Як стати  Software Engineer: моя історія

Python Software Engineer

Для кого ця стаття? Для таких як я сам, хто в часи пандемії та суттєвої трансформації життя, вирішив змінити професію.  Досвід Я — Сергій Купрієнко, зараз працюю Junior Software Engineer у великій аутсорсінговій компанії. До цього мав досвід у різних сферах: займався продажами, видавничою діяльністю, робив переклади, був редактором енциклопедії, науковцем-істориком, екскурсоводом, ученим секретарем музею. Захистив кандидатську дисертацію по історії інків та отримав науковий… Читати далі Як стати  Software Engineer: моя історія

Useful Git commands


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows (thousands of parallel branches running on different systems). Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel, with other… Читати далі Useful Git commands

Useful ASCII tables

ASCII table, ascii codes

ASCII Tables ASCII abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they support many additional characters. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) prefers the name US-ASCII for this character encoding. ASCII is one of the IEEE milestones.… Читати далі Useful ASCII tables

Django ORM and SQL: Making QuerySet Expressions

Python Django ORM like SQL: Making Query Expressions

Making QuerySet & Query Expressions with Django ORM like SQL, or Django ORM == SQL. If you are migrating to Django from another MVC framework, chances are you already know SQL. In this post, we will be illustrating how to use Django ORM by drawing analogies to equivalent SQL statements. Connecting a new topic to… Читати далі Django ORM and SQL: Making QuerySet Expressions

Create an E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 4)

How to create a checkout form in an E-commerce Shop with Django

How to create a checkout form in an E-commerce Shop with Django? Part 4. In the previous Part 3 we create models for Order and in this Part 4 of Create an E-commerce Shop with Django we will create checkout form an order. Prerequisites Django Latest Version Virtual Environment IDE PyCharm or Visual Studio Code… Читати далі Create an E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 4)

Create a E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 3)

Create a E-commerce Shop with Django

In the previous Part 2 we create models for Order and in this Part 3 of Create a E-commerce Shop with Django we will make a summary of the order in the shopping cart of your Django shop. Prerequisites Django Latest Version Virtual Environment IDE PyCharm or Visual Studio Code Before starting the tutorial don’t… Читати далі Create a E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 3)