were reduced to
1 Tobaza and Firábitóba.
2 The chiefs of Gameza, Busbanza, Pesca, and Toca.
submission they were not deprived, but continued
to bold their territories as fiefs of the sovereign.
The Zipa had many concubines, called Thiguyes,
but only one recognised wife. The law of succes-
sion was one which also existed in other far-distant
parts of the world. It was not the son of the
sovereign who succeeded, but the eldest son of his
sister. This heir was obliged to enter a house of
seclusion at Chia, a hill rising out of the plain of
Bogotá, at the age of sixteen. Here he had to
receive instruction and to undergo a series of
fasts. This peculiar law ensured the absolute
certainty of descent from ancestral Zipas, though
not in the male line. The heir became Usaque, or
chief of Chia.
There was the same rule of succession in the
family of the chief of Quito, and among the tribes
in the Cauca Valley, as we are told by Cieza de
Leon; nor was the rule peculiar to the New World.
The Zamorin of Calicut, the Rajahs of Cochin and
Travancore, all the Nairs of Malabar and the
people of Cañara have the same law of succession;
also the chief of Tipperah, the Khasias of Sylhet,
and the Bintennes of Ceylon. In North America
the Natchez and Huron had this kind of succession,
as well as the aborigines of Hayti; also some
Malays in Sumatra, the Malagazis, Fijis, and
certain negro tribes of the Niger.
The capital of the Zipa was at a place called
Muequeta, surrounded by lakes and branches of
the river. Here were the various buildings and
storehouses which together formed the sovereign’s
palace. The walls were of wood and adobe, and
the roofs were thatched. The interior was more
suitable for a regal court. The walls were lined
with canes secured by cords worked into patterns
in various colours, while cotton cloths covered the
wooden thrones and chairs, and the ground was
carpeted with matting. But no detailed description
of the Zipa’s palaces has come down to us.
The Zipa also had several pleasure houses
in the country. There was one at Tabio, with
gardens and baths of thermal waters ; another at
Tinansucá on the descending slope of the cordillera ;
another at Theusaquillo on the site of the present
city of Bogotá. The Zipa was carried in a litter,
a privilege which he alone enjoyed. On his death
the Zipa’s body was embalmed and placed in
the trunk of a hollowed tree, lined with gold.
The secret of the place of sepulture was well kept,
and never disclosed to the Spaniards. The bodies
of Usaques were buried in vaults, with jewels,
gold ornaments, their arms, and food. From one
cemetery gold worth 1000 golden ducats was
The Zaque of Tunja lived in similar state, and
had the same despotic powers. It is uncertain
how far back the dynasties of the Zipa and Zaque
traced their descents. A record of their transactions
has only been preserved by the Spaniards for
about three generations. But their origin must
go far back into remote ages, for some of them
have mythical legends attached to their names.
Thus one of the ancient Zaques, named Tomagata,
is said to have had only one eye, which was made up
for by his having four ears, and a tail like that of
a jaguar. He lived for more than a hundred years,
and was given power by the sun to change himself
into a jaguar, a serpent, or a lizard. On his death
his subjects passed him up to the starry heavens
as a terrifying comet. He was childless, and was
succeeded as Zaque by his brother Tutasua. The
sovereigns of Tunja were gradually losing territory
to the Zipa.
The first Zipa, whose name and deeds have
been preserved, was reigning in about 1450. His
name was Saguanmachica. The submission of
surrounding chiefs was enforced, and six important
Usaques1 tad been subdued shortly before this
Zipa’s reign began. Saguanmachica appears to
have been a brave warrior bent on defending his
western frontier from the Panches, and on extending
his dominions in other directions. These Panches
were very formidable enemies, recklessly brave
and constantly on the war-path. The Zipa
always kept a strong force on the western frontier
to repel the inroads of this formidable enemy.
The arms of the Chibchas were slings, darts,
bows and arrows, and for close quarters lances and
clubs. The first project of Saguanmachica, after
his accession, was to reduce the Sutagaos and their
chief, Usathama, to submission. They possessed
fertile lands at the foot of the western mountains,
known as the valley of Fusagasugá. A chief named
Tibacui came to the assistance of his friend Usa-
thama. The Zipa was victorious, and Tibacui, who
was wounded, advised the Sutagaos to submit and
become subjects of their powerful antagonist.
Saguanmachica then turned his attention to
his northern and eastern frontiers, which alarmed
Michua, the Zaque of Tunja, who assembled his
army and advanced to oppose the aggression.
1 The chiefs of Ebaque, Guasca, Chiatavita, Zipaquirá, FuAoga&uca,
and Ebate.
The two armies met at a place called Chocontá,
and the battle was fiercely contested. Both the
sovereigns were slain, fighting valiantly, and the
contending hosts retired to celebrate the obsequies.
Saguanmachica had reigned for twenty years.
He was succeeded by his nephew Nemequene.
The first act of the new Zipa was to send his heir,
Thisquezuza, to chastise a rebellion of the Sutagaos.
With this object the young general made a broad
road over the mountains of Subyo, the vestiges
of which were to be seen for many years afterwards.
The Zipa himself attacked Guatavita, and reduced
that important province to final submission. With
Guatavita many chiefs of districts who were under
its influence also became subjects of the Zipa.
The next enterprise of Nemequene was the reduction
of Ubaque and the whole of the valley to the east-
ward of Bogotá,1 a campaign which occupied him
for several months.
Nemequene then assembled his whole force and
resolved to march against the Zaque at Tunja, to
avenge a quarrel of long standing. The Zaque,
strengthened by the adherence of the priestly
chief of Suamos and his followers, encamped near
Chocontá. It is said that the Zaque proposed to
1 Caquesa.
settle the dispute by single combat, but that the
Usaques, who were with the Zipa, would not consent,
considering that it would be beneath the dignity
of their sovereign.
The two armies then encountered each other,
and there was a well-contested battle, which con-
tinued all day. The Zipa was badly wounded
and carried off the field by his attendants, and the
Zaque gained a victory. But the Chibchas very
seldom followed up their successes. The Zipa
was carried back in his litter, to his capital at
Muequeta, with extraordinary rapidity by relays
of new men, but died of his wounds after five days.
He was succeeded, as Zipa, by his nephew
The influence of the Iraca, named Nompaneme,
secured a peace, or at least a truce of twenty months
which might lead to peace, between the Zipa and
the Zaque. This was an example of the influence
that could be used for good by the official
peacemaker and mediator of the Chibcha nation.
Quemunchatocha was the last Zaque but one, and
the last Zipa but one was Thisquezuza.
At this time the territory of the Zaque extended
to the Cordillera overhanging the tropical forests
to the east, to Suchica and Tin jaca on the west, to
Turmequéonthe south, and on the north to the terri-
tory of the valiant chief Tutasua,the last hero of the
Chibcha nation. He was practically independent.
The above meagre records are all that have come
down to us of the actual historical events in the
Chibcha kingdoms. Still, there is a good basis
on which to form a conception of the people,
their conditions, their aspirations, and their daily
life. We see them in a fertile land with a healthy
climate, securing the means of subsistence by
hard and intelligent labour. We see them, when
their wants increased as they advanced in civi-
lisation, establishing markets in the territories of
their neighbours and receiving the fruits of other
lands in exchange for their own products. We see
how their religion combined a worship of the deity,
upon whose goodwill their harvests depended,
with many imaginative legends. We see with
what skill and intelligence their calendar recon-
ciled the lunar with the solar year. We see their
loyalty and veneration for their sovereigns, and,
in these few records of events, we see them as valiant
in arms as they wer$ steadfast and progressive
in the arts of peace.
We leave them, in the last days of their exis-
tence as a nation, hstening to the advice of an
arbitrator and establishing peace within their
borders. Even then, though they knew it not,
dark threatening clouds were rising up on all
sides, and they were to be plunged by the fell
destroyers into black despair. Alas! for the
brave Chibchas and their dawning civilisation
about to be annihilated in flames and blood.
The Chibchas have not been fortunate in the
preservation of their story. Castellanos, Simon,
Piedrahita have told us something, but posterity
might and ought to have received much more.
The actual conqueror, Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada,
was an educated and accomplished man, and a
keen observer. He, it would seem, not only
collected information about the conquered people
and their history, but wrote it down. He was the
author of a work, which must have been valuable
and important. It was entitled ‘ Los tres ratos
de Suesca/ The meaning of this curious title is
that he wrote his work on the Chibchas during
three holidays (ratos) passed at his farm of Suesca
near Bogotá. He even obtained leave to print it
on November 4, 1568. Yet it is not now known
to exist, and we have to be satisfied with what
less able and less well-informed writers have been
able to hand down to us.
THE black clouds were gathering round the doomed
Chibcha nation, though still far below their horizon.
Even to the people on the coast the first warning
was, as it were, a little cloud out of the sea, like a
man’s hand. The wonderful apparition scarcely
portended what was to come. Two small vessels
were seen sailing along the coast. They were
wonderful, for such canoes, so large and so high
out of the water, had never been seen or heard of.
Then strange men came on shore, and bartered
with the natives for pearls and gold. In their
dealings they were kind and just, and the natives
were consequently quite friendly.
This was the small exploring expedition of
Rodrigo de Bastidas, a scrivener and a native of
Seville, who obtained a licence for his expedition
on June 5, 1500. The two small ships left
Cadiz in October. The expedition of Alonzo de
Ojeda had just returned, having discovered the
49 33
coast of what is now Venezuela, a name indeed
which Ojeda gave, as far as Cabo de la Vela, the
most northern point of South America. Bastidas
continued the discovery of the coast thence to the
Gulf of Darien, a distance of about 360 miles.
In those small ships there was a company of very
distinguished men. Bastidas deserves to be re-
membered for his justice and friendliness to the
natives, which eventually cost him his life. His
pilot, Juan de la Cosa, the companion of Columbus,
was one of the best, and certainly the best known,
cartographer of that age. He was a native of
Santoña, the ‘ Gibraltar of the North/ 1 in the
Spanish province called the ‘ Montaña/ and was
a man of substance. Last, but not least, one of
the greatest of the Spanish discoverers, Vasco
Nuñez de Balboa, was with Bastidas. He was
equally just to the natives, but perhaps more
influenced by the dictates of a wise policy than
by motives of humanity.
They were in some danger at the mouth of a
great river, to which the name of Magdalena
was given. This was in March 1501, and the
expedition sailed on to Zamba, to the harbour of
1 Nearly all writers, copying each other, erroneously call Juan
de la Cosa a Basque.
Cartagena, to the River Zenu, to the Gulf of Urabá,
and as far as Cape Tiburón where the isthmus
commences. Thus the whole coast of what is now
Colombia was discovered by these two little
vessels. If all future expeditions had been con-
ducted like that of Bastidas, there would be a
very different story to tell.
No doubt there were other visitors to the coast
who behaved very differently. One Christoval
Guerra was there, and carried off a number of
natives to slavery, thus altering their feelings for
Treated with kindness and justice, the natives
did not show themselves to be fierce and warlike.
But when robbery and outrage were attempted,
they soon taught the invaders that they had no
timid and submissive victims, like the natives of
Hayti, to deal with.
Some years passed away before another black
cloud lowered over the natives of the coast. In
1508 concessions were made for the settlement of
the Spanish main. Alonzo de Ojeda was appointed
Governor of the country from Cabo de la Vela
to the Gulf of Urabá. He had been a companion
of Columbus in his second voyage, and he had
commanded an expedition of his own, when he
B 2
discovered the coast of Venezuela. Recklessly-
brave, Ojeda had no other qualities fitting him for
command. He was not an organiser, was hasty
and imprudent, cruel and unjust to the natives.
He had with him his old shipmate, the great carto-
grapher, Juan de la Cosa. His government received
the name of New Andalusia. Another adventurer,
Diego Nicuesa, a well-to-do planter in San Domingo,
was, at the same time, appointed Governor of the
coast of the isthmus from the Gulf of Uraba to
Cape Gracias a Dios, his government being named
Castilla del Oro. There was a delay of two years
in Spain and at San Domingo. Ojeda was very
jealous of Nicuesa, because his wealth attracted
better men to his standard. It ended in a quarrel.
Ojeda hurried his departure and refused to be on
good terms with his colleague. In January 1510
Ojeda sailed from San Domingo, intending to
build the first fort and found his first town at
Calamar (Cartagena).
Ojeda arrived and disembarked his men, with
the intention of treating the natives as slaves,
their lives and property to be used as he pleased.
He seized seventy natives, and burnt eight because
they defended their houses. The rest retreated,
and the Spaniards followed them as far as a place
called Turbaco, where they were reinforced and
made a desperate stand. There was a fierce and
stubborn battle. The natives all joined in the
defence of their homes. Women fought by the
sides of their husbands, girls by the sides of their
brothers. The Spaniards had found their match.
They were entirely defeated with a loss of seventy
men. Juan de la Cosa was among the dead.
Ojeda fled into the forest, and eventually reached
the beach, where he was luckily seen from the ship
and taken on board, half dead from fatigue and
A few days afterwards Nicuesa arrived with his
squadron. Ojeda did not like to go on board his
colleague’s ship, not knowing what reception he
would have after his conduct at San Domingo.
But Nicuesa, when he heard of the disaster, at
once sent to offer help. A combined force was
landed and marched to Turbaco, taking the people
by surprise. There was a massacre of men, women,
and children. The expedition then went on to the
Gulf of Urabá, where the two leaders parted com-
pany. Nicuesa proceeded to his government of
Castilla de Oro, on the shores of the isthmus,
where, after much suffering and many disasters,
he at last abandoned hope. He returned to Urabá,
and embarking in a crazy boat for San Domingo
was lost at sea.
Ojeda built a stockaded fort on the west side
of the Gulf of Urabá, and about thirty huts for
his people, calling the place San Sebastian de Urabá.
Ojeda was a type of the worst kind of Spanish
‘ Conquistador/ Absolutely without fear either of
immediate danger or of consequences, he was
rash, imprudent, and improvident; and he treated
the natives with horrible cruelty, looking upon
them as slaves only fit for outrage, robbery, and
ill-treatment. At Urabá he found his match again,
for the natives were equally brave, and though not
so well armed, still well able to defend their homes
and retaliate in kind.
Ojeda’s first proceeding was to make an incursion
in order to obtain supplies by robbing the natives,
with every sort of cruelty and outrage. These
raids were continued until a chief, named Tiripi,
gathered his forces together and disputed the
advance of the marauders. There was a battle,
in which the Spaniards were defeated and fled
back to their fort, with their commander wounded
by an arrow There was serious loss, the fort was
invested, and the Spaniards who had taken refuge
there feared to come out. Soon they were threatened
with famine. They still had two small vessels.
Ojeda determined to go in one of them to San
Domingo for help. The rest were to follow if he
did not return in fifty days. He was shipwrecked
on the coast of Cuba, and after much suffering
and the lapse of several months, he reached San
Domingo and died there.
Ojeda, as a young man, was remarkable for his
skill in all martial exercises and for his reckless
daring. He was alike cool in moments of danger
and absolutely without fear. But he was undis-
ciplined, impatient of any control, and unjust.
His bad qualities increased with age, and his
misfortunes were due to his own misconduct.
The miserable remnant of Ojeda’s men was
left in charge of Francisco Pizarro, the future
Marquis and destroyer of Inca civilisation. The
fifty days expired, and they got on board the
remaining vessel, which was scarcely seaworthy,
to make their way to San Domingo.
Near Cartagena they met two vessels under
the command of the Bachiller Martin Fernandez de
Enciso, who was on his way to Urabá with rein-
forcements and supplies. In spite of their entreaties
he obliged the miserable remnant of Ojeda’s
expedition to turn back with him. He wanted
them for guides. On Enciso’s arrival at Cartagena
a remarkable thing happened. When the natives
found that Ojeda was not in command, and that
no robbery or kidnapping was intended, they
willingly brought supplies and became friendly.
Enciso next touched at the Zenu River, where his
avarice was aroused at the sight of gold brought
to barter, and he departed from the wise policy
he had adopted at Cartagena. He attacked the
village and committed outrages in searching for
the riches which he failed to discover.
On entering the Gulf of Urabá a great disaster
befell the expedition. The largest ship was wrecked
and everything was lost, arms, ammunition, stores,
provisions, and live stock. The native chiefs had
ordered the fort to be razed to the ground. They
were completely victorious, and have maintained
their independence to the present day—the Canas
and Casimanes.
The Spaniards were reduced to a hundred men
and two small vessels. They did not venture to
try conclusions with their gallant enemies, but
landed on the other side of the gulf, where they
succeeded in obtaining some supplies from the
natives and about 10,000 fesos of gold by
Then a great man rose up, a born leader, wise,
prudent, and humane. Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
was, I think, the greatest man that the discovery
of Spanish America called forth. He took command
at Urabá, and sent Enciso back to San Domingo,
and to Spain.
The news of gold found in such quantities
made a deep impression on the Spanish Govern-
ment. It was resolved to send out an expedition
on a very large scale. Much depended on the
commander, and as usual a bad choice was made.
Cortes, Nuñez de Balboa, Pizarro, Quesada were
not selected by the Spanish Government; they
selected themselves, or were appointed, as in the
case of Quesada, by local governors who knew
their worth. The Home Government only recog-
nised them when they had already won their way
to fame. Pedrarias, Nuñez de Vela, Alfonso de
Lugo were the sort of men selected by the Home
Government, either worthless or incapable or both.
In this respect the Spanish Home Government
does not stand alone among Home Governments.
Very much the contrary.
Pedro Arias Davila, brother of the Count of
Puñonrostro, was a colonel of infantry, and had the
name of ‘ El Justador ‘ in his youth from his skill
as a j ouster. He was arrogant, jealous, and self-
sufficient, and liad few qualifications for his new
post. He was accompanied among others by
Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, the well-known
historian; by Martin Fernandez de Enciso, a very
eminent geographer; by Pascual de Andagoya, who
recorded the history of the expedition;1 and by
other men of mark. The expedition consisted
of 1800 men in fifteen ships, and they sailed from
Spain on April 10,1514, arriving at the port of Santa
Martha in June, where they remained for some days.
We are mainly concerned with the expedition
of Pedrarias in this chapter, because it sailed along
our Colombian coast, and because it was honoured
by the presence of an eminent geographer per se.
Its history belongs to that of the isthmus.
The presence of Enciso gives lustre to the ex-
pedition. He was a cartographer, a good observer,
and he had the gift of lucid description. His
latitude of Cabo de la Vela is absolutely correct,
and it is from him alone that we have an intelligent
description of the coast. In his famous work,
the c Suma de Geografía/ there is a very interesting
account of the coast almost amounting to sailing
1 See my edition of the narrative of Pascual de Andagoya,
taken from Navarrete’s Collection, in the Hakluyt Society’s
directions, with latitudes, the distances between
anchorages, and other particulars.1
After leaving Cabo de la Vela he mentions
Yaharo, a good port with fertile land on the skirts
of the snowy mountains. Among other edible
fruits, Enciso here first became acquainted with
what we call the alligator (avocado) pear. He
describes the inside as like butter ‘ with such a
wonderful flavour, and a taste so good and pleasant
that it is wonderful/
He gives the latitude of Santa Martha, and
describes it as the best harbour on the coast. The
land, he says, is irrigated by hand and by channels,
the cereal and other crops they raise being thus
watered. It is an open country with lofty bare
mountains beyond, abounding in wild pigs and
deer. The people are warlike, and use poisoned
arrows. They also grow much cotton and weave
cloths. They have a great deal of gold and copper,
and have discovered an excellent way of gilding
the copper.
Enciso describes a sort of upas-tree with wild
poisonous fruit. He says that when a man eats
1 La Suma de Geografía del Bachiller Martin Fernandez de
Enciso, Alguazil Mayor del Castilla del Oro (Seville, 1519), eighty
leaves. The work of Enciso is extremely rare, and fetches
extraordinarily high prices.
one of these apples, maggots breed in his body,
and if be rests under the tree his head begins to
ache. If he stays long his sight begins to fail,
and if he sleeps under it he loses his sight.
Enciso adds that he has seen all this and knows
by experience.
Erom Santa Martha the coast turns south for
sixty miles, and further on the great Eiver Magda-
lena enters the sea. Then the coast turns more
west to the Port of Zamba in 11°30′ 1ST., the land
being flat, in beautiful savannas, and well peopled.
Enciso gives useful directions for entering the
harbour of Cartagena. He described the people as
being well disposed but warlike, using bows and
arrows, and the women fight as well as the men.
He captured a girl of eighteen, who was particu-
larly warlike. The young lady told him that she
had killed eight Spaniards before she was
taken. Enciso adds that these people grow maize
and make good bread which is very nourishing,
and a fermented liquor. Sailing onwards he next
mentions a large and good harbour at the mouth
of the River Zenu, where they make salt, twenty-five
leagues from Cartagena in 9° N. He describes
the method of interring the chiefs at Zenu. At
this place there was much fine gold, the people
using it for ornaments. They said it came from
mountains whence flowed the River Zenu.
Finally, as regards our Colombian coast, the
distinguished geographer came to the Gulf of
Urabá, fourteen leagues long. Enciso gives a very
interesting account of the animals he saw in Darien,
especially of the tapirs, jaguars, peccaries, and
alligators, and he praises the flesh and eggs of the
iguanas as excellent food. Here we must leave
our illustrious guide, who describes so well and
clearly the whole sea:coast with which this history
is concerned.
These visits of Spaniards to the coast, with
their attendant robberies and outrages, were the
threatening black clouds which hung over the
unfortunate natives, and would burst upon them
with destructive force when the permanent settle-
ments commenced.
VASCO NUNEZ DE BALBOA was born in 1475, and
having gone out to the Indies at an early age,
he joined the expedition of Bastidas, and thus
became acquainted with the Spanish main from
Cabo de la Vela to Darien. He also became
impressed with the wisdom of Bastidas in treating
the natives with fairness and humanity. Of the
next eight or nine years of his life nothing is known.
It was probably passed at San Domingo. For
when Enciso sailed with succour for the starving
remnant of Ojeda’s expedition in the G-ulf of
Urabá, Vasco Nunez was on board one of the
ships, headed up in a cask, to escape from his
We have seen that the expedition of Enciso
met the Ojeda remnant at sea in a crazy vessel
under the command of Francisco Pizarro, and
that he forced the starving people to return, but
he brought no help, for he wrecked his largest
ship, with the provisions and stores on board,
at the entrance to the Gulf of Urabá. The miser-
able colony found itself in a worse plight than it
was before, for there were many more mouths to
feed. Enciso was sent back to San Domingo.
They had no use for him. He was an eminent
geographer, but no good in an emergency.
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa was at once received
as leader of the forlorn body of starving men in
the Gulf of Darien. Francisco Pizarro, though
several years older, at once accepted a subordinate
position. No one, indeed,, would seek for such a
command, except a man who sometimes rises
with the occasion, and whose genius tells him that
he alone can stem the tide of ruin and despair.
Vasco Nuñez was such a man. His first care
was to gather together the miserable remnants
of the expeditions of Ojeda and Nicuesa. Some
were in the so-called town of Santa Maria la
Antigua, in the Gulf of Urabá or Darien; others
scattered along the coast, or with native chiefs.
He brought them all together, nursed the sick,
allotted houses and patches for cultivation, and
made them all feel that theirs was a born leader
of men to rule over them and care for them.
It was necessary to make long excursions in
search of food; and in all these journeys Vasco
Nuñez was not only with his men. but leading
them, and pioneering the way through dense
forests and fetid swamps. Sometimes he had to
take them for a league or more stripped naked,
with their clothes on shields on their heads ; then
through dense forest, then another morass; and
this for many days, to obtain supplies and induce
the natives to trade.
One secret of the success of Vasco Nuñez was
his constant care to prevent the natives from being
robbed or ill-treated. Excepting some savage
tribes to the south, he was successful in drawing
them into friendship. They were very friendly
when fairly treated, but valiant and indomitable
when attacked or attempted to be enslaved.
Vasco Nuñez, by his wise policy of conciliation,
obtained much information from them. He was
welcomed by the chiefs in their houses, and gained’
influence over them, especially over two powerful
rulers in the isthmus named Careta, lord of Coiba,
and Comogue. He found them in a beautiful
country, clear of forest, except groves of trees
near the banks of mountain streams.
There were no villages, each chief having a
few houses close together on his land where the
crops were sown: one such, settlement inland,
and another on the coast. The house of the
Comogue chief was 150 feet long by 80 feet broad.
Here the chief sat in judgment and settled all
disputes. Each principal stated his case and
never dared to lie, so that no witnesses were
required. The chief then gave his decision and
there was an end of the matter. The chief received
no rent nor tribute, only personal service. He
was feared and loved. He had one wife; only
her sons succeeding. The people had maize and
bean crops, and also hunted game and fished in
the rivers. Their weapons were darts and clubs.
Deer and peccaries abounded, the latter in large
herds; and among game-birds the curassow,1
doves, and water-fowl. When there was a great
hunt the people lighted fires in the grass, and the
deer, half blinded by the smoke, came out within
easy range of the stone-tipped darts. The jaguars
were numerous and sufficiently dangerous to make
it necessary to close the houses against them at
Of the religion of the Darien Indians little can
be known, for the superstitious Spaniards thought
1 Turkeys are Mexican birds, not found further south than
that the deities were devils, the priests were wizards,
and their prayers were talks with the devil. There
is a more authentic account of the customs con-
nected with interments, for Andagoya was present
at the ceremonies on the occasion of the death of
the chief of Pocorosa.
The body was wrapped in the richest cloths
adorned with gold. The relations then suspended
it from the roof with cords, and lighted charcoal
fires under it. The body melted with the heat,
and when it was quite dried, it was suspended in
the new chief’s palace. During this process the
mourners sat round the body, in black mantles,
day and night, no one else entering. They had
a drum giving out a deep sound, and they struck
blows on it from time to time as a sign of mourning.
On the anniversary festival the body was burnt
to ashes.
Vasco Nunez obtained much information from
the chiefs Comogue and Careta. He heard that
most of the gold came from the south, found
either in the mountains or by washing the river-
sand ; and that there was a great chief in those
parts, named Davaive or Dobaybe, who bartered
for the gold with the tribes that collected it, and
had great store, with appliances for smelting.
In his visits to Careta, Vasco Nuñez fell in love
with the beautiful daughter of the chief, and
maintained an unswerving attachment for her to
the day of his death. From a son of the Comogue
chief he received the important tidings that at a
distance of three days’ journey were the shores
of another great ocean, which was always smooth
and never rough like the Carribean Sea, and that
in it there was great store of pearls. Hence-
forward it was his principal object to discover
the Pacific Ocean.
By the same vessel in which Enciso was sent
back, Vasco Nuñez wrote entreating the Admiral1
to send succour at once, for if it did not come
soon it would not be necessary to send it at all.
At length two vessels arrived with provisions,
and the title of’ Alcalde Mayor 9 from the Audiencia
of San Domingo for Vasco Nuñez.
Thus had this gifted man, by an extraordinary
combination of qualities—tact and sympathy in
dealing with his own countrymen, a policy of
humanity and justice in dealing with the natives,
prudence, firmness, marvellous energy and per-
severance—converted a starving and despairing
crowd into a prosperous colony. He now
1 The son of Columbus.
v 2
proceeded to make preparations for his great
discovery. But first he wrote a dispatch to the
Emperor, dated January 20, 1513, after two
years of untiring work in his sovereign’s service.
It is a document of the deepest interest,1 explain-
ing all that had been done, furnishing all the
information that had been collected, asking for
the supply of materials for shipbuilding, for
arms and reinforcements, and requesting that he
might be appointed Governor of the colony he
had created. Vasco Nunez sent an officer, named
Sebastian del Campo, in charge of the dispatch
and of 370 pesos de oro. This dispatch never
appears to have been answered. The only reply
was the dispatch of an incompetent malignant
old officer to supersede him, undo his excellent
work, and kill him.
It was on September 1, 1513, that Vasco
Nuñez de Balboa set out from Darien on his
memorable expedition. Francisco Pizarro was
among his chosen companions. He went by sea
to the Port of Coiba where his father-in-law, the
chief Careta, had supplied him with guides, warriors,
1 It has been preserved in the Collections of Navarrete, torn iii.,
No. 5, p. 375. There is a translation in the Introduction to the
narrative of Pascual de Andagoya, printed for the Hakluyt
Society, 1865.
and provisions. They were led through dense
forest, partly along the banks of the Chucunaque
Eiver, then up the cordillera until they reached
the summit, when the vast expanse of the Pacific
Ocean burst upon their astonished view. They
descended the slopes and reached the shores of
the Gulf of San Miguel. Then Vasco Nuñez de
Balboa plunged into the sea, waving the banner
of Castille above his head. He had discovered
the Pacific Ocean, the greatest discovery, and the
greatest achievement, at least in its consequences,
that was made and done in that age of der-
ring do. For it was due as much to his humane
policy as to his courage and resolution; as much
to his statesmanship as to his skill as a leader
of men.
From that time the mind of Vasco Nuñez
was set upon the building of ships to explore the
ocean he had discovered, a work of extreme diffi-
culty. He returned to his colony at Santa Maria
la Antigua, which consisted of 450 souls, and
continued to work with inexhaustible energy.
He had fortified the place with double pallisades
of strong wood, with clay between, and surrounded
them with a deep ditch.
Pedrarias arrived at Santa Maria la Antigua
in the end of June 1514 as Governor, with a great
staff of officials, a bishop, and 1200 men. When
he sent to apprise the Alcalde Mayor of his arrival,
the messenger found Vasco Nunez, who was never
idle, in cotton shirt, loose drawers, and sandals,
helping some natives to thatch a house. The
new Governor landed on June 30, and immediately
appointed Enciso, who was supposed to be his
enemy, to take the residencia of the Alcalde Mayor.
Nothing could be proved against him, but some-
thing was pretended, and he was heavily fined
and for some time under arrest.
The grand work of the illustrious coloniser was
ruthlessly destroyed. Robbery and murder took
the place of justice and conciliation. The first
act of Pedrarias was to send Juan de Ayora, one
of his captains, to build forts in Comogue and
Pocorosa. Ayora proceeded to torture and burn
the natives for gold, and then sailed away with it.
Bartolomé Hurtado, another of the Governor’s
men, was sent in search of Ayora, devastated
the country and brought back many slaves.
Then one Gaspar de Morales, the most infamous
of the gang, was sent across the isthmus to seek
for pearls in some islands off the coast, with eighty
men. The chiefs and people were very friendly.
In return he had the chiefs torn to pieces by blood-
hounds, killed many men and a hundred women
and children, burnt the houses and all the stores
of corn, and carried off many of the surviving
women. The enraged natives hung upon his
rear as he retreated. So he murdered the women
one by one. leaving their bodies in the road to
check the pursuit. ‘ He committed greater cruelties
than have ever been heard of among Arabs or any
other people/ The memory of Francisco Pizarro
must bear the infamy of having been second in
command in this expedition.
The feelings of Vasco Nuñez may be imagined
at witnessing all his wise and good policy destroyed
by these atrocities. At last, on October 16,
1515, he wrote to the Emperor Charles V. He
said : f He who would bring the colony back into
the condition it once was must neither sleep nor
be careless. The natives, formerly like sheep,
have become as fierce as lions. Once they came
out with presents. Now they go forth to kill.
Not a single friendly tribe is left, except Careta
who remains neutral/ Vasco Nuñez then gave
an accurate summary of the character of Pedrarias.
‘He is an honourable person, but very old for
this country and ill of a serious disease. He is
excessively impatient and very indifferent to the
welfare of his soldiers,1 yet he never punishes their
evil deeds and murders. He is much pleased to
see discords between one and another, fostering
it by speaking evil to one of the other. In him
reigns all the envy and avarice in the world. He
encourages tale-bearing, more easily believing evil
things than good; and he is without judgment
or any genius for government.”
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa was full of zeal and
anxiety to get ships afloat on the Pacific Ocean,
and to explore the vast unknown region. He sent
a friend, Francisco G-aravita, to Cuba for materials
to build ships and for shipwrights. Garavita re-
turned with what was required. But Pedrarias
was furious, declaring that it was done without
his sanction. Vasco Nuñez was arrested, and
confined in the Governor’s own house. Then the
good bishop, Dr. Quevedo, who had always been
a true friend to Vasco Nuñez, intervened. He
explained to the jealous old incapable how much
the plans of the great man he was persecuting
would redound to his own credit, and at last per-
suaded him to sanction and assist in the great work.
If he would refrain from hindering, it was all that
1 They were dying like rotten sheep.
was wanted. The bishop so gained npon Pedrarias
for the moment, that he actually consented to the
betrothal of Vasco Nunez with his daughter, who
was in Spain. It was a mere political arrange-
ment, for the true lover remained staunch in his
attachment to the fair daughter of Careta until
Thus temporarily freed from obstruction Vasco
Nuñez set to work with his never-failing energy
and forethought. He first formed a settlement
at Acia, a convenient port on the Atlantic side
whither the ship from Cuba was brought. The
stores and fittings were then landed, and the
tremendous problem of conveying all through
the dense forests, over the mountains to the
Pacific side, and building the ships had to be
solved. Vasco Nuñez was the man to do it.
The natives believed in him and trusted him.
No other man could have done it. The labour
was tremendous. Beams, planking, masts, sails,
ropes, ironwork, provisions had to be carried over
this terrible journey. Vasco Nuñez was fortunate
in finding a young comrade inspired with the same
lofty aims as himself. His name was Francisco
Compañón, and his aid was invaluable. He
worked himself, encouraged others, helped those
who broke down, and established a half-way bouse
with provisions on the summit of the cordillera.
Vasco Nuñez selected the shore of the Rio de la
Balsa, on the south side of the G-ulf of San Miguel.
as the place for building the ships; or at
Pegueo on the north side, according to another
authority. Many and great difficulties had to be
met and overcome. Huts had to be built and
the needs of his people attended to, always his
first care. There was much trouble with un-
seasoned timber, and some had to be felled on the
spot. At length the ships were completed, and
Vasco Nuñez was ready to start. The moment
he had longed for was very near.
The news arrived that a new Governor, named
Lope de Sosa, was appointed who might stop
the expedition. A messenger, named Botello, was
sent to Acia, to ascertain the truth.1 In the
same evening Vasco Nuñez had a conversation in
his hut with his friend the Licentiate Valderra-
bano. Their conclusion was that if the new
Governor had arrived the expedition should start
at once, but that if Pedrarias was still Governor
they would wait for some more stores that were due.
1 Lope de Sosa was on his way, but, unfortunately, he died at
It was raining, and a rascally sentry liad taken
skelter under the eaves, and was listening outside
the wall of canes. He quite misunderstood what
was said, and thought, or pretended to think, there
was a plot against Pedrarias, so he went off next
day to report it, and get a reward.
The malignant old man was eaten up with
jealousy and spite, and resolved to make this an
excuse for getting rid of Vasco Nuñez. He had
long ago repented of the reconciliation negotiated
by the good bishop. He proceeded by sea to Acia,
with his officials, and sent a message to Vasco
Nuñez requesting him to come to Acia, as he
wanted to consult him on business of importance,
and to give him his final instructions.
Vasco Nuñez suspected no treachery. A
warning was sent by a friend, Hernando de Aguello,
but the letter was intercepted. The great adminis-
trator had 300 men and four small vessels (called
‘ bergantins ‘) in the Gulf of San Miguel and could
have defied Pedrarias. The pity of it! He had
no suspicion. He went with his friend Valderra-
bano and a few servants. Outside Acia he was
met by Pizarro and a guard, who arrested and
chained him. He said: ‘ What is this, Francisco ?
You were not wont to come out in this fashion to
receive me/1 The royal officials came to the
illustrious prisoner, and he solemnly declared that
the testimony against him was false, and that
he was and always had been loyal to the King
and to his Governor. No one really doubted it.
But Pedrarias ordered the Alcalde Mayor, the
Licentiate Espinosa, to condemn Vasco Nuñez
and three of his friends to death. Espinosa
refused and protested, unless Pedrarias gave the
order himself in writing. This was done. Espinosa
then declared that the great services of Vasco
Nuñez should be considered and that there was
the right of appeal. This was refused, and the
four prisoners were brought out for execution.
Most unluckily the good Bishop Quevedo was not
at Acla. When the executioner cried out € This
is the justice of the “King and of our Lord Pedrarias
on a traitor and usurper/ Vasco Nuñez exclaimed
in a loud voice ‘ It is a he. It is false. I declare
this to God before whom I go, and I would that
1 Pizarro has only been seen as yet as an incompetent leader
of the Ojeda remnant, as a monster of cruelty under Morales, and
as a base traitor to his benefactor and friend. He afterwards proved
his capacity and indomitable resolution in the discovery and
conquest of Peru, but still with the taint of cruelty and treachery
upon him. In his last years, he certainly rose to the occasion, and
with great power and responsibilities he became another man;
but never such as Vasco Nuñez de Balboa.
all the King’s subjects were as faithful as I have
been/ He was beheaded over the trunk of a tree.
Then Valderrabano and Botello met the same fate.
The wretched old murderer was close to, gloating
over it, with his eye between the canes of a thin
wall. It was past sunset. The people came to
him and entreated him to spare Aguello, who
had tried to send the warning. He replied: 61
would sooner die than spare one of them/
The miscreant was never punished. The
authorities at San Domingo protested against the
outrage; but Pedrarias had interest at Court.
His wife was a niece of the Countess of Amoyo,
a powerful lady ; so the crime was condoned, and
the subsequent residencia of Pedrarias was a farce.
The death of Vasco Nuñez de Balboa was one
of the greatest calamities that could have happened
to South America at that time. He had collected
his little fleet in the Gulf of San Miguel, and was
about to sail into the unknown ocean which he had
discovered. The conquest of Peru would have been
a very different story from that which is inter-
woven with the ill-omened name of Pizarro. For
Vasco Nuñez was a very different man. He had
the true genius of a statesman and a warrior, was as
humane and judicious as he was firm of purpose
and indomitable of will. His death took place in
1517. aged forty-two.
The rest of the story is sad enough. Pedrarias
and his followers thought of nothing but seizing
the natives to sell as slaves. Those who resisted
were mutilated or burnt. The Spanish camp
was disorganised and dissolute. Pedrarias himself
was an inveterate gambler. His captains followed
his example. They gambled for slaves. All the
good work of Vasco Nuñez was undone. ‘ In a
short time neither chiefs nor Indians were to be
found in all the land/ says an actor in these
scenes of horror.
Pedrarias crossed the isthmus in 1519, em-
barked with his followers in the ships of Vasco
Nuñez, and sailed along the coast to Taboga,
eventually founding the city of Panama in 1519.
All the inhabitants of Santa Maria in the Gulf of
Urabá were forced to remove to the new settlement.
There was great loss and a frightful expenditure
of human life, through mismanagement and in-
capacity. In the end of 1519, Diego Alvites, a
more humane man than any of the other followers
of Pedrarias, founded Nombre de Dios on the oppo-
site side of the isthmus. The site was so unhealthy
that the town was abandoned and a settlement
was formed further west, in the time of Philip II,
and called Porto Bello, a mule track being made
thence to Panama.
An expedition was dispatched from Panama
under Hernando de Cordova, who discovered and
conquered Nicaragua, founding the city of Leon
as its capital. Pedrarias followed him to Leon,
and beheaded this subordinate, the discoverer of
Nicaragua, of whom he had become jealous. At
last a new governor was sent to Panama, in the
person of Pedro de los Rios, in 1526. Pedrarias
remained in Nicaragua, and died at Leon in 1530.
Panama, in future years, was ruled by an
Audiencia, or High Court with the President in
charge of the executive government.
The survivors of the natives of the isthmus
retreated further south into Darien, and, with
great bravery and determination, have retained
their independence down to the present day.
LIKE the discovery of the coast, the first settle-
ment was made by the same humane and good
man Rodrigo de Bastidas. He was settled in
San Domingo and fitted out his expedition there.
The Spanish Government had conceded to him
the right to build a fort and form a settlement
on any part of the coast between Cabo de la Vela
and the mouths of the Magdalena River. He
left San Domingo with four vessels in July 1525,
and sailed across to the Spanish main, anchoring
off Santa Martha and landing there. He con-
tinued his wise policy of treating the natives with
kindness and justice, and succeeded in making
friendly treaties with tribes called Gairas, Tagangus,
and Dorsinos. His own men were cutting wood
to build houses at the new settlement, but Bastidas
would not allow the natives to be forced to work.
Bastidas also obtained a considerable amount of
gold which he refused to distribute until the
expenses connected with, fitting out the expe-
dition had been repaid. These things caused great
discontent, as the natives had always hitherto been
treated as slaves.
A plot was formed to murder the G-overnor.
at a time when he was confined to his bed with
a fever. The ringleader was the lieutenant of
Bastidas, named Juan de Villafuerte. The villains
broke into his room, stabbed him in several places,
and left him for dead. But he was still alive and,
calling out for help, one of his captains, named
Rodrigo Palomino, came to his assistance. The
other settlers were indignant, and the murderers
had to take refuge in the surrounding forests.
Most of them were eventually captured and sent
to San Domingo where they met with the fate they
deserved. The unfortunate Governor appointed
Palomino as his successor, and proceeded to San
Domingo to be cured of his wounds. They got
worse during the voyage, and Bastidas died on
his arrival at Cuba, the victim of his own humanity
and love of justice. His memory deserves to be
preserved, for it is the fashion to denounce all the
Spanish ‘ Conquistadores9 as cruel and ruthless
oppressors. This was not so. Much of what was
done was due to the age, and not to anything
specially bad in the Spanish character. There
were revolting barbarities, and the thirst for gold
seemed to turn men into fiends. But there were
some ‘ Conquistadores/ indeed not a few. who
belonged to the type of the good and true knight.
Rodrigo de Bastidas.
Rodrigo Palomino, the successor of Bastidas
as Governor of Santa Martha, was a bold and re-
sourceful captain, but if he ever treated the natives
with any forbearance it was from policy and not
from any higher motive. His plan was to behave
fairly well to the tribes in the immediate neighbour-
hood, in order that they might continue to bring
in provisions, and to plunder and enslave those at
a distance. He was a good leader, and the wild
spirits he was associated with became attached to
In pursuance of his policy Palomino made
raids into the countries of the more distant tribes,
despoiling them of all their property and taking
many to be sold as slaves at San Domingo. Mean-
while Santa Martha was frequented by vessels,
supplies of all kinds arrived, houses were built,
and the place began to assume the appearance
of a town, while corn and seeds of vegetables were
sown in the adjacent lands.
But the neighbourhood began to be exhausted
of supplies, and Palomino felt obliged to undertake
a more distant foray. He invaded the rugged
mountains of Bonda to the south, a country so
wild and difficult that horses could not be taken.
Here the brave defenders of their homes had an
advantage. They knew the country and could
oppose the advance of their enemies at every turn,
and select their own position for resistance. The
Spaniards were defeated and fled back to Santa
Martha, followed into the plain by the victorious
On hearing of the death of Bastidas, the Royal
Audience1 of San Domingo appointed Pedro Vadillo
to succeed him as Governor of Santa Martha.
His lieutenant was Pedro de Heredia, and he
took with him a force of 200 men. But Palomino
refused to give up charge or to let Vadillo land,
maintaining that he, as lieutenant to Bastidas,
was his legitimate successor. Vadillo then landed
further up the coast, and began to construct a fort,
which Palomino intended to attack. A priest
intervened, and it was agreed that Palomino and
Vadillo should be joint Governors until a decision
arrived from the Cíourt of Spain. The two
1 High Court of Justice with some executive powers.
G 2
marauders continued their attacks on the natives.
Their first combined raid was on a well-peopled
slope of the mountains near the source of the
Ciénaga, inhabited by a branch of the Tairona
tribe. The Spaniards were repulsed with loss.
Next they set out to pillage a populous country
up the coast, called La Ramada. The people had
been most hospitable to the Spaniards and had
given them gold without payment. Vadillo
marched with 300 foot and seventy horse, arriving
unopposed. Palomino followed with an escort,
but in crossing a river his horse slipped and fell.
Palomino was carried down by the current and
his body was never found. Having devastated
La Ramada, Vadillo went on to the valley of Upar,
converting a fertile land and happy people into
desolation and mourning. The same fate befell
the dwellers in the valley of Eupari. Returning
to Santa Martha he began to imprison, torture,
and kill the followers of Palomino. His conduct
became known, and it was resolved to supersede
him. Garcia de Lerma was selected as the new
Governor of Santa Martha, and he sent an officer,
the Factor Grajeda, in advance, to examine into
Vadilk/s conduct. This judge lost no time. As
soon’ as he arrived he imprisoned the disgraced
Governor and began to torture him. This
was stopped on tbe arrival of Garcia de Lerma,
and Vadillo was sent to be tried in Spain. But
bis sbip was wrecked, and tbe cruel wretch was
The new Governor improved the state of affairs,
built houses and a church, and a masonry house
for himself. He caused several raids to be made
into the mountains in search of provisions and
gold. But his chief service was the dispatch of
expeditions to explore the Magdalena. He em-
ployed a Portuguese, named Melo, who went as far
as Malambo, and on his return submitted a plan
for further exploration, but he died. Another
party, with boats, got up the river as far as the
junction with the Cauca, and then went up the
Cauca for some distance. But they suffered so
much from insects and the heat that they returned
to Santa Martha in 1532. They found that Lerma
was dead, and the Oidor Infante was in temporary
charge. Reportimientos of natives had been granted
to various adventurers whose only thought was
plunder, and every sort of outrage was being com-
mitted, totally regardless of the humane orders
and instructions of the Spanish Government.
Thus a settlement was established at Santa Martha,
such as it was, whence the chief danger to the
Chibchas was fated to come.
Pedro de Heredia, who had served under
Vadillo at Santa Martha, had returned to Spain
and obtained a concession on the coast from the
mouth of the Magdalena to the Gulf of Uraba.
Heredia was a native of Madrid, and had led a
wild life in his youth. He got his nose slit by some
roysterers in a street brawl, and the revenge he
took being of a decidedly illegal character, he
fled to San Domingo where he inherited an
estate from a relative, and on his return to Spain
his escapades were forgotten, and he found no
hindrance in fitting out his expedition. He
appointed Francisco Cesar, an able colleague, as
his lieutenant, and was well supplied with imple-
ments, tools, arms and ammunition, clothing, and
provisions. Leaving Cadiz in 1532, and touching
at Puerto Rico, he obtained many recruits at San
Domingo as an addition to his original 150 men,
and forty-seven horses, of which twenty-five
died on the voyage. His goal was the harbour
of Cartagena, so named by Bastidas, where
he arrived on January 14, 1533. This was
the second settlement established on the coast.
Heredia landed with fifty foot and twenty
horse, and he was accompanied by a native of
Zamba, named Catalina, a girl who had been
carried off to San Domingo, where she learnt
Spanish, so that she could act as an interpreter.
A place called Calamar was selected for the site
of the city of Cartagena. Regidores or magis-
trates were appointed, and a municipality was
established. Heredia made peace with the neigh-
bouring chiefs, so as to secure supplies for the new
city. At this period, whether from policy or any
better motive, he was humane and conciliatory to
the natives. In his very first expedition he came
back to Cartagena with gold amounting to
1,500,000 ducats, including a figure of massive
gold, found in a temple, which weighed five
arrobas. He had reached the famous cemeteries
of Zenu.
Cartagena progressed rapidly, and in January
1534 Heredia set out on another expedition in
search of gold, with his brother Alonso. His
lieutenant Cesar also made an important discovery
by crossing the mountains of Abibe and entering
the Cauca valley, where he found the people
numerous, clothed, and in good houses.
There was much discontent among the Spaniards,
as time went on, from the belief that the Governor
had concealed a great deal of gold, and when the
Oidor Vadillo arrived to examine into the state of
affairs, Heredia and his brother were thrown
into prison. They were sent to Spain in 1538,
where they were exonerated from all blame, and
the Governor Pedro de Heredia returned to
Cartagena again with full powers.
The two settlements of Santa Martha and
Cartagena were firmly established on the coast,
creating a terrible though unknown danger to the
Chibchas from the north. Another danger was
also threatening them on their eastern side.
The Velzers, merchant princes of Augsburg,
made a contract with the Government of Charles V
to conquer and make settlements in Venezuela.
A German, named Alfinger, was selected by the
Velzers as Governor of the new colony, and he
proceeded to Maracaibo in the end of 1530 with
a suitable force. The western limit of his jurisdic-
tion was the Cabo de la Vela. He found that the
neighbourhood of Coro was too barren to sustain
a permanent colony, so he set out on an expedition
to the westward in search of more fertile lands.
His party consisted of about 200 Spaniards and
hundreds of native porters. These natives were
chained together in a long fine, each man having
a ring round his neck attacked to the chain. When
one of the unfortunate prisoners was too ill or too
exhausted to go on. a servant of Alfinger. to save
time in unfastening, cut the poor creature’s head
off, and so let his body drop out.
This horrible incident leads to the conclusion
that the cruelties belonged to a cruel age, and
not specially to the Spanish character. For this
leader was a German. The Spaniards were often
very cruel in their eager thirst of gold, burning
and torturing the natives. They perpetrated
these atrocities when excited by a violent though
base passion. But for cold-blooded callous
brutality there is nothing equal to Alfinger’s
method of clearing his chain.
Alfinger reached the Magdalena by following
down the River Cesar to its confluence, and suc-
ceeded in collecting 60,000 pesos of gold. Ascending
the Sierra de Cachiri, many Spaniards without warm
clothing and 300 naked porters died of the cold.
The natives made constant attacks, and one is
glad to know that in one of the encounters Alfinger’s
servant, who cut off the heads, met with his deserts.
Soon afterwards Alfinger himself was wounded
in the throat and died after three days. The
retreat was most disastrous ; many died of hunger,
others were reduced to eating the flesh of the
native porters. The remnant reached the banks
of a river which they could not cross. Seeing
some canoes coming down with provisions, they
made piteous signs for help. The natives in the
canoes, moved by compassion, came to them and
gave them food. The wretches stabbed the man
who was landing provisions for them, and seized
the canoe. After three years the survivors reached
The next German Governor of Venezuela was
George of Spires, who expected to find populous
cities and fertile cultivated lands in the dense
forest of the Amazonian basin. He set out from
Coro with 300 foot and 100 horse, and after waiting
several months for the inundations to subside,
he directed his march to the south. In the second
rainy season he was encamped on the banks of the
Opia. The lofty mountains, the land of the Chib-
chas, were in sight to the westward, but luckily
the idea of George of Spires was to find a new
Peru to the south, so this danger was averted.
They pushed onwards, suffering terribly from hard-
ships of every kind until August 1536, when they
thought they had got definite news of a rich country
to the south. It was quite illusory, and at length,
decimated by fevers, attacks of natives and of
jaguars, tbe intrepid German explorer resolved
to return, reacting Coro in May 1538. George
of Spires was an upright honourable knight, and
he died while still Governor of Venezuela in 1545.
Another German, named Federman, who was
lieutenant to George of Spires, was equipped to
undertake another expedition. He was a brave
and expert commander beloved by his men, and
humane in his treatment of the natives. He set
out with about 200 men, reached the river Meta,
and eventually approached the land of the Chibchas
from the east.
The Chibcha people were in complete ignorance
of the dangers which were gradually surrounding
them. There was great danger in the formation
of the settlements at Santa Martha and Cartagena,
from the certainty that, sooner or later, the ruth-
less invaders would extend their incursions further
to the south. There was danger from the colony
of the Velzers to the east. Clouds also were
gathering to the west and to the south. But
the final doom came upon them as a bolt from
the blue.
THE doom of the Chibcha civilisation was closing
round the unfortunate people. We have seen
the two threatening settlements formed on the
northern coast whence the crushing blow was
to come. We have seen how the Spaniards, led
by the Veker Germans, had actually been in
sight of the Chibcha mountains to the east. Black
clouds were also gathering fast to the south and
west. The story of the discovery of the Cauca
valley and the loftier plateaux near its sources is
rather complicated, and it will be well to tell it
briefly in this place, though it overlaps and goes
beyond the period of the Chibcha conquest or,
rather, cataclysm.
We must picture to ourselves a very muddy
road near a village on the borders of Estremadura
and Andalusia in the south of Spain, where an
ill-conditioned young ruffian is brutally maltreating
a donkey, which could not get as fast as the savage
lad wanted through, the deep mire of a country-
lane. He ended by killing the poor beast. This
is the type of a ‘ Conquistador/ cruel, pitiless.
much enduring, and capable. The future 6 Con-
quistador 9 was afraid to go home after what he
had done. For it was the family donkey, and his
father was a very poor peasant. He ran away
to Seville. At that time Pedrarias was preparing
his great expedition to the isthmus. The young
ruffian offered himself as a soldier, a likely looking
lad enough so far as personal strength was con-
cerned. When asked for an account of himself
he only knew his Christian name, which was
Sebastian/ and that he came from a village called
Belalcazar. So they enlisted him, gave him the
name of Sebastian de Belalcazar, and he sailed
for the New World.
Young Sebastian displayed remarkable sagacity
in getting Pedrarias out of a serious difficulty on
an occasion when he was lost in the Darien forests.
From that time his fortune was made. Pedrarias
gave him a command in an expedition to Nicaragua,
and he took part in the founding of Leon. He
joined the expedition of Pizarro to Peru, who left
him in command at San Miguel de Piura. His
1 His father’s name is believed to have been Moyano.
next service was the conquest of Quito, under-
taken under orders from Pizarro and ably carried
out with 140 well armed men. He remained
there for some time as Pizarro’s lieutenant. But
his ambition was great. He was incapable of
gratitude or fidelity, and he conceived the idea of
carving out a dominion for himself. Resolving
upon an advance to the north, he sent some of
his captains before him. In 1536 he discovered
the plateaux of Pasto and Popayán. The natives
defended their country with desperation; horrible
cruelties were perpetrated on them, and at last
their resistance was crushed. Many fled to the
mountains, and vasts tracts of land were left
uncultivated. The city of Popayán was founded
by Sebastian de Belalcazar in 1536, in an excellent
and healthy situation on a high tableland. From
this centre the invader made incursions in various
directions. In his raid to the north-east, along
the head waters of the Magdalena, he was in sight
of Suma Paz, the lofty mountains south of Bogotá.
He also extended his devastating incursions down
the valley of the Cauca, and founded the city of
Cali. The natives fought desperately, and they
refused to sow their crops, so that famine ensued
and vast tracts of once cultivated land remained
waste. The native populations of the localities
conquered by this ruthless invader were nearly
exterminated. Satisfied with his work. Sebastian
de Belalcazar set out for Spain in 1539, with the
object of obtaining a concession of Popayán and
the valley of the Cauca, as a Governor independent
of Pizarro.
After his conquests Sebastian de Belalcazar
ceased to correspond with or acknowledge his
chief to whom he owed his position—a debt of
gratitude he entirely ignored. Pizarro sent an
officer he could thoroughly trust, named Lorenzo
de Aldana, to arrest the recalcitrant Belalcazar
and assume command. Aldana was a knight of the
highest character, and one of the few who, like
Bastidas, never allowed the natives to be treated
with cruelty or injustice. He marched from
Quito to Popayán, founding the city of Pasto on
his way. At Popayán he found that Belalcazar
had departed, and that the Spanish inhabitants
were threatened with famine. He therefore
hurried down the Cauca valley as far as Cali, and
with difficulty made arrangements for supplies
of provisions to be sent to Popayán.
It is now necessary to turn our attention to
the proceedings on the coast, for it was from there
that the whole length of the Canea valley was
It will be remembered that the Juez de Residencia
Vadillo came out to Cartagena to examine the
accounts and proceedings of the Governor Heredia.
that he threw him into prison, sent him to Spain
for trial, and seized his treasure. Vadillo’s robberies
and conduct generally were so outrageous that the
Licentiate Santa Cruz was sent out as Juez de
Residencia to examine into his conduct. On
hearing this Vadillo’s guilty conscience filled him
with apprehension for his own safety. He was
a man of considerable energy and ability, and
he determined to leave Cartagena, organise an
expedition, and undertake some great discovery.
He persuaded Heredia’s lieutenant, Francisco
Cesar, a splendid explorer and efficient officer, to
go with him.1 There was also with him a most
intelligent young lad, a native of Llerena in
Estremadura, named Pedro de Cieza de Leon.
He was only nineteen, yet, while diligently
attending to his duties as a solider, he used
1 He had been with Sebastian Cabot in his voyage to the River
Plate, and joined Heredia at Puerto Rico. He had already headed
an expedition which crossed the Abibe Mountains, and reached the
valley ruled by the chief Nutibara, taking 40,000 ducats’ worth of
gold from the tombs.
his spare time in recording the events of the
Vadillo started from San Sebastian de Uraba in
1538 with all the force he conld get together and some
horses, and, under the guidance of Cesar, they pro-
ceeded to scale the Abibe Mountains. These heights
were covered with dense forest, the only paths being
in the tortuous beds of mountain torrents. It was
difficult enough for the men to make their way up
the mountains and down the steep declivities on the
other side, and almost impossible for horses. At
length they reached a vast extent of fertile country
governed by a warlike chief named Nutibara.
Cesar was not without experience of this brave
defender of the homes of his people. During his
former raid the army of Nutibara, under the
military direction of his brother Quinunchu, en-
countered the Spaniards and there was an obstinate
battle. The chief was present in person, carried
on a litter richly inlaid with gold. The Spaniards
were hard pressed, and would have been defeated
if it had not been for the death of the opposing
general. The natives then retreated. There was
1 See my translation of the travels of Pedro de Cieza do Leon
contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru (Anvers, 1554)»
printed for the Hakluyt Society in 1864.
a very pathetic scene. The great chief. Nutibara,
always reverently carried in a litter, sprang out of
it and caused his brother’s body to be put there
in his place. The retreating host marched in a
long line over the hills, and Nutibara was seen for
miles, running by the side of the litter, mourning
for his beloved friend and brother.
When Vadillo reached the territory of Nutibara
in the following year, the subjects of that great
chief were equally hostile. Nutibara constructed
a fortress on a height unapproachable by cavalry.
The Spaniards assaulted the place. They were
not only repulsed, but entirely defeated and put
to flight. If it had not been for the skill and
valour of Cesar in defending a narrow place with
a rear guard, there would have been a fatal disaster.
Nutibara was victorious, and Vadillo continued
his march without again venturing to attack him.
The next valley they reached was called Nori,
where the natives defended their homes with the
same valour and persistence. The chief, however,
named Nabuco, to get rid of the invaders, presented
them with some gold, and assured them that they
would find much more in the next province to the
south, called Buriticá. The march was through
dense forest, and on reaching the place it was
found that the people were entrenched on an
almost inaccessible height which was promptly
assaulted and carried, the Buriticá chief and his
family being found there with some gold ornaments.
The chief would not disclose the sources of his
wealth, so the savage Vadillo burnt him alive.
He had nobly surrendered himself as ransom for
a young wife who had been captured, and his cruel
death horrified even the hardened followers of the
fugitive Juez de Residencia.
Vadillo soon afterwards reached the banks of the
great River Cauca. His followers were threatened
with hunger in their painful struggle through the
dense forest; but at length they reached a well-
cultivated valley, called Iraca. The inhabitants
fled to the mountains; but abundant supplies were
found, and the explorers rested, as many were
sick and unable to march. When they again pro-
ceeded up the Cauca valley they were constantly
harassed by the natives. Reaching a place called
Cori, it was there that the gallant Cesar, worn out
with fatigue and illness, departed this fife. ‘ Cesar
certainly showed himself to be worthy of so great
a name/ This is a grand epitaph, written by a
comrade in arms. The men of Vadillo’s expedition
were in despair at the loss of so able a leader in
whom they placed all their confidence. They
clamoured to be allowed to return, dreading the
dangers of an advance without a competent leader.
Vadillo was furious, and refused to listen for a
moment. He was a fugitive from justice, and
knew that only a prison awaited him on his return.
Unwillingly, the sorely tried men continued their
march until at length they arrived at Cali, where
Belalcazar had formed a settlement and founded
a town. They were reduced to half their number
and the survivors mutinied, positively refusing any
longer to follow Vadillo. He went on, almost alone,
to Popayán. There the Governor, Aldana, sent him
by Quito to the Port of Payta, whence he returned
to Spain. His lawsuit lasted for his lifetime. He
died in poverty at Seville before it was concluded.
Vadillo had made a very important discovery.
The valley of the Cauca is 420 miles long, con-
taining many rich and fertile districts, and the
best gold-mines in the whole region. Aldana
saw its importance, and resolved to send an expe-
dition down the valley to form settlements and
occupy the country. He selected for this duty an
officer named Jorge Robledo, who had been a
follower of Belalcazar. Aldana impressed upon
him the duty of treating the natives with kindness
and justice, and dismissed him with a well-equipped
force to occupy the extensive region discovered
by Vadillo. Meanwhile, Vadillo’s Juez de Resi-
dencia—the Licentiate Santa Cruz—had arrived at
Cartagena, and immediately sent two officers up
the Cauca valley with a small force to arrest the
fugitive from justice. They were too late; but
they joined Robledo’s party, as did the survivors
of Vadillo’s expedition.
Robledo founded Anzerma, and in the end of
1539 he fought a desperate battle with the tribe of
Pozos. He was victorious, and perpetrated the most
atrocious cruelties on the vanquished, massacring
women and children and burning their houses,
in total disregard of the humane instructions of
Aldana. These tribes of the Cauca valley were
tenacious defenders of their homes and very war-
like. On very important occasions they had a
custom of eating their prisoners. This cannot be
doubted when so reliable an authority as Cieza de
Leon was an eyewitness. They also adorned the
outsides of their houses with the heads of their
enemies. But they consisted of tail, well-developed,
brave men and fair women, who were cultivators,
miners, and weavers. With proper treatment they
might easily have been civilised.
Early in 1540. Robledo founded Cartago, giving
tbe name in honour of those followers who came
from Cartagena. He also founded Anzerma and
Arma. In 1541, he was in the fertile vale of
Aburra where he found abundant supplies; and
towards the end of that year he founded the city
of Antioquia in the district of the Buriticá gold-
mines, forming a mining establishment on the
river flowing from the Buriticá Hill. Robledo
here conceived the idea of going to Spain with a
report of his services, and obtaining a concession
as Governor of a province to be carved out of the
territories of Heredia and Belalcazar, whose boun-
daries were very uncertain. He crossed the Abibe
Mountains, almost alone and without a guide,
and arrived, starving and almost naked, at San
Sebastian de Uraba. Instead of being treated
hospitably, he was thrown into prison and even-
tually sent to Spain under arrest.
The ruthless Sebastian de Belalcazar had been
very successful in his negotiations at the Court of
Spain. He obtained the rank of Adelantado,
and the government of the province of Popayán
and of the whole valley of the Cauca. When this
news reached Popayán, Lorenzo de Aldana
retired to Quito. That excellent governor after-
wards took an important part in the affairs of
Peru. One of the most just and most humane
of the Spanish ‘ Conquistadores/ Aldana’s name
deserves to be honoured by posterity. By his
will he left all his fortune to the Indians of his
enwmienda for the payment of their tribute.
In the end of 1537, Pascual de Andagoya—who
had served on the isthmus with Pedrarias. but was
then in Spain—received a concession as Governor of
the country bordering on the Pacific, from the Gulf
of San Migualto the River of San Juan. Leaving
Toledo in 1538. Andagoya enlisted sixty men. and
left San Lucar with them early in 1539. At
Panama he increased his numbers to 200, and
sailed for his government, with three ships and
two brigantines, February 15. Andagoya dis-
covered the port of Buenaventura, and the
town was founded, under his direction, by Juan
Ladrillo. He then began to cross the forest-covered
mountains with the greater part of his force, leaving
fifty men with his ships. The natives were at first
inclined to be hostile, but as Andagoya treated them
with kindness and allowed no robbery, they soon
became friendly. It was a very rugged country
through which he had to make his way, but he at
length reached Cali. He proceeded thence to
Popayán and assumed the government. He was
undoubtedly beyond his jurisdiction, and withia
that of Belalcazar; but the state of the country
fully justified the course he took.
After the departure of Aldana. a young knight,
named Pedro de Añasco, had advanced to the
eastward, with a Captain Osorio as his companion,
and had founded the town of Timaná at the sources
of the Magdalena Eiver. They had with them fifty
Spaniards and some horses. They were closely
besieged by the inhabitants of the surrounding
country, and sent to Captain Juan de Ampudia,
who was in charge of Popayán, for help. That
officer assembled sixty men and marched to raise
the siege of Timaná ; but Osorio and Añasco had
managed to get out, and were making their way
down the River Paez when they were attacked by
the Indians and killed with all their followers.
Ampudia was encountered by the Indian besiegers.
He routed them three times on three successive
days; but on the fourth he was killed, his men
were almost all slain with him, and the victorious
Indians advanced on Popayán.1
This was the state of affairs when Andagoya
1 See my translation of the narrativo of Pascual de Andagoya,
“written by himself (Hakluyt Society, 18C5).
arrived at Popayán. The Indians were repulsed.
and order was restored in the immediate neigh-
bourhood. In his narrative. Andagoya gives an
interesting account of the country and people
round Popayán. He treated the natives with
kindness and induced many to be baptized.
Meanwhile, Sebastian de Belalcazar left Spain
to take up the command of the vast territory that
had been conceded to him. He went by Panama
to Buenaventura, and. arriving at Popayán, he
arrested Andagoya and sent him as a prisoner to
The position of Popayán near the northern
frontier of Peru brought Belalcazar into contact
with the disturbances among the conquerors of
that country. When Vaca de Castro arrived at
Popayán on his way to examine into the conduct
of affairs by the Marquis Pizarro, Belalcazar
escorted him to Quito and thence to Piura. When
the unfortunate Viceroy Blasco Nunez de Vela
was hunted by G-onzalo Pizarro, he took refuge
at Popayán, and Belalcazar marched with him to
1 Pascual de Andagoya was an able, upright, and humane man.
Herrera was violently prejudiced against him, and his remarks are
untrue and unjust whore Andagoya is concerned. After his return
to Spain ho mado the acquaintance of the President, La Gasea,
went out with him to Peru, and commanded a battalion of infantry
at Sacsahuana. He died at Cuzco on June 15, 1548.
Quito to attack his enemies. They were defeated
at the battle of Anaquito, the Viceroy being killed
and Belalcazar wounded. Gonzalo Pizarro allowed
the latter to return to his government at Popayán.
Again, when the President, La Gasea, was marching
against Gonzalo Pizarro, he called upon Belalcazar
for help, who complied, and was in command of
the cavalry at Sacsahuana, returning to Popayán.
Belalcazar was masterful in his claims, and
soon disputes arose respecting boundaries between
the Governor of Popayán and Pedro de Heredia,
the Governor of Cartagena. The bone of con-
tention was the city of Antioquia, founded by
Robledo. Heredia proceeded to the place and
took possession. Belalcazar sent Juan Cabrera,
who surprised Heredia, and sent him a prisoner
to Popayán, but Belalcazar allowed him to return
to Cartagena by way of Panama. In 1544
both Santa Martha and Cartagena were sacked
by French pirates. After that disaster Heredia
again marched to occupy Antioquia, the site
of which had been altered by Cabrera. Alonso
Heredia, the brother of the Governor, had founded
the town of Mompox, at an important point near
the junction of the Magdalena and Cauca, in 1540.
When Heredia returned to Cartagena, he
found that a new Juez de Residencia had arrived
in the person of Miguel Diaz de Armendariz, who
brought with him the new laws, sending a copy
to Belalcazar.
Although Jorge Robledo was sent to Spain as
a prisoner, he managed to make interest at Court,
received the rank of Marshal, and a concession of
territory between the grants of Heredia and Belal-
cazar. This was very vague. It is deplorable to
note the reckless way in which these concessions
were granted, in total ignorance of the country that
was being cut into overlapping slices. Much of the
trouble in the colonies arose from these disputed
frontiers. The new Marshal collected a small
force, was joined by some former comrades, in-
cluding Cieza de Leon, and reached Antioquia.
He then advanced up the Cauca valley with about
seventy men. The towns of Anzerma and Cartago
refused to receive him. But he pushed on to Pozo
and formed a camp there. Belalcazar was at Cali.
He made a forced march with 150 men, and sur-
prised Robledo’s camp on the night of October 1,
1546. The Marshal could have escaped, but he
preferred to surrender to his old chief, not dreaming
of the consequences.
We are now reminded of the brutal young
ruffian in the miry lane in Estremadura. Belal-
cazar must have had some personal grudge against
the unfortunate Robledo. He broke out into
violent abuse and declared he would kill him by
strangling. Robledo entreated that at least he
might be beheaded, as became his rank, but this
was refused. He was hanged on October 5,
with five of his officers. The bodies were buried
in a hut which was set on fire, and Belalcazar
returned to Cali. It was believed that the Indians
of Pozo dug up the bodies and ate them.
Even then the Nemesis was approaching. The
Juez de Residencia, Briceño, was on his way to
Popayán. It is surprising what implicit obedience
was paid to these functionaries even by the
most turbulent and masterful pro-consuls. Briceño
condemned the powerful Governor of Popayán
to death for the murder of Robledo. Soon after-
wards the judge married Doña Maria de Carbajal,
Robledo’s widow, and was therefore accused of
partiality. Yet the sentence was as just as it was
bold. Belalcazar appealed to the higher court
in Spain, and sorrowfully set out on his long
journey. He arrived at Cartagena, where he was
hospitably treated by Heredia, and there he died
in 1550.
There can be no question of tbe remarkable
ability, prowess, and strength of character pos-
sessed by Sebastian de Belalcazar. There must.
too. have been some good in him, for he was popular
and had many followers who were devoted to him.
But the boy was father to the man. Beginning
with the crime in the miry lane near home, he
ended with the crime at Pozo which concluded
his career. His savage cruelty to the natives,
while foolish as a question of policy, was evidence
of a hard and callous nature.
Heredia began a voyage to Spain in 1554, but
never arrived, for the ship in which he had em-
barked was wrecked at sea. He had been Governor
of Cartagena for twenty years.
The events related in this chapter overlap the
Chibcha cataclysm by several years. Still, the
arrival of Belalcazar at Popayán and the discovery
of the Cauca valley are about contemporary.
With their frequent markets, and commercial
intercourse with neighbouring tribes, the Chibchas
had probably heard rumours about the ruthless
strangers gathering, like threatening clouds, on
their southern and on their western horizons.
destroyer of Chibcha civilisation, and his attempt
to record its history is lost to us. His family seems
to have come from Baeza in Andalusia, in the days
when Moors and Christians were still at war. But
young Gonzalo himself was born at Cordova,
in the ward of Our Lady of the Holy Fountain,
being the son of the Licentiate, Gonzalo Jirmenes,
and of Dona Isabel de Quesada. The date of the
child’s birth must have nearly coincided with that
of the taking of Granada. When he was quite
a little boy his parents removed to Granada,
where his father was an advocate in the law courts;
so that all his reminiscences in after life were
connected with the Moorish city and its beautiful
Vega. He was educated with great care under
his father’s supervision, studied law, and, like his
father, he became an advocate in the High Court
of Justice at Granada. He was practising in that
Court when he received the appointment which
took him to the New World, and led to his future
The Adelantado, Pedro Fernandez de Lugo, had,
by marriage, become hereditary Governor of the
Canary Islands. It so happened that one of the
soldiers of Bastidas came to the Canaries, and
painted the riches and other advantages of Santa
Martha in glowing colours. The news of the
death of Garcia de Lerma, the Governor, had also
come.1 So the Adelantado resolved to send his
son, Luis Alonso de Lugo, to Spain to apply for a
concession of the government of Santa Martha.
Accordingly, in February 1535, a royal order
nominated Pedro Fernandez de Lugo to be Governor
and Captain-General of the province of Santa
Martha, with succession to his son. The River
Magdalena was to be the boundary between
Cartagena and Santa Martha. The greater part
of the year 1535 was occupied in fitting out the
expedition at Santa Cruz de Teneriffe. The Ade-
lantado^ son was appointed his lieutenant, and
the appointment of chief magistrate was offered
to and accepted by the young barrister at Granada,
1 See p. 85.
Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada. His age was then
thirty-six. More than a thousand men were enlisted
and went on board the ships of the Adelantado,
and the expedition left Santa Cruz de Teneriffe on
November 3, 1535, and anchored off Santa Martha
in the middle of December, after a voyage of
forty days.
Santa Martha, in those days, was a sorry abode
to come to, after the charming homes at Laguna
and Orotava. The hereditary Governor of the
Canary Islands had made a poor exchange. There
were some thatched houses, one of stone, and a
wretched church, but not sufficient accommoda-
tion for half Lugo’s followers. The greater part
of the force had to live in tents, provisions were
scarce, and there was a general feeling of depres-
sion. Then an epidemic of dysentry broke out.
The Adelantado visited the sick, and gave up all
his own stores for them, living on the same rations
as the men.
In order that those in good health might be
employed, and to collect provisions and, if possible,
gold to pay the freight of the ships, an expedition
was undertaken in the direction of Bonda, led by
Don Pedro Lugo himself and guided by some
officers of experience. The natives had chosen a
strong position and gallantly defended it, and
when it was carried with serions loss to the invaders
the defenders took np another equally strong
position higher up the mountain side. Nothing was
found in their village. The Adelantado returned to
Santa Martha with the wounded, ordering his son to
continue the march along the coast, while Captain
Suarez was to take a parallel route in the mountains.
Suarez met with desperate resistance, and was
obliged to come down to the plain country with
thirty-eight wounded, and join Don Luis de Lugo.
The two raiders succeeded in storming a strong-
hold in the mountains of Tairona, after a stubborn
resistance, and secured gold ornaments to the value
of 15,000 castellanos de oro. Other finds of gold
were made, and Luis de Lugo’s duty was to return
with it for his father to pay the freight of the ships,
and to distribute the rest amongst his followers,
reserving the royal fifth. But the infamous thief
was tired of such hard work. He signalled to a
passing ship, and went on board with all the gold,
intending to steal it and to return to Spain, leaving
his father in the greatest difficulty and embarrass-
ment. A vessel was sent in pursuit, with an
officer who represented the theft in Spain. Luis de
Lugo was imprisoned; but his impudent assurance
and lies, coupled with interest at Court, secured
his release after a short time.
The Adelantado was not only left in great
difficulties, but he was borne down by grief at the
infamy of his son and the disgrace brought upon
his name. It was felt, by himself and his officers,
that a great expedition of discovery must be
equipped to employ the men, and, after careful
consideration, it was decided that the exploration
of the course and origin of the great River Mag-
dalena should be undertaken on an adequate scale,
in the expectation that rich and fertile provinces
would be discovered.
Everything depended on the choice of the right
man to command the expedition. There were
a number of captains all with equal claims, or
at least they thought so. To appoint any one
of them would be sure to cause jealousy and
ill-feeling among the rest, and the probable
consequence would be failure. Some qualities
were needed which are not the exclusive property
of soldiers. Don Pedro de Lugo had seen such
qualities in the chief magistrate during a very
trying time. He nominated Gonzalo Jimenes de
Quesada to be his lieutenant-general and com-
mander over the 800 men—horse, foot, and flotilla
—composing the expedition. It was no drawback,
rather the reverse, that he should be an accom-
plished man of letters, and an experienced lawyer,
if he also had fortitude, resource, endurance, resolu-
tion, and the gift of imbuing those under him
with his own spirit. Lugo believed that he had
seen these qualifications in Quesada, and he
proved to be right. The appointment was made
April 1, 1536.1
The expedition started on April 6, 1536,
consisting of 600 soldiers in eight companies and
100 horses,” accompanied by a flotilla of five large
boats to ascend the Magdalena, manned by 200
soldiers and sailors. There were seven principal
captains with the land force—Juan de Junco (who
was to succeed if anything happened to Quesada),
Gonzalo Suarez Rondón, Antonio Lebrija, and
Juan de San Martin (whose narratives have
been preserved),3 Céspedes, Valenzuela, and
Lázaro Fonte. In the boats were Captains
1 Fray Pedro Simon gives the text of the appointment with the
date 1537. The question is discussed by Colonel Acosta, who shows
that Castellanos, Herrera, and Piedrahita all give 1536 as the dato.
The subsequent discovery of Quesada’s own narrative settles the
2 Quesada’s own narrative. Other authorities give tho numbers
3 In the collection of Muñoz.
I 2
Urbina, Cordova, Manj arres, Chamarro, and Ortun
The Eio Grande, or Magdalena, had already
been ascended as far as a place called Sampollon,
150 miles from the mouth, on the right bank ; and
rumours had been received of the existence of a
rich and powerful kingdom in the interior. .But
the settlers at Santa Martha and Cartagena had
feared the dangers and hardships involved in the
further ascent of the river. Quesada, in his nar-
rative, says that those of Santa Martha were
content with robbing and desolating the small
but rich province of La Ramada (which was much
nearer), without regard for the public good, but only
for their own interests ; while those of Cartagena
rested satisfied with the gold in the cemeteries
of Zenu. The great discovery was left to the
accomplished lawyer of Granada, who now showed
that he was also an able and resolute leader of men.
We have the advantage of Quesada’s brief
narrative1 for the proceedings of the invaders,
which affords landmarks, though it is only a
summary of the events. The soldiers were divided
1 Printed by Marcos Jimenes de la Espada, in bis critical review
of Castellanos (Madrid, 1889), from the Archivo Histórico. Herrera
had it, and used it without giving the author, as was his oustom.
into eight companies, and each, man carried his
spare clothes and rations on his back. They were
to advance through an unknown country to the
confluence of the Cesari with the Magdalena.
The flotilla consisted of three large and two small
boats, to be propelled by oars and by towing
along the bank when possible. They were to
make their way from Santa Martha to the mouth
of the Magdalena, and ascend that river to the
confluence of the Cesari, where they were to meet
Quesada and the land force.
Quesada took his leave of the unhappy Adelan-
tado, Pedro Fernandez de Lugo, who had organised
the expedition, on April 6, 1536. Broken down
by difficulties and disappointments, and by grief
at the perfidy and villainy of his son, the Adel-
antado died at Santa Martha in the following
The march was difficult, over a wild uninhabited
country, in the Sierra de Chimiles. Provisions
were beginning to run short when the invaders
entered a valley where the people were reaping
their harvest of maize. They were all made
prisoners and forced to carry their corn into the
enemy’s camp. The forlorn natives had put
down their loads and were standing disconsolate,
as prisoners awaiting their fate. Suddenly a
woman, in floods of tears, rushed into the camp
and embraced a boy who was one of the prisoners.
She had come to give herself up. in order that she
might share the fate of her beloved son. Quesada
was much moved at the sight. He at once gave
the woman and her son their liberty. Soon
afterwards he released all the rest, except one who
was kept as a guide.
The invaders next came to the River Ariguani,
which could not be forded. The men and horses
swam, and a line was got across by which the
stores and provisions were brought over. Twelve
days were occupied in the march thence to the
lagoons of Tamalameque. The Cacique’s residence
consisted of a number of thatched houses built
round an open space, at the end of a long penin-
sula called Pacabuy. The houses, embosomed
in trees, seen across the deep blue waters of the
lagoon, were a grateful sight after the wearisome
marches through the forest. Here the tired soldiers
rested for a few days, and Tamalameque helped
Quesada in his final march to the confluence of
the Cesari and Magdalena. The flotilla had not
arrived. Quesada had lost 100 men, and there
were many sick. Tired of waiting for the boats,
he moved up the river to a place called Sampollon
on the right bank, not far from the site of the city
of Mompox on the opposite side, which was founded
four years afterwards.
The flotilla had met with disaster. Leaving
Santa Martha; the boats made their way to the
mouths of the Magdalena. One was wrecked in an
attempt to enter the river; only the two smallest
got through and reached Malambo near the mouth.
The two others went on to Cartagena where the
crews deserted. Manjarres, one of the captains,
made his way back to Santa Martha and
reported the disaster. There were three old boats
there, of good size, which were fitted out and
dispatched. They succeeded in entering one of
the mouths of the Magdalena and joined the two
smaller ones at Malambo. The flotilla then pro-
ceeded up the river, often harassed by the natives,
who assembled round them in canoes and annoyed
them with poisoned arrows. At length, after
many weeks of anxious waiting, Quesada welcomed
their arrival at Sampollon. The sick were at once
put on board.1
1 The names of the captains of these boats arc uncertain. None
of those given by Quesada himself aro the same as those recorded
by other authorities.
Quesada resolved to continue the advance up
the Magdalena, the bulk of the troops forcing their
way through the dense forest on its banks, and the
flotilla keeping company on the river. It is prob-
able that a great part of the route on land had
never before been traversed by mortal man, for
the natives passed in canoes. Every foot of the
way had to be cut and cleared with wood-knives.
To the misery of incessant rains were added the
torment of mosquitoes, ants, and hornets, and the
danger from snakes and wild beasts. The nights
were more perilous than the days. One soldier
was taken out of his hammock by a jaguar. His
cries awoke his comrades who rescued him. On
the next night he slung his hammock much higher
up. Still the jaguar got at him and dragged him
out. His comrades were snoring so loudly that
his cries were not heard, and the wretched man
was carried off. Many died in the forest. There
were long delays in crossing rivers, although help
was given by the crews of the boats. Trees had
to be felled and rough bridges made.
When they reached a place where the Kiver
Opon joins the Magdalena, called La Tora, it was
a month since they had seen a single native or
a sign of cultivation. The alligators had become
so bold, and bad carried ofi so many men, that
tbe survivors did not dare to go near tbe edge,
and they got their water by fastening the pot to
the end of a long pole.1 It was eight months
since they left Santa Martha. To continue such
marches was felt to be quite beyond human
endurance. A hundred men had fallen by the way.
The feeling of the captains, as well as of the
men, was that it was absolutely necessary to
return to Santa Martha if anyone was to survive.
The oldest and most experienced officers were
San Martin and Céspedes. They were deputed
to represent the feeling of the rest to the General,
which they did.
Quesada replied that a retreat would be much
more fatal than an advance, for there was not
room for the soldiers in the boats, and they would
again have to struggle through the dense forest.
He reminded them that the good Adelantado had
expended all his fortune in fitting out the expedition.
He declared that he would not abandon the enter-
prise while his life was spared, and that he would,
in future, hold him as an enemy who should
1 Since those days a great trade has sprung up in alligator skins
on the Magdalena. After 1901, when it began, the annual export has
been 30,000 skins.
propose a course so pusillanimous and so contrary
to Castillian valour.
The captains submitted without another word
to the resolution of a lawyer who carried arms for
the first time in his life. The boldest course was
The mountains whence the Opon River flgwed
were in sight to the east, and Quesada was inclined
to leave the river, with its terrible forests, and
attempt the ascent. He first sent Captain San
Martin with twelve men in three small canoes up
the River Opon to reconnoitre. On the second
day, in a turn of the river, they suddenly came
upon a canoe with two natives, who jumped out
and swam to the shore. The canoe was captured.
Some finely woven mantles were found in it, and
some white salt very different from that made
from the sea-salt. Next, San Martin came to a
hut containing more salt. This was one of the
depots for the trade in the salt of Zipaquirá.1 San
Martin made an excursion inland, saw cultivated
tracts, and had an encounter with the natives,
making one prisoner. He then returned full of
hope that a rich and fertile land would be discovered,
and made his report to the General.
1 See Chap. L, p. 17.
Quesada reflected that all the salt he had hitherto
seen in use by the natives was poor granular
sea-salt. But the salt found by San Martin
was quite different: in loaves like sugar-loaves,
and very fine. It was clear that they had different
origins. If one came from the sea he argued that
the other came from a land beyond the mountains,
and he thought, from the form of the salt and its
evident commercial value, that it must be a rich
and important land. He therefore resolved to
ascend the mountains, following the ravine down
which the river flowed. The flotilla was to go
down the Magdalena with the sick, and bring back
reinforcements to fill the places of the numerous
unfortunate men who had succumbed in the forests.
One, Gallegos, was in command of the boats, and
received strict orders not to molest the natives,
but to take the sick down the river as quickly as
possible. Instead of this he made attacks on
villages near the banks, killing and plundering,
until at last the natives combined against him.
Three of the boats full of sick were sunk, and only
one escaped with Gallegos; badly wounded. This
is an instance of the difficulties surrounding an
able general with such men to deal with. The
moment his back is turned there is disaster caused
by truculence or incapacity; and disobedience.
Quesada bad given strict orders about tbe just
treatment of tbe natives, and was stern in en-
forcing them. He even caused a soldier to be
executed for robbery, although the chaplain and
the captains, who did not see much harm in it,
interceded for him. .
Quesada commenced the ascent of the mountains
with 200 of the best men he could select, and 60
surviving horses. The difficulties were great, and
people have since wondered how horses could
possibly have been got up those rocky heights
and almost perpendicular precipices. He only
lost one in the ascent. The cold became intense;
and the men were quite unprepared for it; while
the rains made it impossibe to light a fire, and they
had to live on raw maize. Twenty died, and one
went out of his mind. At length they reached
the summit of the Opon Mountains, fully 6500 feet
above the level of the sea. With almost delirious
joy they saw stretched out before them a vast
cultivated plain: groves of fruit-trees, lakes and
murmuring streams, with villages and towers
scattered here and there. It seemed to them like
a land of enchantment covered with fairy castles.
Quesada called it’ el valle de alcázares’—* the valley
of palaces/ The surviving invaders numbered 166,
with 59 horses. It was joy to the Spaniards, but
death and destruction to the ill-fated Chibcha
nation. Dark clouds had long been threatening
round their horizon. Their doom had now appeared
on the summit of that Mount of Opon.
THE Chibcha nation was at peace. There was a
truce between the two sovereigns. A strong force
guarded the western frontier. The fields, with their
growing crops, stretched for leagues around the
Zipa’s capital. The villagers were all at work,
happy and contented. The lofty houses of the
Usaques, scattered here and there, rising out of
clumps of trees, enlivened the landscape. Over
the mountains trains of laden wayfarers might be
seen passing to and fro, frequenters of the distant
markets. From the salt-mines of Nemocon and
Zipaquirá, down the Opon River to the market
on the Magdalena, there was a ceaseless flow of
commerce. Cotton, gold, and tropical fruits came
in return, coca and wood for lances came from the
eastern forests, while the products of the Chibcha
pottery factories and cloth industries went down
in exchange. A busy hive of industry: all
seemed happiness and prosperity, with nothing
to mar its continuance.
The Zipa in his palace at Muequeta under the
hills, with bright lagoons around it, was the centre
of all this well-being, reverenced and almost
worshipped by his subjects,1 and surrounded by
faithful warriors and councillors. Fair women,
too, good to look upon, as Quesada bore witness,
enlivened his Court, and added a charm to the
palace whose walls their industry had beautified.
It seemed that nothing more was wanted to fill the
cup of happiness. Yet there was a vague feeling
of dread, no one knew why. Rumours had come
from east and west, from south and even from the
north. The handwriting was already on the wall.
Thisquezuza, the gallant Zipa, was in council,
surrounded by his advisers, in the great hall of the
Muequeta palace. Suddenly a breathless messenger
rushed into the presence. He came from the loyal
chief of Suesca. Strange men had come down
from the mountains, as if from the sun and moon—
‘ Suchies’ they were called. They were accompanied
by still stranger animals, causing terror in all who
beheld them. They were not numerous but their
1 * Es grandissima la reverencia que tienen los subditos a sus
arms were irresistible, the animals terrible to behold.
They had overawed the chief of Guachetá and
were now directing their march to the salt-mine of
Nemocon. The terrified people were bringing in
provisions to propitiate them.
The news was appalling, yet there was a feeling
of relief at first, when actual tidings arrived,
however bad, to relieve the tension caused by
unsubstantial rumours. Now there could be action.
The valour of Thisquezuza had been proven in
many an encounter, both in the time of his uncle
and during his own reign. He resolved to meet
these terrible invaders in person. Six hundred of
the best and bravest of his warriors were carefully
selected. The mummy of the Zipa’s predecessor,
the glorious Nemequene, as was the strange custom
of the Chibchas, was borne in front of the little
army to arouse the enthusiasm of the warriors. The
Zipa himself was carried in the royal litter, ready
to rush out and fight when the moment arrived.
On the second day he came in sight of the invaders
and gazed upon them, with their strange arms and
attire, and their terrifying animals. Quesada,
with the main body, had already passed on, and
the Chibchas made a gallant attack on the rear-
guard. They were gaining ground, led on by the
Zipa, when they were surprised in flank and rear
by the Spanish cavalry. There was a fearful
slaughter, the sacred mummy was overthrown
and trampled in the dust, and the survivors fled
in all directions. The Zipa returned to Muequeta,
plunged into deep despondency. He was convinced
that the invaders were irresistible, and that his
country was doomed. He resolved upon flight, and
to delay the arrival of the enemy as long as possible
by negotiating and sending presents.
Quesada had advanced to the hill of Chia in
the plain of Bogotá, the residence of the heir
apparent, who fled, after concealing his treasure,
which was never found. The Zipa sent the invader
presents of venison and game, and messages were
exchanged with reference to a personal interview.
Meanwhile, there were hurried preparations at
Muequeta. There was no alternative. The an-
cestral home, the centre and capital of the Chibcha
civilisation, must be abandoned, and safety must
be sought in flight to some secret retreat—a secret
which the Zipa knew that his faithful people would
keep. Thence he might direct operations and
await events.
The Spaniards were eager to reach the Zipa’s
capital, expecting to find great stores of the gold,
for which they thirsted. Quesada, therefore, set out
from Chia; but in crossing the River Funza he met
with opposition from the loyal troops of the Zipa.
Their devoted loyalty quite overcame the too
natural terror which paralysed the action of most
of the Chibcha people. The Spaniards forced
their way onwards and reached the palace of
Muequeta, but found it deserted and dismantled.
A party was sent in search of the Zipa to the country
palace of Tinansuga, but he was not there. The
headquarters of the Spaniards were established
for some time at Muequeta, where they were sub-
jected to incessant attacks from the Zipa’s troops,
who easily evaded the cavalry charges by retiring
among the impassable lagoons.
Quesada’s plans were frustrated and the Spanish
absorbing thirst for gold was unsatisfied for a time.
The general resolved to send out two exploring
expeditions to the south and west under the com-
mand of his veteran captains, Céspedes and San
Martin. The party of Céspedes went southward,
and suffered so terribly from the cold on the lofty
tableland in the direction of Suma Paz that the
attempt to penetrate farther was abandoned-
San Martin entered the country of the valiant
Panches, on the lower slopes towards the Magdalena.
Their villages were perched on inaccessible ridges
of the mountains, and the warriors were called to
arms by the blowing of horns from peak to peak.
Their army was soon assembled, and the Spaniards
met with such a reception that San Martin made
a rapid strategical movement to the rear. He
received some reinforcements from the General,
and sought the aid of the Zipa’s frontier force,
which was conceded. The Chibchas of the
frontier force were called Guechas, a word
which means a general or leader of an army.
Here it is used to describe a force of specially
selected warriors.
The valley of Fusagasugá is the last within
Chibcha territory. The combined force crossed the
hills which separate it from the rugged descending
slopes of Pati and Apulo. The Panches gathered
together to the sound of their horns, and formed
in disciplined troops, with coronets of brilliant
plumes on their heads, and armed with clubs,
lances, and bows with poisoned arrows. No
impression could be made on their serried ranks
by the combined force of Spaniards and Guechas.
If, after fighting with desperate valour, they fell
back, they left neither wounded nor prisoners in
the hands of their enemies. The Spaniards also
K 2
retreated, repulsed and beaten. San Martin
returned to headquarters: Both the expeditions
sent out by Quesada had failed; he gained nothing
by seizing the Zipa’s palace, and his soldiers were
discontented, and clamouring for gold.
A report had been received that the emeralds
came from mountains to the north-east, so Quesada
led his followers in that direction, marching by
Guatavita to Chocontá, the limit of the Zipa’s
dominions. Captain Valenzuela, with a small
force, was then sent on to the emerald mine at
Samondoco, which he reached. But he found that
the mine was only worked in the rainy season
owing to the scarcity of water at other times for
washing the earth. He, however, obtained a few
emeralds with which he returned to the main body
at Turmeque within the Zaque’s territory. An
advance was made to Lengupa, the last Chibcha
village to the east. Beyond was the illimitable
Amazonian forest, reaching to the horizon—a
magnificent view, so striking that San Martin was
sent with a small party to explore. But his orders
obliged him to return before he could reach the
level forest. Quesada was now in the territory
of the Zaque of Tunja, and the thirsters for gold
thought by a rapid march they might take the
Zaque completely by surprise, and seize all tbe
treasure before any of it could be concealed.
Quemuchatocha, tbe reigning Zaque of Tunja.
was an old man. revered by bis subjects and
renowned for bis justice and valour. He bad heard
of the march of these terrible invaders, and of the
awfuL charges of cavalry, and he felt that his
country was doomed. Conciliation offered the
only hope, and that a faint one, of humane treat-
ment. He was fearless and resigned to the fate
decreed by the gods.
When the dreaded enemy was seen to be ap-
proaching rapidly, the Zaque sent presents and
requested the Spaniards to wait outside until he
had prepared for their reception. The Spaniards
pushed the messengers aside without stopping.
Quesada and his men forced their way through a
terrified crowd and broke into the palace. Then,
with drawn sword, and followed by his officers, he
entered the great hall of audience. The venerable
Zaque was seated on his throne like an old Roman
senator, with his chiefs around him. He was tall,
very old, and of fierce aspect. He showed neither
fear nor anxiety. To eager questions about
treasure he maintained a profound and majestic
silence. He merely said: ‘ My body is in your
hands. Dispose of it as you please. But my will
no one shall command/ Quesada was firm on
this occasion and would not allow the Zaque to
be tortured or treated with violence. He was
imprisoned, but his women and servants were
allowed to attend upon him with the reverence
to which he had been accustomed.
The pillage then began, and was continued
throughout the night—a colossal burglary. The
loot, forming an immense heap, was placed in the
centre of the courtyard of the palace. Much of
it consisted of rich cotton cloths, beautiful orna-
mental matting, and other furniture; but there
were also 191,390 pesos of fine gold, 37,288 of less
pure gold, 18,390 of silver, 1815 emeralds—about
£125,000 of our money.
The Zaque died of a broken heart, a few days
afterwards, and was succeeded—if not to his sove-
reignty, at least to the hearts of his people—by a
young and popular prince named Aquimin, the
last Zaque.
This small increase in the amount of loot to
be divided, only whetted the insatiable appetites
of the gold-seekers. They had heard of the rich
temple of Suamo, and clamoured to be taken there.
It was there that the religious chief called Iraca
had his residence. This was an office supposed to
have been instituted by the mythical civiliser,
Garachacha, and the holder of the office was to be
the head of the Chibcha religion, and an arbitrator
and peacemaker among chiefs and people. The
temple of Suamo was the most sacred place in the
country, and the Iraca was held in the deepest
The vale of the Iraca was about twenty miles
north-east of Tunja, a pleasant and fertile spot.
As the Spaniards approached, the unfortunate
people attempted resistance, but were soon terrified
and fled. The despoilers advanced to the temple
and broke open the doors. A single old man
alone barred the way. This priest stood there
dauntless and alone. Behind him the Spaniards
could see a long row of mummies adorned with
gold plates. Even those ruthless marauders
paused in awe before the aged priest. Suddenly
flames broke out, and they fell back. The temple
was on fire and was burned to the ground. The old
priest preferred death in the flames to surrender.1
1 The Iraca himself, named Sugamuni, nephew of his pre-
decessor Nompaneme, became a Christian, and survived until
about 15C0. The Franciscans engraved his epitaph, in the Chibcha
language, on a stone : 1 The best man in Cundinamarca, the crown
and honour of his nation. Friend of the children of the sun, who,
in the end, adored the eternal sun. We pray for his soul.’
The gold-seekers were more ruthless than the fire.
So perished an institution which gave the Chibchas
their highest claim to be considered a civilised
Bordering on the valley of the Iraca to the north
was the territory of the brave chief, Tutama, who
only owned a nominal allegiance to the Zaque.
On hearing of the awful sacrilege at Suamo, he
called together his warriors, a well disciplined array,
and advanced against the enemy. It was in
October 1537. The fight, well contested and long
doubtful, was near the hills of Duitama. Quesada
fell with his horse, and was in some danger. At
length Tutama’s force retreated in good order to
the fastnesses of Bonda, which consisted of morasses
with islands rising from them. The fight was known
as the battle of Bonda. The Spaniards also
retreated and formed a defensive camp at Suesca,
under the command of Hernán Perez de Quesada,
the General’s brother.
Plunder was the main object of the Spanish
captains and soldiers. Unsatisfied by the result
of their robbery in the Zaque’s palace, and foiled
at Suamo, they continued to clamour for more
gold. There was a rumour that the gold owned
by the Chibchas came from the valley of Neyva;
and tliey must needs be led in that direction.
Quesada conducted bis forces across tbe cordillera,
and with great difficulty tbey made tbeir way to
tbe banks of tbe Magdalena. But tbeir guides bad
escaped from tbem. Tbe inhabitants bad crossed
to tbe other side of the river, and the Spaniards
beg^n to suffer from fevers and want of provisions.
Leaving several comrades who had died of exposure
and fever, the rest made their way up the mountain
slopes, with their thirst for gold unsatisfied.
Quesada once more fixed his headquarters at
Muequeta, the deserted palace of the Zipa, in
January 1538; and, in order to give some satis-
faction to bis avaricious followers, he determined
to distribute such treasure as had been collected.
For the royal fifth he set aside 40,000 pesos of fine
gold and 562 emeralds.1 Each foot-soldier got
520 pesos9 each cavalry soldier 1040, each officer
2080, seven officers’ shares for Quesada himself,
and nine for the Adelantado de Lugo.
The Zipa Thisquezuza had retreated to a
secluded forest to the westward,3 where he held his
1 Manuscript reports of the captains, San Martin and Lebrija,
quoted by Acosta. Colonel Acosta thinks that vast sums were
secreted by Quesada and his ofnoers, and that the real amount was
double what was officially stated.
2 Near Facatativá.
Court, and whence he directed the operations of his
faithful followers. But he seems to have despaired
of ultimate success. He and his councillors felt
that the gods had passed a doom upon his people
from which there could be no escape.
Quesada was long unable to find out whither
the Zipa had gone. His subjects preserved^ the
secret, the discovery of which was eagerly desired
in the belief that more gold would be found. At
last two boys, suspected of coming from the Zipa
as messengers, were captured. Both were cruelly
tortured. One died rather than divulge the secret.
The other succumbed under the excruciating agony
and consented to guide the marauders. Quesada
set out with a chosen body of men, marching all
night. At dawn he surprised the royal camp and
broke into it. The Zipa was mortally wounded,
but safely carried off by his guards and attendants.
After the first panic the Chibchas rallied and
fiercely attacked the Spaniards, who retreated
hastily, closely followed, their retreat soon being
converted into a flight. They had only found
two golden drinking-cups, brought there for the
Sovereign’s own use.
Thisquezuza died of his wound, and was
secretly interred. Thus fell the last reigning
Zaque and the last reigning Zipa. An advancing
civilisation was destroyed with them, and their
ill-fated subjects saw the last of their days of
prosperity and happiness. They passed under
the yoke of ruthless and cruel oppressors.
But resistance did not cease with the Zipa’s
deafh. It aroused his warriors to renewed efforts.
The constitutional heir was the Usaque of Chia,
but he had shown pusillanimity and weakness.
Another nephew was chosen to succeed Thisquezuza,
a gallant young warrior named Sagipa. He led
renewed and incessant attacks on the Spanish
camp at Muequeta, until he obliged Quesada to
beat a retreat and form another camp at Bosa,
where the plain was open and better suited for the
operations of cavalry.
The Panches, emboldened by their successful
encounters with the Spaniards, began to make
destructive raids into the Chibcha country. Then
Sagipa made a fatal mistake. He went to the camp
at Bosa, with presents of gold and emeralds, and
requested the Spaniards to assist him against his
enemies the Panches. Quesada and his officers
were much struck by the noble bearing of the young
Zipa and at once acceded to his request. A few
days afterwards a combined army of Chibchas
and Spaniards advanced into the country of the
Panches—the former under the command of Sagipa,
the latter led by Quesada himself. The Panche
warriors were ready to dispute the further progress
of their foes. It was arranged that the Chibchas
should meet the brunt of their attack, while the
Spanish cavalry, from an ambush, was to charge Jbheir
flank. These tactics were carried out with success,
and at length the Panches were really defeated.
This important encounter was known as the battle
of Tocarema.
Then followed one of the most shameful acts
in the whole sad story. The Spaniards began to
believe that there must be a great Zipa treasure
concealed somewhere, and that Sagipa knew the
secret. They thought that a ransom might be
extorted, like that of Atahualpa. The Spaniards
became incarnate fiends—no other words can ex-
press the truth—when gold was concerned. Sagipa
was their guest and their companion in arms.
Their word was given for his safety. Yet, regard-
less of honour and good faith, the officers petitioned
Quesada to imprison him and load him with chains,
that he might be forced to deliver up the treasure of
the Zipa. Quesada weakly complied. The Chib-
chas were horrified, for their Sovereign had joined
the Spaniards and entered their camp on promise
of safety. Sagipa told Quesada that he had no
gold, that the late Zipa certainly had treasure,
but that he distributed it all among his chiefs before
his flight from Muequeta. This was the simple
truth. The Spaniards then began to inflict the
most frightful tortures on the unfortunate Zipa,
to extort a confession when there was nothing to
confess. They kept him alive for many days, but
the brave prince uttered not a word. At length
he died in excruciating agony. As to the fiends
who perpetrated this hideous crime words fail to
describe them. Quesada no doubt disapproved,
but the mutinous violence of the gold-seekers over-
awed him, and he weakly allowed the crime to be
perpetrated. On him falls the blame. It has left
a stain on his memory that nothing can wash out.
Quesada now contemplated the necessity of
obtaining reinforcements to complete his work,
and he decided that he must himself return to
obtain recognition of his services. The great plain
of Bogotá reminded him of the Vega of Granada.
He there founded a city on August 6, 1538,
and named it Santa Fé, after the city built by
Ferdinand and Isabella in the Vega. The sur-
rounding heights reminded him of the hills round
the Moorish capital, and he even saw in the hills of
Suacho a resemblance to that known as c El ultimo
suspiro del Moro/ Full of these reminiscences
of his youth he gave his discoveries the name of
New Granada. The new city of Santa Fé de
Bogotá was on the site of one of the country houses
of the Zipa called Tuesaquillo. A dozen large
buildings were erected of sufficient size to house
all the Spaniards, and a wooden church on the site
of the present cathedral. Municipal officers and
magistrates were duly appointed.
In the midst of these proceedings the news
arrived that a large body of Spaniards were march-
ing up the valley of Neyva. This proved to be
Sebastian de Belalcazar on his way to Spain.
Immediately afterwards there arrived a report
that another body of Spaniards was coming down
from the lofty plateaux of Suma Paz. It was the
German Nicolas Federman with his veterans who
had traversed the Amazonian forests. It was an
extraordinary meeting. The three chiefs, Quesada,
Belalcazar, and Fredeman, resolved to return to
Spain together. Boats were got ready for them
at La Tora on the Magdalena. Before their
departure it was resolved to found two other cities.
One was to be on the River Suarez at the northern
frontier of the Zaque’s dominions, which was to be
founded by Captain Martin Galiano, and named
Velez in memory of Velez Malaga near Granada.
The other city was to be at Tunja, on the site of
the Zaque’s capital, to be founded by Captain
Gonzalo Suarez Rondón who had served in Italy,
at the battle of Pavia.
Quesada left his brother, Hernán Perez de
Quesada, in charge of the government of this new
kingdom of Granada, with the title of lieutenant-
general. In May, 1538, the three generals embarked
at Guataqui on the Magdalena, arrived safely at
its mouth in twelve days, and proceeded to Carta-
gena, to embark for Spain. Quesada sought for
confirmation of his appointment as Governor of
his important discoveries, and Belalcazar hoped to
receive an independent grant of Popayán and the
Cauca valley.
Quesada had arrived in the country of the
Chibchas and found wide plains and beautiful
valleys thickly peopled by an industrious and
intelligent race. He found an advancing civilisa-
tion guided by two sovereigns of ancient lineage,
with a third sacred personage acting as arbitrator
and peacemaker. He found chiefs and people happy
and contented. When he departed all was changed.
There was confusion and terror, cultivation neg-
lected, some of the people in flight, others forced
to work as slaves. He had killed two sovereigns,
tortured another to death. Destruction had come
upon Chibcha civilisation, and desolation brooded
over the once prosperous land. True: but Quesada
was taking home a box containing 758 emeralds
for the emperor Charles V.
THE country of the Chibchas, on the departure of
Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada, was left at the mercy
of his brother, Hernán Perez de Quesada, a very
different man. Hernán Perez was callous and
inhuman. Bitten by the gold fever as deeply as
the most ignorant soldier under his orders, he was
as guilty as any of his companions—indeed, more
guilty—in connection with the atrocious murder of
Sagipa, the last of the Zipas.
The unfortunate country had been divided up
into encomiendas, or tracts of land, with their
inhabitants—probably identical with the old chief-
ships, or one chiefship may have formed two
or more encomiendas. These encomiendas were
granted to the captains under Quesada, and to
some of those who had accompanied Belalcazar
and Federman, and had remained in New Granada.
The grants were for two lives.1 The inhabitants
1 See lists in the Appendix.
145 L
became tbe slaves of tbe encomenderos, who de-
manded tribute from them to an amount it was
impossible for them to pay. and used them in any
way they pleased—to work in the fields, or for
personal service, or as porters forced to carry
weights far beyond their strength. It was a
grinding and crushing tyranny.
Quesada’s lieutenant and brother had first to de-
fend his claims against a formidable competitor. The
Licentiate. Jerónimo Lebrón, had been appointed
Governor of Santa Martha by the Audiencia of
San Domingo. He considered that the discoveries
of Quesada were within his jurisdiction, and he
set out, with a well-organised expedition, to take
possession. He had seven boats manned by 100
soldiers, and 200 more men were to march by land
to the mouth of the Cesari. It was the same plan
as that adopted by Quesada. The Licentiate,
Lebrón, took the first Spanish women to New
Granada, and a supply of corn and vegetable seeds.
The conduct of the expedition was entrusted to
three able and experienced captains. The boats
met with great difficulties at the bar of the
Magdalena and had to throw some of their cargoes
overboard; and the crews suffered from incessant
attacks by the natives in canoes while ascending
the river to Sampollon. Higher up there were few
incidents, and Lebrón, ascending the mountains,
arrived at Velez in December 1540, after six
months of hard work, and the loss of many of his
followers. He was received as Governor by the
settlers at Velez.
When Hernán Perez de Quesada heard of this
unexpected arrival he sent a messenger to Lebrón
to warn him that the municipalities of Bogotá and
Tunja could not acknowledge that an appointment
as Governor of Santa Martha by the Audiencia of
San Domingo was sufficient authority for super-
seding the discoverer. Hernán Perez then marched
with a force of 200 foot and 100 horse1 to oppose
him. Lebrón, reinforced by the settlers at Velez,
advanced with an equal force. A battle seemed
imminent. But Captain Suarez Rondón intervened,
and an interview was arranged. The majority
of the settlers were resolved not to receive Lebrón
lest he should revoke or disturb the grants of
encomiendas. Seeing this, Lebrón wisely decided
that his best plan was to retire. He made a small
fortune by the sale of horses, slaves, clothing, and
arms at exorbitant prices, and embarked at
1 Some horses had been left by Belalcazar, raising the number
from fifty-nine to a hundred.
L 2
Guataquí on the Magdalena, with only twenty-
five followers. The rest remained. When he
reached Santa Martha he heard of the appoint-
ment of a new Governor in the person of
Luis Alonso de Lugo. So he retired to his
house at San Domingo with the small fortune
he had made.
His followers increased the Spanish population
of New Granada. The women he brought found
husbands. His seeds were sown and yielded
abundant crops. Captain Jeromino Aguayo reaped
the first harvest of wheat, and Elvira Gutierrez,
wife of Juan de Montalvo, was the first woman
who baked wheaten bread.
Hernán Perez de Quesada, still craving for gold,
had the idea of a search for El Dorado put into his
head. A young adventurer named Montalvo de
Lugo, a relation of the Adelantado, had arrived
from Venezuela, and reached Bogotá after having
followed the route of Federman through the
forests. He certainly had not found El Dorado,
but he had theories about the locality and the
direction to take. He excited the sordid avarice of
Hernán Perez to a high pitch, and the Lieutenant-
General resolved to undertake the search with an
expedition on a large scale. But he added tenfold
to his crimes, before he started, by committing
several cold-blooded murders.
Aquimin, the young Zaque, had succeeded his
uncle in little else than the love and devotion of
his people. When the Captain Suarez Rondón1
founded the Spanish city of Tunja, seventy-five miles
north-east of Bogotá, he had seized the Zaque’s
palace and land to divide amongst the new citizens.
This was on August 6, 1539. But the young
Prince had shown no resentment at this robbery,
and no hostility to the Spaniards. He was beloved
by the people for his charming manner, his charity
and generosity. Hernán Perez resolved to murder
Aquimin, the last of the Zaques, and he came to
Tunja and had him seized and beheaded. He gave
no reason except that it was as well to make all
safe while he was away. Even the hardened
citizens of Bogotá and Tunja were shocked at this
cold-blooded injustice, and when Hernán Perez was
struck by lightning some years afterwards it was
looked upon as a judgment. Not content with the
murder of the Zaque, he also caused to be killed
the chiefs of Samaca, Turmequé, Boyaca, and
1 The name Rondón (a watchman, or one who goes the rounds)
is said to have been added to the name of his ancestor by King
Alfonso XI, after the taking of Algesiras.
several other principal men of the Chibcha nation.
This revolting cruelty causes a feeling of disgust
and loathing for the perpetrator. At the time, the
people were stunned and horrified at the loss of
their leaders. It was a calamity from an historical
point of view because the murdered chiefs were
those who knew all the traditions of their race.
They were the men of learning, who could have
handed down the full story of a people, fast
advancing in civilisation, to posterity. Now it is
nearly all lost to us.
Hernán Perez de Quesada, red-handed with
the blood of murdered men, prepared to depart
on his absurd search for El Dorado. The captain,
Suarez Rondón, was left in charge of the govern-
ment of the new kingdom of Granada. Hernán
Perez took with him 200 Spaniards, some horses,
and a number of unfortunate Chibchas as porters.
He first marched to the country of the Laches and
went thence down into the eastern forests, turning
to the south. He followed much the same route
as that of George of Spires, suffering the same
miseries from insects, rains, the labour of forcing
a way through tangled underwood, and famine
caused by failure of provisions. Many died; the
explorers were reduced to eating the horses. At
last they were obliged to kill and eat a favourite
donkey named ‘ Marubare9 on which Father
Requejada rode. The poor old donkey was a great
traveller, having done much good service at Santa
Martha. The famished party, much reduced in
numbers, arrived at a place where the cordillera
was in sight. They succeeded in reaching it, and
at length arrived at Pasto, whence they journeyed
on to Bogotá, where Hernán Perez de Quesada
met with a reception he little expected. There can
be no doubt that the origin of the story about
El Dorado was in the custom of gilding the chief
at the Lake of Guatavita. This tradition was
wildly exaggerated, and the locality was altered
to suit the whims and theories of insatiable gold-
In the unhappy land of the Chibchas the cruel
exactions of the Spanish encomenderos became
more and more intolerable. The chief of Guatavita
rose in arms, but his defeat was followed by a
horrible massacre. The people began to hide their
wives and families among rocks and fastnesses,
or on islands in lagoons and morasses. Tundama,
the chief of Duitama, was the bravest and most
resolute of the Chibcha patriots. Very few leaders
or chiefs had survived, and to him alone could his
countrymen look—in him alone was there a vestige
of hope left. The Duitama territory had been
granted in encomienda to one Baltasar Maldonado.
Tundama fortified an island in the Lake of Bonja,
which was connected with the mainland by a
narrow causeway. Stakes, sharpened at the ends,
were placed across the causeway, and along ^that
side of the island. The other side was believed to
be safe, for it was not foreseen that the water would
have subsided considerably, making it fordable.
The brave chief let Maldonado know that he and
his people preferred death to seeing their wives and
children torn by bloodhounds, and themselves
cruelly tortured when unable to satisfy the
insatiable avarice of their oppressors. Tundama
did not wait for the enemy to traverse the causeway,
but defended the entrance to it, and, after a des-
perate fight, the Spaniards were defeated and had
to retreat. Next day they unfortunately discovered
that the lagoon was fordable at the back of the
island. Wading across at night, they attacked
the patriots in the rear, taking them entirely by
surprise, and overpowering them. There was a
dreadful massacre, those who were not killed by
their enemies being drowned in the lake. A few,
including Tundama himself, escaped by swimming.
The brave patriot raised another force of his
devoted tribesmen, and continued to harass the
invaders. But at last he became despondent. He
could see no hope. Collecting all the gold he could
get together as tribute, he went to Maldonado and
surrendered. The tribute consisted of ornaments
and vessels. The ruffian had a hammer in his hand,
to smash them flat before weighing. He insisted
on more being brought. Tundama said that
there was no more. Some words followed, and
Maldonado murdered the unarmed chief by a blow
on his head with the hammer. Thus perished the
brave and valiant patriot, the last hope of the
Chibcha nation.
Tundama’s heir was his young nephew. The
youth was seized, and tortured to divulge the place
where there was more gold. There was no such
place. He was then stripped naked, loaded with
chains, driven through the street of Duitama, and
then thrown into prison. He committed suicide,
unable to survive such an indignity.
The people were leaderless and crushed. Yet,
in their despair, they still resisted. The inhabi-
tants of Tausa, Suta, and Cucunuba secretly took
their wives and families, with provisions, to the
rock of Tausa. Huge blocks of stone were heaped
on the only path that led to it. On the other sides
there were sheer precipices. When the news came
to Bogota, a hundred Spaniards were sent against
the fugitives. Great stones were hurled down
upon them from above. But the Spaniards
were well led. Advancing in single file, with huge
wooden shields, they succeeded in reaching a
sort of shelf above the position of the Chibchas.
Amongst them were arquebusiers; for, though the
original supply of powder had run out, saltpetre
and other ingredients had been found near Tunja,
and a fresh supply had been manufactured. A
fire was opened on tbe women and children, and
under its cover the rest of the Spaniards dashed
down among them, to slaughter without mercy.
The despairing Indians succeeded in hurling some
of the Spaniards over the tremendous precipice.
One young captain, who had come with Federman,
named Olalla, was so treated. He would have been
dashed to pieces if his fall had not been broken
by trees and underwood. He escaped by a miracle,
with only a broken leg and his face cut by his own
sword. The place was known as c The leap of
Olalla/ Indescribable horrors followed. There was
a hideous massacre, and many threw themselves
over the precipice to escape the Spanish knives.
Again there was desolation and despair, crowds of
turkey-buzzards and other birds of prey gorging
themselves on the heaps of corpses.
In another part of this unhappy land the people
of Simigaca took refuge among some lofty rocks
surrounded at their bases by dense underwood.
In the first attack the Spaniards were defeated, but
in the end the catastrophe of Tausa was repeated.
The poor Chibchas were without their natural
leaders. Their chiefs had all been murdered. Yet
they made several desperate attempts to obtain
better terms. They fell at last, but they did
not fall ingloriously. In the end of 1541 the
people of Ocavita and Subachoque rose. The
veteran Captain Céspedes was sent against Ocavita
and was twice defeated. Subachoque was attacked
by Captain Juan Pineda, but the inhabitants
defended themselves with such courage and skill
that he was forced to retreat. Captain Suarez
Eondon then came in person with his whole force ;
yet treachery and not valour won the day. One
Alonso Martin sent to the leader of the Ocavitas,
earnestly requesting him to grant an interview
and arrange terms, promising to come alone to
meet him. The chief came out, trusting to the
officer’s word. Meanwhile a strong force of soldiers
had crept up among the bushes, and. as the confer-
ence began, they rushed into the stronghold and
threw off the mask. After this the Chibchas seem
to have submitted, sinking into slavery and black
The phase of Spanish character shown in such
a lurid light during the course of their conquests
in South America was not, it should be admitted,
inherent in them as a race. It is to be attributed
to the age. The most cold-blooded act of cruelty
in the whole record was due to the German, Alfinger.
We should remember the number of humane soldiers
and statesmen among these conquerors of South
America. We have already had to consider the
humanity and benevolence of Eodrigo de Bastidas,
of Lorenzo de Aldana, of Pascual de Andagoya, of
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, of Heredia, and of Cieza de
Leon. Not a few more names can be added to the
honourable list. That of Serra de Leguisano should
always be remembered. These never swerved from
the advocacy of humane treatment of the natives.
There were others who, although not without
feelings of humanity, were mainly influenced by
considerations of policy, seeing the stupidity and
waste caused by a course of cruelty and oppression.
They sometimes weakly yielded to the violent
pressure of their followers. In this category-
must be placed Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada, the
discoverer of New Granada.
After his departure there was a carnival of
cruelty in New Granada until all the wealth had
passed into the hands of the invaders. The next
bloodsucker would have to bleed the Spaniards,
for the unhappy Chibchas were already sucked dry.
He was on his way.
the kingdom of New Granada, a precious jewel
in the crown of Spain, arrived at Seville in October,
1539. He submitted a report entitled ( Epitome
de la conquista del nuevo reino de Granada.’ It
mainly consists of a description of the country,
its inhabitants, and resources.1 He also brought
with him, as the royal fifths, a box containing 567
emeralds and 11,000 pesos of pure gold. The
emeralds, arranged in sizes, were in eight paper
parcels. An order came from the Court that they
were to be sent at once to Madrid. Quesada’s
first thought was to see his parents and the beautiful
home in the Vega of Granada once more. He then
went to Court to ask for the government of the
1 It was sent to the Council of the Indies, and came into the hands
of the Cosmographer, remaining in his department. It is now in
the Archivo Histórico. It was printed by Jimenes de la Espada,
in his pamphlet on Castellanos, in 1889.
country lie had discovered. He found that an
underhand attack was organised against him by
the spread of slanders and false statements. It
was said that he was so unmannerly as to appear in
a coloured dress when the Court was in mourning
for the Empress ;1 that he had improperly kept
back for himself much of the gold and emeralds;
that he had been found illegally playing at dice
in a hostelry; and other such rumours were spread
by an enemy who soon came out into the open.
At that time the Licentiate Gonzalo Jimenes
de Quesada was a man of forty, rather bald, but
with a fine presence and courteous bearing.
Though fond of the society of ladies he was rather
careless of the conventionalities of the Court,
being conscious of his own merits. But it must
be remembered that these qualities appeared
after he had brought to a conclusion one of the
finest achievements connected with the Spanish
conquests, without unnecessary bloodshed and,
except in one case, without causing outrage to an
1 Castellanos repeats one of these fabrications. It was said that,
although the Court was in mourning for the Empress, who had only
been dead six months, Quesada came in a scarlet dress covered with
gold lace and fringe. The Emperor’s Secretary, Francisco de los
Cobos, saw him enter the courtyard from a window, and exclaimed:
4 What madman is that ? Turn him out !’
honest conscience. The riches he made were for
the Crown and for others. Poor he went to his
work of discovery, and poor he returned from
the kingdom he had given to the Crown of
The claim of Quesada came before the Council
of the Indies in due course. He, however, had a
too powerful rival. Luis Alonso de Lugo, it*may
be remembered, committed a theft of an excep-
tionally disgraceful character, for he stole the gold
from his comrades and, still worse, from his own
father who was left in distress and embarrassment.
His father sent home evidence of the theft,
with a request that the villainy might be punished.
The thief was imprisoned by the authorities in
Spain, but not for long. On the arrival of the news
of his father’s death, the villain became hereditary
Adelantado of the Canary Islands and Governor
of Santa Martha—a post which had been granted
for two lives. He claimed that Quesada’s dis-
covery of New Granada was part of the Santa
Martha territory. The matter of the theft was
hushed up. For Lugo had married Doña Beatriz
de Noroña y Mendoza, and she was a sister of
Maria de Mendoza who was the wife of Francisco
de los Cobos, Comendador Mayor de Leon, and the
all-powerful Secretary of the Emperor Charles V.
Against such interest, quite unscrupulously used,
the case of Quesada stood no chance.
Yet the shamefully used discoverer was not
wholly without friends in the Council of the Indies.
A statement was signed by the Cardinal Arch-
bishop of Seville, the Bishop of Lugo, the Count of
Osorno and some others, in which it was represented
that Quesada made the conquest by exposure to
great dangers, hardships, and privations; that
he conducted the enterprise as a God-fearing
Christian without injuring anyone, either Spaniard
or Indian; that the Adelantado, Lugo, trusted him
more than his own son, for the many high qualities
he found in him ; that he brought back great store
of gold and emeralds: for these reasons, and
because Don Luis de Lugo is married and not so
well fitted to rule over Spaniards and Indians,
the charge should be given to the Licentiate
Quesada. No complaint of him had come, but
many petitions that he might be appointed. He
was the son of an eminent jurist, an advocate
in the High Court at Granada, and it seemed
a great injustice not to reward such services
because once, by chance, he played at dice
with another licentiate, his countryman, in a
hostelry at Madrid. Besides, it was only for small
All was of no avail. The ladies were all-
powerful with the Secretary, and the Secretary
was all-powerful with the Emperor. On the tenth
of September 1540, Charles V appointed the most
unfit and the most undeserving man in all Spain
to be Governor and Adelantado of Santa Martha
and the new kingdom of Granada, in place of the
discoverer whose great services were ignored. The
order is dated at Brussels. Luis Alonso de Lugo
made his preparations and sailed from Cadiz in
the following December.
The Secretary, Cobos, continued his persecution
of Quesada by spreading and encouraging false
reports about him, and by using Villalobos, the
Fiscal of the Council of the Indies, as his tool.
Quesada was accused of disembarking at Malaga
that he might conceal large quantities of gold:
at least, his landing there was considered suspi-
cious. Next Villalobos trumped up some false claim
of old standing, and demanded 12,000 ducats.
When Quesada went to France he was accused of
1 The dignitaries of the Church and others, who signed this
report in favour of Quesada, are said to have been open to bribery.
It is very likely. But there are no grounds for supposing that they
were bribed on this occasion.
going there because the price of emeralds was
higher in France. Stories were told of the reckless
way in which he spent the riches he had improperly
acquired. It was said that he was put in prison
at Lisbon for wearing an embroidered shirt, and
that when he was let out he gave the jailer’s wife
100 ducats. Also that, playing at dice with
Hernando Pizarro and another at Madrid, when
his friends gave small coins to the girl who waited
on them, he poured two handfuls of ducats into
her apron. These lies were busily circulated.
The real Quesada was very differently employed.
He travelled, to escape persecution, in France and
Italy and in Portugal, and he was occupied a
good deal in literary pursuits. Among other
essays which are lost, he wrote a review of the
history of Paulo Jovio in Latin, because ‘ he was
grieved to see such a good style and so little
truth, nor could he suffer so much abuse and
discourtesy of the Spanish nation, without answer-
ing it/ It was upwards of ten years before
the great discoverer was allowed to return to
New Granada. He did so in 1550, in company
with the judges of the new High Court of
Justice, with the title of Marshal, but without
any jurisdiction.
M 2
Luis Alonso de Lugo went to his government
with the sole object of plunder. When he arrived
at the pearl fishery at Rio de la Hacha he demanded
a twelfth as his perquisite as Governor of Santa
Martha. Castellanos, the Royal Treasurer, refused
to allow the chest containing the pearls to be
opened, and refused to give up the keys. At last
Lugo found the key in a small purse hidden in
the Treasurer’s nether garment. The plunderer
then opened the chest and took what he chose;
while the Treasurer wrote a complaint to the
Council of the Indies.
Lugo did not go to Santa Martha, but he sent
some of his officers there to procure boats and bring
them up the River Magdalena to a point where he
was to join them, coming by land. It has been
suggested that he was ashamed to go to Santa
Martha. Such a man as Lugo was incapable of
any feelings of that kind. He landed in the valley
of Upar and had to fight his way, through hostile
tribes, to the banks of the Magdalena, where he
found his boats ; nor did his difficulties end there,
for in working his way up the river he was sub-
jected to incessant attacks.
The cause of those attacks is not without its
romantic side. The Spaniards of Santa Martha,
in one of their raids on the river, had captured a
little Indian boy, a very clever little boy, so clever
that they would have been wiser if they had left
him alone. He was brought up as a servant,
whipped and ill-treated, and christened Frances-
quillo. One day he was missing. He had escaped
to th^ river and proved to be a genius of a kind.
For he almost immediately gained an extraordinary
influence over the tribes of the Magdalena. He
was barely sixteen years of age, yet thousands of
Indians were ready to obey him. Francesquillo
gave Lugo an uncommonly disagreeable time during
his ascent of the Magdalena, and subjected his
party to heavy loss. With any number of canoes
at his disposal, the audacious boy organised an
attack almost every day, pouring showers of
poisoned arrows into the laden boats.
At last Lugo’s party reached the mouth of the
Opon, and he made the ascent of the mountains
with much loss and difficulty. When he reached
Velez, he was acknowledged as Governor, and
travelling thence to Santa Fé de Bogotá he
assumed command, at once superseding Captain
Suarez Rondón. The expedition of Lugo brought
the first cattle, which rapidly multiplied on the
rich pastures of Bogotá and Tunja.
Lugo had come for plunder, and he began at
once. It is not altogether without a feeling of
satisfaction that we see the robbers and plunderers
of the Chibchas robbed and plundered in their
turn. They had sucked the unhappy natives dry,
and now they were to undergo the same process
themselves. Lugo may be compared witji the
robber skua.
The new Governor’s first act was to arrest his
predecessor, Captain Suarez Rondón, and throw
him into prison, confiscating the whole of his
property. This brought him in 50,000 ducats.
His next proceeding was to recall all the encomienda
grants on the plea that they were not in correct
legal form, and that they must be made anew.
In the interval, which he made a long one, he sent
his agents round to extort the tribute for himself.
When Hernán Perez de Quesada returned
from his wanderings in the Amazonian forests, any-
one with a spark of humanity would have received
him with a show of hospitable treatment. Lugo
was devoid of any such feeling. He at once
closely confined him in a prison, and shut up his
brother Francisco, who had just arrived from
Peru, in another prison. Eventually he banished
the two brothers, and they went down the
Magdalena to the coast. When on board a ship
bound for San Domingo they were both killed by
After more than three years of robbery and
spoliation, this precious Adelantado Luis Alonso
de Lugo, received the news that the inevitable
Juez de Residencia was on his way to take him
to account. So he resolved to evade the investiga-
tion by returning to Spain. He carried off 300,000
ducats in gold, and took Captain Suarez Rondón
and some others as prisoners. Having bought a
ship at Santa Martha for his voyage to Spain, he
touched at the pearl fishery at Rio de la Hacha.
The authorities there detained the vessel until
Lugo had refunded the value of the pearls he had
stolen on his way out. They also caused Suarez
Rondón and the other prisoners to be liberated,
as Lugo was quite capable of murdering them on
the voyage home, lest he should have to refund
any of their property. Lugo arrived in Spain,
and all his misdeeds were condoned through the
influence of the two ladies who were powerful
enough to induce the Secretary Cobos to represent
things to the Emperor in a false light. It is as-
tounding that such a miscreant should have been
allowed to follow his career of robbery with
impunity. It is still more wonderful that the wild
soldiery in South America should have been such
venerators of authority, and so law-abiding as to
tolerate Lugo’s exactions.
It was not due to ignorance that the Secretary
and the Emperor allowed this oppressor to commit
the crimes of which he was guilty. Las Casas, the
protector of the Indians, took good care of that.
Las Casas wrote the following letter to the
Emperor Charles V, from San Domingo in 1544.1
f One of the most cruel tyrants and the most
irrational and bestial, with little brain and less
conscience than Barbarossa, is Luis Alonso de
Lugo. They say that he is a brother-in-law of
the Comendador de Leon’ss wife, Dona Maria
de Mendoza. This tyrant has done out there the
same things that he did when his father was alive,
and more incredible things still. Eor he has had
absolute command of time and place. He has
now done what I told your Majesty and the same
Comendador Mayor, and to all the Court he would
do. I am satisfied with this prophecy. He has
robbed God’s honour, he has robbed your Majesty,
1 In the Archivos Hist. National, dated September 15, 1544.
Printed by Espada in his review of Castellanos.
2 Francisco de los Cobos, the Emperor’s Secretary.
he has been able to skin both Indians and Christians,
not leaving a single peso in all the kingdom of New
Granada that he has not stolen for himself. We
shall see who will give the strict account God will
require. I truly believe that the hardest and
most rigorous will be that which the Comendador
must give, and those of the Council who had so much
respect for his wishes. They knew what manner
of man Don Luis Alonso de Lugo was, from the
evidence in the process which his own father
instituted against him. Knowing all this, they
yet gave the knife of justice to a man so bad as
this man. As the Licentiate Cerrato has sent your
Majesty an account of his wicked deeds, I do not
desire to say more/
This is certainly a damning indictment of the
shamelessly corrupt practice of Secretary Cobo
under the influence of his wife and sister-in-law.
The man himself must have had an amount of
audacious assurance, which is perfectly astounding,
and, it must be assumed, some outward grace of
manner which endeared him to those powerful
ladies of the Court of Charles V. He was also a
favourite of Prince Philip and of the Duke of Alva.
Lugo was not only allowed to evade justice and
retain his plunder, but he received an excellent
appointment. He was given the command of
3000 well-trained soldiers to restore order in the
Island of Corsica. He was afterwards stationed
at Naples and at Sienna. He then appears to
have gone to Flanders where he died, probably at
This was the man who was allowed to deprive
Quesada of his just reward for the discovery of
New Granada.
Lugo’s descendants had the assurance to clamour
for money they claimed to be due to him, and
litigation was carried on by his grand-daughter,
the Princess of Asculi, until 1592/
1 Viera y Clavijo and Piedrahita say that he died in Flanders,
the latter naming Ghent. Simon says Milan.
” Luis Alonso do Lugo, by his wife Beatriz de Noroña y Mondoza,
had two children: (1) Luis Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, married to
Maria de Castilla. He was bewitched, and died young and childless.
He was surnamed ‘ The Beautiful.’ (2) Luisa, married to Nieolo
Marini, Duke of Terra Nova, and had a daughter Porcia Madalena,
married to Antonio Luis de Leyva, fourth Prince of Asculi. She had
four sons: (1) Antonio, (2N Jorge, (3) Luis, (4) Pedro Fernandez.
THERE was still an important but difficult piece of
work to be acbieved for tbe encomenderos of New
Granada. The sources of gold were reported to
be on the other side of the River Magdalena,
and the fierce tribe of Panches barred the way.
It was a young but very able and judicious
officer named Hernán Venegas who solved this
Venegas equipped a small force, consisting
mainly of infantry, but with some cavalry and
bloodhounds, and left Bogotá to discover the gold-
mines. He descended the slopes of the cordillera
as far as the junction of the River Vituimita with
a stream flowing down a deep ravine. Here he
encountered the army of the Panches under their
chief, Siquima. There was a fierce encounter;
but the Panches, who did not fear the horses, were
terrified by the bloodhounds, and fled to their
heights. Venegas then sent a message to Siquima
asking him for terms. The chief consented to
allow the Spaniards to pass down to the Magdalena
without further molestation.
Venegas succeeded in collecting canoes, in
which his followers crossed the Magdalena; and
he was guided by a native to a river, which .yvas
named the Venadillo because the inhabitants on its
banks had domesticated some small deer. Near
it, the Spaniards discovered the gold-washings and
diggings which were the object of the expedition.
Venegas returned to Bogotá. The next point
was to reduce the Panches; for with this warlike
tribe in the way, and always hostile, the gold-mines
would be useless.
Venegas set out with seventy men, horse and
foot; but he had to fight a desperate battle with the
Panches, in which he was certainly not the victor.
He gave up the plan of a front attack and direct
fighting, and resolved to deal with them by a
system of strategy directed to their flank and rear.
With this object he began to negotiate with cognate
tribes in and near the valley of the Magdalena.
The Panches occupied the slopes of the cordillera
for about ninety miles with a breadth of ten
or twelve, and were supposed to number 50,000
fighting-men. To the north were the Colimas—a
still fiercer race ; and to the south, the Sutagaos.
The Tocaimas, on the Magdalena and Pati, were
more peacefully inclined; but the neighbouring
tribes—Suitamas, Lachimis, and Anapuimas—
were more warlike.
Passing the Lachimis, Venegas was successful
in making an alliance with the chief of the Suitamas
named Guacana who, after taking counsel with his
old men, decided on receiving the Spaniards, and
sending them presents. Venegas then resolved to
found a city on the river Pati, the same as the
Funza, only below the magnificent Tequendama
Falls. This was in April 1544. Guacana gave his
consent, and the new city received the name of
Tocaima. The Lachimis and Anapuimas were
hostile. A combined army of Spaniards and
Suitamas marched against them, and they were
entirely defeated. Spanish influence was firmly
established along this part of the Magdalena, and
Venegas gained his object—which was to work
round the rear of the Panches, and cut them off
from their markets. Those dwellers in mountain
fastnesses were more or less dependent on the
markets for their existence. Especially, they were
unable to exist without salt, and of that necessary
of life they were entirely deprived. It was thus
that the indomitable warriors were reduced to
submission, and the skilful management of the
campaign reflects great credit on the ability and
skill with which young Venegas conducted it.
Lugo, when he fled from justice, had left a
relation, named Montalvo de Lugo, in charge of
the government of New Granada. But the Juez
de Residencia, Dr. Miguel Diaz de Armendariz,
had already arrived. He was detained on the coast
for some time, taking the residencia at Cartagena.
He therefore sent his nephew, a gallant and very
handsome young knight of Pampluna, named
Pedro de Ursua, to take charge until his arrival
at Bogotá. Ursua was well-intentioned, but too
young. He was, however, accompanied by an
experienced adviser in the person of the veteran
Captain Suarez Rondón, who Lad escaped from
Lugo at the pearl fishery. On their arrival at
Bogotá, Montalvo de Lugo was arrested and Ursua
assumed the government.
Soon afterwards Miguel Diaz Armendariz, the
Juez de Residencia, arrived at Bogotá. He was
commissioned not only to make a strict scrutiny
of previous administrations, but also to publish
the New Laws for the protection of the Indians.
The representations of Friar Bartolomé de las
Casas respecting the cruel treatment of the Indians,
which was causing a rapid diminution of the
populations in South America, at length aroused
the anxious attention of the Government of
Charles V. Several councillors of great weight
and experience advised caution, for many grants
had already been made and their revocation would
cause great discontent and probably rebellion.
But the statements of Las Casas were corroborated
by persons who returned from the Indies, on
whose truth and good faith reliance could be
placed. Many orders and decrees had been sent
out for the protection of the Indians, and had
been invariably ignored. Charles V now ordered
the New Laws to be very solemnly published and
It was of no use. The fact was that it was too
late. The harm had been done. Grants had been
made. The beasts of prey had their teeth firmly
fixed in the flesh of their victims and could not be
beaten off. In Mexico there was a statesmanlike
Viceroy who saw this. He suspended the pro-
mulgation of the New Laws until they could be
reconsidered, and they were never enforced. In
Peru, a Viceroy was sent out to enforce the New
Laws. He was devoid of judgment or tact.
The consequence was that there was a formidable
rebellion, the Viceroy was driven out of the country
which was nearly lost to Spain, and the New Laws
became a dead letter. There was a burst of furious
discontent everywhere. Yet the New Laws were
admirably framed, and the humane intentions of
the Emperor and his advisers deserve the warmest
It was enacted that the tribunals should make
it their particular care that the Indians were well
treated, and that their disputes were decided not
by ordinary law, but according to their own usages
and customs.
‘ That no Indian is to be made a slave, either
owing to being taken in war, or in rebellion, or for
ransom, or on any other pretence whatever; but
that they are to be treated as free men, and vassals
of the royal Crown of Castille.
c That no person may oblige any Indian to serve,
in any way whatever, against his will.
c That the Tribunals, without any trial, but only
on ascertaining the fact, shall set at liberty the
Indians who have been slaves, if the persons who
hold them in servitude cannot show a title to prove
that they hold them legally ; and the judges shall
appoint a suitable person to take the part of the
‘ That the Indians shall not carry loads, and if in
any part they cannot be excused, the weight is to
be moderate, and not such as to endanger life or
health ; and they are to be paid for their work, and
must do it of their own free wills.
* that no one employed by the King, nor by
monasteries, priests, or religious fraternities shall
hold Indians in encomienda, and those they hold
are to be made vassals of the Crown. If anyone
offers to resign rather than lose his Indians, it is
not to be allowed.
e All persons who hold Indians without a title,
but only by their own authority, shall give them up
as vassals of the Crown.
c As it is understood that the grants made to some
are excessive, the Judges shall reduce such grants
to an honest and moderate amount, the excess
being vested in the Crown.
‘If any Encomenderos deserve deprivation by
reason of their ill-treatment of the Indians, their
property shall be vested in the Crown.
‘For no reason or cause whatever shall any
Viceroy or Tribunal, or any other person, be em-
powered to grant Indians ; and on the death of any
person holding them, they shall be free as vassals
of the Crown. If, by reason of the services of the
deceased it seems proper to give the widow and
children a sustenance allowance, this shall be done,
by the Judges, from the tribute paid by the Indians.
6 The Judges shall take great care that the
Indians are well treated and taught the things
pertaining to our Holy Catholic Faith.
c Those who are making discoveries shall assess
the tribute to be paid by the Indians with modera-
tion, paying attention to their well-being, and
with such tribute the explorer may be helped ;
so that the Castillians shall have no power over
any Indian, nor rule over them, and this is to
be expressly stipulated in all new discoveries/
Such were, the New Laws. The object was
that the tribute, or land-tax, hitherto paid to the
Encomenderos and to an excessive amount, should
henceforth be moderate, fixed by law, and paid to
the Crown. In so far as this object was secured
the New Laws did unmixed good.
When the Judge, Armendariz, arrived in Bogotá,
he published the New Laws with great solemnity.
At once there was a howl of rage and discontent.
Procurators were nominated by the settlers to go
to Spain and petition for their revocation, especially
the clause which precluded the widow and children
from succeeding to the encomienda of the deceased.
Armendariz wisely suspended the execution of the
New Laws until the result of the mission was
Meanwhile, expeditions were undertaken and
new cities were founded. Pedro de Ursua was eager
to undertake an enterprise which would lead to
new discoveries. He was a young knight who
united an excellent education with amiability.
sweetness of temper, and proved valour. He
assembled a force of 140 men at Tunja, with Ortun
Velasco, an experienced soldier, as his lieutenant,
and in 1548 he set out, through the country of the
Laches, to explore the cordilleras to the north-east.
His expedition met with some success, and he
founded a new city, named Pampluna, after his
native place, a designation which it has retained
to the present day. Ursua was afterwards engaged,
under the Viceroy of Peru, to lead an expedition
down the great River of Amazons. The terrible
story of his murder, and of the mutiny of the
monster, Aguirre, was told in detail by the Friar
Pedro Simon in his ‘Noticias Historiales/1 but it
1 Translated and edited for the Hakluyt Society in the volume
entitled The Search for El Dorado.
x 2
does not come within the scope of the New Granada
story. Before parting from his uncle, Ursua led
an unsuccessful expedition against the fierce Musos
Indians, who were not finally subdued until many
years afterwards. Their homes were north of
the Colimas, and a valuable emerald mine was
afterwards found in their country.
The mission of the Procurators to Spain to
petition the Emperor that the New Laws might
be abrogated only met with partial success. They
succeeded in getting the clause annulled which
provided that the widow and children should not
succeed to the encomienda of a deceased husband
and father. The grant for two fives was allowed to
be re-enacted. A more important consequence of
the mission of the Procurators from New Granada
was an order respecting the government of the
country. It was enacted that the chief judicial
and executive power should be entrusted to a
royal Audiencia or High Court of Justice, consisting
of three Oidores or Judges. They were nominated
by the Emperor, and were the Licentiate Mercado,
a lawyer of great experience, and two much younger
men named Gongora and Galarza. They were to
sail for South America in 1549. They took out
an order that the royal Seal was to be received
as if it had been tbe Emperor himself. It was
to enter the city of Santa Fé de Bogotá in
procession, on a richly caparisoned horse, with a
canopy borne over it on four wands or poles carried
by magistrates on horseback.
FOR more than ten long years the illustrious
discoverer of New Granada had waited for that
justice which came at last. He had passed his
time in travelling through France and Italy, in
literary pursuits, and a good deal, no doubt, with
his parents at their home in Granada. In 1549 his
father and mother were probably dead, both his
brothers had been killed by Hghtning, his sister
was married, and the home at Granada was broken
up. He began to long for his former active life and
to re-visit the country he had discovered, though
he was now turned fifty. His application to the
Emperor was favourably considered. There was a
feeling that he had been very unjustly treated, and
perhaps some regret. Quesada was given the title
of Marshal, and afterwards of Adelantado,1 with
leave to return to New Granada, where he was to
1 Maroh 5, 1565.
receive a pension from the royal treasury at Bogotá.
But lie was given no jurisdiction. He was treated
with great respect, often consulted, sometimes
employed on important public business, but be
was never given tbe actual government of tbe
country be discovered.
Quesada arranged to go out witb tbe Judges of
tbe Audiencia. Some Franciscan and Dominican
friars were also of tbe party. Unfortunately, tbe
most experienced Judge, tbe Licentiate, Mercado,
died at Mompox on tbeir way up tbe Magdalena.
Tbe two others, Gongora and Galarza, assumed the
executive power at Bogotá in conjunction with
Armendariz. They were very young for such a
position, but were conciliatory, efficient, and
humane to the natives so far as that was compatible
with retaining the friendship of the Encomenderos,
for they were very popular. Quesada resided
chiefly at Bogotá, occasionally retiring to a country
house at Suesca. Among other public employ-
ments he went to Cartagena, at the request of
the Judges, to hold a residencia.
Several expeditions were organised by the
Audiencia in the years between 1550 and 1560.
There were two campaigns against the Musos, the
most fierce of the native tribes. In June 1550,
Andres Galarza was sent to form a settlement near
the gold-mines, and in February 1551, he founded
the city of Ibague in a charming spot near the
Magdalena and close to the silver-mine of San
Anton. Mariquita was founded, in August of the
same year, by the side of a limpid stream of cold
water flowing from the cordillera, in the midst of
lovely scenery, by Francisco Nunez Pedroso. It
is two leagues from the Magdalena. There was
also an unsuccessful expedition into the eastern
forests in search of gold, led by Juan de
When the Adelantado, Gonzalo Jimenes de
Quesada, was approaching his seventieth year,
unwarned by the failure of his brother and others,
he undertook to lead an expedition in search of
El Dorado, in the forests to the eastward, to be
equipped at his own expense. It would seem
that this wild enterprise originated from Spain,
and that the Adelantado, Quesada, had a hint that
he would receive a marquisate if he succeeded.
Francisco Aguilar contributed, and 300,000
pesos de oro were expended before the expedition
was ready to start. It consisted of 300 Spaniards,
including some women, and 1500 native porters.
Sickness attacked them very soon after entering
the forests. There were many deaths, and the
invalids were allowed to return. One serious loss
was that of the priest, Medrano, who died of fever.
He went as chronicler of the expedition, and he left
behind, in manuscript, a history of the discovery
and conquest of New Granada which formed the
base of Friar Pedro Simon’s subsequent history.
In spite of all difficulties, which to most explorers
would have been insuperable, Quesada pressed
onwards. At last only forty-five men were left,
and he allowed twenty to return. Still the intrepid
old veteran, with a small selected band, continued
his march until he reached the banks of the Guaviare
near its junction with the Orinoco. This is one of
the most remarkable journeys on record. At last
Quesada was obliged to return “unsuccessful, only
because success was impossible, coming back to
Bogotá deeply in debt. He had been absent three
years, and his age was now over seventy-two.
^ There were changes in the government of
New Granada. A judge named Montano arrived
as Juez de Residencia and arrested Armendariz,
who was sent to be tried in Spain. The accusations
against him were disproved and he was completely
exonerated. He then entered Holy orders, and
died a canon of Siguenza. The two other judges,
Gongora and Golarza, were also arrested and sent 4
for trial in Spain, by Montano, with nothing against
them except their friendship for Armendariz.
Unluckily they embarked in the same ship as Don
Pedro de Heredia, the Governor of Cartagena, and
were drowned in the shipwreck, to the grief of the
whole New Granada Colony, where they were
deservedly beloved. The Judge, Montano, with a
colleague named Briceño, ruled in New Granada
for several years. Montano was said to have been
a harsh, severe man, and he was very unpopular,
but he has the merit of having enforced what
remained of the New Laws with inflexible justice.
The Adelantado, Quesada, had written his
important work on the discovery and conquest of
New Granada before his journey in search of
El Dorado, for a licence to print it was given on
November 4, 1568. It was entitled ‘Los tres
ratos de Suesca/ because it was written during
three holidays (ratos) at his country house of Suesca.
It consisted, we are told by Simon, of three books,
but, though a licence was given, it was never
published, and the precious manuscript is lost.1
1 Don Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, in a note to his review of
Castellanos, says that the manuscript of Los tres ratos de Suesca
was in the library at Santa Fé de Bogotá, but disappeared in the
first third of the nineteenth century. In a letter of the distinguished
A few years before bis death, Quesada wrote a
report on the merits and fortunes of the fifty-three
smwiving companions who were with him at the
conquest of New Granada. It has been preserved,
and there is a copy among the Muñoz MSS.1
Quesada also wrote some sermons to be preached
on tfye festival of Our Lady.
In 1573 there was a rebellion of a coalition of
Indians in the valley of the Magdalena, under
Yuldama, chief of the Gualies. The judges, re-
quested the Adelantado, Quesada, to take command
of an expedition to restore order. The loyal old
veteran undertook the duty, and marched to
Mariquita with seventy men. He surprised the
insurgent chief, who died fighting, and the rebellion
was quelled. This was the last service of the
As age advanced, Quesada was attacked by some
cutaneous disease, and he went to Tocaima to be
near the sulphur-baths, where he lived for several
Argentine Aurelio Prado y Rojas, dated Madrid, August 30, 1878,
it is stated that in an excursion he made into the north of Spain
he met a Señor de Salamanca, who said that he possessed a MS. of
Quesada and wished to publish it, but that he had not the means.
Don Aurelio died soon after he wrote the letter. The MS. is believed
to be the Tres Ratos, which may still exist.
See Appendix II.
years. Towards the end, he removed to Mariquita l’
where, surrounded by lovely scenery, he died on
February 16, 1579, aged eighty. He left no
children, and his brothers were also childless. His
representatives and heirs were the descendants of
his sister, two families named Oruña and Berrio.
The body of the illustrious discoverer was removed
to Bogotá in 1597, and buried in the cathedral.
The standard of the conquest was placed over his
tomb, and every year it was taken in procession
on August 6, the day on which Quesada founded
the city.
Gonzalo Jimenes de Quesada, the illustrious
discoverer of New Granada, was no ordinary man.
He left Spain at the age of thirty, after having
received a good education, acquired legal know-
ledge, and been imbued with literary tastes. Yet
the Adelantado, de Lugo, saw in this young lawyer,
or thought he saw, a leader of men, a resolute and
courageous captain, and an able administrator
endowed with foresight and the other qualities
needed for a commander in a difficult enterprise.
1 Mariquita was the botanical headquarters of Dr. Mutis. Here
he instructed draughtsmen, made collections, and completed a portion
of his large collection of plants. He resided at Mariquita for seven
years (1783-1790). His collection consisted of 24,000 dried plants
and 5000 drawings of plants by his eight pupils.
The Adelantado was right. Quesada turned out
to be endowed with more indomitable resolution,
and greater moral courage, than any of the military
captains. He showed this when, at the turning-
point, he stood firm, but alone, against retreat.
He showed it still more when, in his old age, he
made that wonderful journey through the forests.
He was naturally humane both in his own character
and from policy, though he was responsible for one
atrocious act of perfidy and cruelty. That he
yielded to the violence and greedy avarice of others,
unwillingly, cannot be accepted as an excuse.
Momentary weakness cannot palliate such a crime.
Quesada was a very able administrator, as well
as a born leader of men. In adversity and disap-
pointment he was dignified and resigned. Always
ready to serve his country, ever loyal and zealous,
he remained in harness until after his seventy-
fourth year, and died at a good old age, respected
and revered. He takes his place in the first rank
among the great men who gave the Indies to the
Spanish Crown, greater than Pizarro, greater in
some respects than Cortes.
With the death of Quesada, the story is com-
pleted. The kingdom of New Granada continued
to be ruled by the Presidents of the Audiencia or
High Court of Justice until, towards the end of the
eighteenth century, New Granada was raised to a
Viceroyalty. That the government was a bad
one, as regards the natives, is proved by the rapid
diminution of the population. In Ibaque there
were 18,000 natives at the time of the conquest;
in 1610 only 600 ! In Mariquita the population was
30,000 when the Spaniards arrived ; in the seven-
teenth century 2000 ! It was the same throughout.
The Chibcha language had quite ceased to be
spoken in the beginning of the eighteenth century.
Yet a native race of pure white descent was
rising up in New Granada which was destined to
found another civilisation in the land which had
witnessed the destruction of that of the Chibchas.
Many families of that race can trace descent from
the first settlers. From generation to generation
that race, though hampered by Spanish monopolies,
continued to develop liberal sentiments, feelings
of humanity, desire for knowledge, and love of
literature and science. By the latter half of the
eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries
there was a distinct development of those traits
of character in that kingdom of New Granada.
Let us take one example out of several. It will
be remembered that the city of Antioquia was
founded by tbe unfortunate Robledo. It bas not
been often visited by travellers since. Humboldt
was never there, nor Captain Cochrane, nor Molliens,
nor Holton. Yet here we find the inhabitants
making progress in literature and the arts. One
distinguished citizen of Antioquia, in those days,
was José Manuel Restrepo 1 who, in 1809, wrote a
very* able account of his native province. Up to
that time this rich and fertile region was entirely
unknown to geographers. No astronomical or
other observations had ever been taken in it, and
its rivers and other features were either not marked
at all or put down in false positions on the maps.
Restrepo surveyed his native province and con-
structed the first map in 1807.2 He triangulated
the whole province, corrected his bearings by sun’s
azimuths, took meridian altitudes of stars for his
latitudes, and deeply regretted that he had no
instrument to enable him to fix his longitudes
by observing the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites.
Restrepo also wrote a detailed description of tbe
valley of the Cauca.3
When Don José Celestino Mutis was employed
by King Charles III. of Spain on a botanical
1 Born at Envigado (Antioquia) in 1782 ; died at Bogotá 1864.
2 Now in the Map-room of the Royal Geographical Society.
3 Semanario de la Nueva Granada, pp. 194r-228.
mission to New Granada, lie found that Eestrepo.
did not stand alone, and that there was the same
talent, the same desire for knowledge, and the same
zeal for the cause of science in Bogotá as in Antio-
quia. Caldas,1 the leading man of science in those
days at Bogotá, was the friend of Mutis. That
eminent botanist undoubtedly gave a spur to
scientific inquiry among the rising genei&tion
of that time in New Granada. Caldas, after a
most valuable career, during which he promoted
and advanced civilisation, enlightenment, and
progress, finally met with a patriot’s death. Fran-
cisco Antonio Zea, born in 1770, was another
eminent Colombian, a diplomatist and statesman,
as well as a botanist.
Restrepo, Zea, and Caldas have had numerous
and very able successors down to the present day.
To mention one example, when the precious
drawings of Chinchona plants of many species, by
the hands of Mutis and his pupils, were rescued
from a tool house in the Botanical Garden at
Madrid, it was a Colombian, Done José Triana, a
distinguished botanist and a high authority on the
1 Francisco José Caldas was born at Popayán in 1776. Friend
of Mutis and Humboldt. He fixed positions by astronomical
observations, and drew maps and plans. He edited the Semanario
de la Nueva Granada. Shot by order of Murillo in 1816.
^genus Melastomacece, who was found to be tbe best
editor of tbe work containing tbe drawings of
Mutis. Nor bave tbe writers on tbe early civibsation
of tbe Chibchas, and on the conquest been less
distinguished. It is only necessary to mention the
names of Acosta and of Uricoechea among others.1
The civibsation of the Chibchas has passed away,
but ft ought not to be forgotten. It is succeeded
by that of an enlightened and progressive race—
the people of the Republic of Colombia.
1 Such as Don José Antonio de Plaza, the author of Memorias
para la Historia de la Nueva Granada, desde su descubrimiento
hasta el 20 de Julio de 1810 (1850); Josó M. Vergara y Vergara’s
chronological Quadro of the rulers of the country; Don Liborio
Zerde’s El Dorado; Uribe-Angel on the geography of Antioquia;
several memoirs by Calcedo-Rojas Quijano Otero, Vicente Restrepo,
Posada, and Ibañez, on the early history of Now Granada and on
national history.
THE Muyscas 2 counted by the fingers. They only have
special words for the first ten numerals and for twenty:
1, Ata; 2, Bosa; 3, Mica; 4, Muyhica; 5, Hisca;
6, Ta; 7, Cuhwpcua; 8, Suhuza; 9, Aca; 10, Ubchihica;
20, Gueta. On finishing the fingers they turned to the
toes, repeating the same words with Quihicha placed
before them, which means a toe.
Gueta means a house and sown field—a homestead.
On reaching twenty, they turned to count another twenty,
uniting with the first, until they reached twenty of twenty.
Just as the mathematicians have given the circle 360
degrees for the facility with which that number can be
sub-divided into others to make any calculation, so they
divided their numerals into four parts grouped in fives.
So that their most privileged numbers were 5, 10, 15, 20,
and these served to regulate all their transactions.
The moon was the object of their observations and
their worship. This star, which was ever before their
eyes, gave them the model of their houses, temples, work—
in a word, of all their affairs. They fixed a pole in the
1 Omitting a long account of the sacrificial ceremonies.
2 Muysca was the name given by the Spaniards to the Chibchas.
It means ‘ a man ‘ in the Chibcha language.
195 o 2
ground as a centre and traced a circle round it with a cord,.
This pole and cord, if the characters and symbols described
in the table are considered, will be recognised as the principal
elements by which they are formed. The different mean-
ings which these numerals have in their language, all have
reference to the phases of the moon, the work of sowing, the
superstitions of their idolatry, and so lead us directly to the
formation of their calendar.
The Muyscas had these symbols at hand mentally just
as musicians have the signs of the system of Aretino.
Thus, by merely a turn of the fingers, they knew the state
of the moon and the rulings of their affairs and their crops.
The year consisted of twenty moons, and the cycle of
twenty years. They began to count the year from the
opposition, and full moon was figured by Ubchihica (10)—
meaning, brilliant moon; then, counting seven days from
that point, beginning with Ata, which follows Ubchihica,
finding the quadrature in Cuhupcua (7), counting seven
from there they found the next immersion of the moon in
Muyhica (4), which means something black, and the day
following the conjunction, symbolised in Hisca (5), was in
their conception a union of the moon with the sun, repre-
senting the nuptials of the two stars, the main dogma of
their belief. Counting eight days they reached the other
quadrature in Mica which means varyings, to indicate he
continual phases or variations. The first aspect of the first
phase they symbolised by Cuhupcua (7), and as the quad-
rature falls in this symbol, they gave it two ears, and called
it deaf, for reasons connected with their superstitions.
The same symbols served for counting the years, and
contained a general system for the order of sowing.
Ata (1) and Aca (9) represent the waters, by a toad.
The more frequent crouching of that animal serves as a
sign that the time for sowing is at hand.
” Bosa is a sowing round the principal sowing, to protect
the central part from harm.
Mica (to seek, to choose small things), means the selec-
tion of seeds for sowing.
Muyliica: anything black. It symbolises a time of rain
and gloom. Its root means the growth of plants, the
crops increasing from the benefit of irrigation.
Hisca : anything green. The rains have made the fields
beautiful and pleasant. The plants growing give hopes
of fruit.
Ta, the sixth month of sowing, corresponds to harvest.
Cuhwpcua: their granaries have the shape of a shell
or a ear.
Cuhutana, which has the same root, means the corners
in the house where the grain is kept—the granary.
Suhuza—the tail—meaning the end of the work from
sowing to harvest. (Allusion to the pole on their causeway,
where the solemnities took place on the completion of the
Ubchihica may refer to their feasts.
Gueta (homestead), symbolised by a toad displayed, an
emblem among them of felicity.
The Indians looked upon these symbols as so many
oracles. They taught their sons with tenacity this doctrine
of their elders, and, not content with these precautions to
preserve the rule of the year, they marked it by the blood
of many victims.
They never used the word zocam, a year, without the
corresponding number as zocam ata, zocam bosa. The same
rule prevailed with the word suna, a causeway, where the
sacrifices were made at sowing and harvest: suna ata, suna
bosa (the causeway, two causeways). In this way the
localities were like a book for registering the calculations.
Twenty months made a year. These ended, they
counted another twenty, and so on, turning in a continual
circle until they reached twenty of the twenties. The
intercalation of a month, which it is necessary to make ‘
after the thirty-sixth month, to make the lunar correspond
with the solar year, was arranged with the greatest facility.
For, as they had the whole calendar in their hands, they
sowed two sowings running with a sign in the middle, and
the third sowing with two signs.
Distributing the signs on the fingers, this finger ^tablet
will give us all the combinations. We will suppose that
Ata, which is the first finger, corresponds with January
and that it is a month proper for sowing. Running on
the fingers the second sowing corresponds with Mica,
skipping Bosa which is between Ata and Mica. Therefore
this sowing falls on the thirteenth month with respect
to Ata.
Carrying on the fingers from Mica, the sowing falls in
Hisca, skipping Muyhica which is between Mica and
Hisca, so that the sowing is placed in the thirteenth
month with respect to Mica.
Carrying on the finger from Hisca the sowing will be in
Suhuza, passing over two signs Ta and Cuhwpcua, which are
between’ Hisca and Suhuza. This is in the fourteenth month
with respect to hisca.
The month Cuhwpcua (which in their language means
deaf) is the one that is intercalated, because it is the
seventeenth of the second muycsa year whose number,
added to the twenty months of the first year, makes thirty-
seven, and so the lunar and solar years become equal, and
Suhuza becomes a true January.
This intercalation, which was continually verified,
letting the thirty-seventh month pass as deaf, makes us
perceive. that between the two ordinary years, each of
twenty months, there was another occult astronomical
* year of thirty-seven months, so that the thirty-eighth
month would be a true January. The Indians, without
understanding the theory of this proposition of the month
that must be added at the end of each three lunar years,
being the twelfth before the twelve months and the third
of the thirteenth, yet possessed a high faculty for the
practice of their intercalation, following the established
method, and in that way maintaining the astronomical
year without the common people noticing any difference
in tfieir vulgar years, each of twenty months.
The vulgar year of twenty months served for truces in
war (as appears in their history), for buying and selling, and
other ordinary business. But the astronomical intercalated
year of thirty-seven months, covering three sowings, was
used mainly for agriculture and for religion. Thus the
elders and priests made their calculations in much detail,
noting the epochs for special sacrifices, graving them on
stones by means of symbols and figures, as is seen on a
pentagon which I have in my possession, and will explain
at the end of this paper.
The cycle of the Muyscas of twenty intercalary years of
thirty-seven months each, corresponding to sixty of our
years, was composed of four revolutions counted by five
and five, each one consisting of ten years of the Muyscas
and five of ours, until twenty is completed, when the sign
Ata returns to the place where it began. The first revolu-
tion closes in Hisca, second in ubchihica, third in Quihicha,
and the fourth in Gueta.
An understanding of these calculations is necessary for
the comprehension of ancient history, and deciphering of
symbols and figures, for without that they cannot be under-
stood. We have therefore thought it indispensable to
make a Muysca chronological table, by which all the
economy of their cycle may easily be perceived.
The week was of three days, and marked by a market •
on the first day at Turmeque.
They divided the day sua and the night za. From
dawn to noon suamena, noon to twilight suameca, twilight
to midnight zasca, and midnight to dawn cagui.
Ata had for a symbol a toad in the act of jumping, to
denote the opening of the year.
Aca, another toad from whose tail another begins to form.
Gueta a toad displayed, meaning abundance and felicity.
To other numbers human features were given.
Bosa, represented by nostrils.
Mica, two eyes open.
Muyhica, two eyes closed,
Cuhwpcua, two ears.
ubchihica, one ear.
Ta, suhuza, the pole and cord.
Hisca, union of two figures.
We have seen the Muy sea calendar on the fingers.
They also engraved it on stones by means of symbolical
figures. I have in my possession one which expresses
this, according to my way of thinking. The toad is cer-
tainly the symbol of the first month of the year and cycle.
The Indians depicted it in various ways. The act of
jumping is the first sign Ata, and so it is found engraved on
various stones; on others with a tail, which denotes
Quihicha Ata, or the number twelve. I have observed
several stones showing the toad without feet, which means
On the pentagonal stone a is a toad in the act of jump-
ing, b is a kind of finger denoted by three thick lines, c the
same but placed outside the central position of the others,
d is another preserving the central position, e is the body of
a toad with a tail but without feet, / is a small snake, g is
a circle.
On this stone the first revolution of the Muysca cycle
is symbolised, which commences with Ata and ends with
Hisca, including nine years and five months of the Muysca
a—The toad in the act of jumping means the beginning
of the year and cycle.
b—A sort of finger with three notches means three years.
c is omitted, being out of the central position.
d—Another three years which, added to those in 6,
make six.
This denoted the intercalation of Quihicha Ata, which
occurs exactly at the sixth Muysca year, as will be seen
in the table.
e is the body of a toad with a tail, but without feet;
symbol of Quihicha Ata, and the absence of feet is proper
for expressing the intercalation—not being counted, it is
imagined without feet or movement.
/—A small snake, the sign of Suhuza, the month which
is intercalated after Quihicha Ata; two years indicated by
two fines on the back.
g is a closed temple.1
The three circles are thus explained : the inner one
represents the twenty months of the vulgar year; the
second expresses the years corresponding to the intercala-
tion of each sign ; the outer circle shows the order of the
To find, for example, in what year the sign Mica inter-
calates.—Look for 3 in the inner circle; 2 will be found
to correspond in the second,3 which is the year sought for.
On the outer circle is the number 19, showing that the
intercalation of Mica is in the nineteenth of the cycle.
1 The references for the second figure are not given.
2 56 (?).
Memoir of the conquerors and discoverers who entered with
me to discover and conqwer this new kingdom of Granada.
SOME are dead, and these are the majority. Others are in
Spain who have been here, but who have returned home.
Others have gone to other parts of the Indies. Others
remained in this kingdom, but have died during the subse-
quent thirty years. So that at the time that this Memoir
is being written only fifty-three survive, whose names will
be recorded here, and it is to be understood that they are
named in the order of the value of their labours and services
in the discovery and conquest of this kingdom—that is,
those who are still alive. Also the rewards for services will
be found here which each has received, and what else is
needed to complete this memoir, very briefly stated;
so that when some of them arrive in Spain, seeking rewards
for services, it will only be necessary to refer to this memoir
to see who are among the first, and whether or not the
reward that is deserved has been given.
1. The Captain, Juan de Céspedes, one of those who is
still living, is one of those who did most work and rendered
the most valuable services in this discovery and conquest,
He was one of the eight captains who entered with me into
this kingdom. He has merit. He possesses three reparti-
mientos in this city of Santa Fé, in which there are 1500
Indians, more or less. They are called the repartimientos of
Ubaque, Caqueza, and TJbatoque. He is well provided for
in this kingdom.
2. The Captain, Antonio de Olalla, Uves and has provision
in this city of Santa Fé. He did not enter this kingdom
with me, but came afterwards and served under me as an
ensign of infantry. He has 800 or 1000 Indians in a good
repartimiento called Bogotá, and thus is well provided for in
this country and is a man of merit.
3. Juan Valenciano,1 though he did not enter this
kingdom with me as a captain, but only as a corporal, he
worked and served well in this discovery. He had some
repartimientos, but owing to lawsuits, or in other ways, they
have been taken from him by those who have governed,
also by reason of absences and journeys he has made,
among them one to Jerusalem. So that he now has not
any repartimiento nor provision. He deserves some reward,
and has merit.
4. Captain Gonzalo Suarez is a man of merit. He entered
this kingdom with me as a captain, being one of the eight
with that rank. He lives and has property in the city of
Tunja, consisting of three repartimientos, with 3000 Indians.
They are called Icabuco, Tibaná, and Guaneca. He is very
well provided for.
5. Captain Antonio Cardoso has merit, though he was not
one of the eight captains who entered with me2 ; but he had
been a captain before the discovery. He lives at Santa
Fé, and is well provided for by a repartimiento called Suba
and Tuna, with 900 or 1000 Indians.
1 Not in the earlier list.
2 Cardoso \ras one of Quesada’s eight captains. There is a
mistake here.
6. Captain Gonzalo Garcia Zorro 1 has merit. Though
he did not enter with me as captain he came with me as a
cornet of horse. He is reasonably well provided for by a
repartimiento in the city of Santa Fé called Fusagasugá with
about 500 Indians.
7. Captain Hernán Venegas 2 did not enter with me as
a captain, but only as a cavalry soldier. Those who have
governed here have since made him a captain, and he has
merit. He lives at Santa Fé and is very well provided for
by a principal repartimiento called Guatavita, with about
2000 Indians.
8, 9. Juan de Ortega and Francisco de Figueredo are
two men who my conscience will not allow me to put either
of them first, so I put them equal. Juan de Ortega lives
in the city of Santa Fé, is a rich man and has some merit.
He came in the cavalry. He is less than moderately
provided for. He has one repartimiento called Capaquira
and another called Pacho, with 300 or 400 Indians, more or
less. Francisco de Figueredo came as a cavalry soldier,
and also has some merit. He has a repartimiento in this city
of Santa Fé, where he lives, though not a large one, called
Cipacon, with 200 or 300 Indians, a little more or less.
10. Captain Salguero did not come as a captain, but only
as a cavalry soldier. He has some merit and lives at Tunja,
where he only has a moderate provision consisting of three
little villages, one called Vra; but I do not remember the
names of the others. He may have 200 Indians, more or less.
11. Captain Juan Tafur entered with me, not as a
1 Not in the earlier list.
2 He received the title of Marshal, and was the only founder of
Santa Fó de Bogotá, except Quesada, who received a grant of
arms. In 1669 he married Doña Juana Ponce de Leon, great-
great-grand-daughter of the Duke of Cadiz: Marshal Venegas
died in February 1583, and was buried in the cathedral of Bogotá.
captain, but only as a cavalry soldier. He is a man of
merit, but is very poor because the repartimiento of Pasca
was taken from him by Montalvo de Lugo, owing to a
sentence of the Royal Council of the Indies.
12, 13. Gomez de Cifuentes and Domingo de Aguirre,1
are another couple whose services I consider to be equal.
I put Cifuentes first by chance. He is a man of moderate
merit, hving at Tunja, where he is moderately provided for,
and even more than reasonably. He has a repartimiento
called Paypa with 700 or 800 Indians. Domingo de
Aguirre, as well as regards services and other things, holds
the same place as Cifuentes. He lives in Tunja and has a
repartimiento in Sogamoso, with about the same number of
Indians as the other, and so is reasonably well provided for.
14. Bartolomé Camocho 1 fives in Tunja, and is provided
for by a small repartimiento.
15. Andres de Molina fives in Santa Fé. He has merit
and is well provided for, both as regards wealth and Indians,
for he has a very good repartimiento called Choconta.
16. Diego Romero lives in Santa Fé and is well off, for
he has two repartimientos, one called Une, which is a good
property, and another, the one with 400 Indians, and the
other with 150.
17. Paredes Calderón lives at Tunja, a man with some
merit and well off. For his repartimento called Somondoco
is rich, and includes 300 Indians.
18. Juan de Quincoces 1 is a person of merit who is rich
in land and in Indians. He fives in Tunja and has three
towns which, though small, are very profitable.
19. Miguel Sanchez is a man of some merit and is well off,
living at Tunja. He has a very fair property consisting of
two repartimientos, one reasonable,and the other very good,
called Onzaga.
1 Not in the earlier list.
20. Pedro Rodriguez de Carrion is a person of merit and
is rich. He lives at Tunja and has a repartimiento of 300
21. Diego Montañez has merit and is well provided for
by a large repartimiento with 500 Indians. He lives at
22. Francisco de Mestanza lives at Santa Fé, but has
no property. He was despoiled of a repartimiento called
Cajica by the Audiencia, and it is now Crown property. It
was i£>und that he had treated the Indians badly.
23. Francisco Gomez 1 lives at Santa Fé. He has merit
and is well provided for. His two repartimientos are called
Tibacuy and Cueca, good and profitable, with 400 Indians.
24. Anton Rodriguez Cazalla 1 lives at Tunja. He has
few Indians and is badly off.
25. Juan del Olmos lives at Santa Fé. He is only
moderately meritorious, and but moderately well off.
For though he has three repartimientos called Nemocon,
Tasgala, and Tivito, with 400 Indians, they are not very
good, nor are they very bad as regards profit.
26. Pero Ruiz Herrezuelo lives in Tunja. He is moder-
ately meritorious. He has two repartimientos, one with
200, the other called Pangúela with the same number of
27. Alonso Gomez Sequillo 1 lives at Velez. He is very
badly provided for, having few Indians though formerly
he had much more.
28. Roa lives in Tunja. He has some merit, and is
well off with a repartimiento called Tensa.
29. Pero Gomez 1 lives at Pamplona and is well provided
for there, having sold his property at Velez wherehe formerly
30. Juan Sanchez de Toledo 1 is moderately well off at
1 Not in the earlier list.
Santa Fé where he resides. He has no repartimiento
because he sold the one he had called Gachancipá, went to
Spain, and returned.
31. Juan de Montalvo lives at Santa Fé. He has no
repartimiento, because he sold the one he had. [He was
the last survivor and died in 1591.]
32. Ramirez lives at Tocayma, but is not well off, his
repartimiento being small.
33. Francisco Rodriguez lives at Tunja and has merit,
but is less than moderately well off, having only one village
called Sora, with 200 to 300 Indians.
34. Monrroy lives in Los Remedios, and had no pro-
vision, but the President has recently given him a small
35. Macias lives in Tunja, and had more than he has
now, having given much away as dowries for his daughters.
36. Antonio de Castro has some merit, and lives at
Tunja. He is well provided for by two repartimientos, one
called Tinjaca, the other Cerinza, with 700 Indians in one,
200 in the other. He bought the latter from another
37. Juan Rodriguez Parra lives at Tunja. He has
some merit and is well off with repartimientos called
Chicamocha and Tequia.
38. Solazar lives in Velez and is badly off.
39. Antonio Bermudez bves at Santa Fé. With a
moderate share of merit he is badly off, he sold his reparti-
mientos of Ubaté, Suta, and Tausa, spent the money except
enough to buy another small repartimiento with 200 Indians
called Chivachi.
40. Juan Rodriguez Gil lives in Tunja and is very
well off.
41. Castil Blanco lives in Velez and has no Indians
because he has sold them. [Came with Federman.]
42. Juan Alonso has Indians in Velez where he lives.
43. Ledesma lives in Velez. I believe he has sold what
he had.
44. Juan Lopez Eves at Tunja. He has some merit
and a profitable repartimiento with 500 Indians called
45. Juan Gomez lives at Santa Fé and has a reparti-
miento with 200 or 300 Indians called XJsme.
46. Monteagudo lives at Tunja. He is fairly well off,
witk two repartimientos.
47. Pero Rodriguez de Leon also lives at Tunja with a
good repartimiento.
48. Pedro Sotelo has no repartimiento. He sold one
that was given to him in Marquita.
49. Manchado Uves in Tunja. He has no provision and
is poor and infirm. He is blind from a wound.
50. Diego de Torres hves in Pampluma and has a small
repartimiento, being very badly off.
51. Pedro de Madrid hves at Tunja and has a very
profitable repartimiento with 600 Indians.
52. Juan de Salamanca Hves at Tunja. He has one
small repartimiento, having sold another called Sutatasco.
Besides these first discoverers and conquerors of this
kingdom, there were others who were second, third, fourth,
fifth, and sixth, and who were employed in the risings and
rebellions of the natives, but to treat of them would be
endless, so I do not attempt it.
July 5, 1576.
(IP.)—Came with Federman. (B.)—Came with Belalcazar.
Places granted in encomienda, from a list of Encomenderos
compiled by Colonel Acosta from the various chronicles.
BOGOTA.—Antonio de Olalla (see SANTA FÉ).
BOYACA.—Hernondo de Alcocer.
BONSA.—Pedro Nunez Cabrera.
CHIA.—Cristoval de San Miguel (Royal Treasurer).
CHIBATA.—Pedro Bravo de Rivera.
CHINGA (in SANTA FÉ).—Cristoval de Toro.
CHÍTALAS AL.—Pedro Rodriguez de Salamanca.
CHOACHI.—Antonio Bermudez (but went to Carthagena).
CHOCONTÁ.—Andres Vasquez de Molina.
CHUSBITA and SAGEA (which see).
CUITIBA.—Pedro Lopez de Monteagudo.
CUNXTBA (in TUNJA).—Diego de Paredes Calvo.^
COTA.—Francisco de Tordehumos.
DUITAMA.—Baltazar Maldonado.
EUGATISA.—Diego Romero.
FACATATIVÁ.—Alonso de Olalla (F.), who made the wonderful
leap at Simijaca.
FURAQUIRA.—Juan de Quincoces de Liana.
GAMEZA.—Ortun Ortiz.
GUACAMAYA (in TUNJA).—Francisco de Monsalvo.
• GTJACHETA.—Hernán Venegas, Ensign, then Captain, finally
GUATAVITA.—Hernán Venegas.
IBAGUE.—Domingo Lozano (E.): founded Buga ; old soldier at
sack of Rome.
ICABUCO.—Gonzalo Suarez Rondón.*
IGUAQUE (in TUNJA). Pedro Rodriguez Carrion de los Rios
y Mantilla,
MACHETA (see TIBIRITA).—Juan de Rivera.
MESVA.—Francisco de Céspedes; (also SUAQUE and TUNJAQUE).
MONGUA.—Francisco Solguero.
NEMOCON.—Juan de Olmos; (and PACHO).
OCAVITA.—Mateo Sanchez Cogolludo.
ONZAGA.—Miguel Sanchez.
PANCHES.—Cristoval de Miranda. CHILAGUA.—Antonio
PANQUEBA.—Pedro Ruiz Herrezuelo.
PASCA.—Francisco de Mestanza.
PESCA.—Captain Juan de Madrid and Juan Tapur.
SACHICA.—Juan Lopez.
SAGRA.—Pedro Rodriguez de Leon.
SESQUIBE.—Cristoval Bernal.
SERREZUELA.—Alfonso Diaz (came late).
SIQUIMA.—Pedro de Miranda; (and TOCAREMA).
SOBACHOQUE.—Juan de Guemes.
SOMONDOCO.—Diego Paredes Calderón.
SORA.—Francisco Arias Maldonado.
SORACA.—Francisco Rodriguez.
SOTAQUIRA.—Diego Suarez Montonez.
F 2
Gonzalo Garcia Sorro.
Francisco Gomez de Feria.
Juan de Torres (Q.).
Cristoval Ruiz.
Domingo Ladrón de Guevara (F.).
I Mateo Sanchez Rey.
SUBA.—Antonio Diaz Cardoso.
fHernán Gomez Castillejo.
\ Cristoval Rodriguez.
S USA.—Luis Lanchero (F.).
SUTATENZA.—Cristoval de Roa.
TABIO.—Cristoval Gomez Nieto (F.).
TEUSACA.—Gaspar Méndez.
TIBIRITA.—Cristobal Arias de Monroy ; (and MACHETA),
TINJACA.—Juan de Avendaño (B.).
TOCANCIPA.—Hernando de Velasco Ángulo.
(Hernando del Prado.
Lorenzo Vilaspasas (F.).
Pedro de Molina (F.).
Juan Diaz Hidalgo (B.).
TOACA (in TUNJA).—Anton de Esquivel (B.).
TOPAIPI (in LA PALMA).—Pedro de Acebo Sotelo (Secretary
to the General).
TUNA.—Antonia Diaz Cardoso.
TURMEQUÉ (in TUNJA).—Juan Torres Contreras.
f Estevan de Albarracin.
Francisco Nuríez Pedroso (founder of Mariquita).
Francisco Ruiz.
Gomez de Cifuentes.
Martin Hernandez de las Islas.
Miguel de Patarroyo.
Pedro Yañez.
Pedro de Duza de Madrid.
^ Juan de Yillanueva (F.).
TURA (in VELEZ).—Luis Hernandez.
•UBAQUE.— Juan de Céspedes,* captain of cavalry.
UBATE.—Diego Rodriguez de Valderas (P.).
USMA.—Juan Oomez Portillo.
VELEZ.—Miguel Seco Moyano.
VIRACACHA.—Erancisco Martinez.
ZIPACOA.—Francisco de Figueredo.
ZIPAQUIRÁ.-—• Juan de Ortego (The Good).
*—Came with Quesada. (Q.)—In Quesada’s Report. (B.)—Carne
with Belalcazar. (F.)—Came with Federman.
Albarracin, Estevan de
Alcocer, Hernando de
Ángulo, Hernán Velasco
Avendaño Juan de (B.)
Bermudez, Antonio (Q.)
Bernal, Cristoval
Cabrera, Pedro Nunez
Calderón, Diego Paredes (Q.)
Calvo, Diego de Paredes
Cardoso, Antonio Diaz (Q.)
Carrion, Pedro Rodriguez
Mantilla (Q.)
Castillejo, Hernán Gomez .
Céspedes, Francisco de* (Q.)
Céspedes, Juan de
Cifuentes, Gomez de (Q.)
Cogolludo, Mateo Sanchez .
Contreras, Juan Diaz .
Diaz, Alfonso
Esquivel, Anton de (B.)
los RÍOS
Faria, Francisco Gomez de.
Figueredo, Francisco de (Q.)
Guemes, Juan de
Guevara, Domingo Ladrón de .
Hidalgo, Juan Diaz
Hernandez de las Islas, Martin Luis
Hernandez, Luis
Herrezuelo, Pedro Ruiz (Q.)
Lanchero, Luis (F.) .
Llana, Juan de Quiñones de
Lopez, Juan (Q.)
Leon, Pedro Rodriguez de (G.) ,
Lozano, Domingo (F.)
Madrid, Juan de
Madrid, Pedro Diego de (Madrid Pedro de
Daza (Q.) ….
Maldonado, Francisco Arias (B.).
Maldonado, Baltazar .
Martinez, Antonio
Martinez, Francisco .
Méndez, Gaspar
Mestanza, Francisco de
Miranda, Cristoval de
Miranda, Pedro de .
Molina, Andres Vasquez de (Q.) .
Molina, Pedro de
Monroy, Cristoval Arias de (Q.) .
Monsalve, Francisco de
Monteagudo, Pedro Lopez de (Q.)
Montonez, Diego Suarez (Q.)
Moyano, Miguel Seco
.Nieto, Cristoval Gomez (F.)
Nuñez, Pedro Francisco
Olalla, Antonio de (Q.)
Olalla, Alfonso de (F.)
Olmos, Juan de (Q.) .
Ortego, Juan de (Q.) .
Ortiz, Ortun
Patarroyo, Miguel de .
Pedroso, Francisco Nunez
Portillo, Juan Gomez .
Prado, Hernando de .
Rey, Mateo Sanchez .
Rivera, Juan de
Rivera, Pedro Bravo de
Roa, Cristoval de (Q.)
Rodriguez, Francisco (Q.)
Rodriguez, Cristoval .
Romero, Diego (Q.)
Ruiz, Francisco .
Ruiz, Cristoval
Salamanca, Pedro Rodriguez de (Q.)
Sanchez, Miguel (Q.) .
San Miguel, Cristoval de
Solguero, Francisco (Q.)
Sorro, Gonzalo Garcia
Sotelo, Pedro de Acebo (Q.)
Suarez Rondón Gonzalo* (Q.)
* Original captains under Quesada : Juan de Céspedes; Juan
de Junco (returned to San Domingo); Gonzalo Suarez de Rondón ;
Juan de San Martin (returned to Spain); Lázaro Fonte (died
in Quito); Pedro Fernandez Valenzuela (went home to Cordova,
became a priest); Antonio de Lebrija (died childless); Juan de
Montalvo (oldest soldier, died 1597).
Tapur, Juan (Q.)…..PESCA.
Tordehumos, Erancisco de . . . . COTA.
Torres, Juan de……SANTA FÉ.
Toro, Cristoval de …. CHINGA»
Valderas, Diego Rodriguez de (F.) . . UBATE.
Venegas, Hernán (Q.) ….
Vilaspasas, Lorenzo (F.) …. TOCAIMA.
Villanueva, Juan de (F.) …. TUNJA.
Yañez, Pedro……TUNJA. •
DON CARLOS and Dona Juana &c. With regard to you,
the Licentiate Gonzalo Jimenes, who had been Lieutenant
of the Governor of the new kingdom of Granada, which is
in our Indies of the Ocean Sea, we have been informed that,
about twelve years ago, you went to the Indies with the
desire of serving us. Being in the province of Santa
Martha you went, by order of Don Pedro Hernando de
Lugo, Governor of that Province, as his Lieutenant-General
for his expedition of discovery up the great river. You took
with you 500 men and 90 horses, eight of them being your
own, which you took for our service in that expedition,
with many other things. With great difficulty and labour
you succeeded in finding the entrance to that mainland.
To do this it was necessary first to take certain Indian
towns. Having found the entrance you ascended the river
with certain brigantines, and the further you ascended the
less food you found for your people, the Indians becoming
more warlike. Yet you continued to prosecute your
voyage until you came to a place called La Tora, and from
there you went on until you reached the said kingdom of
New Granada, enduring on the way much labour and many
infirmities, all for our service. Arriving in the kingdom
of New Granada with your followers, who were few, for
most of them had died on the road, you conquered and.
subdued the natives, and put them all under our yoke and
royal lordship, whence our fifths consisted of great quanti-
ties of gold, silver, and emeralds, being in addition to what
we always received previously, from the said land. In the
encounters, skirmishes, and fights which continually took
place with the said Indians, you were ever the first, and in
all this you served us as a good and loyal vassal, passing
through much labour, hardship, and want, as appears from
a report which you have made and presented to us in^our
Council of the Indies. In it you pray that, in reward for
these services, you and they may be kept in perpetual
memory. We have therefore ordered that you shall be
given the following shield of arms. Parted per fess in
chief gules a Hon or with a naked sword in its fore-paw,
in memory of the bravery and resolution you showed in
ascending the river in the face of such hardships, and in
discovering and subduing the said new kingdom. In base
or a mount proper over waters of the sea azure and argent,
semée of emeralds vert, in memory of the emerald mines
which you discovered in the said new kingdom, and at the
foot and on the top of the mount some trees vert. On a
bordure azure four suns or, and gules four moons argent.
Crest on a closed helmet with a baldrequin azure and or,
a lion or with a naked sword in his fore-paw, and eagles’
wings issuing from the helmet.1
Given at Madrid on the 21st of May, 1546.
1 Nobiliario de Conquistadores de Indias (le publica la Sociedad
de Bibliófilos Españoles), por el Señor Dr. Don A. Paz y Melia.
(Madrid, 1892).
ABIBE, Sierra de, 87; crossed by
Cesar, 87 ; by Vadillo, 97 ; by
Robledo, 102
ABXJERÁ, fertile valley, visited by
Robledo, 102
AOLA, station formed by Vasco
Nuñez, 73; Vasco Nuñez
murdered at, 75, 76
AMAZONIAN Basin, 16; Hernán
Perez de Quesada’s search for
El Dorado, 148; expedition of
Pedro de Ursua, 179; search
for El Dorado by G. Jimenes de
Quesada, 184, 185
ANAPUTMAS, tribe in the Magda-
lena valley, 173
ANAQT/ITO, battle of, Belalcazar
at, 196
ANSEBMA. founded by Robledo,
101, 102
ANTIOQUIA, founded by Robledo,
ABIGTJANI, river, 118
ARMAS, a tribe in the Cauca
valley, 12, 13
chosen, 142 ; city founded, 142 ;
burial of Quesada at, 188;
New Laws, 178; Quesada at,
183 ; Luis de Lugo at, 166 ;
Armendariz at, 178 ; seven
encomiendas in, granted to
Olalla, Sorro, Feria, Torres,
Ruiz, Guevara, Rez, 212
BONDA, mountains, near Santa
Martha, invaded by Palomino,
83; Lugo sends an expedition
to, 112
BONDA (Chibcha), battle with
Spaniards, 136
BONJA, lake: island fortified by
Tutama, 152
BONSA, encomienda’ of Pedro
Nuñez Cabrera, 213
BOSA, Nemterequeteba began
his preaching, 23 {n.)
BOYA OA, chief of, killed by Hernán
Perez, 149; encomienda, Her-
nando Alcocer, 210
BUENAVENTUBA, port of, 103
BtJGA, 211
BTJBITICÁ, Vadillo at, 98, 99; Rob-
ledo at, 102
BT/SBANZA, elector of the Iraca, 40
CAOHIBÍ, cordillera : ascent by
Alfinger, 89
CALAMAB, native name of site of
Cartagena, 52, 87
CALI, founded by Belalcazar, 94;
Vadillo at, 100; Andagoya at,
103 ; Belalcazar at, 107 *
CANAS, independent Darien tribe,
CAQT/EZA valley, 45 (».)
CABETA, 66, 67, 68
CABIBBEAN Sea, 11, 57
CARTAGENA, named by Bastidas,
51 ; Ojeda at, 52 ; Enciso at,
60; settlement formed, 86, 87 ;
Quesada held a residencia at,
CARTAGO, founded by Robledo, 102
CASIMANES, independent Darien
Indians, 56
CATORAFRA, Mummies found at,
14 (n.)
CAUCA, 12; valley entered by
Cesar, 87, 97 ; river reached by
Vadillo, 99 ; valley discovered
by Vadillo, 100 ; tribes of, see
ARMA; march of Robledo up
the valley, 107
CESARE river, Alfinger at, 89;
confluence with Magdalena, 117
CHÍA, Chief of, heir to Zipa, 41 ;
Quesada at, 129 ; encomienda
of Cristoval de San Miguel,
Royal Treasurer, 210
CHIBATA, ; encomienda of Pedro
Bravo de Rivera, 210, 215
CHIBCHA, country of the, 15, 16 ;
position, agricultural, 15, 16;
appearance, commerce, 18, 19;
manufactures, 18 ; dress, 18 ;
houses, 20 ; general character,
17 ; religion, 21-36 ; legends,
24, 25; temples, 27; human
sacrifice, 28 ; language, calen-
dar, 31-39; civil government,
40 – 48 ; their doom, 144 ;
murder of chiefs, 149
of Antonio Martinez, 214
CHIMTLES, Sierras de, crossed by
Quesada, 117
CHUTGA, in Santa Fó : encomienda
of C. de Toro, 210, 216
CHTTALASAL, 24.0; encomienda of
Pedro Rodriguez de Salamanca,
210, 215
CHOACHI, 220; encomienda of
A. Bermudez, but he gave it
up and went to Cartagena,
CHOCONTÁ, battle between Ziüa
and Zaque at, 45; Spaniards at,
132; encomienda of Andres,
Vasquez de Molina, 210, 214
CHOCUNAQUE, river, 69
CHUSBITA (with SAGRA), encomi-
enda of Pedro Rodriguez de
Leon, 210, 214
CIÉNAGA, river near Santa Martha,
COIBA, 54, 65
COLIMAS, fierce tribe bordering on
the Chibchas to N.W., 16;
north of Panches, 173
COLOMBIANS, distinguished, 192,
CORDILLERAS, 11; Abibe, Sierra
de, 87, 97 ; Eastern, 15
CORI, in the Cauca valley : death
of Cesare at, 99
CORO, in Venezuela, German
governors at, 88, 91
COTA, 23 {n.)> Nemterequeteba
preached at, encomienda of
Francisco de Tordehumos, 210
COYAIMA fair, 18
CUCUNUBA : natives rise against
the Spaniards, 153
CTJITIBA, encomienda of Pedro
Lopez de Monteagudo, 210
CUNTJBA in TUNJA : encomienda
of Diego de Paredes Calvo, 210
DARIEN, Gulf of (see URABA).
DOBAYBE, gold possessed by Chief
of, 66
DORSINOS, tribe near Santa Martha,
DUITAMA, hills of: territory of
Tutama, 135; Tutama, chief
of, 136; death of chiefs, 153;
encomienda of Baltazar Mal-
donado, 210, 214
EBAQUE, chief of, submits to the
Zipa, 44 {n.)
EBATE (now UBATE) chief submits
to the Zipa, 44 (n.)
EMERALDS, 18,132,144
EUGATISA, 210; encomienda of
Diego Romero, 210
FACATATIVÁ, near the place of
refuge of the Zipa, 137 (n.); en-
comienda of Alonso de Olalla,
who fell down the precipice
at Simijaca, 210, 215
FIRABITOBA, electors of the Iraca,
FONTIBON, 23 {n.)
FUNZA River, drains the Bogota
plain, 16 ; crossed by Quesada,
130; called PATI below the
Tequendaina falls, 173
FURAQUIRA, 210; encomienda of
Jufin de Quincoces de Liana, 210
FUSAGASUGÁ valley, chief submits
to the Zipa, 45, 131
GATRAS, tribe near Santa Martha,
GAMBZA, elector of the Iraca, 40(n.);
encomienda of Ortun Ortiz, 215
GBAOIAS A DIOS, end of territory
granted to Nicuesa, 52
GUACAMAYA in Tunja, 210 ; en-
comienda of Francisco de Mon-
salve, 214
GUACHETÁ, chief of, overawed by
Spaniards, 128; encomienda
of Hernán Vanegas, 211
GUALIES, rebellion in valley of
Magdalena, 187
GUASCA, chief of, submits to the
Zipa, 44
GUATAQUÍ, place of embarkation
on the Magdalena, 143
GUATAVITA, lake of, 24, 25;
legend, 25, 26 ; search for gold,
26 ; chief submits to the Zipa,
44 (n.); Spaniards at, 132; en-
comiendaoí Hernán Venegas, 205
GuAViARE River, reached by
Quesada, 185
IBAGUE, founded by Galarza, 184;
depopulation, 190 ; encomienda
of Domingo Lozano (F.) who
founded Buga, 211
ICABUOO, 211; encomienda of
Captain Suarez Rondón, 215
IGUAQUE in Tunja : encomienda
of Pedro Rodriguez Carrion de
los Rios y Mantilla, 211
LACHES, tribe to N.E. of Chibchas,
LACHIMIS, tribe in the Magdalena
valley, 173
LEON, capital of Nicaragua, foun-
ded, 79
MACHETA (with TIBIBITA), 215 ;
encomienda of Juan de Rivera,
MAGDALENA River, 11; west of
Chibcha country, 15; name
given, 50; Enciso off mouth,
60; lower reaches explored,
85 ; boundary between Car-
tagena and Santa Martha, 111 ;
great expedition up, 114;
Quesada’s flotilla, 116; Fran-
cesquillo attacks the Spaniards
on, 165
MALAMBO, on the Magdalena, 119
MARIQUITA, founded by Pedroso,
184 ; death of Quesada at, 188 ;
depopulation, 190
JA QUE), 211; encomienda of
Francisco de Céspedes, 213
META River, 12
MOMPOX, founded by Alonso
Heredia, 106; death of the
Judge, Mercado, at, 183
MONGUA, 215; encomienda of
Francisco Solquero, 211
MUEQUETA, capital of the Zipa,
42 ; Zipa at, 127 ; preparations
of the Zipa for flight from, 129 ;
occupied by Quesada, 130,137 ;
Quesada evacuates, 139
Musos, campaigns against, 3 80,183
MUYSCA, Spanish name for Chib-
chas—a mistake, 16,37 (n.)
NEMOCON (with PACHO) salt mines,
17, 128; encomienda of Juan
de Olmos, 211
NEW GRANADA, name given by
Quesada, 142
NEYVA Valley, expedition of Que-
sada to, 136
NICARAGUA, discovered, 79
NOMBRE DE DIOS, founded, 78
O OA VITA : people rise against the
Spaniards, 155; encomienda of
Mateo Sanchez Cogolludo, 211
ONZAGA, 215; encomienda of
Miguel Sanchez, 211
OPON, river, entrance reached by
Quesada, 120 ; ascended, 123 ;
Mountains, ascent of, by Que-
sada 123 ; L. de Lugo reaches,
PIJAOS, Sierra de, 12
POCOROSA : funeral ceremonies for
chief, 66
POPAYÁN, 94, 100, 104, 105, 106,
Pozos, cruelties of Robledo among,
101; murder of Robledo at, 107,
QUITO, 94, 100, 105
RAMADA, LA, fertile district near
Santa Martha, 84
RAMIRIQUI, ruins of a stone
temple at, 19
PACHO Valley (see NEMOCON).
PACIFIC Ocean: news of, 67 ;
discovery by Vasco Nuñez, 69
PAEZ River, 104
PAMPLUNA, founded by Pedro de
Ursua, 179
PANAMA Isthmus, 65-78; city
founded, 78
PANCHES, tribe on W. frontier of
the Zipa, 16; war with the
Zipa, 44; defeat Spaniards,
131; defeated, 172; retreat,
final submission, 173; encomi-
enda of Chr. de Miranda, 214
PANQUEBA, 214; encomienda of
Pedro Ruiz Herreguelo, 211
PASCA, 214; encomienda of
Francisco de Mestanza, 211
PASTO, 94; Hernán Perez reaches,
PATI, river, 131, 173
PAYTA, 100
PEARL Isles: expedition of Morales,
PESCA, elector of the Iraca, 40 (n.);
encomienda of Juan de Madrid
and Juan Tapur, 211
SAGRA, encomienda of Pedro
Rodriguez de Leon, 211
SALT-MINES at Nemocon and
Zipaquirá, 17
SAMACA, chief of, killed by Hernán
Perez, 149
SAMPOLLON, Quesada’s flotilla at,
on the Magdalena, 119 ; Lobrun
at, 147
SAN JUAN River, 103
SAN MIGUEL, Gulf of, 69
141, 142 (see BOGOTÁ)
arrival of Pedrarias, 69
SANTA MARTHA, 80; Enciso’s
account, 59 ; first governor, 80;
affairs at, 82; Lebrón, gover-
nor, 146 ; L. Lugo, 164; P. F.
de Lugo, governor, 111
SERREZUELA, encomienda of
Alfonso Diaz, 211
SESQUIBE, encomienda of Cristoval
Bernal, 211
SBUJAOA chief threw his gold
# into Lake Guatavita, 26 ;
* natives rise against the Spani-
ards, 155
SIQUIMA {with TOCAREMA), encomi-
enda of Pedro de Miranda,
SOBACHOQUE, encomienda of Juan
de Guemes, 211
SOGAMOSO, river, to north of
Chibcha country, 15
SOMONDOCO emerald mine, 18;
Spaniards at, 132 ; encomienda
of Diego Paredes Calderón, 211
SOBA* encomienda of Francisco
Arias Maldonado (B.), 211
SOBACA, encomienda of Francisco
Rodriguez, 211
SOTAQUIBA, encomienda of Diego
Suarez Montarez, 211
SUAMO {now SOGAMOSO), most
sacred temple, 40; temple
burnt by Spaniards, 135
SUABEZ, river, 142
SUBAOHOQUE : people rise against
the Spaniards, 155
SUBYO, road over mountains,
made by Zipa, 45; encomienda
of Antonio Diaz Cardoso, 212
SUCHICA, in Zaque’s territory to
W., 46, 211
SUESCA, Quesada’s work written
at, 48 ; chief of, sent news of
Spanish invasion to the Zipa,
127 ; Spaniards at, 136 ; Que-
sada’s country house at, 186;
encomienda of Hernán Gomez
Castillejo and Cristoval Rodri-
guez, 212
SUTTAMAS, tribe in the Magdalena
valley, 173; alliance with
Spaniards, 173
SUMA PAZ, range south of Chibcha
country, 15; expedition of
Céspedes, 130
SUSA, 212; encomienda of Luis
Lanchero (F.) 214
SUTA : natives rise against the
Spaniards, 153
SUTAGAOS, tribe in the Magdalena
valley, 173
SUTAGAOS, subdued by the Zipa,
TABIO, country house of Zipa,
thermal spring, 42; en-
comienda of Cristoval Gomez
Nieto, 215
TABOGA, Pedrarias at, 78
TAGANGUS, tribe near Santa
Martha, 80
TAIROMA, tribe near Santa Martha,
TAUSA, natives rise against the
Spaniards, 165
TEQUENDAMA Falls, 16; legend,
TEUSAOA, 212; encomienda of
Gaspar Méndez, 214
THEOSAQUELLO, country house of
Zipa, site of Bogotá, 42
TIBURÓN, Cape, 51
TIMANÁ, founded by Añasco, 104
TINANSUCÁ, country house of Zipa,
TINJACÁ, west border of Tunja, 46;
encomienda of Juan de Aven-
daño, 212
TOACA in Tunja, 212 ; encomienda
of Anton de Esquival, 213
TOBAZA, electors of the Iraca,
40 (n.)
TOCA, chief of, elector of the Iraca,
TOCAIMA : tribes in the Magdalena
valley, 173; Quesada living
at, 187; encomiendas of
Vilaspasas, Prado, Molina,
Hidalgo, 212
TOCANCIPA, 212 ; encomienda of
Hernando de Velasco Ángulo,
TOPAIPI, 212, 215
TORA, LA, on the Magdalena, 120,
TUNA, 262 ; encomienda of Ant
Diaz Cardoso, 213
TUNjA, capital and palace of the
Zaque, 43; sacked by the
Spaniards, 133, 134; city
founded, 149; nine encomi-
endas of Albaoracin, Pedroso,
Ruiz, Cifuentes, Hernandez de
las Islas, Patarroyo, Ya&ez,
Madrid, Villanueva, 212
TURBACO, near Cartagena, defeat
of Ojeda at, 53
TURMEQUÉ, south border of Tunja:
fair, 18; Spaniards at, 132;
chief killed by Hernán Perez,
149 ; encomienda of Juan Torres
Contreras, 212
UBAQUE : invaded by the Zipa,
44 (n.); encomienda of Juan de
Cespedez, 213
UBATE (see EBATE), 44 (n.); en-
comienda of Diego Rodriguez
el Valderas, 213
UPAR, Luis de Lugo landed in
valley of, 164
URABÁ, Gulf of (or DABIEN), 53;
Ojeda at, 54; JEnoiso at, 55;
animals of, described by Enciso,
61; Vasco Nuñez, 63
USMA, 213 ; encomienda of Juan
Gormez Portillo, 215
VELA, CABO DE LA, 51; Latitude
by Enciso, 59
VELEZ, founded, 143; Lebrón
arrives at, 147 ; encomienda of
Miguel Saco, Moyano, 213
VENADTLLO River, Vanegas at, 172
VENEZUELA : name given, 50;
Velzers’ contract, 88; German
expeditions, 89-91
VIRAOACHA, 213 ; encomienda of
Fran Martinez, 214
VITUIMITA River, 171
ZAMBA, Bastidas at, 50 ; inter-
preter from, 87
ZENU cemetery, 15
ZIPACOA, 213; encomienda of
Fr. de Figueredo, 214
ZIPAQUIRA salt-mines, 17 ; chief
submits to the Zipa, 44 (n.);
encomienda of Juan de Ortago,
AQUIMIN (ZAQUE), 134; the last of
the Zaques, murdered by Her-
nán Perez Quesada» 149
BACHUE, Mother of all mankind,
22; legend, 23
BOCHICA, mythical demigod, re-
siding in the sun; legend of
Tequendama, 22, 24
CARETA, a chief of Darien; friend
of Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, who
loved his daughter, 68, 73
CHAQUÉ, deity of boundaries,crops,
festivals, 23
CHIBCHACUN, deity of the Chib-
chas 22; legend of Tequen-
dama, 24
CHIE, the moon, 30
CHTMINGAGUA, the Creator; great
first cause, 22
CHTNZAPAGUA, another name for
COMOGUE, a Darien chief; his
son gave the first news of the
Pacific Ocean, 64
CUCHA VIRA, rainbow deity 23
GARACHACHA, a great civiliser of
ancient times; he instituted the
office of Iraca, 23
GUECHAS, war captains of the
. Chibchas, 131
GUESO, victim for the human
sacrifice to the sun, 28
IRACA, high priest of Suamo;
office of arbitrator and mediator,
instituted by GARACHACHA, 40,
134; mode of election, 40 {n.)
46 ; the last Iraca, 135 {n.)
JEQUES, name for the Chibcha
priests, 27
MICHUA, the Zaque slain in battle
with the Zipa, 44, 45
NEMCATACOA, deity of weavers,
woodmen, drunkards; repre-
sented as a bear, 23
NEMEQUENE, second known Zipa;
reduced Guatavita to submis-
sion; andUbaque; defeated by
the Zaques, 45, 46
NEMTEREQUETEBA, another name
for GARACHACHA, 23 [ri).
NOMPENEME, the Iraca; his
mediation secured a peace
between the Zipa and Zaque, 46
NUTIBARA, a powerful chief south
of the Sierra de Abibe; grief
at his brother’s death ; success-
fully resisted the Spaniards, 97,
Tunja, 133
killed in battle with the Spani-
ards, 97
QUYHYCA (a door, a month),
another name for the GUESO or
victim for sacrifice, 28
SAGIPA, last of the Zipas, bravely
resisted the Spaniards, 139; then
leagued with them against the
Panches, 139, 140; died under
torture inflicted by the Spani-
ards for gold, 141
SAGUAMA CHICA, first-known Zipa;
submission of chiefs ; defence
against the Panches; reduced
the Sutagaos; slain in battle
with the Zaque, 44, 45
SIQUIMA, chief of the Panches, 171
SUA, the sun, 30
SUGAMTJNI, last Iraca, 135; Epi-
taph, 135 (n.)
TAMALAMEQUE, a chief near the
Magdalena, who helped Quesada,
THIGUYES, concubines of the Zipa,
THISQTJEZUZA, third known Zipa;
services under his predecessor,
46; fight with Spaniards, 128;
flight, 129, 137 ; death, 138
TIBACUI, chief assisting Elsa-
thama; after defeat he advised
his friend to submit to the Zipa,
TIBIPI, a valiant Darien chief;
defeated Ojeda, 54
TOMA GATA, a mythical Zaque, 43
TUNDAMA, valiant Chibcha chief, of
Tutasua, 151,152, 153 •
Us A QUE, a chief; Chibcha name,
USATHAMA, chief of the Sutagaos;
submits to the Zipa, 44
XUE, another name for GARA-
OBLA CHA, 23 {n.)
YULDAMA, chief of the Gualies in
the Magdalena valley; his rising
put down by Quesada, 187
ZAQUE, sovereign of the northern
half of the Chibcha nation, 43-
ZIPA, sovereigns of the southern
half of the Chibcha territory,
(The Encomenderos in another list—App. II and III.)
ACOSTA, Í Joaquim : work on
the discovery and conquest
of New Granada; its value,
8, 9
biographies of notable Neo-
Granadinos, 7
AGUAYO, Captain, Jeromino raised
the first wheat-crop in New
Granada, 148
AGUELLO, Hernando, his warning
to Vasco Nuñez intercepted; his
execution, 75, 77
AGUILAR, Francisco, supplied
funds for Quesada’s search for
El Dorado, 187
ALDANA, Lorenzo, Governor of
Popayán, 95; kindness to
natives 103; sent Robledo
down the Cauca Valley, 101;
character, 103, 156
ALFINGER, German leader in Vene-
zuela employed by the Velzers,
88; his expedition ; cruelty;
death, 89
ALVA, Duke of, friendly to Luis
Alonso de Lugo, 169
ALVITES, Diego; founded Nombre
de Dios, 78
AMOYA, Countess of; aunt of the
wife of Pedrarias ; powerful at
Court, 77
AMPUDIA, Juan de; desperate
battle with natives between
Popayán and Timaná ; finally
defeated, 104
AÑASCO, Pedro de; founded
Timaná ; besieged by natives ;
flight down Paez River; taken
and killed, 104
ANDAGOYA, Pascual de; his nar-
rative, 2; received a grant along
the coast, Pacific side, 103 ;
reached Popayán ; arrested by
Belalcazar, 104 ; humanity to
natives, 104, 156; subseqeunt
career and death, 105 (n.)
ARMENDARIZ, Miguel Diaz de, Juez
de Residencia at Cartagena,
174; at Bogotá; arrest; becomes
a priest, 185
ASCULI, Princess of, litigating for
many years about claims of her
grandfather, Luis Alonso de
Lugo, 170 (n.)
AVENDAÑO Juan de, 184
AYORA, Juan de ; one of the cap-
tains of Pedrarias ; his raid and
flight with gold, 70
BALBOA, Vasco Nuñez de, 62; his
letter to Charles V., 2 ; voyage
with Bastidas, 50 ; early years ;
head of the Darien Colony, 62,
63; wise policy, 64; discovery
of the Pacific, 69 ; builds ships,
73 ; execution, 75
Q 2
BASTIDAS, Rodrigo de; his voyage
along the coast, 49, 50; first
Governor of Santa Martha, 80,
81; his good treatment of
natives; murder, 81
BELALCAZAR, Sebastian de, 93 ;
conduct as a boy, 93 ; with
Pedrarias, 93; with Pizarro, 94 ;
reduces Quito, 94; discovery of
Popayán ; return to Spain, 95,
142, 145 ; made Adelantado,
102; service in Peru, 105;
execution of Robledo; Resi-
dencia; death, 108
BERRIO family, heirs of Quesada;
descent from a sister, 188
BORJA, Juan de, President of
Bogotá; Audiencia; war with
the Pijaos; accompanied by
Pray Simon, 4
BOTELLO, sent by Vasco Nuñez for
news about the new Governor,
74; execution, 77
BRICEÑO, Juez de Residencia of
Belalcazar ; condemned him to
death, 108
CABRERA, Juan, sent by Belal-
cazar to occupy Antioquia, 106
CALDAS, a very eminent man of
science and letters at Bogotá,
CAMPAÑON, Francisco, efficient
aid of, to Vasco Nuñez, in
bringing materials for ship-
building across the isthmus, 73
CAMPO, Sebastian del, sent to
Spain by Vasco Nuñez with
letter and gold for Charles V,
CARBAJAL, Dona Maria de, widow
of Robledo ; married the judge
Briceño, 108
CASSANI : history of Jesuit Mis-
sions in New Granada, 7
CASTELLANOS, Juan de, rhyming
chronicler ; value of his work, 3
CASTRO, Cristoval Vaca de, assisted
by Belalcazar in journey to Peru,
CERRATO, Licentiate: his report
on Lugo’s misconduct referred
to by Las Casas, 169
CESAR, Francisco, lieutenant to
Heredia at Cartagena, 87 ; expe-
dition to Nut iba ra’s country,
87; expedition with Vadillo ;
fine character ; death, 96, 99
CÉSPEDES, one of Quesada’s cap-
tains 115; expedition towards
Suma Paz; sent against Ocavita,
CHARLES V.; letters of Vasco
Nuñez, 2, 71; letter of Heredia
to, 2; emeralds for, 144 ■%
CHAMARRO, one of the captains
in Quesada’s flotilla, 116
COBOS, Francisco de, Secretary
to Charles V., 159 (».); his
conduct in maligning Quesada
and appointing Lugo, 160, 167,
COCHRANE, Captain, R.N.: account
of the attempt to drain the
Guatavita Lake, 26
CORDOVA, Hernando de, dis-
coverer of Nicaragua; founded
Leon ; execution by Pedrarias,
CORDOVA, one of the captains in
Quesada’s flotilla, 116
COSA, Juan de la, cartographer;
with Bastidas, 50 ; with Ojeda ;
death, 53
CROSS, Mr. Robert: his report on
region east of Popayán and
Timana, vii
DTJQUESNE, J. Domingo: his
explanation of the Chibcha
calendar, 8, 37
ENCISO, Martin Fernandez do:
sent for relief of Ojeda 55;
return to Spain 57 ; in expe-
dition of Pedrarias 58; his
descriptive work 59-61; holds
a residencia on Vasco Nuñez, 70
ESPINOSA, Licentiate: condemned
Vasco Nuñez under pressure
from Pedrarias, but protests,
FEDERMAN, Nicolas: German in
Venezuela, 91; his expedition,
91; reached Bogotá ; return to
Spain, 142, 145
FONTE, Lázaro, one of Quesada’s
captains, 115, 26
FRESLE, Juan Antonio : author of
a history of New Granada down
to 1618, MS., 7
GALANGA, Oidor of the Audiencia
of Bogotá, 180, 183, 186
GALARZA, Andres, founder of
Ibague, 184
GALIANA, Martin, founded Velez,
GALLEGOS, Licentiate: misconduct
when in charge of Quesada’s
flotilla, 123
GARA VITA, Francisco : sent to Cuba
by Vasco Nuñez de Balboa for
shipwrights and materials for
bunding, 72
GASCA, Pedro de la: summons
Belalcazar to help him against
Gonzalo Pizarro, 106
Venezuela for the Velzers;
expedition into the interior;
death at Coro, 90
GONGORA, Oidor of the Audiencia
of Bogotá, 180, 183, 186
GRAJADA (Factor) of Garcia de
Lerma; his treatment of Va-
dillo, 84
GUERRA, Cristoval: depredation
of coast of Spanish main, 51
GUTIERREZ, Elvira: made the
first wheaten bread in Bogotá,
HEREDIA, Pedro de: letter to
Charles V., 2; served under
Vadillo, 86; early life in Madrid,
86; Governor of Cartagena 87 ;
expeditions ; policy 87 ; Resi-
dencia, 88 ; dispute with
Belalcazar, 106; many years
Governor; death in shipwreck,
HEREDIA, Alonso de, brother of the
Governor Don Pedro ; founded
Mompox, 106
HERRERA, Decades: general ac-
count of the conquest of New
Granada, 7
HULTON : travels, 191
HUMBOLDT, Baron: view of Lake
Guatavita, 26 ; account of the
Chibcha calendar, 37
HURTADO, Bartolomé, one of the
marauding captains of Pedrarias,
INFANTE (Oidor), temporarily
Governor of Santa Martha after
the death of Lerma, 85
Jovro PAULO, Quesada’s criticism
on, 163
JUNCO, Juan de, one of Quesada’s
captains, 115
LADRILLO, Juan : founded Buena-
ventura, 103
LAS CASAS : His denunciation of
Luis de Lugo 168; the New
Laws, 175
LEBRIJA, Antonio de : his report,
3; one of Quesada’s captains,
LEBRÓN, Gerónimo 146 : claim to
New Granada ; expedition re-
tires, 147
LEON, Pedro de Cieza de, 96 ; his
account of expeditions of Vadillo
and Robledo, 97, 156
LERMA, Garcia de, Governor of
Santa Martha, 845 85; death,111
LORENZANO, Don Narciso, vii
LUGO, Adelantado Pedro Fer-
nandez de, Governor of Santa
Martha, 111; selects Quesada to
command his expedition 115;
death, 117
LUGO, Bernardo de : his grammar
of the Chibcha (Muysca) lan-
guage, 8, 32 (n.)
LUGO, Bishop of: favourable to
Quesada in the Council of the
Indies, 161
LUGO, Luis Alonso de, son of the
Adelantado, 111; deserts, steal-
ing the gold, 113; fortunate
marriage, 160; Governor at
Bogotá, 164-167; returns with
plunder, 1G7; denounced by
Las Casas, 168 ; impunity, 169
LUGO, Luis Alonso Fernandez,
son of Luis; married, but died
young, 170 (n.)
LUGO, Luisa, daughter of Luis,
wife of the Duke of Terra
Nova, mother of the Princess of
Asculi, 170 (n.)
LUGO, Montalvo, cousin of Luis;
in temporary charge at Bogotá,
MALDONADO, Baltasar; encomen-
dero of Duitama; murderer of
the patriot chief, Tundama, 152,
MANJARRES, one of the captains in
Quesada’s flotilla, 116
MARTIN, Alonso: treachery to
the Ocavitas, 155
MEDRANO, Fray Pedro: his MS.
used by Simon; death in the
forest, 185
MELO, sent to explore the Magda-
lona, 85
MENDOZA, Maria do, wife of
Francisco do Loa Cobos, Secre-
tary to Charles V., 160
MERCADO, judge of the Bogotá
Audiencia; diod at Mompox,
MOLLIEN’S travels, 191
MONTALVO, Juan de, husband
of Elvira de Gutierrez (whom
MONTANO, Juez de Residencia;
arrested the other judges ; long
in charge at Bogotá, 185
MORALES, Gaspar de: atrocious
cruelty ; one of the captains of
Pedrarias, 70
MOSQUERA, General President of
New Granada, vii, x
MUNOZ : Coll. reports of San
Martin and Lobrija, 3
MUTIS, Don José Celestino, bo-
tanist : his botanical work, vii.
188 (n.); showed the work*of
Duquesne on the Chibcha
calendar to Humboldt, 37
NICUESA, Diego, Governor of Cas-
tilla dol Oro; misfortunes and
death, 52, 53, 54
wife of Luis de Lugo, 160
OCARIZ, Juan Floros do: wrote
a work on the genealogies of tho
first settlers in New Granada, 7
OJEDA, Alonso de, Governor of New
Andalusia, 51 ; character, 52 ;
defeat at Turbaco, 53 ; mis-
fort unos at Uraba, 54; death, 55
OLALLA : thrown down a precipice
at tho rock of Tausa, attacking
a native stronghold, 154
O RUÑA family, representativos
and heirs of Quosada, 188
OSORNO, Count of: in favour of
Quesada’s claims in the Council
of the Indies, 161
OVIEDO : accompanied Pedrarias,
58; historian, 7
PALOMINO, Rodrigo, successor of
Bastidas at Santa Martha, 81;
death crossing a river, 83, 84
PARIS, Juan Ignacio : his attempt
to drain tho Guatavita Lake in
1822; account by Captain
Cochrane, R.N., 26
PEDRARIAS, Podro Arias Davila,
57; arrival at Darion, 69, 70;
his character, 71, 72; execution
of Vasco Nuñez and others, 74,
75, 76; founds Panama, 78;
death at Leon, 79
PEDROSO, Francisco Nuñez, foun-
der of Mar quit a, 184
PHILIP, Prince: favoured Luis do
Lugo, 169
PIEDRAHITA, Lucas Fernandez, 5 ;
birth, 5; descent from the Incas,
5 (ra.); priesthood ; canon, 5 ;
his work on Now Granada, 6;
Jbishop of Santa Martha, 6;
captured by buccaneers, 6;
bishop of Panama; death, 6
PINEDA, Juan do: sent against
tho natives of Oca vita, 155
PIZARRO, Francisco, 55; with
Ojeda’s remnant, 02; with
Blasco Nuñez at the discovery
of tho Pacific, 68; with Morales,
09; arrests Vasco Nuñez do
Balboa, 75, 76 (ra.)
PUNONROSTRO, Count of, brother
of Pedrarias, 57
QUESEDA, Gonzalo Jimonos de:
lawyor in Granada; father of,
QUESADA, Gonzalo Jimonos do
110; his reports ; birth; early
years, 110; lawyer at Granada,
110; joined Lugo expedition,
111; selected to command tho
expedition up the Magdalena,
114, 115; firmness and courage,
115; disco vory of Chibcha
country, 118-125; conquest,
120-129; sack of Tunja;
burning of Suamo; guilt con-
nected with murdor of Sagipa ;
founds Bogotá; return to Spain;
unjust treatment, 160-163;
life in Europe, 163; return to
Bogotá, 183; services, 183;
search for El .Dorado, 184, 185;
literary work, 186 ; death, 188;
character, 189
QUESADA, Hernán Perez, brother
of the Conqueror, 129, 136;
cruelty, 149; search for El
Dorado, 150, 151 ; imprison-
ment; death, 166, 167
QUESADA, Francisco, brother of
tho Conqueror; arrival at
Bogotá ; death, 166, 167
QUESADA, Isabel, mother of the
Conqueror, 110.
QUEVEDO, Dr., bishop of Darien ;
friond of Vasco Nuñez do
Balboa, 72
RESTREPO, Manuel; memoir on
Antiochia, 191
Ríos, Pedro do los; superseded
Pedrarias as Governor of
Panama, 79
ROBLEDO, Jorge : sent by Aldana
down the Cauca valley to form
settlements, 101; wont to Spain,
102; return, 107; execution by
Belalcazar, 108
SAN MARTIN, Juan do : his report;
one of Quosada’s captains, 3;
went up the Opon River, J 23;
sent to explore, 132; dofeatod
by Panchos, 131
SANTA CRUZ, Licentiate : sent out
to tako a residencia of Vadillo
at Cartagena; found tho bird
flown, 96
SEPULVEDA, Antonio de, of Bo-
gotá ; his attempt to drain tho
Guatavita Lake, 26
SEVILLE, Cardinal Archbishop;
signed a favourable report on
Quosada’s claims, 161
SIMON, Fray Pedro do: his
Noticias Historiales; their
value, 4
SOSA, Lope do; now governor to
supersede Pedrarias, but he
diod at Darion, 74
SUAREZ, Capt. Gonzalo (RONDÓN) :
one of ^Quesada’s captains, 115 ;
founded Tunja, 143; in charge
of Bogotá, 147; imprisoned by
Lugo, 166, 174
TERNAUX COMPANS : publication
of reports of San Martin and
Labrija, 3
TRIANA, Jose : eminent Colombian
botanist; editor of a great
work on the Chinchona-trees
of Colombia,, with the drawings
of Mutis, vii
URBINA, a captain in Quesada’s
flotilla, 116
URICOECHEA, Ezequiel: works on
Chibcha antiquites and grammar,
and vocabulary of the Chibcha
language, 8, 32
URSUA, Pedro de, a captain who
founded Pampluna, 174, 179
VADLLLO, Pedro, governor of Santa
Martha; cruelties and death,
84, 85
VADDLLO (Oidor): Juez de Resi-
dencia at Cartagena 88; ex-
pedition, 96, 97 ; discovery of
the Cauca valley, 100; return
and death, 100
VALDERRABANO, Licentiate: con-
versation with Vasco Nuñez de
Balboa, 74 ; execution, 77
VALENZUELA, one of Quesada’s
captains, 115 ; expedition to the
emerald mine at Samondoco,
VANEGAS, Hernán: encounters
with the Panches, 171; expedi-
tion to the gold-mines, 172;
league with native tribe, 173 ;
final submission of the Panches;
wise policy, 173
VELA, Blasco Nuñez de (Viceroy):
takes refuge with Belalcazar,
VELASCO, Ortun, in the expedition
of Pedro de Ursua, 179
VELASQUEZ, Ortun, one of the
captains in Quesada’s flotilla,
VELZERS of Augsburg: their
contract to colonise Venezuela,
VTLLAFUERTE, Juan de : murderer
of Bastidas, 81
VILLALOBOS : fiscal of the council
of the Indies; demands on
Quesada, 162
ZAMORA, Fray Antonio de: his-
torian of the Dominican Order
in New Granada, 7
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