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IN 1592.











TAULE OF CONTENTS . . . . . vii

INTRODUCTION . . . . .xi

LATIN TITLE . . . . . li




PREFACE . . . . . .5


Of those things which are common both to the Cœlestiall and

Terrestriall Globe . . .19

CHAP. I. What a Globe is, with the parts thereof, and of

the Circles of the Globe . . .19

CHAP. II. Of the Circles which are described upon the Super-

ficies of the Globe. . . .23

CHAP. III. Of the three positions of Spheres : Right, Parallel,

and Oblique . . . .33

CHAP. IV. Of the Zones . . . .37

CHAP. V. Of the Amphiscii, Heteroscii, and Peviscii . 39

CHAP. VI. Of the Periseci, Antaxi, and Antipodes . . 40

CHAR. VII. Of Climates and Parallels . . .42


CHAP. I. Of such things as are proper to the Cœlestiall

Globe ; and first of the Planets . . 44

CHAP. II. Of the Fixed Stars and their Constellations . 47

CHAP. III. Of the Constellations of the Xorthcrne Hemisphere 50



CHAP. IV. Of the Northerne Signes of the Zodiaque . 55

CHAP. V. Of the Constellations of the Southerne Hemisphere

and first of those in the Zodiaque . . 57

CHAP. VI. Of the Constellations of the Southerne Hemisphere,

which are without the Zodiaque . . 59

CHAP. VII. Of the Starres which are not expressed in the Globe 62


CHAP. I. Of the Geographicall description of the Terrestriall

Globe ; and the parts of the world yet knowne . 68

CHAP. II. Of the Circumference of the Earth, or of a Greater

Circle ; and of the Measure of a Degree . 80


Of the Use of Globes . . . . .95

СПАР. I. How to finde the Longitude, Latitude, Distance, and

Angle of Position, or situation of any place ex-

pressed in the Terrestriall Globe . . 96

СПАР. II. How to finde the Latitude of any place . . 98

СПАР. III. How to find the distance of two places, and angle of

position, or situation . . .99

CHAP. IV. To finde the altitude of the Sunne, or other Starre 100

CHAP. V. To finde the place and declination of the Sunne for

any day given . . . .100

СПАР. VI. How to finde the latitude of any place by observing

the Meridian Altitude of the Sunne or other

Starre . . . . .102

CHAP. VII. How to find the Right and Oblique Ascension of

the Sunne and Starres for any Latitude of place

and time assigned …. 104

CHAP. VIII. How to finde out the Horizontal! difference betwixt

the Meridian and Verticall circle of the Sunne or

any other Starre (which they call the Azimuth),

for any time or place assigned . . 106

CHAP. IX. How to finde the houre of the day, as also the Am-

plitude, of rising and setting of the Sunne and

Starres, for any time or latitude of place . 107


CHAP. X. Of the threefold rising and setting of Stars . 109

CHAP. XI. How to finde the beginning and end of Twilight for

any time, and Latitude of Place . .113

CHAP. XII. How to find the length of the Artificiall Day or

Xight, or quantity of the Sunne’s Parallel that

remaines above the Horizon, and that is hid be-

neath it, for any Latitude of place and time

assigned. As also to find the same of any other

Starres . . . . .114

CHAP. XIII. How to finde out the houre of the Day or Night, both

equall and unequall, for any time or Latitude of

place . . . . .117

CHAP. XIV. To finde out the Longitude, Latitude, and Declina-

tion of any fixed Starre as it is expressed in the

Globe . . . . .1.18

CHAP. XV. To finde the variation of the Compasse for any Lati-

tude of place . . . .119

CHAP. XVI. How to make a Sunne Diall by the Globe for any

Latitude of place . . . .123


Of the Rombes that are described in the Terrestriall Globe, and

their use . . . . .127

Of the use of Rumbes in the Terrestriall Globe . . 134

I. The difference of Longitude and Latitude of two places

being knowne, how to find out the Rumbe and Distance

of the same . . . . .139

II. The Rumbe being known, and difference of Longitude ; how

to find the difference of latitude and distance . .143

III. The difference of Longitude and distance being given, how to

find the Rumbe and difference of Latitude . .144

IV. The difference of latitude and Rumbe being given, how to

find the difference of longitude and distance . .144

V. The difference of latitude and distance being given, the

Rumbe aud difference of longitude may be found . 145

VI. The Rumbe and difference being given, the difference of

Longitude and Latitude may also be found . . 146









THE MOLYNEUX CELESTIAL GLOBE (after a photograph, by kind

permission of the Treasurer and Benchers of the Middle

Temple) …. Frontispiece


AT the time when English sailors began to make

the reign of the great Queen illustrious by daring-

voyages and famous discoveries, it was natural that

these deeds should be worthily recorded. When

Drake and Cavendish had circumnavigated the globe,

when Raleigh had planted Virginia, Davis had dis-

covered his Straits, and Lancaster had found his

way to India, the time had come for Hakluyt to

publish his Principal Navigations, and for Moly-

neux to construct his Globes.

Englishmen were coming to the front rank as

discoverers and explorers, and it naturally followed

that maps and globes should be prepared by their

countrymen at home, which should alike record the

work already achieved and be useful for the guid-

ance of future navigators. But the construction of

globes entailed considerable expense, and there was

need for liberal patronage to enable scientific men

to enter upon such undertakings.

In the days of Queen Elizabeth the merchants of

England were ever ready to encourage enterprises

having for their objects the improvement of naviga-

tion and the advancement of the prosperity of

their country. While the constructor of the first



globes ever made in this country received help and

advice from navigators and mathematicians, he was

liberally supplied with funds by one of the most

munificent of our merchant princes. The appear-

ance of the globes naturally created a great sensa-

tion, and much interest was taken in appliances

which were equally useful to the student and to

the practical navigator. Two treatises intended to

describe these new appliances, and to serve as guides

for their use, were published very soon after their

completion. One of these, the Tractatus de Glohis

of the celebrated mathematician, Robert Hues, has

been selected for republication by the Hakluyt

Society. Before describing the Molyneux Globes,

and the contents of the Guide to their use, it will

be well to pass in review the celestial and terres-

trial globes which preceded, or were contemporaneous

with, the first that was made in England, so far as

a knowledge of them has come down to us.

The celestial preceded the terrestrial globes by

many centuries. The ancients appear to have adopted

this method of representing the heavenly bodies

and their movements at a very early period. Dio-

dorus Siculus asserts that the use of the globe was

first discovered by Atlas of Libya, whence originated

the fable of his bearing up the heavens on his

shoulders. Others attribute the invention to Thales ;

and subsequent geographers, such as Archimedes,

Crates, and Proclus, are said to have improved

upon it. Posidonius, who flourished 150 B.C., and

is often quoted by Strabo, constructed a revolving



sphere to exhibit the motions of the heavenly bodies ;

and three hundred years afterwards Ptolemy laid

down rules for the construction of globes. There

are some other allusions to the use of globes among

ancient writers ; the last being contained in a passage

of Leontius Mechanicus, who flourished in the time

of Justinian. He constructed a celestial globe in

accordance with the rules of Ptolemy, and after the

description of stars and constellations given by

Aratus. Globes frequently occur on Iloman coins.

Generally the globe is merely used to denote univer-

sal dominion. But in some instances, especially on

a well-known medallion of the Emperor Commodus,

a celestial globe, copied, no doubt, from those in use

at the time, is clearly represented. No Greek or

Iloman globes have, however, come down to us. The

oldest in existence are those made by the Arabian


The earliest form appears to have been the armil-

lary sphere, consisting of metal rings fixed round a

centre, and crossing each other on various planes,

intended to represent the orbits of heavenly bodies.

The Arab globes were of metal, and had the con-

stellations and fixed stars engraved upon them.

At least live dating from the thirteenth century

have been preserved. One is in the National Museum

at Naples, with the date 1225. Another, elated

1275, belongs to the Asiatic Society of London;

and a third, dated 12S9, is at Dresden. There are

two others, without date, but probably to be re-

ferred to the same period, one belonging to the


Astronomical Society of London, the other TO T

National Library of Paris,

But the mo¿t ancient celestial .rlole is at Fkrer.

and has been described by Proies-or Menee:.:

belong4 TO tLe eleventh century.

The astronomical knowledge ot* tl:e Arnos in t

East was communicated to their cottiicryiaen it> >’\ъ

and the schools of Cordova became sx> *amea- ti

T ley vre re ibequented by stulleuts tVorn Chris M

E«rope : ашдвдг waom was the celebrated mac і

maticlan. Ger wt d’Auvergne, afterwards Pope S

ve-ter IL Valencia was one ot the mo-t áouri:

UÏC centre- ot Ara dan culture in Sixain, at rj

under the Ruàiitaùs of Cor*4.ova. ami fhim i Oí І

1094 as the carita’ ot a small, independent kl:

dorn. It was in Valencia that the celestial eiol

now at Florence. -va •“J F. 2¿-: -F F^e:

r- PTÍÉS> г MÍ – oserai : : * г’-* !*•%=• – Тліє-

.у I >r і-Г*->ЇЛ ‘ Í І – M : • I. -«



it, except the “Cvp\ and 1,015 stars are shown,

with the different magnitudes well indicated, ft is

a very precious relic of the civilisation of the Span-

ish Arabs, and is specially interesting as the oldest

globe in existence, and as showing the care with

which the Arabian astronomers preserved and handed

down to posterity the system of Ptolemy. The globe

possessed by the Emperor Frederick ТГ, with pearls

to indicate the stars, doubtless resembled those

of the same period which have come down to us.

The oldest terrestrial globe in existence is that

constructed by Martin Behaim, at Nuremburg, in

149:2. It is made of pasteboard covered with parch-

ment, and is 21 inches in diameter. The only lines

drawn upon it are the equator, tropics, and polar

circles, and the first meridian, which passes through

Madeira. The meridian is of iron, and a brass

horizon was added in 1500. The globe is illumi-

nated and ornamented, and is rich in legends of

interest and in geographical details. Tie aut юг of

this famous globe was born at Xuremburg of h rsrrc\

family. He had studied under Regiomontanu*. He

settled and married at Horca. the sapiMl -f F*N a1,

in the Azores, nad made rumer’-u- “oyate* ar 1 : -ti • er i To .”in _^m^». . ‘

I”‘к cs.. -i i V rr .-г r- ISf^^ pe»e ~bm*




Astronomical Society of London, the other to the

National Library of Paris.

But the most ancient celestial globe is at Florence,

and has been described by Professor Meucci.1 It

belongs to the eleventh century.

The astronomical knowledge of the Arabs in the

East was communicated to their countrymen in Spain,

and the schools of Cordova became so famous that

they were frequented by students from Christian

Europe ; among whom was the celebrated mathe-

matician, Gerbert d’Auvergne, afterwards Pope Sil-

vester II. Valencia was one of the most flourish-

ing centres of Arabian culture in Spain, at first

under the Khalifahs of Cordova, and from 1031 to

1094 as the capital of a small, independent king-

dom. It was in Valencia that the celestial globe,

now at Florence, was constructed, in the year 1070

A.D.2 It is 7.8 inches in diameter. All the forty-

seven constellations of Ptolemy are engraved upon

1 II Globo Celeste Arabico del Secolo XI esistente vel gabineto

degli strumenti antichi di astronomia, di fisica, e di maternalica

del R. Institute diStudi Superiori illustrate da F. Meucci (Fireuze,


2 Professor Meucci observed that the star Regxdus was placed

on the globe at a distance of 16° 40′ from the sign of Leo.

Ptolemy, in 140 A.D., gave this distance as 2° 30′. According to

Albategnius, the star advances 1° in sixty-six years. It had

moved 14° 10′ since 140 A.D., which would give 1070 as about

the date of the globe.

The Arabic inscription on the globe coincides remarkably with

this calculation. It states that the globe was made at Valencia

by Ibrahim ibn Said-as-Sahli, and his son Muhammad, in the

year 473 of the Hegira, equivalent to 1080 A.D. It was con-



it, except the “Cap\ and 1,015 stars are shown,

with the different magnitudes well indicated. It is

a very precious relic of the civilisation of the Span-

ish Arabs, and is specially interesting as the oldest

globe in existence, and as showing the care with

which the Arabian astronomers preserved and handed

down to posterity the system of Ptolemy. The globe

possessed by the Emperor Frederick II, with pearls

to indicate the stars, doubtless resembled those

of the same period which have come down to us.

The oldest terrestrial globe in existence is that

constructed by Martin Behaim, at Nuremburg, in

1492. It is made of pasteboard covered with parch-

ment, and is 21 inches in diameter. The only lines

drawn upon it are the equator, tropics, and polar

circles, and the first meridian, which passes through

Madeira. The meridian is of iron, and a brass

horizon was added in 1500. The globe is illumi-

nated and ornamented, and is rich in legends of

interest and in geographical details. The author of

this famous globe wTas born at Nuremburg of a good

family. He had studied under Piegiomontanus. He

settled and married at Horta, the capital of Fayal,

in the Azores, had made numerous voyages, and

had been in the exploring expedition with Diogo

Cam when that Portuguese navigator discovered

the mouth of the Congo. Behaim had the reputa-

tion of being a good astronomer, and is said by

structed for Abu Isa ibu Labbun, a personage of note in the

political and literary history of Muslim Spain during that cen-




Barros1 to have invented a practical instrument for

taking the altitude of the sun at sea.

Baron Nordenskiold considers that the globe of

Behaim is, without comparison, the most important

geographical document that saw the light since the

atlas of Ptolemy had been produced in about 150

A.i). He points out that it is the first which un-

reservedly adopts the existence of antipodes, the

first which clearly shows that there is a passage

from Europe to India, the first which attempts to

deal with the discoveries of Marco Polo. It is an

exact representation of geographical knowledge im-

mediately previous to the first voyage of Columbus.

The terrestrial globe next in antiquity to that of

Behaim is dated 1493. It was found in a shop at

Laon, in 1860, by M. Léon Leroux, of the Adminis-

tration de la Marine at Paris. It is of copper-gilt,

engraved, with a first meridian passing through

Madeira, meridian-lines on the northern hemisphere

at every fifteen degrees, crossed by parallels corre-

sponding to the seven climates of Ptolemy. There

are no lines on the southern hemisphere. The

author is unknown, but M. D’Avezac considered

that this globe represented geographical knowledge

current at Lisbon in about 1486. It appears to

have been part of an astronomical clock, or of an

armillary sphere, for it is only 6^ inches in diameter.2

Baron Nordenskiold was the first to point out

1 Bec. I, lib. iv, cap. 2.

2 D’Avezac gives a projection of the Laon globe in the Bulletin

de la Société de Géographie de Paria, 4me Série, viii (I860).



that a globe constructed by John Cabot is men-

tioned in a letter from Raimondo di Soncino to the

Duke of Milan, dated December 18th, 1497. ,But

it does not now exist.

The earliest post-Columbian globe in existence

elates from about A.D. 1510 or 1512. It was bought

in Paris by Mr. R. M. Hunt, the architect, in 1855,

and was presented by him to Mr. Lenox of New

York; it is now in the Lenox Library. This globe

is a spherical copper box 4^- inches in diameter, and

is pierced for an axis. It opens on the line of the

equator, and may have been used as a ciboriam.

The outline of land and the names are engraved on

it, but there is no graduation. The author is un-


Among the papers of Leonardo da Vinci at Wind-

sor Castle there is a map of the world drawn on

eight gores, which appears to have been intended

for a globe. It is interesting as one of the first

maps on which the name America appears. Mr.

Major has fully described this map in a paper in

the Archceologia,1 and he believes that it wTas actually

drawn by Leonardo da Vinci himself. But Baron

Nordenskiold gives reasons for the conclusion that

it was copied from some earlier globe by an ignorant

though careful draughtsman.

In 1881 some ancient gores were brought to

1 “A Memoir on a Mappemonde by Leonardo da Vinci, being

the earliest map hitherto known containing the name of America;

now in the royal collection at Windsor.” By R. H. Major, Esq.,

F.S.A. (Archceologia, vol. xl, 1865).




light by M. Tross, in a copy of the Cosmographies

Introductio of Waldseemuller, printed at Lyons in

1514 or 1518. They are from engravings on copper

by Ludovicus Boulenger.

A globe was constructed at Bamberg in 1520,

by Johann Schoner of Carlstadt, which is now in

the town library at Nuremburg ; it consists of

twelve gores. There is a copy of the Schoner

globe, 10J inches in diameter, at Frankfort,1 and

two others in the Military Library at Weimar. On

the Schoner globe, North America is broken up into

islands, but South America is shown as a continu-

ous coast-line, with the word America written along

it, as on the gores attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.2

Florida appears on it, and the Moluccas are in their

true positions. A line shows the track of Magel-

lan’s ships ; and the globe may be looked upon as

illustrating the history of the first circumnaviga-


A beautiful globe was presented to the church at

Nancy by Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, where it

was used as a ciborium. It is now in the Nancy

public library. It is of chased silver-gilt and blue

enamel, 6 inches in diameter.3

1 The Frankfort globe is given by Jomard in his Monuments

de la Géographie; see also J. R. G. S., xviii, 45.

2 Johann Schoner, Professor of Mathematics at N~v.remhurcj. A

reproduction of his Globe of 1523, long lost. By Henry Stevens

of Vermont ; edited, with an Introduction and Bibliography, by

C. H. Coote (London, 1SS8).

3 First described by M. Blau, Mémoires de la Société Royale de

Nancy, 1825, p. 97.



There is a globe in the National Library at Paris

very like that of Schoner, which has been believed

to be of Spanish origin. Another globe in the

same library, with the place of manufacture—”Rhoto-

magi” (Rouen)—marked upon it, but no date, is

supposed to have been made in 1540. It belonged

to Canon L’Ecuy of Premontre. This globe was

the first to show North America disconnected with


In 1541 Gerard Mercator completed his terres-

trial globe at Louvain, dedicating it to Cardinal

Granvelle. Its celestial companion was finished

ten years afterwards. These globes were 16 inches

in diameter. Many replicas were produced, and

Blundeville1 alludes to them as in common use in

England in 1594. Yet only two sets now exist.

In May 1868 the twelve gores for one of these was

bought by the Royal Library of Brussels, at the

sale of M. Benoni-Verelst of Ghent. The other

was found in 1875 at the Imperial Court Library

of Vienna. The terrestrial globe has rhumb lines,

which had hitherto only been shown on plane-

charts. The celestial globe has fifty-one constella-

tions, containing 934 fixed stars.

i Thomas Blundeville was a country gentleman, born in 1568.

He succeeded to Newton Flotman, in .Norfolk, in 1571; and was

an enthusiastic student of astronomy and navigation. In 1589

he published his Description of universal mappes and cardes, and

his Exercises appeared in 1594. This work was very popular

among the navigators of the period, and went through at least

seven editions. Blundeville also wrote on horsemanship. His

only son was slain in the Low Countries.

b 2



light by M. Tross, in a copy of the Cosmographies

Introductio of Waldseemiïller, printed at Lyons in

1514 or 1518. They are from engravings on copper

by Ludovicus Boulenger.

A globe was constructed at Bamberg in 1520,

by Johann Schoner of Carlstadt, which is now in

the town library at Nuremburg ; it consists of

twelve gores. There is a copy of the Schoner

globe, 10j inches in diameter, at Frankfort,1 and

two others in the Military Library at Weimar. On

the Schoner globe, North America is broken up into

islands, but South America is shown as a continu-

ous coast-line, with the word America written along

it, as on the gores attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.2

Florida appears on it, and the Moluccas are in their

true positions. A line shows the track of Magel-

lan’s ships ; and the globe may be looked upon as

illustrating the history of the first circumnaviga-


A beautiful globe was presented to the church at

Nancy by Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, where it

was used as a ciborium. It is now in the Nancy

public library. It is of chased silver-gilt and blue

enamel, 6 inches in diameter.3

1 The Frankfort globe is given by Jomard in his Monuments

de la Géographie; see also J. R. G. S., xviii, 45.

2 Johann Schoner, Professor of Mathematics at Nitremburg. A

reproduction of his Globe of 1523, long lost. By Henry Stevens

of Vermont ; edited, with an Introduction and Bibliography, by

C. H. Coote (London, 1888).

3 First described by M. Blau, Mémoires de la Société Royale de

Nannj, 1825, p. 97.



There is a globe in the National Library at Paris

very like that of Schoner, which has been believed

to be of Spanish origin. Another globe in the

same library, with the place of manufacture—”Rhoto-

magi” (Rouen)—marked upon it, but no date, is

supposed to have been made in 1540. It belonged

to Canon L’Ecuy of Premontre. This globe was

the first to show North America disconnected with


In 1541 Gerard Mercator completed his terres-

trial globe at Louvain, dedicating it to Cardinal

Granvelle. Its celestial companion was finished

ten years afterwards. These globes were 16 inches

in diameter. Many replicas were produced, and

Blundeville1 alludes to them as in common use in

England in 1594. Yet only two sets now exist.

In May 1868 the twelve gores for one of these was

bought by the Royal Library of Brussels, at the

sale of M. Benoni-Verelst of Ghent. The other

was found in 1875 at the Imperial Court Library

of Vienna. The terrestrial globe has rhumb lines,

wdiich had hitherto only been shown on plane-

charts. The celestial globe has fifty-one constella-

tions, containing 934 fixed stars.

i Thomas Blundeville was a country gentleman, born in 1568.

He succeeded to Newton Flotman, in.Norfolk, in 1571; and was

an enthusiastic student of astronomy and navigation. In 1589

he published his Description of universal mappes and cardes, and

his Exercises appeared in 1594. This work was very popular

among the navigators of the period, and went through at least

seven editions. Blundeville also wrote on horsemanship. His

only son was slain in the Low Countries.

b 2



A copper globe was constructed at Rome by

Euphrosinus Ulpius in 1542, and dedicated to Pope

Marcellus II when he was a cardinal. It was

bought in Spain in 1859, and is now in the library

of the New York Historical Society. It is 15^

inches in diameter, divided in the line of the equa-

tor, and fastened by iron pins, and it has an iron

cross on the North Pole. Its height, with the

stand, is 3 feet 8 inches. The meridian-lines are at

distances of 30°, the first one passing through the

Canaries. Prominence is also given to the line of

demarcation between Spain and Portugal, laid down

by Pope Alexander VI. There is another globe,

found at Grenoble in 1 855, and now in the National

Library at Paris, by A. F. von Langeren, which

may possibly antedate the Molyneux globes.1

In the Oldnorske Museum at Copenhagen there

is a small globe of 1543, mounted as an armillary

sphere, with eleven brass rings. It was constructed

by Caspar Vopell, and is believed to have belonged

to .Tycho Brahe. A small silver globe is part of

the Swedish regalia, and was made in 1561 for the

coronation of. Eric XIV. Similar globes, forming-

goblets or ciboires, are preserved in the Rosenborg

Palace at Copenhagen and in the Museum at Stock-

holm. They are merely specimens of goldsmiths’

1 After the globes of Molyneux followed those of Blaew and

Hondius. Langeren and Hondius were rivals. They announced

their intention of bringing out two globes in 1597, but no copies

are known to exist. The globes of W. Janssen Blaew (1571-

1G38) were of wood, the largest being 27 inches in diameter, the

smallest ~i inches.



work, useful only if other maps of the same period

were wanting.

Counting the gores of Tross and of Leonardo da

Vinci, there are thus twelve terrestrial globes now

in existence which preceded the first that was con-

structed in England.

The preparation of celestial globes and armillary

spheres received an impetus from the labours of the

great astronomers who flourished for two centuries,

from the time of Copernicus to that of Galileo.

Nicolaus Copernicus was born at Thorn on the

Vistula in 1473, and was educated at the Univer-

sity of Cracow, studying medicine and painting, as

well as mathematics. After passing some years at

the University of Bologna and at Rome, he returned

to his native country. The uncle of Copernicus

was Bishop of Warmia or Warmland, on the Baltic,

near Danzig ; with a cathedral at Frauenburg, on

the shores of the Friske HafF. Here the great

astronomer became a canon; here he passed the

remainder of his life ; and here he wrote his great

work, De Rcvolutionibus Orbium Ccelestium. It

was completed in 1530, but over ten more years

were devoted to the work of correcting and alter-

ing, and when, at last, it wras printed at Nurem-

berg, Copernicus was on his death-bed. He died

on May 23rd, 1543, having just lived long enough

to rest his hand on a printed copy of his work. It

is not known that a sphere wTas ever constructed

in his lifetime to illustrate his system. Tycho

Brahe was born at Knudstrup, in December 154G,



three years after the death of Copernicus. The

one was a quiet ecclesiastic; the other a man of

noble birth, whose career was surrounded by diffi-

culties, owing to the family prejudices, which were

irreconcilable with the studies and occupations of

his choice. The family of Tycho Brahe believed

that the career of arms was the only one suited for

a gentleman. He became a student at Copenhagen

and at Wittenberg, and still further offended his

relations by marrying a beautiful peasant girl of

Knudstrup. The accident of his birth made it im-

possible for him to avoid strife. At Rostock he

felt bound to fight a duel with a Dane named

Pasberg, to decide the question as to which was

the best mathematician. Tycho Brahe had half

his nose cut off, and ever afterwards he wore a

golden nose. But, in spite of obstacles, he rose to

eminence as an astronomer. He discovered errors

in the Alphonsine Tables, and observed a new star

in Cassiopeia in 1572. King Frederick II of Den-

mark recognised the great merits of Tycho Brahe.

He granted him the island of Hveen in 1576,

where the illustrious astronomer built his chateau

of LTranienberg and his observatories.1 Here he

made his catalogue of stars, and here he lived and

observed for many years; but, on the death of

Frederick in 1588, the enemies of the great man

poisoned the mind of Christian IV against him.

His pension and all his allowances were withdrawn,

1 The instruments of Tycho Brahe and a plan of Uranienberg

are given in vol. i of the Adas Major of Blaew (Blasius).



and he was nearly ruined. In 1597 he left the

island, and set sail, with his wife and children, for

Holstein. In 1599 he accepted a cordial invitation

from the Emperor Rudolph II to come to Bohemia,

and was established in the Castle of Beneteck, five

miles from Prague. He died at Prague in 1601,

aged 55.

The celestial globe constructed by Tycho Brahe

is described by his pupil Pontanus. It was made

of wood covered with plates of copper, and was six

feet in diameter. It was considered to be a mag-

nificent piece of work, and many strangers came to

the island of Hveen on purpose to see it. But

when Tycho Brahe was obliged to leave Denmark,

he took the globe with him, and it was eventually

deposited in the imperial castle at Prague. Of

about the same date is the celestial globe at the

South Kensington Museum, made for the Emperor

Rudolph II at Augsburg in 1584. It is of copper-

gilt, and is 7|- inches in diameter.

John Kepler, who was born at Weil in Wiirtem-

berg in 1571, is also said to have been of noble

parentage ; but his father was so poor that he was

obliged to keep a public-house. A weak and sickly

child, Kepler became a student at Tubingen, and

devoted himself to astronomical studies. He visited

Tycho Brahe at Prague in 1600, and succeeded him

as principal mathematician to the Emperor Rudolph

II. But he was always in pecuniary difficulties,

and was irritable and quick-tempered, owing to ill-

health and poverty. Nevertheless, he made great



advances in the science of astronomy. He com-

pleted the Kudolphine Tables in 1627, being the first

calculated on the supposition that the planets move

in elliptical orbits. Kepler’s laws relate to the

elliptic form of orbits, the equable description of

areas, and to the proposition that the squares of

the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of

the mean distances from the sun. His work on the

motions of the planet Mars was published in 1609.

Kepler died in November 1630, aged 58.

The great Italian astronomer was his contempo-

rary. Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa in 1564,

and was educated at the university of his native

town. Here he discovered the isochronism of the

vibrations of the pendulum; and in 1592, when

professor at Padua, he became a convert to the

doctrines of Copernicus. His telescope, completed

in 1609, enabled him to discover the ring of Saturn

and the satellites of Jupiter; while the latter dis-

covery revealed another method of finding the lon-

gitude. The latter years of the life of Galileo were

clouded by persecution and misfortune. The Con-

vent of Minerva at Pome, where stupid bigots

forced him to recant, and where he whispered ” e

pur se muove”, is now the Ministry of Public In-

struction of an enlightened government. His trial

before the Inquisition wTas in 1632; he lost his

daughter in 1634; and in 1636 he became blind.

Galileo died in the arms of his pupil Yiviani, in

January 1642. There can be no more fitting monu-



ment to the great astronomer than the ” Tribuna”

which has been erected to his honour at Florence.

Frescoes of the chief events in his life adorn the

walls, while his instruments, and those of his pupils

Yiviani and Torricelli, illustrate his labours and


Pontanus, who was a disciple of Tycho Brahe,

mentions that Ferdinand I of Tuscany had two

large globes, one terrestrial, and the other an armil-

lary sphere with circles and orbs, both existing in

the time of Galileo. The latter, which was designed

by the cosmographer Antonio Santucci between

1588 and 1593, is still preserved, and has been

described by Professor Meucci.1 It is constructed

on the Ptolemaic system, and consists of nine con-

centric spheres, the outer one being 7 feet in dia-

meter, and the earth being in the centre. The frame

rests on a pedestal consisting of four caryatides,

which represent the four cardinal points; and it

stands near the entrance to the “Tribuna” of Galileo.

It is the last and most sumptuous illustration of

the old Ptolemaic system, and a monument of the

skill and ingenuity of the scientific artists of


The celestial globe of Tycho Brahe and the armil-

lary sphere of Santucci cannot have been seen byMoly-

neux. Their construction was nearly contemporane-

ous with that of the first English globes. But all the

1 La Sfera Armillare di Tolomeo, construita da Antonio San-

tucci (Firenze, 1S7G).



other globes that have been enumerated preceded the

kindred work of our own countrymen ; and in their

more complete development, under the able hands of

Mercator, they served as the pattern on which our

mathematician built up his own enlarged and im-

proved globes.

We find very little recorded of Emery Molyneux,

beyond the fact that he was a mathematician resid-

ing in Lambeth. He was known to Sir Walter

Raleigh, to Hakluyt, and to Edward Wright, and

was a friend of John Davis the Navigator. The

words of one of the legends on his globe give some

reason for the belief that Molyneux accompanied

Cavendish in his voyage round the world. The

construction of the globes appears to have been

suggested by learned men to Mr. William Sander-

son, one of the most munificent and patriotic of the

merchant-princes of London, in the days of the

great Queen. He fitted out the Arctic expeditions

of Davis ; and the same liberal patron readily under-

took to defray .the expenses connected with the

construction of the globes. There are grounds for

thinking that it was Davis who suggested to Mr.

Sanderson the employment of Emery Molyneux.

The approaching publication of the globes was an-

nounced at the end of the preface to the first edition

of Hakluyt’s Voyages, which saw the light in 1589.

There was some delay before they were quite com-

pleted, but they were actually published in the end

of 1592.

The Molyneux globes are 2 feet 2 inches in



diameter,1 and are fixed on stands. They have

graduated brass meridians, and on that of the terres-

trial globe a dial circle or “Horarius” is fixed. The

broad wooden equator, forming the upper part of

the stand, is painted with the zodiac signs, the

months, the Roman calendar, the points of the

compass, and the same in Latin, in concentric

circles. Rhumb lines are drawn from numerous

centres over the surface of the terrestrial globe.

The equator, ecliptic, and polar circles are painted

boldly ; while the parallels of latitude and meridians,

at every ten degrees, are very faint lines.

The globe received additions, “including the dis-

coveries of Barents in Novaya Zemlya, and the date

has been altered with a pen from 1592 to 1603.

The constellations and fixed stars on the celestial

globe are the same as those on the globe of Mer-

cator, except that the Southern Cross has been

added. On both the celestial and terrestrial globes

of Molyneux there is a square label with this inscrip-

tion :—

” This globe belonging to the Middle Temple was

repaired in the year 1818 by J. and W. Newton,

Clobe Makers, Chancery Lane.”

i The largest that had been made up to the time ef their pub-

lication. The Behaim globe was 21 inches, the Mercator globes

1G inches, the Ulpius globe loh inches, and the Schoner globe

10i- inches in diameter. The others, which are older than the

Molyneux globes, are very small. The diameter of the Laon



Over North America are the arms of France and

England quarterly; supporters, a lion and dragon ;

motto of the garter; crown, crest, and baldrequin ;

standing on a label, with a long dedication to

Queen Elizabeth.

The achievement of Mr. William Sanderson is

painted on the imaginary southern continent to the

south of Africa. The crest is a globe with the sun’s

rays behind. It stands on a squire’s helmet with

baldrequin. The shield is quarterly: 1st, paly of

six azure and argent, over all a bend sable for Sander-

son ; 2nd, gules, lions, and castles in the quarters for

Skirne alias Castilion; 3rd, or, a chevron between 3

eagles displayed sable, in chief a label of three points

sable for Wall; 4th,quarterly, or and azure, over all a

bend gules for Langston. Beneath there is an address

from William Sanderson to the gentle reader, English

and Latin, in parallel columns.

In the north polar regions there are several new

additions, delineating the discoveries of English and

Dutch explorers for the first time. John Davis

wrote, in his World’s llyd.rographical Discovery :

” How far I proceeded doth appear on the globe

made by Master Emerie Molyneux.” Davis Strait

is shown with all the names on its shores which were

given by its discoverer, and the following legend :

teJoannes Davis Anglus anno 1585-8G-87 littora

Americce circum spectantia a quinquagesimo quinto

grado ad 73 sub polarem scutando perlegit.” On

globe is Go inches, of the Nancy globe G inches, and of the Lenox

glube only \\i inches.



another legend we have, “Additions in the north

parts to 1G03″; and below it are the discoveries of

Barents, with his Novaya Zemlya winter quarters—

” Ilet behouden huis.” Between Xovaya Zemlya

and Greenland there is an island called ” Sir Hugo

Willoghbi his land”. This insertion arose from a great

error in longitude, Willoughby having sighted the

coast of Xovaya Zemlya ; and the island, of course,

had no existence, though it long remained on the

maps. To the north of Siberia there are two

legends—” Rd. Cancelarius et Stephanas Burrow

Angli LappicB et Corelia? oras marinas et Sinun. S.

Xicolai vidgo dictum anno 1553 menso Augusto

exploraverunt”; and ” Joannes Mandevillanus eques

Angiitis ex Anglia anno 1322 Cathaice et Tartari

regiones penetravit.”

Many imaginary islands, in the Atlantic, are

retained on the Globe: including ” Frisland”,

“Buss Ins”, “Brasil”, ” Maidas”, ” Heptapolis”,

” St. Brandon”. On the eastern side of North

America are the countries of Florida, Virginia, and

Norumbega ; and also a large town of Norumbega

up a gulf full of islands. The learned Dr. Dee had

composed a treatise on the title of Queen Elizabeth

to Norumbega ; and in modern times Professor Hors-

forth has written a memoir to identify Norumbega

with a site up the Charles river, near Boston. On

the Atlantic, near the American coast, is the follow-

ing legend: ” Virginia primum lust rata, habitata,

et culta ab Anglis inpensis D. Gualteri de Ralegh

Equitis Aurati anmenti Elizabeths In Anglice






miles. But for as much as Athos lies westward from

Lemnos, as may appeare out of Ptolomies Tables, no mar-

vaile that it casts so large a shadow, seeing that wee may

observe by daily experience, that as well when the Sun riseth

as when it sets, the shadowes are always extraordinary long.

But that which Pliny and Solinus report of the same

Mountaine I should rather account among the rest of their

fabulous Stories, where as they affirme it to be so high that

it is thought to be above that region of the Aire whence the

rain is wont to fall. And this opinion (say they) was first

grounded upon a report that there goes, that the ashes which

are left upon the Altars on the top of this hill are never

washed away, but are found remaining in heapes upon the

same. To this may be added another testimony out of the

Excerpts of the seventh book of Strabo, where it is said that

those that inhabite the top of this Mountaine doe see the

Sun three homes sooner than those that live near the Sea

side. The height of the Mountaine Caucasus is in like

maimer celebrated by Aristotle, the top whereof is enlightened

by the Sunnes beames the third part of the night, both

morning and evening. No lesse fabulous is that which is re-

ported by Pliny and Solinus of Casins, in Syria, from whose

top the Sun rising is discovered about the fourth watch of

the night; which is also related by Mela of that other Casius

in Arabia. But that all these relations are no other than

mere fables is acutely and solidly proved by Petrus Nonius pUSdceu°™’

out of the very principles of Geometry. As for that which

Eustathius writes, that Hercules Pillars, called by the Greeks Eustathius.

Calpe and Abenna, are celebrated by Dionysius Periegetes

for their miraculous height, is plainly absurd and ridiculous.

For these arise not above an hundred elles in height, which

is but a furlong; whereas the Pyramids of Egypt are reported

by Strabo to equall that height; and some trees in India are f^3}™,’

found to exceed it, if wee may credit the relations of those

“Writers who, in the same Strabo, afiirme that there grows a



tree, by the river Hyarotis that casteth a shadow at noon five

furlongs long.

Those fabulous narrations of the Ancients are seconded

by as vaiue reports of our moderne times. And first of all

Scaliger writes from other men’s relations that Tenariff, one

of the Canary Islands, riseth in height fifteene leagues, which

amount to above sixtie miles. But Patricius, not content

with this measure, stretcheth it to seventie miles. There are

other hilles in like manner cry eel up for their great height,

as, namely, the Mountaine Audi, in Peru, and another in the

Isle Pico, among the Azores Islands; but yet both these fall

short of Tenariff. What credit these relations may deserve

we will now examine. And first for Tenariff, ic is reported

by many writers to be of so great height that it is probable

the whole world affordes not a more eminent place ; not ex-

cepting the Mountaine Slotu’s itself, which, whether ever any

other mortall man hath seen, beside that Monke of Oxford

(who, by his skill in Magicke, conveighed himselfe into the

utmost Northeme regions and tooke a view of all the places

about the Pole, as the Story hath it), is more than I am able

to determine. Yet that this Isle cannot be so high as Scaliger

would have it we may be the more bold to believe, because

that the tops of it are scarcely ever free from snow, so that

you shall have them covered all over with snow all the year

long, save onely one, or, at the most, two months in the

midst of summer, as may appeare out of the Spanish Writers.

Now that any snow is generated 60 or 70 miles above the

plaine superficies of the Earth and Water is more then they

will ever persuade us, seeing that the highest vapours never

rise above 48 miles above the Earth, according to Eratos-

thenes his measure; but according to Ptolomy they ascend

not above 41 miles. Notwithstanding, Cardan and some

> other protest Mathematicians are bold to raise them up to

” 288 miles; but with no small staine of their name have

they mixed those trifles with their other writings. Solinus



reports that the tops of the Moimtaine Atlas reacheth very

neare as high as the circle of the Moon ; but he betrayeth

his own errour in that he confesseth that the top of it is

covered with snow, and shineth with fires in the Night. Not

unlike to this are those things which are reported of the

same moimtaine and its height by Herodotus, Dionysius

Afer, and his scholiast Eustathius; whence it is called in

Authours, Ccelorum Columen, the pillar that bears up the

Heavens. But to let passe these vaine relations, let us come

to those things that seem to carry a greater show of truth.

Eratosthenes found by Dioptricall instruments, and measur- Theon. i

J 1 ‘ com. in.

ing the distances betwixt the places of his observation, that Pto1-

a perpendicular drawn from the top of the highest moim-

taine down to the lowest bottome or vally, did not exceed

ten furlongs. Cleomedes saith that there is no hill found to

be above fifteene furlongs in height, and so high as this was

that vast steepe rocke in Bactriana, which is called Sisimitra?

Petra, mentioned by Strabo in his II booke of his Geography.

The toppes of the Thessalian Mountaines are raised to a

greater height by Solinus then ever it is possible for any

hill to reach. Yet, if we may believe Pliny, Dicaearchns L. I, c.

being employed by the king’s command in the same busi-

nesse, found that the height of Pelion, which is the highest

of all, exceeded not 1,250 pases, which is but ten furlongs.

But to proceed yet a little further, lest we should seem too

sparing herein, and to restraine them within narrower limits

than wee ought, wee will adde to the height of hilles the

depth also of the Sea. Of which the illustrious Iulius

Scaliger, in his 38 exercitations against Cardan, writeth

thus: The depth of the Sea (saith he) is not very great, for

it seldome exceeds 80 pases, in most places it is not 20 pases,

and in many places not above G ; in few places it reacheth

100 pases, and very seldome, or never, exceeds this number.

But because this falles very short of the truth, as is testified

by the daily experience of those that passe the Sea, let us



make the depth of the Sea equall to the height of Moun-

taines: so that suppose the depth thereof to be 10 furlongs,

“which is the measure of the Sardinian Sea in the deepest

places, as Posidonius in Strabo affirmes. Or, if 3-011 please,

let it be 15 furlongs, as Cleomedes and Fabianus, cited by

Pliny, lib. 2, c. 102, will have it. (For Georg. Valla, in his

interpretation of Cleomedes, deales not fairely with his

Authour, where he makes him assigne 30 furlongs to be the

measure of the Sea’s depth.) These grounds being thus laid,

let us now see what proportion the height of hilles may bear

to the Diameter of the whole Earth ; that so we may hence

gather that the extuberancy of hilles are able to detract

little or nothing from the roundnesse of the Earth, but that

this excrescency will be but like a little knob or dust upon a

ball, as Cleomedes saith. For if wee suppose the circum-

ference of the whole Earth to be 180,000 furlongs, according

to Ptolomies account (neither did ever any of the Ancients

assigne a lesse measure than this, as Strabo witnesseth), the

Diameter therefore will be (according to the proportion be-

twixt a circle and its diameter found out by Archimedes)

above 57,272 furlongs. If, then, we grant the highest hilles

to be ten furlongs high, according to Eratosthenes and

Dictearchus, they will beare the same proportion to the

Diameter of the Earth that is betwixt 1 and 5,727. (Peu-

cerus mistakes himselfe when he saith that the Diameter of

the Earth to the perpendicular of ten furlongs is as 18,000

to 1, for this is the proportion it beareth to the whole cir-

cumference, and not the diameter. Or suppose the toppes

of the highest hilles to ascend to the perpendicular of fifteene

furlongs, as Cleomedes would have it, the proportion then

will be of one to 3,81S. Or if you please let it be thirtie

furlongs, of which height is a certain rock in Sogdiana

spoken of by Strabo in the eleventh Booke of his Geography

(notwithstanding Cleomedes is of opinion that a perpen-

dicular drawne from the top of the highest hill to the



bottom of the deepest Sea exceeds not this measure), the

proportion will be no greater than of one to 1,903. Or let

us extend it yet further if you will to foure miles, or

thirty-two furlongs (of which height the mountaine Casius,

in Syria, is reported by Pliny to be), the proportion will yet

be somewhat lesse then of one to 1,789. I am therefore so Lib. 2,c. 65.

farre from giving any credit to Patricius, his relations of

Tenariffes being seventy-two miles high (unlesse it be

measured by many oblique and crooked turnings and wind-

ings, in which manner Pliny measureth the height of the

Alpes also to be fiftie miles),so that I cannot assent to Alhazan, L-de Cre*

r ” ‘ puse.

an Arabian, who would have the toppes of the highest hilles

to reach to eight Arabian miles, or eighty furlongs, as I

thinke; neither yet to Pliny, who, in his quarto lib., cap. ii,

affirmes the mountaine Hannus to be six miles in height, and

I can scarcely yield to the same Pliny when as he speaks of

other hilles foure miles in height, And whoever should

affirme any hill to be higher than this, though it were

Mercury lhmselfe, I should hardly believe him. Thus much

of the height of hilles which seemed to derogate from the

roundnesse of the Terrestriall Globe. Patricius proceeds,

and goes about to prove that the water also is not round or

sphrericall. And he borroweth his argument from the

observations of those that conveigh or levell waters, who

find by their Dioptricall Instruments that waters have all an

equall and plaine superficies, except they be troubled by the

violence of windes. On the contrary side, Eratosthenes, in

Strabo, affirmes that the superficies of the Sea is in some

places higher then it is in other. And he also produceth as

assertors of Ms ignorance those Water-levellers, who, being

employed by Demetrius about the cutting away of the

Isthmus, or necke of land betwixt Peloponessus and Greece,

returned him answere that they found by their Instruments

that that part of the Sea which was on Corinth’s side was

higher than it was at Cenehree. The like is also storied of



Sesostris, one of the kings of Egypt, who, going about to

make a passage out of the Mediterranean into the Arabian

Gulfe, is said to have desisted from his purpose because he

found that the superficies of the Arabian Gulfe was higher

Aristotle, than was the Mediterranean, as it is reported by Aristotle in

the end of his first booke of Meteors. The like is also said

in the same place by the same Authour to have happened

afterward to Darius. Now whether the Architects or

Water-levellers employed by Demetrius, Sesostris, and

Darius deserve more credit than those whom Patricius

nameth I shall not much trouble my selfe to examine. Yet

Strabo inveigheth against Eratosthenes for attributing any

such eminences and depressions to the superficies of the Sea.

And Archimedes his doctrine is that every humid body

standing still and without disturbance hath a sphrerieall

superficies whose centre is the same with that of the Earth.

So that wee have just cause to regret the opinions, both of

those that contend that the superficies of the Sea is plaine,

as also of those that will have it to be in some places higher

than in other. Although wee cannot in reason but confesse that

so small a portion of the whole Terrestriall Globe as may be

comprehended within the reach of our sight, cannot be dis-

tinguished by the helpe of any Instruments from a plaine

superficies. So that we may conclude Patricius his argument,

which he alleadgeth from the experience of Water-con-

veighers, to be of no weight at all.

But hee goes on and labours to prove his assertion from

the elevation and depression, rising and setting of the Poles

and Starres, which were observed daily by those that traverse

the Seas ; all which he saith may come to passe, although the

surface of the water were plaine. For if any Starre be

observed that is in the verticall point of any place,

which way soever you travell from that place, the same

Starre will seeme to be depressed, and abate something of

its elevation, though it were on a plaine superficies. But



there is something more in it than Patricks takes notice of.

For if wee goe an equall measure of miles, either toward the

North or toward the South, the elevation or depression of

the Starre will always bee found to be eqnall: which that

it can possibly bee so in a plaine superficies is more than

bee will ever be able to demonstrate. If wee take any

Starre situate neare the ^Equator, the same, when you have

removed thence 60 English miles, will be elevated about a

degree higher above the Horizon, whether the Starre be

directly over your head, or whether you depart thence that

so it may bee depressed from your Zenith for 30 or 50 or

any other number of degrees. Which that it cannot thus

be on a plaine superficies may bee demonstrated out of the

principles of Geometry. But yet methinks this one thing

might have persuaded Patricius (being so well versed in the

Histories of the Spanish Navigations, as his writings suffi-

ciently testifie) that the superficies of the Sea is not plaine,

because that the Ship called the Victory, wherein Ferdinand

Magellane, losing from Spaiue and directing his course to-

ward the South-west parts, passed through the Straits,

called since by his name, and so touching upon the Cape of

Good Hope, having encompassed the whole world about,

returned again into Spaine. And here I shall not need to

mention the famous voyages of our owne countriemen, Sir

Francis Drake and Master Thomas Candish, not so well

knowne perhaps abroad, which yet convince Patricius of the

same errour. And thus have we lightly touched the chiefe

foundations that his cause is built upon ; but as for those ill-

understood experiments which he brings for the confirmation

of the same, I shall let them passe, for that they seeme

rather to subvert his opinion than confirme it.

Thus, having proved the Globe of the Earth to be of a

Sphericall figure, seeing that the emineney of the highest

hills hath scarcely the same proportion to the semidiameter

of the Earth that there is betwixt 1 and 1,000, which how



small it is an)’ one may easily perceive; I hold it very

superfluous to goe about to prove that a Globe is of a figure

most proper and apt to expresse the fashion of the Heavens

and Earth as being most agreeable to nature, easiest to be

understood, and also very beautifull to behold.

Now in Materiall Globes, besides the true and exact

description of places, which is, indeed, the chiefest matter

to be considered, there are two things especially recpnred.

The first whereof is the magnitude and capacity of them,

that so there may be convenient space for the description of

each particular place or region. The second is the light t-

nesse of them, that so their weight be not cumbersome.

Strabo, in his eleventh booke, would have a Globe to have

tenne foot in Diameter, that so it might in some reasonable

manner admit the description of particular places. But this

bulke is too vast to bee conveniently dealt withall. And in this

regard I think that these Globes, of which I intend to speak

in this ensuing discourse, may justly bee preferred before all

other that have been set before them, as beinge more capa-

cious than any other ; for they are in Diameter two foot and

two inches, whereas Mercator’s Globes (which are bigger than

any other ever set before him) are scarcely sixteene inches

Diameter. The proportion therefore of the superficies of

these Globes to Mercator’s will be as 1 to 2|, and somewhat

more. Every country, therefore, in these Globes will be

above twice as large as it is in Mercator’s, so that each par-

ticular place may the more easily bee described. And this

I would have to bee understood of those great Globes made

by William Saunderson of London ; concerning the use of

which especially we have written this discourse. For he

hath set forth other smaller Globes, also, which as they are

of a lesser bulke and magnitude, so are they of a cheaper

price, that so the meaner Students might herein also be

provided for. Now concerning the geographicall part of

them, seeing that it is taken out of the newest Charts and



descriptions ; I am bold to think them more perfect than

any other : however they want not their errours. And I

thinke it may bee the authors glory to have performed thus

much in the edition of these Globes. One thing by the

way you are to take notice of, which is that the descrip-

tions of particular places are to be sought for elsewhere,

for this is not to be expected in a Globe. And for these

descriptions of particular countries, you may have recourse

to the Geographicall Tables of Abrahamus Ortelius,1 whose

diligence and industry in this regard seemes to exceed all

other before him. To him, therefore, we referre you.2

1 In the edition of 1659 the name of Gerardus Mercator is substi-

tuted for that of Abrahamus Ortelius.

2 In the Dutch editions here follows a long note by Pontanus,

describing the globe of Tycho Brahe at Prague, and those of the

Duke of Tuscany ; and giving the definitions of Euclid.



Of those things which are common both to the

Ccelestiall and Terrestrial! Globe.


What a Globe is, vjith the 2>arts thereof, and of the Circles of

the Globe.

A GLOBE, in relation to our present purpose, we define to be

an Analogicall representation either of the Heavens or the

Earth. And we call it Analogicall, not only in regard of its

forme expressing the Sphrericall figure as well of the

Heavens, as also of the Terrestriall Globe, consisting of the

Earth itselfe, together with the interflowing Seas ; but rather

because that it representeth unto us in a just proportion and

distance each particular constellation in the Heavens, and

every severall region and tract of ground in the Earth ;

together with certaine circles, both greater and lesser, in-

vented by Artificers for the more ready computation of the

same. The greater Circles we call those which divide the

whole superficies of the Globe into two equall parts or halves ;

and those the lesser which divide the same into two tmequall


Besides the body of the Globe itselfe, and those things

which we have said to be thereon inscribed, there is also

annexed a certain frame with necessary instruments thereto

belonging, which we shall declare in order.

1 Here Pontanus inserts another long note, in the Dutch edition,

respecting a discussion between Tycho Braye and Peter Ramus, on

the method of astronomical computation in use among the ancient




The fabricke of the frame is thus: First of all there is a

Base, or foot to rest upon, on which there are raised perpen-

dicularly sixe Columnes or Pillars of equal 1 length and dis-

tance ; upon the top of which there is fastened to a levcll

and parallel to the Base a round plate or circle of wood, of a

sufficient breadth and thicknesse, which they call the Hori-

zon, because that the uppermost superficies thereof performeth

the office of the true Horizon. For it is so placed that it

divideth the whole Globe into two equall parts, Whereof

that which is uppermost represented unto us the visible

Hemisphere, and the other that which is hid from us. So

likewise that Circle which divides that part of the world

which wee see from that other which wee see not, is called the

Horizon. And that point which is directly over our heads

in our Hemisphere, and is on every side equidistant from the

Horizon, is commonly called Zenith; but the Arabians name

it Semith. But yet the former corrupted name hath prevailed,

so that it is always used among Writers generally. And that

point which is opposite to it in the lower Hemisphere the

Arabians call Nathir; but it is commonly written Nadir.

These two points are called also the Poles of the Horizon.

Furthermore, upon the superficies of the Horizon in a

Material! Globe, there are described, first, the twelve Signes

of the Zodiaque, and each of these is again divided into

thirty lesser portions ; so that the whole Horizon is divided

into 360 parts, which they also call degrees. And if every

degree be divided into sixtie parts also, each of them is then

called a Scruple or Minute ; and so by the like subdivision

of minutes into sixtie parts will arise Seconds, and of these

Thirds, and likewise Fourths and Fifths, etc., by the like

partition still of each into sixtie parts.1

There is also described upon the Horizon the Pioman

1 Pontanus adds, in a note, that the days of the month, and the

Roman Kalends, Nones, and Ides, are also marked on the modern




Calendar, and that three severall ways; to wit, the ancient

way, which is still in use with us here in England; and the

new way appointed by Pope Gregory 13, wherein the Equi-

noxes and Solstices were restored to the same places wherein

they were at the time of the celebration of the Councell of Nice;

in the third, the said Equinoctiall and Solsticiall points are

restored to the places that they were in at the time of our

Saviour Christ’s nativity. The months in the Calendar are

divided into dayes and weekes, to which are annexed, as

their peculiar characters, the seven first letters of the Latine

Alphabet. Which manner of designing the dayes of the

Moneth was first brought in by Dionysius Exiguus, a Pomane

Abbot, after the Councell of Nice.

The innermost border of the Horizon is divided into 32

parts, according to the number of the Windes, which are

observed by our moderne Sea-faring men in their Naviga-

tions ; by which also they are wont to designe forth the quar-

ters of the Heavens and the coasts of Countries. For the

Ancients observed but foure winds only, to which were

after added foure more; but after ages, not content with this

number, increased it to twelve, and at length they brought it

to twenty-foure. as Vitruvius notes. And now these later

times have made them up thirty-two, the names whereof

both in English and Latine are set down in the Horizon of

Materiall Globes.1

There is also let into this Horizon two notches opposite

one to the other, a circle of brasse, making right angles with

the said Horizon, and placed so that it may be moved at

pleasure both up and downe by those notches, as neede shall

require. This Circle is called the Meridian, because that Meridianus,

one side of it, which is in like manner divided into 360

degrees, supplyeth the office of the true Meridian. Now the

meridian is one of the greater circles passing through the

Poles of the World and also of the Horizon; to which, when

1 Pontanus here inserts a note on the uses of the horizon.



the Sunne in his daily revolution is arrived in the upper Hemi-

sphere, it is midday; and when it toucheth the same in the

lower Hemisphere it is midnight at that place whose Meri-

dian it is.

These two Circles, the Horizon and Meridian, are various

and mutable in the Heavens and Earth, according as the

place is changed. But in the Materiall Globe they are made

fixed and constant; and the earth is made moveable, that so the

Meridian may be applied to the Verticall point of any place.1

In two opposite poynts of this Meridian are fastened the

Boreus two ends of an iron pinne passing through the body of the

Globe and its center. One of which ends is called the Arc-

ticke or Xorth Pole of the World; and the other the Antarc-

ticke or South Pole ; and the pinne itselfe is called the Axis.

For the Axis of the World is the Diameter about which it is

turned; and the extreme ends of the Axis are called the Poles.

To either of these Poles, when need shall require, there is

a certain brasse circle or ring of a reasonable strong making

to be fastened, which circle is divided into 24 equall parts,

according to the number of the homes of the day and night;

and it is therefore called the Houre circle. And this circle

is to be applied to either of the Poles in such sort as that the

Section where 12 is described may precisely agree with the

points of mid-day and mid-night in the superficies of the true


There is also another little pinne or stile to be fastened to

the end of the Axis, and in the very center of the Houre

circle ; and this pinne is called in Latine, Index Horarius,

and so made as that it turnes about and pointeth to every of

the 24 sections in the Houre Circle, according as the Globe

it selfe is moved about; so that you may place the point of

it to what houre you please.2

1 Pontanus here has a note on the uses of the meridian.

2 Here Pontanus has a note on using the hour circle, meridian, and

quadrant of altitude.




Of the Circles which are described upon the Superficies of the


And now in the next place we will shew what Circles are

described upon the Globe it selfe. And first of all there is

drawne a circle in an equall distance from both the Poles,

that is 90 degrees, which is called the yEquinoctiall or Equa- equator

tor; because that when the Sunne is in this Circle days and

nights are of equall length in all places. By the revolution

of Circle is defined a naturall day, which the Greeks call

vvxPvP’tpov. For a day is twofold : Naturall and Artificial! Fails^

A Naturall day is defined to be the space of time wherein

the whole ./Equator makes a full revolution ; and this is done

in 24 houres. An Artificiall day is the space wherein

the Sunne is passing through our upper Hemisphere ; to

which is opposed the Artificiall night, while the Sunne is

carried about in the lower Hemisphere. So that an Artificiall

day and night are comprehended within a Naturall day.

The Parts of a day are called houres; which are either equall ^fies.

or unequall. An Equall houre is the 24th part of a Naturall

day, in which space 15 degrees of the ^Equator doe always

rise, and as many are depressed on the opposite part. An in»qUaie

Unequall houre is the 12th part of an Artificiall day, betwixt

the time of the Suns rising and setting againe. These

Houres are againe divided into Minutes. Now a minute is

the 60th part of an houre; in which space of time a quarter

of a degree in the equator, that is 15 minutes, doe rise and

as many set.1

The JEquator is crossed or cut in two opposite points by

an oblique Circle, which is called the Zodiack. The obli- zodiacus

quity of this Circle is said to have beene first observed by

1 Here Pontanus has a note on the uses of the equator.



Anaximantler Milesius, in the 58 Olympiad, as Pliny writeth

in his lib. 2, cap. 8. Who also in the same place affirmes

that it was first divided into 12 parts which they call Signes

by Cleostratus Tenedius, in like manner as we see it at this

day. Each of these Signes is again subdivided into 30 Parts,

so that the whole Zodiack is divided in all into 360 parts,

like as the other circles are. The first twelfth part whereof,

beginning at the Yernall Intersection, where the ^Equator

and Zodiack crosse each other, is assigned to Aries, the

second to Taurus, etc., reckoning from West to East. But

here a young beginner in Astronomy may justly doubt what

is the reason that the first 30 degrees or 12th part of the

Zodiack is attributed to Aries, whereas the first Starre of

Aries falls short of the Intersection of the iEquinoctiall and

Zodiacke no less than 27 degrees. The reason of this is

because that in the time of the Ancient Greeks, who first of

all observed the places and situation of the fixed Starres and

expressed the same by Asterismes and Constellations, the

first Starre of Aries was then a very small space distant from

the very Intersection. For in Thales Milesius his time it

was two degrees before the Intersection; in the time of

Meton the Athenian, it was in the very Intersection. In

Timocharis his time it came two degrees after the Intersec-

tion. And so by reason of its vicinity the Ancients assigned

the first part of the Zodiack to Aries, the second to Taurus,

and so the rest in their order; as it is observed by succeed-

ing ages even to this very day.1

Under this Circle the Sunne and the rest of the Planets

finish their severall courses and periods in their severall

manner and time. The Sunne keepes his course in the

middest of the Zodiack, and therewith describeth the Eclip-

tick circle. But the rest have all of them their latitude

and deviations from the Suns course or Ecliptick. By

reason of which their digressions and extravagancies the

1 Pontanus here gives a note on Thales and Meton.



Ancients assigned the Zodiaque 12 degrees of latitude. But

our moderne Astronomers, by reason of the Evagations of

Mars and Venus, have added on each side two degrees more ;

so that the whole latitude of the Zodiack is confined within

16 degrees. But the Ecliptick onely is described on the

Globe, and is divided in like manner as the other Circles into

360 degrees.1

The Sunne runneth thorough this Circle in his yearly

motion, finishing every day in the yeare almost a degree by

his Meane motion, that is 59 min. 8 seconds. And in this

space he twice crosseth the ^Equator in two poynts equally

distant from each other. So that when he passeth over the

^Equator at the beginnings of Aries and Libra, the dayes and

nights are then of equall length. And so likewise when the

Sunne is now at the farthest distance from the ./Equator, and

is gotten to the beginning of Cancer or Capricorne, he then

causeth the Winter and Summer Solstices. I am not ignorant

thatVitruvius, Pliny, Theon Alexandrinus,Censorinus, and Co-

lumella, are of another opinion (but they are upon another

ground) ; when as they say that the ^Equinoxes are, when as

the Sunne passeth through the eighth degree of Aries and

Libra, and then it was the midst of Summer and Winter,

when the Sun entered the same degree of Cancer and Capri-

corne. But all these authors defined the Solstices by the

returning of the shadow of dials : which shadow cannot bee

perceived to returne backe againe, as Theon saith, till the JuoVcfensor

Sunne is entered into the eighth degree of Libra and Aries.2 adlunsitur-

The Space wherein the Sunne is finishing his course

through the Zodiack is defined to be a Yeare, which consists Annus.

of 365 dayes, and almost 6 houres. But they that think to find

the exact measure of this period will find themselves frus-

trate; for it is finished in an unequall time. It hath beene

ahvayes a controversie very much agitated among the

1 Pontanus here has a note on the ecliptic and zodiac.

2 Here Pontanus inserts a note on the uses of the zodiac.



Ancient Astronomers, and not yet determined. Philolaus, a

Pythagorean, determines it to be 365 dayes ; but all the rest

soa’Pde have added something more to this number. Harpalus

Em.’temp. W0llld haye it tQ be 365 dayeg and a halfe . Democritus 365

dayes and a quarter, adding beside the 164 part of a day.

(Enopides would have it to be 365 dayes 6 houres, and almost

9 houres. Meton the Athenian determined it to be 365 dayes,

6 houres and almost 19 minutes. After him Calippus reduced

it to 365 dayes and 6 houres, which account of his was fol-

lowed by Aristarchus of Samos, and Archimedes of Syracusa.

And according to this determination of theirs Julius Cesar

defined the measure of his Civile year, having first consulted

(as the report goes) with one Sosigenes, a Peripateticke and a

great Mathematician. But all these, except Philolaus (who

came short of the just measure), assigned too much to the

quantity of a yeare. For that it is somewhat lesse than 365

dayes 6 houres is a truth confirmed by the most accurate

observations of all times, and the skilfullest artists in Astro-

nomicall affaires. But how much this space exceedeth the just

quantity of a yeare is not so easy a matter to determine. Hip-

parchus, and after him Ptolomy, would have the 300 part of

Aa c. is. a day subtracted from this measure (for Jacobus Christ-


maunus was mistaken when he affirmed that a Tropicall

yeare, according to the opinions of Hipparchus and Ptolomy,

did consist of 365 dayes and the 300 part of a day). For

they doe not say so, but that the just quantity of a yeare is

365 dayes and 6 houres, abating the 300 part of a day, as

may be plainely gathered out of Ptolomy, Almagest., lib. 3,

cap. 2, and as Christmannus hiniselfe hath elsewhere rightly

observed. Xow, Ptolomy would have this to be the just

quantity of a yeare perpetually and immutably ; neither

would he be perswaded to the contrary, notwithstanding the

observations of Hipparchus concerning the inequallity of the

Sunnes periodicall revolution. But yet the observations of

succeeding times, compared with those of Hipparchus and



Ptolomy, doe evince the contrary. The Indians and Jewes

subtract the 120 part of a day ; Albategnius, the GOO part;

the Persians, the 115 part, according to whose account Mes-

sahalah and Albumazar wrote their tables of the Meane

Motion of the Sunne. Azaphius Avarius and Arzachel

atfirnied that the quantity assigned was too much by the 136

part of a day; Alphonsus abateth the 122 part of a day;

some others, the 128 part of a clay; and some, the 130 part

of a day. Those that were lately employed in the restitu-

tion of the Pomane Calendar would have almost the 133

part of a day to be subtracted, which they conceived in 400

years would come to three whole dayes. But Copernicus

observed that this quantity fell short by the 115 part of a

day. Most true therefore was that conclusion of Censorinus, censo. c.

that a yeare consisted of 365 dayes, and I know nut what

certaine portion, not yet discovered by Astrologers.

By these divers opinions here alleclged is manifestly dis-

covered the error of Dion, which is indeed a very ridiculous Dion, I. 4;

one. Por he had conceit that in the space of 1461 Julian

yeares there would be wanting a whole day for the just

measure of a yeare ; which he would have to be intercaled,

and so the Civile Julian Yeare would accurately agree with

the revolution of the Sunne. And Galen also, the Prince of £• 4>c- 3-

‘ Progn.

Physitians, was grossly deceived when he thought that the

yeare consisted of 365 dayes 6 houres, and besides almost the

100 part of a day ; so that at every hundred yeares end there

must be a new intercalation of a whole day.

Now, because the Julian yeare (which was instituted by

Julius Coesar, and afterwards received and is still in use)

was somewhat longer than it ought to have beene, hence it

is that the /Equinoxes and Solstices have gotten before their ^?atu°c’

Ancient situation in the Calendar. Por about 432 yeares mutatl°-

before the incarnation of our Saviour Christ, the Vernall

^Equinoxe was observed by Meton and Euctemon to fall on

the 8 of the Kalends of April], which is the 25 of March



according to the Computation of the Julian Yeare. In the

yeare 146 before Christ it appeares, by the observation of

Ilipparchus, that it is to be placed on the 24 of the same

moneth, that is the 9 of the Kalends of Aprill. So that

from hence we may observe the error of Sosigenes (notwith-

standing he was a great Mathematician), in that above 100

yeares after Hipparchus, in instituting the Julian Calendar,

he assigned the /Equinoxes to be on the 25 of March or the

8 of the Kalends of Aprill, which is the place it ought to

have had almost 400 years before his time. This error of

Sosigenes was derived to succeeding ages also; insomuch

that in Galens time, which was almost 200 yeares after

Julius Cesar, the ^Equinoxes were wont to be placed on the

24 day of March and September, as Theodoras Gaza reports.

In the yeare of our Saviours Incarnation it happened on the

10 of the Kalends of April or the 23 of March. And 140

years after, Ptolomy observed it to fall on the II of the

Kalends. And in the time of the Councell of Nice, about

the yeare of our Lord 328, it was found to be on the 21 of

March, or the 12 of the Kalends of Aprill. In the yeare 831

Thebit Hen Chorah observed the Yernall iEquinoxe to fall

on the 17 day of March : in Alfraganus his time it came to

the 16 of March. Arzachel, a Spaniard, in the yeare 1090,

observed to fall on the Ides of March, that is the 15 day.

In the yeare 1316 it was observed to be on 13 day of March.

And in our times it has come to be on the 11 and 10 of the

same moneth. So that in the space of 1020 yeares, or there-

about, the ^Equinoctiall points are gotten forward no lesse

then 14 dayes. The time of the Solstice also, about 388

yeares before Christ, was observed by Meton and Euctemon

to fall upon the 18 day of June, as Joseph Scaliger and

Jacobus Christmannus have observed. But the same in our

time is found to be on the 12 of the same moneth.

The Eclipticke and yEquator are crossed by two great

Circles also, which are called Colures; both which are



drawne through the Poles of the world, and cut the iEquator qoiuriSois.

° ‘ 1 titiorum et

at right Angles. The one of them passing through the Horum0″

points of both the Intersections, and is called the Eqinoc-

tiall Colure; the other passing through the points of the

greatest distance of the Zodiack from the ^Equator, is there-

fore called the Solsticiall Col ure.1

Now that both the colures, as also the vEquinoctiall points

have left the places where they were anciently found to be

in the Heavens, is a matter agreed upon by all those that

have applyed themselves to the observations of the Ccelestiall

motions ; only the doubt is whether fixed Starres have gone

forward unto the preceding Signes, as Ptolomy would have

it, or else whether the vEquinoctiall and Solsticiall points

have gone back to the subsequent Signes, according to the

Series of the Zodiack, as Copernicus opinion is.2

The first Starre of Aries, which in the time of Meton the steiiarnm


Athenian, was in the very Vernall Intersection, in the time n°g M^tata

of Thales Milesius was two degrees before the Intersection.

The same in Timochares his time, was behind it two degrees

24 minutes ; in Hipparchus time, 4 degrees 40 minutes ; in

Albumazars time, 17 degrees 50 minutes; in Albarenus his

time, 18 degrees 10 minutes ; in Arzachels time, 19 gr. 37

minutes ; in Alphonsus his time, 23 degrees 48 minutes; in

Copernicus and Ehceticus his time, 27 degrees 21 minutes. In Heronis

x ‘ ° Geodesiam,

Whence Pranciscus Baroccius is convinced of manifest error

in that he affirmes that the first Starre of Aries, at the time

of our Saviours Nativity, was in the very Vernall Intersec-

tion, especially contending to prove it, as he doth, out of

Ptolomy’s observations, out of which it plainly appears that

it was behind in no lesse then 5 degrees.

In like manner the places of the Solstices are also changed,

as being alwayes equally distant from the iEquinoctiall

1 Pontanus here inserts a note on the office of the colures.

2 Pontanus, in a long note, here gives the opinions of Scaliger and

Tycho Brahe on the precession of the equinoxes.



points. This motion is finished upon the Poles of the Eclip-

tick, as is agreed upon both by Hipparchus and Ptolomy,

and all the rest that have come after them. Which is the

reason that the fixed Starres have always kept the same

latitude though they have changed their declination. For

Mutata confirmation whereof many testimonies may be brought out

declivat, J Jo

flxarum °f Ptolomy, lib. 7, cap. 3 Almag. I will only alleadge one

more notable then the rest out of Ptolomies Geogr. lib. 1,

cap. 7. The Starre which we call the Polar Starre, and is

the last in the taile of the Beare, is certainely knowne in our

time to be scarce three degrees distant from the Pole, which

very Starre in Hipparchus his time was above 12 degrees

distant from the Pole, as Marinus in Ptolomy affirmes. I

will produce the whole passage which is thus. In the Torrid

Zone (saith he) the whole Zodiacke passeth over it, and

therefore the shadowes are cast both wayes, and all Starres

there are seen to rise and set. Onely the little Beare

begins to appeare above the Horizon in those places that are

500 furlongs northward from Ocele. For the Parallel that

passeth through Ocele is distant from the ./Equator 11 gra.

§. And Hipparchus affirmes that the Starre in the end

of the little Beares taile, which is the most Southward of

that Constellation, is distant from the Pole 12 gr. §. This

excellent testimony of his, the Interpreters have, in their

translating, the place most strangely corrupted (as both

Johannes Wernerus and after him P. Nonius have observed),

setting down instead of 500 Quinque Mille 5000, and for

Australissimam, the most Southerne, Borealissimam, the most

Northerly: being led into this error perhaps, because that

this Starre is indeed in our times the most Northerly.

But if these testimonies of Marinus and Ptolomy in

strabo. this point be suspected, Strabo in his lib. 2, Geogr.,

shall acquit them of this crime. And he writes thus.

It is affirmed by Hipparchus (saith he) that those that

inhabit under the Parallel that runneth thorough the Conn-



trey called Cinnamomifera (which is distant from Meroe,

Southward 3000 furlongs, and from the .Equinoctiall 8800),

are situated almost in the midst betwixt the ^Equator and

the Summer Tropicke, which passeth through Syene (which

is distant from Meroe 5000 furlongs), and these that dwell

here are the first that have the Constellation of the little

Beare inclosed within their Arctieke Circle, so that it never

sets with them, for the bright Starve that is seen in the end

of the taile (which is also the most Southward of all) is so

placed in the very Circle itselfe, that it doth touch the Hori-

zon. This is the testimony of Strabo, which is the very

same that Ptolomy and Marinus affirme, saving that both in

this place and elsewhere he alwayes assignes 700 furlongs in –

the Earth to a degree in the Heavens, according to the doc-

trine of Eratosthenes, whereas both Marinus and Ptolomy

allow but 500 onely ; of which we shall speak more hereafter.

Let us now come to the lesser circles which are described

in the Globe. And these are all parallel to the Equator; as

first of all the Tropickes, which are Circles drawn through

the points of the greatest declination of the Eclipticke on

each side of the /Equator. Of which, that which looks

toward the North Pole is called the Tropicke of Cancer; and Jr£ et

the other, bordering on the South, the Tropicke of Capricorne. CaPricorni-

For the Sunne in his yearely motion through the Eclipticke

arriveing at these points, as his utmost bounds, returneth

againe toward the /Equator. This Retrocession is called by

the Greeks rpoirri, and the parallel circles drawne through the

same points are likewise called Tropickes.1

The distance of the Tropickes from the iEquator is

diversely altered, as it may plainely appear, by comparing g^f^

the observations of later times with these of the Ancients. nntl°Muu-

For not to speake anything of Strabo, Proclus, and Leontius

Mechanicus, who all assigned the distance of either Tropicke

from the /Equator to be 24 degrees (for these seeme to have

1 Pontanus here adds a note on the uses of the tropics.



handled the matter but carelessly) we may observe the same

from the more accurate observations of the greatest Artists.

For Ptolomy found the distance of either Tropicke to be

23 gr. 51 min. and 1 just as great as Eratosthenes and

Hipparchus had found it before him; and therefore he con-

ceived it to be immutable. Machomethes Aratensis observed

this distance to be 23 degrees 35 minutes, right as Almamon,

King of Arabia, had done before him. Arzahel, the Spaniard,

found it to be in his time 23 degrees 3d minutes ; Almehon

the Sonne of Almuhazar, 23 degrees 33 minutes and halfe a

minute; Prophatius, a Jew, 23 degrees 32 minutes; Pur-

bachius and Eegiomontanus, 25 degrees 28 minutes; Johan

Wernerus, 23 degrees 28 minutes and an halfe; and Coper-

nicus found it in his time to be just as much.1

There are two other lesser circles described in an equall

distance from the roles to that of the Tropickes from the

vEquator, which circles take their denomination from the

Pole on which they border. So that one of them is called

ArcTet ^ie Arcticke or Xorth Circle, and the opposite Circle the

Antam. Antarcticke or Southerne. In these Circles the Poles of the

Eclipticke are fixed, the Solsticiall Colure crossing them in

the same place. Strabo, Proclus, Cleomedes, all Greeke

Authors, and some of the Latines also, assigne no certaine

distance to these circles from the Poles ; but make them

various and mutable, according to the diversity of the eleva-

tion of the Pole or diverse position of the Sphere; so that

one of them must be conceived to be described round about

that Pole which is elevated, and to touch the very Horizon,

and is therefore the greatest of all the parallels that are

always in sight; and the other must be imagined as drawne

in an equall distance from the opposite Pole; and this is the

greatest of those parallels that are always hidden.

1 Pontanus here inserts a table of the distances of the tropics from

the equator, at various epochs, as calculated by the astronomers men-

tioned in the text, adding remarks by Tycho Brahe on the subject.


Besides the circles expressed in the Globe there are also

some certaine other circles in familiar use with the Practicall

Astronomers, which they call verticall circles. These are ?Tirc»li,

greater circles drawne from the verticall point through the

Horizon, in what number you please ; and they are called by

the Arabians Azimuth, which appellation is also in common

use among our Astronomers. The Office of these circles is

supplied by the helpe of a quadrant of Altitude, which is a Amtudin!

thin plate of brasse divided into 90 degrees. This quadrant

must bee applied to the vertex of any place when you desire

to use it, so that the lowest end of it, noted with the number

of 90, may just touch the horizon in every place. The

quadrant is made moveable, that so it may be fastened to

the verticall point of any place.


Of the three positions of Sphceres : Bight, Parallel, and


According to the diverse habitude of the /Equator to the

Horizon (which is either parallel to it, or cutteth it, and that

either in oblique or else in right angles) there is a three-

fold position or situation of Spheres. The first is of those p0Sltl°-

that have either Pole for their verticall point, for with these

the /Equator and Horizon are Parallel to each other, or

indeed rather make but one circle betwixt them both. The

2d is of those whose Zenith is under the /Equator. The

third agreeth to all other places else. The first of these

situations is called a Parallel Sphere; the second, a Right; ^ineio,

and the third an Oblique Sphere. Of these severall kindes obuqua.

of position the two first are simple, but the third is manifold

and divers, according to the diversity of the latitude of places.

Each of these have their peculiar properties.




Those that inhabite in a Parallel Sphere see not the Sun

acidemia”* or °ther Stars either rising or setting, or higher or lower, in

the cliurnall revolution. Besides, seeing that the Sun in his

yearely motion traverseth the Zodiaque which is divided by

the /Equator into 2 equall parts; one whereof lieth toward

the North, and the other toward the South ; by this means

it comes to passe, that while the sun is in his course through

those figures that are nearest the Vertical! Pole, all this

while hee never setteth, and so maketh but one continued

artificial! clay, which is about the space of sixe moneths.

And so contrariwise, while he runneth over the other remoter

figures lying toward the Opposite Pole, hee maketh a long

continuall night of the like space of time or thereabout.

Now at such time as the Sun in his cliurnall revolution shall

come to touch the very ^Equator, he is carried about in such

sort as that he is not wholly apparent above the Horizon, nor

yet wholly hidden under it, but as it were halfe cut off.

sffaJc?: The affections of a Eight Sphere are these. All the Stars

are observed to rise and set in an equall space of time, and

continue as long above the Horizon as they doe under it. So

that the day and night here is always of equall length.1

o^q-yp An Oblique Sphere hath these properties. Their dayes

continent, sometimes are longer then their niglts, sometimes shorter,

and sometimes of equall length. For when the Sun is placed

in the yEquinoctiall points, which (as wee have said) hap-

peneth twice in the yeare, the daies and nights are then

equall. But as he draweth nearer to the elevated Pole the

dayes are observed to increase and the nights to decrease, till

such time as hee comes to the Tropique, when as he there

maketh the longest dayes and the shortest nights in the

yeare. But when he returneth toward the Opposite Pole

1 Pontanus, in a note, doubts whether this does not agree with the

rational or intelligible rather than with the sensible horizon: because,

even in a right sphere, the sight can hardly reach both the Poles, by

reason of the exuberancy of the earth.



the dayes then decrease till he toucheth the Tropique that

lietli nearer the same Pole, at which time the nights are at

the longest and the dayes shortest. In this position of

Sphaere also some Starres are never seene to set; such as are

all those that lie within the eompasse of a Circle described

about the Elevated Pole and touching the Horizon ; and

some in like manner are never observed to appeare above

the Horizon ; and these are all such Starres as are circum-

scribed within the like Circle drawne about the Opposite

Pole. These Parallel Circles (as wee have said) are those

which the Greekes, and some of the Latines also, call the

Arctique and Antarctique Circles, the one alwayes appearing

and the other always l}Ting hid. All the other Starres which

are not comprehended within these two Circles have their

rising and settings by course. Of which those that are

placed between the /Equator and this always apparent

Circle, continue a longer space in the upper Hemisphere and

a lesse while in the lower. So, on the contrary, those that

are nearer to the Opposite Circle are longer under the

Horizon, and the lesse while above it. Of all which affec-

tion this is the cause. The Sunue being placed in the iEqua-

tor (or any other Starre) in his daily revolution describeth

the iEquinoctiall circle; but being without the /Equator he

describeth a greater or lesser Parallel, according to the

diversity of his declination from the iEquator. All which

Parallels, together with the /Equator itselfe, are cut by the

Horizon in a Eight Sphaere to right angles. For when

the Poles lie both in the very Horizon, and the Zenith in

the /Equator, it must needs follow that the Horizon must

cut the /Equator in right angles, because it passeth through

its Poles. Now, because it cutteth the /Equator at right

angles, it must also necessarily cut all other circles that are

Parallel to it in right angles ; and, therefore, it must needs

divide them into two equall parts. So that if halfe of all these

Parallels, as also of the ^Equator, be above the Horizon, and

D 2



the other halfe lye hid under it, it must necessarily follow

that the Sunne, and other Starres, must be as long in pass-

ing through tho Upper Hemisphere as through the lower.

And so the daies must be as long as the nights, as all the

Starres in like manner will be 12 houres above the Horizon,

and so many under it. But in an Oblique Sphere, because

one of the Poles is elevated above the Horizon and the other

is depressed under it, all things happen cleane otherwise.

For seeing that the Horizon doth not passe through the

Poles of the /Equator, it will not therefore cut the Parallels

in the same manner as it doth the /Equator; but those

Parallels that are nearest to the elevated Pole will have the

greatest portion of them above the Horizon and the least

under. But those that are nearest the opposite Pole will

have the least part of them seene, and the greatest part hid;

only the /Equator is still divided into two equall parts, so

that the conspicuous part is equall to that which is not seene.

And hence it is that in all kinds of Obliquitie of Sphere, when

the Sun is in the /Equator, the day and night is alwayes of

equall length. And as he approacheth towards the elevated

Pole the dayes encrease; because the greater Arch or por-

tion of the Parallels is seene. But when he is nearer the

hidden Pole the nights are then the longest, because the

greatest segment of those Parallels are under the Horizon.

And by how much Higher either Pole is elevated above the

Horizon of any Place, by so much the dayes are the longer

in Summer and the nights in Winter.1

1 Pontanus here explains the errors of Clavius and Sacrobosco

respecting the spheres, while expressing concurrence with our author.



Of the Zones.

The fonre lesser Circles which are Parallel to the /Equa-

tor divide the whole Earth into 5 partes, called, by the

Greekes, Zones. Which appellation hath also beene received

and is still in use among our La tine Writers ; notwithstand-

ing they sometimes also use the Latine word, Flaga, in the

same signification. Bnt the Greekes do sometimes apply

the word Zona to the Orbes of the Planets (in a different sense

than is ever used by our Authors), as may appear by that pass-

age of Theon Alexandrinus in his commentaries upon Aratus

—e-yei, opo?, the day Starre,

appearing like another lesser Sunne, and as it were matural-

ing the day. But when it followeth the Sunne in the Even-

ing, protracting the light after the Sunne is set, and sup-

plying the place of the Moone, it is then called Ecnrepos, the

Evening Starre. The nature of which Starre, Pythagoras

Samius is said first to have observed about the thirtie 2d

Olympiad, as Pliny relates, lib. 2, cap. 8. It performeth its

course in a yeares space or thereabout, and is never distant

from the Sunne above fortie sixe degrees, according to

Timceus his computation. Notwithstanding our later Astro-

nomers, herein much more liberall than hee, allow it two

whole signes or 60 degrees, which is the utmost limit of its

deviation from the Sunne.



Mercury, iu Greeke Eo/m;? and ^ti\(3o)v (called by some

Apollos Starre), finislieth bis course through the Zodiaque in

a yeare also. And, according to the opinion of Timceus and

Sosigenes, is never distant from the Sunne above 25 gr., or

as our later writers will have it, not above a whole sigue, or

30 degrees.

Luna, SeXijvv, the Moone, is the lowest of all the Planets,

and finislieth her course in twentie seven dayes and almost

eight houres. The various shapes and appearances of which

planet (seeming sometimes to bee homed, sometimes equally

divided into two halves, sometimes figured like an imperfect

circle, and sometimes in a perfect circular forme), together

with the other diversities of this Starre, were first of all

observed by Endymion, as it is related by Pliny; whence

sprung that poetical fiction of his being in love with the


All the Planets are carried in Orbes which are Eccentrical

to the Earth ; that is, which have not the same center with

the Earth. The Semidiameter of which Orbes, compared to

the Semidiameter of the Earth, have this proportion as is here

set downe in this table :

The Eccentricities of the Orbes compared with the Orbes

themselves have this proportion.

Of what parts the Semi-

diameter of the Earth

{ Luna

I Mercury


) f 48 5Gm.

I 11G 3 m.

641 45 m.

y is •ut

Ptolomy, Alfraganus, and those which follow them, acknow-

ledge but 48 for the most part ; notwithstanding some have

added to this number one or two more, as Berenice’s Haire,

and Antinous. Germanicus Cesar, and Festus Avienus Rufus,

following Aratus, make the number lesse. Julius Higinus

will have them to be but 42, reckoning the Serpent, and The

Man that holdeth it for one Sign ; and he omitteth the little

Horse, and doth not number Libra among the Signes ; but



he clivicleth Scorpio into two Signes, as many others also doe.

Neither doth hee reckon the Crow, the Wolfe, nor the South

Crowne among his Constellations, but only names them by

the way. The Bull also, which was described to appeare but

halfe by Pliny and Hipparchus, and Ptolomy and those that

follow them ; the same is made to be wholly apparent both

by Yitruvius and Pliny, and also before them by Meander,

if we may believe Theon, Aratus his Scholiast, who also

place the Pleiades in his backe.

Concerning the number also of the Starres that goe to the

making up of each Constellation, Authors doe very much

differ from Ptolomy, as namely Julius Pfiginus, the Com-

mentator upon Germanicus (whether it be Bassus, as Phi-

lander calls him, or whether those Commentaries were

written by Germanicus himselfe, as some desire to prove out

of Laetantius), and sometimes also Theon in his Commen-

taries upon Aratus, and Alfraganus very often.

Now, if you desire to know what other reason there is

why these Constellations have beene called by these names,

save onely that the position of the Starres doth in some sort

seeme to expresse the formes of the things signified by the

same; you may read Bassus and Julius Higinus, abundantly

discoursing of this argument out of the fables of the Greekes.

Pliny assures us (if at least we may believe him) that Hip-

parchus was the man that first delivered to posterity the

names, magnitude, and places of the Starres. But they

were called the same names before Hipparchus his time by

Timochares, Aratus, and Eudoxus. Neither is Hipparchus

ancienter than Aratus, as Theon would have him to be.

For the one flourished about the 420 yeare from the begin-

ning of the Olympiads, as appeareth plainely out of his life,

written by a Greeke Author. But Hipparchus lived about

600 yeares after the beginning of the Olympiads, as his

observations delivered unto us by rtolomy doe sufficiently

testifie. Besides that there are extant certaine Com-



mentaries upon the Phenomena of Eudoxus and Aratus

which goe under Hipparchus his name ; unlesse perhaps

they were written by Eratosthenes (as some rather thinke),

who yet was before Hipparchus.1

Pliny, in his 2 booke, 41 chapter, affirmeth (though I know

not upon whose authority or credit) that there are reckoned

1600 fixed Starres, which are of notable effect and vertue.

Whereas Ptolomy reckoneth but 1022 in all, accounting in

those which they call Sporades, being scattered here and

there and reduced to no Asterisme. All which, according to

their degrees of light, he hath divided into 6 orders. So

that of the first Magnitude he reckoneth 15 ; of the second,

45 ; of the third, 208 ; of the fourth, 474 ; of the fifth, 217 ;

of the sixth, 49 ; to which we must add the 9 obscure ones,

and 5 other which the Latines called Nebulosae, cloudy

Starres. All which Starres expressed in their severall Con-

stellations, Magnitudes, and Names, both in Latine and

Greeke (and some also with the names by which they are

called in Arabicpie), you may see described in the Globe.

All these Constellations (together with their names in

Arabique, as we find them partly set downe by Alfraganus,

partly by Scaliger in his Commentaries upon Manilius, and

Grotius his notes upon Aratus his Asterismes, but especially

Jacobus Christmannus hath delivered them unto us out of

the Arabique epitome of the Almagest) we will set downe

in their order. And if any desire a more copious declara-

tion of the same, we must refer him to the 7 and 8 booke of

Ptolomies Almagest, and Copernicus his Révolutions, and the

Prutenicke Tables digested by Erasmus Eeinholt ; where

every one of these Starres is reckoned up, with his due

longitude, latitude, and magnitude annexed.2

1 Pontanus refers to the conjecture that the stars were reduced into

constellations by two kinds of men, husbandmen and mariners ; and

to the names of stars in the translations of Job.

2 Pontanus also refers the reader to the commentary on Sacrobosco

by Clavius. and above all to Tycho Brahe.




But here you are to observe by the way Copernicus and

Erasmus Reinholt doe reckon the longitude of all the

St aires from the first star in Aries; but Ptolomy from

the very intersection of the iEquinoctiall and Eclipticke.

prlmomotu S° that Victoiinus Stiigelius was in an error when he said

parte tenia, t|iat ptolomy also did number the longitude of Starres from

the first Starre, the head of Aries.


Of the Constellations of the Northcrne Hemisphere.

The first is called in Latine Ursa Minor, and in Arabique

Mume^ti. Dub Alasgar, that is to say, the lesser Beare, and Alrucaba,

which signifieth a Wagon or Chariot; yet this name is

given also to the hinder most Starre in the taile which in

our time is called the Pole Starre, because it is the nearest

to the Pole of any other. Those other two in the taile are

called by the Greekes ^ooeurai, that is to say, Saltatores,

Dancers. The two bright Starres in the fore part of the body

the Arabians call Alferkathan, as Alfraganus writeth, who

also reckoneth up seven Starres in this Constellation, and

one unformed neare unto it. This Constellation is said to

have been first invented by Thales, who called it the Dog, as

Theon upon Aratus affirmeth.

The second is Ursa Major, the Great Beare; in Arabic,

Dub Alacber. The first Starre in the backe of it, which is

the 16 in number, is called Dub, /carefo^uo, and that which

is in the flanke, 17 in number, is called Mirae, or rather, as

Scaliger would have it, Mizar, which signifieth (saith he)

locum prcccinctionis, the girthing place. The first in the

taile, which is the 25 in number, is called by the Alfonsines

Aliare, and by Scaliger Aliath. This Asterisme is said to

have beene first invented by Naplius, as Theon affirmeth.


It hath in all 27 Starres, but as Theon reckoneth them, but

24. Both the Beares are called by the Greekes, according

to Aratus, afxaga, which signifieth a “Wagon or Chariot.

But this name doth properly appertaine to those seven

bright Starres in the Great Beare which doe something

resemble the forme of a wagon. These are called by the

Arabians Beneth-As, i.e., Filial Feretri, as Christmannus

testifieth. They are called by some, though corruptly,

Benenas, and placed at the end of the taile. Some will

rather read it Benethasch, which signifies Filiae Ursse. The

Grecians in their Navigations were wont alwayes to observe

the Great Beare, whence Homer gives them the Epithete

eXifcayrras as Theon observeth, for the Greekes call the Great

Bear eXi/cr). But the Phoenicians alwayes observed the lesser

Beare, as Aratus affirmeth.

The third is called the Dragon, in Arabique Alanin, and it

is often called Aben ; but Scaliger readeth it Taben ; whence

hee called that Starre which is in the Dragons head, and is

5 in number, Rastaben, though it be vulgarly written Rasa-

ben. In this Constellation there are reckoned 31 Starres.

The fourth is Cepheus, in Arabique Alredaf. To this

Constellation, besides those two unformed Starres which are

hard by his Tiara, they reckon in all 11, among which that

which is in number the 4 is called in Arabique Alderaimin,

which signifieth the right Arme. This Constellation is called

by the Phoenicians Phicares, which is interpreted Flammiger,

which appellation peradventure they have borrowed from the

Greeke word Trvpfcaeis.

The fifth is Bootes, Bocorr]?, which signifieth in Greeke an

Heardsman, or one that driveth Oxen. But the Arabians

mistaking the word, as if it had been written fioaT-n? of

fioaco, which signifies Glamcdor, a Cryer, call it also Al-

hava, that is to say, Vociferator. one that maketh a great

Noyse or Clamor; and Alsamech Alramech, that is, the

E 2



Launce bearer. Betwixt the legs of this Constellation there

stands an unformed star of the first magnitude, which is called

both in Grecke and Latine Arcturus and in Arabique

Alramech, or the brightest Starre, Samech haramach. This

Starre Theon placeth in the midst of Bootes his belt or

girdle. The whole Constellation consisteth of 22 Starres.1

The sixth Constellation is Corona Borea, the North

Crowne, called by the Arabians Aclilaschemali, and that

bright Starre which is placed where it seemeth to be

fastened together, and which is the first in number, is called

in Arabique Alphecca, which signifieth Solutio, an untying

or unloosing. It is also called Munic; but this name is

common to all bright Starres. The whole Constellation

consisteth of eight Starres.

The seventh is Hercules, in Arabique Alcheti hale recha-

batch, that is, one falling upon knees, and sometimes abso-

lutely Alcheti, for it resembles one that is weary with

labour (as Aratus conceives), whence it is also called in

Latine Nisus or Nixus (which in Yitruvius is corrupted into

Nesses), and the Greeks call it evyovacn, that is to say, One

on hit, knees. The Starre which is first in number in the

head of this Constellation is called in Arabique Basacheti,

not Basaben, as the Alfonsines corruptly have it; and the

4 Starre is called Marsic, or Marfic Reclinatorium, that part

of the Arme on which we leane. The eight Starre, which is

the last of the three, in his Arme, is called Mazim, or Maa-

sim, which signifieth Strength. This Constellation hath

eight Starres, besides that which is hi the end of his right

foote, which is betwixt him and Bootes, and one unformed

Starre at his right Arme.

The eight is the Harpe, called in Latine Lyra, in Ara-

bique Schaliaf and Alvakah, i.e., Cadens, sc. Vultur, the

1 Pontanus discusses the word Arcturus. and mentions that the

word in Job, which is given as Arcturus in the Septuagint, is Ash in

Hebrew, from the root Gmtsch (“conr/rcffabHy).



falling Vulture. It consisteth of ten Starres, according to

Hipparchus and Ptolomy; but Timocliares attributed to it

but 8, as Theon affirmeth, and Alfraganus 11. The bright,

Starre in this Constellation, being the first in number,

Alfonsus calleth Vega.

The ninth is Gallina or Cygnus, the Hen or Swan, and is

called in Arabique Aldigaga and Altayr, that is, the flying

Vulture. To this Asterisme they attribute, besides those two

unformed neare the left wing, 17 Starres, the 5 of which is

called in Arabique Deneb Adigege, the taile of the hen, and

by a peculiar name Arided, which they interpret quasi redo-

lens lilium, smelling as it were of lilies.1

The 10th is Cassiopeia, in Arabique Dhath Alcursi, the

Ladye in the Chayre ; and it consisteth of 13 Starres, among

which the 2d in number Alfonsus calleth Scheder, Scaliger

Seder, which signifieth a breast.2

‘The 11th is Perseus, Chamil Eas Algol, that is to say,

bearing the head of Medusa; for that Starre which is on the

top of his left hand is called in Arabic Eas Algol, and in

Hebrew Rosch hasaitan, the Divels Head. This Constella-

tion hath, besides those three unformed, 26 other Starres; of

which that which is the seventh in number Alfonsus calleth

Alchcemb for Alchenib, or Algeneb, according to Scaliger,

which signifieth a side.

The 12th is Auriga the Wagoner, in Arabique Eoha, and

Memassich Alhanam. That is one holding the raines of a

bridle in his hand. This Asterisme hath 14 Stars ; of which

that bright one in the left shoulder, which is also the third

in number, is called in Greeke atf, Capra, a Goate ; and in

Arabique Alhaisk, or, as Scaliger saith, Alatod, which signi-

1 Pontanus here mentions the appearance of a new star in the

breast of the swan, in 1600, which was observed by Kepler and


2 A new star which appeared in Cassiopeia, in 1572, is here referred

to by Pontanus.



fieth a He Goate; and the two which are in his left hand,

and are 8th and 9th. are called epicfroL, Hcedi, Kids; and in

Arabique, as Alfonsus hath it, Saclateni; but according to

Scaliger, Sadateni, the hindmost arrue. This Configuration

of these Starres was first observed by Cleostratus Tenedius,

as Higinus reporteth.

The 13th is Aquila, Alhakkah, the Eagle; the moderne

Astronomers call it the flying Yulture, in Arabique Altayr ;

but Alfraganus is of a contrary opinion, for he calleth the

Swanne by this name, as we have already said. They

reckon in this Asterisme 9 Starres, besides 6 unformed,

Antinous. which the Emperor Hadrian caused to be called Antinous, in

memory of Antinous his minion.

The 14th is the Dolphin, in Arabique Aldelphin, and it

hath in it 10 Stars.

The loth is called in Latine Sagitta or Telum, the Arrow

or Dart, in Arabic Alsoham; it is also called Istuse, which

word Grotius thinkes is derived from the Greeke word otcro?,

signifying an arrow. It containeth 5 Stars in all.

The 16th is Serpentarius, the Serpent bearer, in Arabic

Alhava and Hasalangue. It consisteth of 24 Starres, and 5

other unformed. The first Starre of these is called in Ara-

bique Easalangue.1

The 17th is Serpens, the Serpent, in Arabique Alhasa ;

it consisteth of 18 Starres.

The 18th is Equiculus, the little Horse, and in Arabique

Katarat Alfaras, that is in Greeke 7rpora/nT} LTTTTO^, as it were

the fore part of a Horse cut off. It consisteth of 4 obscure


The 19th is Pegasus, the Great Horse, in Arabique

Alfaras Alathem; and it hath in it 10 Stars. The Starre on

the right shoulder, which is called Almenkeh, and is the

third in number, is also called Seat Alfaras, Brachium Equi.

1 In 1605 a new star was discovered in the foot of Serpentarius,

which disappeared in 1606. Kepler wrote a treatise on it.



Of the Xortherm Signet of the Zodiaqxw.

The first is Aries, the Earn, in Arabique Alhamel: this

Constellation hath 13 Starres, according to Ftolomies ac-

count. Yet Alfraganus reekoneth but 12, beside the other 5

unformed ones that belong to it.

The 2d is Taurus, the Bull, in Arabique Alter or Ataur;

in the eye of this Constellation there is a very bright Star,

called by the Ancient Eomans Falilicium, and by the

Arabians Aldebaram, which is to say, a very bright Star,

and also Hain Alter, that is. the Bull’s Eye. And those five

Srars that are in his forehead, and are called in Latiue

Sncuhe, the Grecians call i-acV?, because, as Theon and Hero Tteonia

1 Pontanus says thai the whole number of stars in the northern

part of the heaven is 360. of which only three are of the first magni-

tude, Capella, Vega, and Arctnrus.

And that which is in the opening of his mouth, and is mmi-

bei^d the 17th, is called in Arabique Enif Alfaras, the nose

of trie Horse.

The 20th is Andromeda, in Arabique Almara Almasul-ela,

thai is, the Chained Woman; Alfraganus interprets it

Farininam qua? nou est experta virum: A Woman that hath

not knowen a man. This Constellation conraineth in it 23

Stars ; whereof that which is the 12th in number, and is in the

girdling place, is commonly called in Arabique Mirach, or,

according to Scaliger, Moza ; and that which is the fifth is

called Alamec, or rather Alrnaac. which signifies a soeke or


The 21st is the Triangle, in Arabique Almutaleh .and

Alutlathuu, which signifies Triplicity. It consisteth of 4




Mechanicus conceive, they represent the forme of the letter

T; although perhaps it is rather because they usually cause

raine and stormy weather. Thales Milesius said that there

were two of these Hyades, one in the North erne Hemisphere

and one in the South; Euripides will have them to be 3,

Achaeus 4, Hippias and Pherecides 7. Those other 6, or

rather 7 Stars that appeare on the back of the Bull, the

Greekes call Pleiades (perhaps from their multitude); the

Latines Vergiliae; the Arabians Ataurias, quasi Taurina?, be-

longing to the Bull. Nicander, and after him Vitruvius, and

Pliny place these Stars in the taile of the Bull; and Hip-

parchus quite out of the Bull, in the left foot of Perseus.

These Stars are reported by Pliny and Solinus to be never

seene at all in the Isle Taprobana ; but this is ridiculous, and

fit to bee reported by none but such as Pliny and Solinus.

For those that inhabite that Isle have them almost over their

heads. This Constellation hath 33 Stars in it, besides the

unformed Stars belonging to it, which are 11 in number.1

The third is Gemini, the Twinnes, in Arabique Algeuze.

These some will have to bee Castor and Pollux, and others

Apollo and Hercules; whence, with the Arabians, the one is

called Apellor or Apheleon, and the other Abi-acaleus, for Grac-

leus, as Scaliger conceiveth. It containeth in it (beside the

7 unformed) 18 Stars, amongst which that which is in their

head is called in Arabique Easalgeuze.

The fourth is Cancer, the Crab, in Arabique Alsartan;

consisting of 9 Stars, beside 4 unformed; of which that

cloudy one which is in the breast, and is the first of all, is

called Mellef in Arabique, which, as Scaliger saith, signifieth

thicke or well compact.

The fifth is Leo, the lion, in Arabique Alased, in the

breast whereof there is a very bright Starre, being the 8th

in number, and is called in Arabique Kale Alased, the

1 Pontanus says that the words of Pliny do not convey the sense

attributed to them in the text



heart of the Lion, in Greeke ^aa-iktoKO^, because those that

are borne under this Starre have a Kingly Nativity, saith

Proclus. And that which is in the end of the taile, and is the Procius de


last of all in number, is named Deneb Alased, that is, the

taile of the Lion; Alfraganus calleth it Asumpha. This

Constellation containeth in it 27 Stars, besides 8 unformed.

Of the unformed Stars, which are betwixt the hinder parts

of the Lion and the Great Beare (according to Ptolomies

account, although Theon, following Aratus, reckons the

same as belonging to Virgo), they have made a new Constel-

lation, which Conon the Mathematician, in favour of

Ptolomy and Berenice, would have to bee called Berenice’s

Haire ; which story is also celebrated by the Poet Callimachus

in his verses.

The sixth is Virgo, the Virgin, in Arabique Eladari; but

it is more frequently called Sunbale, which signifieth an

Eare of Corne ; and that bright Starre which she hath in her

left hand is called in Greeke o-a^i;?, an Eare of Corne, and

in Arabique Hazimeth Alhacel, which signifieth an handfull

of Corne. This Star is wrongly placed by Vitruvius and

Higinus in her right hand. The whole Constellation con-

sisteth of 2G Stars, besides the 6 uuformed.


Of the Constellations of the Southerne Hemisphere: and first

of those in the Zodiaque.

And first of Libra, which is the 7 in order of the Signes.

That part of this Constellation which is called the Southerne

Ballance, the Arabians call Mizan Aliemin, that is to say,

Libra dextra vel meridionalis, the Bight hand or Southerne

Ballance. But Libra was not reckoned anciently among the



Signes; till that the later Astronomers, robbing the Scorpion

of his Clawes, translated the same to Libra, and made up the

number of the Signes, whence the Arabians call the Northeme

Ballance Zubeneschi Mali, that is in Greeke, x^V fi°P€Lb>>

the North Clawe ; and the other part of it that looks South-

ward they call Zubenalgenubi, XV^-V VOTLOV, the South Claw.

This Constellation containeth in it 8 Starres, besides 9 other

unformed, belonging unto it.

The Eight is Scorpio, the Scorpion, in Arabicpie com-

monly called Alatrah, but more rightly Alacrah ; whence

the Starre in the breast of it, which is the 8 in number, is

called Kelebalacrah, that is, the Heart of the Scorpion; and

that in the end of his taile, which is the second in number,

they call Leschat, but more truly Lesath, which signifieth the

sting of any venomous creature ; and by this word they under-

stand the Scorpions sting. It is also called Schomlek, which

Scaliger thinks is read by transposition of the letters for

Moselek, which signifieth the bending of the taile. This

Constellation consisteth of 21 Starres, besides 3 unformed.

The ninth is Sagittarius, the Archer, in Arabique Elcusu

or Elcausu, which signifieth a Bow; it hath in it 31 Starres.

The tenth is Capricornus, the Goat, in Arabique Algedi.

To this Constellation they attribute 28 Starres, among which

that which is in number the 23 is called in Arabique Deneb

Algedi, the taile of the Goat.

The eleventh is Aquarius, the Waterman, in Arabique

Eldelis, which signifieth a bucket to draw water. The 10

Starre of this Constellation is called in Arabique Seat, which

signifieth an Arme. It containeth in all 42 Stars.

The Twelfth is Pisces, the Eishes, in Arabique Alsemcha.

It containeth 34 Starres, and 4 unformed.1

1 Pontanus reckons the number of zodiacal stars at 346, of which

only five are of the first magnitude—Aldebaran, Regulus, Cauda

Leonis, Spica, and a star near the mouth of the southern fish.




Of the Constellations of the Southeme Hemisphœre, which are

without the Zodiaque.

The first is Cetus, the Whale, called in Arabique Elkai-

tos, consisting of 22 Starres. That which is in number the

second is commonly called Menkar, but more rightly, as

Scaliger saith, Monkar Elkaitos, the nose or snout of the

Whale ; and the 14, Boten Elkaitos, the belly of the Whale ;

and the last of all save one, Deneb Elkaitos, the taile of the


The second is Orion, which the Arabians call sometimes

Asugia, the Mad Man ; which name is also applied to Hydra,

and sometimes to Elgeuze. Now, Geuze signifieth a walnut,

and perhaps they allude herein to the Latine word Ingula,

by which name Festus calleth Orion ; because he is greater

then any-other of the Constellations, as a walnut is bigger

than any other kinde of nut. The name Elgeuze is also

given to Gemini. This Constellation is also called in

Arabique Algibbar, which signifies a strong man or Gyant.

It consisteth of 38 Starres, among which that which is the

second, and is placed in his right shoulder, is called Jed

Algeuze, that is, Orion’s Hand, as Christmannus thinketh :

but more commonly Bed Elgeuze, and perhaps it should

rather be Ben Elgeuze, that is, the bright Starre in Orion.

The third Starre is called by the Alfonsines Bellatrix, the

Warrior. That which is in his left foote, and is the 35 in num-

ber, Eigel Algeuze or Algibbar, that is to say, Orion’s foote.1

The third is Eridanus, in Arabique Alvahar, that is to say,

the Eiver ; whence N’ar, the name of a Eiver in Hetruria, is

conceived by some to have been contracted. It hath in it

1 Pontanus here again alludes to the mention of Orion in the trans-

lations of Job. The Hebrew word is Kesil, which means rage or

madness, answering to the Arabic Asugia.



3-4 Starres; among which that which is the 19 is commonly

called in Arabique Angetenar, but Scaliger rather thinks it

should be read Anchenetenar, which signifieth the winding

or crooking of a River. The 29 Starre is also called Beemim,

or rather Theemim, which signifieth any two things joyned

together, so that it is to be doubted whether or no this name

may not be as well applied to any two Starres standing close

by one another. And the last bright Starre in the end of it

is called Acharnahar, as if you should say Behinde the River,

or in the end of the River, and it is commonly called


The fourth is Lepus, the Hare, in Arabique Alarnebet

and it containeth in all 22 Stars.

The fifth is Canis, the Dogge; Alcheleb, Alachbar, in

Arabique, the great Dog; and Alsahare aliemalija, that is to

say, the Right hand or Southerne Dog. “Which name Alsa-

hare, which is also sometime written Scera, Scaliger thinkes

is derived from an Arabique word which signifieth the same

that vSpocfrofila in Greeke, a disease that mad dogs are

troubled with, when as they cannot endure to come neare

any water. Notwithstanding, Grotius is in doubt whether or

no it should not rather be Elseiri, and so derived from the

Greeke word aeLpios. For by this name is that notable

bright Starre called which is in the Dogs mouth, and is

called in Arabique Gibbar or Ecber, and by corruption

Habor. This Constellation hath in it 11 Stars.

The sixth is the little Dog, called in Greeke Procyon, and

in Latine Antecanis, because it riseth before the great Dog.

The Arabians call it Alcheleb Alasgar, that is to say, the

lesser Dog, and Alsahare Alsemalija, and commonly though

corruptly Algomeiza, the left hand or Northeme Dog. This

Asterisme consisteth of two Stars onely.

The seventh is Argo, the Shippe, in Arabique Alsephina;

now Sephina signifieth a Ship. It is also called Merkeb,

which signifieth a Chariot; according as the Poets also



usually cal it apfxa 6akacr-MI.”

‘■ It is not seene at all'”, instead of: It is seene very plainely:’,

a6ai>7)? being crept into the text perhaps instead of evSavqs.

Xow the distance betwixt Rhodes anl Alexandria is set

L 2. c. -\ downe both by him and Fliny to be 3,000 furlongs, which

being multiplied by forty-eight, the product will be 24-0,000,

~ the number of furlongs agreeing to the measure of the

Earths circumference, according to the opinion of Posi-


Ptolomy everywhere in his Geography, as also Marinus

Tyrius before him. have allowed but 300 furlongs to a

degree in the greatest circle on the earth, of which the

whole circumference containeth 360, so that the whole com-

^passe of the Earth, after this account, containeth but 180.000

furlong-. And yet Strabo aftfrmeth in his lib. 2, Geograph.,

that this measure of the Earths circumference set downe by

Ptolomy was both received by the Ancients, and also

approved by Posidonius himselfe.

strabo pa .So great is the difference of opinions concerning the com-

pa-se of the earth : and yet is every one of these opinions

grounded on the authority of great men. In this so great

diversity therefore it i J l }

for hee makes the longest day at Ehodes to be fourteene

houres and an halfe. And Ptolomy will have the same to

be equall both at Ehodes and at Cnidus. And to this

assenteth Strabo likewise, save onely that in one place he

sets it downe to be but fourteen houres bare ; so that by this

reckoning it should have lesse latitude. Xow Proclus his

words are these. In the Horizon of Ehodes (saith hee) the

Summer Tropicke is divided by the Horizon, in such sort

as that if the whole circle bee divided into forty-eight parts,



twenty-nine of the same doe appeare above the Horizon

and nineteen lye hid under the Earth. Out of which divi-

sion it followes that the longest clay at Rhodes must be four-

teen ^Equinoctiall hours and an halfe, and the shortest night

nine and a half, thus hee saithe. I do not deny, but that Posi-

donius, his setting downe of the quantity of the portion of the

Meridian intercepted betwixt the verticall point of Rhodes and

Alexandria, might deceive Pliny, Proclus, and others. Yet

Alfraganus draweth his second Climate through Cyprus and

Phodes, and maketh it to have the longest day of fouiteen

houres and an halfe, and in latitude 36 gr. two-thirds. So that

here is very little difference betwixt him and Ptolomy. And

even Maurolycus himselfe, when in his Cosmographicall Dia-

logues he numbereth up the Parallels, maketh that which pas-

seth through Rhodes to have 36 gr. and a twelfth of latitude ;

herein differing, something with the most, from Posiclonius.

Eratosthenes his observations also doe very much contradict

Posiclonius. Eor Eratosthenes saith that hee found by scio-

tericall gnomons, that the distance betwixt Rhodes and

Alexandria was 3750 furlongs. But let us examine this a

little better. The difference of Latitude betwixt these two

places he found sciotericall}’, after his manner, to be some-

thing more than 5 degrees. And to this difference (accord-

ing to his assumed measure of the compasse of the Earth,

wherein he allows 700 furlongs to a degree) he attributes

3650 furlongs. Neither is there any other way of working

by sciotericall instruments (that I know) in finding out the

distance of furlongs betwixt two places; unlesse we first

know the number of furlongs agreeing either to the whole

circumference of the Earth, or else to the part of it assigned.

Let us now see if we can prove out of the observations of

Eratosthenes himselfe, that neither Posiclonius, his opinion

concerning the measure of the Earths circumference, much

lesse Eratosthenes his owne can be defended. And here

we shall not examine his observation of the difference of



latitude betwixt Alexandria and Syene, that so we might

prove out of his own assumption that the whole corn passe

of the Earth cannot be above 241,010 furlongs, as it is

demonstrated by I’etrus Nonius, in his lib. 2, cap. 18, De

Naciyationp. Neither doe we enquire, how truly bee hath

set downe the distance of the places to be 5000 furlongs;

whereas Solinus reckoneth not from the very Ocean to

Meroe, above G20 miles, which are but 4960 furlongs.

Now Meroe is a great deal farther than Syene. Neither will

we question him at all, concerning the small difference that

is betwixt him and Pliny, who reckons from the Island

Elephantina (which is 3 miles below the last Cataract, and

16 miles above Syene) to Alexandria, but 48G miles; so

that by this reckoning betwixt Syene and Alexandria, there

will not be above 45GO furlongs. But we will proceed a

contrary way to prove our assertion. This one thing, there-

fore, we require to be granted us; Which is, that looke how

great a space the Sunne Diameter taketh up in his Orbe,

for the like space on the Terrestriall Globe shall the

Gnomons be without any shadow at all, while the Sunne

is in their Zenith. Which if it be granted (as it is freely

confessed by Posidonius in Cleomedes) we have then gotten

the victory.

Now it is affirmed by Eratosthenes that the Sunne being

in the beginning of Cancer, and so directly in the verticall

point at Syene; both there and for 400 furlongs round

about the gnomons cast no shadow at all. Let us now

therefore, see how great a part of his orbe the Sunnes

diameter doth subtend. For by this meanes if this posi-

tion of Eratosthenes, which wee have now set downe, bee

true ; we may easily finde out by it the whole circuit of

the Earth. Firmicus Maternus makes the diameter both

of the Sun and Moone to be no lesse then a whole degree.

But he is too farre from the truth, and assigneth a greater

quantity, either than hee ought or woe desire. The Egyptians






f Italian

J English

1 A,^;™

i Arabian

^ German







Of the Use of Globes.

HITHERTO wee have spoken of the Globe itselfe, together

with its dimensions, circles, and other instruments neces-

sarily belonging thereto. It remaineth now that we come

to the practise of it, and declare its severall uses. And

first of all it is very necessary for the practise, both of Astro-

nomy, Geography, and also the Art of Navigation. For by

it there is an easie and ready way laid downe, for the

finding out both of the place of the Sun, the Longitudes,

Latitudes, and Positions of places, the length of dayes and

houres; as also for the finding of the Longitude, Latitude,

Declination, Ascension both Eight and Oblique, the Ampli-

tude of the rising and setting of the Sunne and Starres,

together with almost an infinite number of other like things.

Of the Chiefe of all which wee intend here briefely to

discourse, omitting the enumeration of them all, as being

tedious and not suitable to the brevity we intend. Now

that all these things may be performed farre more accu-

rately by the helpe of numbers, and the doctrine of Tri-

angles, Plaines, and Spluerieall bodies, is a thing very well

knowne to those that are acquainted with the Mathema-

tickes. But this way of proceeding, besides that it is very

tedious and prolixe, so likewise doth it require great practise

in the Mathematickes.

But the same things may be found out readily and easily

by the helpe of the Globe with little or no knowledge of the

Mathematickes at all.




How to findc the Longitude, Latitude, Distance, and Angle of

Position, or situation of anyplace expressed in the Ter-

rcstriall Globe.

The Ancient Geographers, from Ptolomies time downe-

ward, reckon the longitude of places from the Meridian

which passes through the Fortunate Islands; which are

the same that are now called the Canary Islands, as the

most men doe generally beleeve; but how rightly, I will

not stand here to examine. I shall only here advertise

the reader by the way that the latitude assigned by

Ptolomy to the Fortunate Islands falleth something

of the widest of the Canary Islands, and agreeth a great

deale nearer with the latitude of those Islands which

insula de are knowne bv the name of Cabo Verde. For Ptolomy

Capo Verde.

placed all the Fortunate Islands within the 10 gr. 30 m.,

and the 16 gr. of North erne latitude. But the Canary Islands

£erro_(w^ are found to be distant from the Equator at least 27 degrees.

The Arabians began to reckon their longitude at that place

where the Atlantieke Ocean driveth farthest into the maine

land, which place is tenne degrees distant eastward from

the Fortunate Islands, as Jacobus Christmannus hath

observed out of Abulfeda. Our Moderne Geographers for

the most part beginne to reckon the longitude of places from

these Canary Islands. Yet some beginne at those Islands

which they eall Azores ; and from these bounds are the

longitudes of places to be reckoned in these Globes whereof

we speake.

Now the longitude of any place is defined to be an Arch,

or portion of the ^Equator intercepted betwixt the Meridian

of any place assigned and the Meridian that passeth through

Saint Michaels Island (which is one of the Azores), or of any



other place from whence the longitude of places is wont to

be determined.

Now if you desire to know the longitude of any place

expressed in the Globe you must apply the same place to

the Meridian, and observing at what place the Meridian

cutteth the ^Equator, reckon the degree of the ^Equator from

the Meridian of Saint Michael’s Island to that place ; for so

many are the degrees of longitude to the place you looke for.

In the same manner may you measure the difference of

longitude betwixt any other two places that are described on

the Globe. For the difference of longitude is nothing else

but an Arch of the ^Equator intercepted betwixt the Meri-

dians of the same Places. AVhich difference of longitude

many have endeavoured to set downe diverse ways how to

fincle by observation. Put the most certaine way of all for

this purpose is confessed by all writers to be by Eclipses of

the Moone. But now these Eclipses happen but seldome,

but are more seldom seene, yet most seldome, and in very

few places, observed by the skilfull Artists in this Science.

So that there are but few longitudes of places designed out

by this meanes.

Orontius Finams, and Johannes “Wernerus before him, con-

ceived that the difference of longitude might be assigned

by the known (as they presuppose it) motion of the

Moone, and the passing of the same through the Meri-

dian of any place. But this is an uncertaine and ticklish

way, and subject to many difficulties. Others have gone

other ways to worke; as, namely, by observing the space of

the iEquinoctiall houres betwixt the Meridians of two places,

which they conceive may be taken by the helpe of sunne

dials, or clocks, or houre glasses, either with water or sand,

or the like. But all these conceits long since devised, having

beene more strictly and accurately examined, have beene

disallowed and rejected by all learned men (at least those of

riper judgments) as being altogether unable to performe that




which is required of them. But yet for all this there are a

kind of trifling Impostors that make public sale of these toys

or worse, and that with great ostentation and boasting; to

the great abuse and expense of some men of good note and

quality, who are perhaps better stored with money then

either learning and judgment. But I shall not stand here to

discover the erroures and uncertaineties of these instruments.

Only I admonish these men by the way that they beware of

these fellowes, least when their noses are wiped (as we say)

of their money, they too late repent them of their ill-bought

bargaines. Away with all such trifling, cheating rascals.1


How to finde the Latitude of any place.

Latitude The latitude of a place is the distance of the Zenith, or

quid. c

the verticall point thereof from the ^Equator. Now if you

desire to finde out the latitude of any place expressed in the

Globe, you must apply the same to the Meridian, and

reckon the number of degrees that it is distant from the

^Equator; for so much is the Latitude of that place. And

this also you may observe, that the latitude of every place

is alwayes equall to the elevation of the same place. Eor

look how many degrees the verticall point of any place is

distant from the ^Equator, just so many is the Pole elevated

above the Horizon; as you may prove by the Globe if you

so order it as that the Zenith of the place be 90 degrees

distant every way from the Horizon.2

1 Here Pontanus has a note, describing the method of finding the

longitude by eclipses of the moon.

2 Pontanus gives a note here, explaining how to find the latitude

by observation of circumpolar stars.




How to find the distance of two places, and angle of position, or


If you set your Globe in such sort as that the Zenith of

one of the places be 90 gr. distant every way from the

Horizon, and then fasten the quadrant of Altitude to the

Verticall point, and so move it up and downe untill it passe

through the Vertex of the other place ; the number of degrees

intercepted in the quadrant betwixt the two places, being

resolved into furlongs, miles, or leagues (as you please), will

shew the true distance of the places assigned. And the

other end of the quadrant that toucheth upon the Horizon

will shew on what wind, or quarter of the world, the one

place is in respect of the other, or what Angle of Position (as

they call it) it hath. Eor the Angle of Position is that Anguiu«

J ‘ ° positionis

which is comprehended betwixt the Meridian of any place, quid-

and a greater circle passing through the Zeniths of any two

places assigned ; and the quantity of it is to bee numbred in

the Horizon.

As for example, the Longitude of London is twentie sixe Exempium.

degrees, and it hath in North erne Latitude 51 degrees and a

halfe. Now if it be demanded what distance and angle of

position it beareth to Saint Michaels Island, which is one

of the Azores: we must proceed thus to find it, Eirst, let

the North Pole be elevated 51^ degrees, which is the latitude

of London. Then, fastning the quadrant of Altitude to the

Zenith of it, that is to say, fiftie-one degrees and an halfe

Northward from the ^Equator, we must turne it about till it

passe through Saint Michaels Island, and we shall finde the

distance intercepted betwixt these two places to he 11 gr.

40 min., or thereabouts, which is 280 of our leagues. And if we

observe in what part of the Horizon the end of the quadrant

II 2



resteth, we shall find the Angle of Position to fall neare

upon 50 gr. betwixt South west and by west. And this is

the situation of this Island in respect of London.


To Jinclc the altitude of the Sunne, or other Starre.

The Altitude of the Sunne, or other Starre, is the distance

of the same, reckoned in a greater Circle, passing the Zenith

of any place and the body of the Sunne or Starre. Now that

the manner of observing the same is to be performed either

by the crosse staffe, quadrant, or other like Instrument, is

a thing so well knowne, as that it were vaine to repeat it.

Gemma Frisius teacheth a way how to observe the Altitude

of the Sunne by a Sphaaricall Gnomon. But this way of

proceeding is not so well liked, as being subject to many

difficulties and errours ; as whosoever proveth it shall easily



To finch the pi ace and declination of the Sunne for any

day given.

Having first learned the day of the moneth, yon must

lookc for the same in the Calendar described on the Horizon

of your Globe. Over against which, in the same Horizon,

you shall find the Signe of the Zodiaque, and the degree of

the same, that the Sunne is in at that time. But if it be

leape yeare, then, for the next day after the 28th of February,

yon must take that degree of the Signe which is ascribed to

the day following it. As for example, if yon desire to know

what degree of the Zodiaque the Sunne is in the 29th of



February, you must take that degree which is assigned for

the 1st of March, and for the first of March take the degree

of the second, and so forward. Yet I should rather counsell,

if the place of the Sunne be accurately to be knowne, that

you would have recourse to some Ephenierides where you

may have the place of the Sunne exactly calculated for every

clay in the yeare. Neither indeed can the practise by the

Globe in this case bee so accurate as often times it is required

to bee.

Now when you have found the place of the Sunne, apply

the same to the Meridian, and reckon thereon how many

degrees the Sunne is distant from the ^Equator, for so many

will the degrees be of the Sunne’s declination for the day

assigned. For the Declination of the Sunne or any other Quia decii-

° natio.

Starre is nothing else but the distance of the same from the

^Equator reckoned on the Meridian. But the Sunnes Decli-

nation may be much more exactly found out of those tables

which Mariners use, in which the Meridian Altitude, or

Declination of the Sunne for every clay in the yeare, and the

quantity of it is expressed. One thing I shall give you

notice of by the way, and that is, that you make use of those

that are latest made as neare as you can. For all of them,

after some certaine space of time, will have their errours.

And I give this advertisement the rather for that I have

seen some, that having some of these tables that were very

ancient, and written out with great care and diligence (which

notwithstanding would differ from the later Tables, and

indeed from the truth itselfe, oftentimes at least 10 min., and

sometimes more), yet would they alwayes use them very

constantly, and with a kinde of religion. But these men

take a great deale of paines and care to bring upon them-

selves no small errors.




Hoic to finch the latitude of any place by observing the Meridian

Altitude of the Sunne or other Starrc.

Observe the Meridian Altitude of the Sunne with the

crosse staffe, quadrant, or other like instrument; and having

also found the place of the Sunne in the Eclipticke, apply the

same to the Meridian, and so move the Meridian up and

dowue, through the notches it stands in, untill the place of

the Sunne be elevated so many degrees above the Horizon

as the Sunnes altitude is. And the Globe standing in this

position, the elevation of either of the Poles will show the

Latitude of the place wherein you are, an example whereof

may bee this.

Esempium. On the 12th of June, according to the old Julian account,

the Sunne is in the first degree of Cancer, and hath his

greatest declination 23£ degrees. And on the same day sup-

pose the Meridian Altitude of the Sunne to be 50 degrees,

we enquire, therefore, now what is the Latitude of the place

where this observation was made ? And this wee finde out

after this manner. “We apply the first degree of the Cancer

to the Meridian, which we move up and downe, till the same

degree be elevated above the Horizon 50 degrees: which is

the Meridian altitude of the Sunne observed. Now in this

position of the Globe we find the North Pole to be elevated

63 gr. and an halfe ; so that we conclude this to be the lati-

tude of the place where our observation was made.

The like, way of proceeding doe Mariners also use for the

finding out of the Latitude of places by the Meridian Altitude

of the Sunne and their Tables of Declinations. But I sha11

not here speake any further of this, as well for that the

explication thereof doth not so properly concerne our proper

intention ; as also because it is so well knowne to everybody,



as that the handling of it in this place would be needlesse

and superfluous.

The like effect may be brought by observing the Meridian

Altitude of any other Starre expressed in the Globe. For if

you set your Globe, so as that the Starre you meane to

observe be so much elevated above the Horizon as the

Meridian Altitude of it is observed to be, the elevation of

the Pole above the Horizon will shew the Latitude of the

place. But here I should advise that the latitude of places

bee rather enquired after by the Meridian altitude of the

Sunne, then of the fixed Starres ; because the Declinations,

as wee have already showed, are very much changed, unlesse

they be restored to their proper places by later observations.

Some there are that undertake to performe the same, not

only by the Meridian Altitude of the Sunne or Starre, but

also by observing it at two severall times, and knowing the

space of time or horizontall distance betwixt the two obser-

vations. But the practice hereof is prolix and doubtful :

besides that, by reason of the multitude of observations that

must be made, it is also subject to many errours and difficul-

ties. Notwithstanding, the easiest way of proceeding that I

know in this kind is this that folioweth.

To finde out the Latitude of any place, by knowing the

place of the Sunne or other Starre, and observing

the Altitude of it two severall times, with

the space of time betwixt the

two observations.

First having taken with your Compasses the complement

of the Altitude of your first Observation (now the comple-

ment of the Altitude is nothing else but the difference of

degrees by which the Altitude is found to be lesse then 90

degrees), you must set one of the feet of your Compasses in

that degree of the Ecliptique that the Sunne is in at that

time ; and with the other describe a circle upon the super-



ficies of the Globe, tending somewhat toward the West, if the

observation be taken before noone, but toward the East if it

be made in the afternoone. Then having made your second

observation, and observed the space of time betwixt it and

the former, apply the place of the Sunne to the Meridian,

turning the Globe to the East untill that so many degrees of

the ^Equator have passed by the Meridian, as answer to the

space of time that passed betwixt your observations, allowing

for every houre fifteene degrees in the ^Equator, and mark-

ing the place in the Parallel of the Sunnes declination that

the Meridian crosseth after this turning about of the Globe.

And then setting the foot of your Compasses in this very

intersection, describe an Arch of a Circle with the other foot

of the Compasse extended to the complement of the second

observation, which Arch must cut the former circle. And

the common intersection of these two circles will shew the

verticall point of the place wherein you are: so that having

reckoned the distance of it from the ^Equator, you shall

presently have the latitude of the same.

The same may be effected, if you take any Starre, and

work by it after the same manner; or if you describe two

circles mutually crossing each other to the complements of

any two Starres.


How to find the Right and Oblique Ascension of the Sunne and

Starres for any Latitude of place and time assigned.

Ascpnsio The Ascension of the Sun or Starres is the degree of the

et descensio ,

quid. ./Equator that riseth with the same above the Horizon. And

the Descensión of it is the degree of the /Equator that goes

under the Horizon with the same. Both these is either Eight

Ascpnsio or Oblique. The Eight Ascension or Descensión is the degree



of the ^Equator that ascendeth or descendeth with the

Sunne or other Starre in a Eight Sphaere; and the Oblique is 0bl!fiue-

the degree that ascendeth or descendeth with the same in an

Oblique. The former of these is simple, and of one kind

only: because there can be but one position of a Eight

Spha?re. But the later is various and manifold, according to

the diverse inclination of the same.

Now if you desire to know the Eight Ascension and

Descensión of any Starre for any time and place assigned,

apply the same Star to the Meridian of your Globe : and that

degree of the ^Equator that the Meridian crosseth at the

situation of the Globe will shew the Eight Ascension and

Descensión of the same, and also divideth each Hemisphiere

in the midst at the same time with it.

And if you would know the Oblique Ascension or Descen-

sión of any Starre, you must first set the Globe to the lati-

tude of the place, and then place the Starre at the extreme

part of the Horizon ; and the Horizon will shew in the ^Equa-

tor the degree Oblique Ascension. And if you turn it about

to the West side of the Horizon, the same will also shew in

the ^Equator the oblique descensión of that Starre. In like

manner you may find out the Oblique Ascension of the

Sunne, or any degree of the Eclipticke, having first found

out, in the manner wee have formerly shewed, the place

of the Sunne. And hence also may bee found the difference

of the Eight and Oblique Ascension, whence ariseth the

diverse length of dayes.

As for example, the Sunne entreth unto Capricorne on the Exempium

eleventh day of December, according to the old account. I

would now, therefore, know the Eight and Oblique Ascension

of the degree of the Eclipticke for the latitude of fiftie-two

degrees. First, therefore, I apply the first degree of Capri-

corne to the Meridian, where I find the same to cut the

iEquator at 270 gr., which is the degree of the Eight Ascen-

sion. But if you set the Globe to the latitude of fiftie-two



degrees, and apply the same degree of Capricorne to the

Horizon, you shall find the 303 gr. 50 min. to rise with the

same. So that the difference of the Eight Ascension 270

and the Oblique 303 gr. 50 min., will be found to be 33 gr.

50 min.


How to findc out the Horizontall difference betwixt the Meridian

and the Verticall circle of the Sunne or any other Starre

(which they call the Azimuth), for any time or place


Having first observed the Altitude of the Sunne or Starre

that you desire to know, set your Globe to the latitude of

the place you are in : which done, turne it about, till the

place of the Sunne or Starre, which you have observed, be

elevated so much above the Horizon as the Altitude of the

same you before observed. Now you shall find that you

desire if you take the Quadrant of Altitude, and fasten it to

the Verticall point of the place you are in, and so move it

together with the place of Sunne or Starre up and downe,

untill it fall upon that which you have set downe in your

instrument at your observation. Now in this situation of the

Quadrant, that end of it that toucheth the Horizon will shew

the distance of the Verticall circle in which you have

observed the Sunne or Starre to be from the Meridian. As

for example.

Exemplum. In the Northerne latitude of 51 gr., on the 11th of March

after the old account, at what time the Sunne entreth into

Aries, suppose the Altitude of the Sunne before noone to be

observed to be thirtie gr. above the Horizon. And it is

demanded what is the Azimuth or distance of the Sunne

from the Meridian. First, therefore, having set the Globe to

the latitude of 51 gr., and fastning the Quadrant of Altitude



to the Zenith, I tume the Globe about till I finde the first

degree of Aries to be 30 gr. above the Horizon. And then the

Quadrant of Altitude being also applied to the same degree

of Aries, will shew upon the Horizon the Azimuth of the

Sunne, or distance of it from the Meridian, to bee about fortie

five degrees.


How to finde the houre of the day, as also the Amplitude, of

rising and setting of the Sunne and Starres, for any time

or latitude of place.

The Sunne, we see, doth rise and set at severall seasons

of the yeare, in diverse parts of the Horizon. But among

the rest it hath three more notable places of rising and

setting. The first whereof is in the ^Equator, and this is

called his /Equinoctiall rising and setting. The second is

in the Summer Solstice when he is in the Tropique of Cancer,

and the third is in the Winter Solstice when hee is in the

Tropique of Capricorne. Now the ^Equinoctiall rising of

the Sun is one and the same in every Climate. For the

^Equator alwayes cutteth the Horizon in the same points,

which are alwaies just 90 gr. distant on each side from the

Meridian. But the rest are variable, and change according

to the diverse inclination of the Sphaere, and therefore the

houres are unequall also.

Now if yon desire to know the houre, or distance of time,

betwixt the rising and setting of the Sunne when he is

in either of the Solstices, or in any other intermediate

place, and that for any time or latitude of place, you shall

work thus : First set your Globe to the latitude of your

place, then having found out the place of the Sunne for the

time assigned, place the same to the Meridian, and withall



you must set the point of the Houre Index at the figure

twelve in the Houre circle. And having thus done, you

must turne about the Globe toward the East part, till the

place of the Sunne touch the Horizon; which done, you

shall have the Amplitude of the Sunnes rising also in the

/Equator, which you must reckon, as we have said, from the

East point or place of intersection betwixt the ^Equator

and Horizon. And then if you but turne the Globe about

to the West side of the Horizon, you shall in like man-

ner have the houre of the setting and Occidentall Ampli-


And if at the same time, and for the same latitude of

place, you desire to know the houre and Amplitude of rising

and setting, or the greatest elevation of any other Starre

expressed in the Globe, you must turne about the Globe

(the Index remaining still in the same position and situa-

tion of the Index as before) till the said Starre come to the

Horizon, either to the East or West. And so shall you have

plainely the houre and latitude that the Starre riseth and

setteth in, in like manner as you had in the Sunne. And

then if you apply the same to the Meridian, you shall also

have the Meridian Altitude of the same Starre. An ex-

ample of the Suns rising and setting may be this :

Exempium. When the Sunne enters into Taurus (which in our time

happens about the eleventh of Aprill, according to the Julian

account), I desire to know the houre and Amplitude of the

Sunnes rising, for the Northeme latitude of fiftie-one degrees.

Now to finde out this, I set my Globe so that the North

Pole is elevated above the Horizon fiftie-one degrees. Then

I apply the first degree of Taurus to the Meridian, and the

Houre Index to the twelfth houre in the Houre circle. Which

done, I turn about the Globe toward the East till that the

first degree of Taurus touch the Horizon, and then I find

that this point toucheth the Horizon about the twentie-fifth

degree Northward from the East point. Therefore I eon-



elude that to bee the Amplitude of the Sonne for that day.

In the meantime the Index strikes upon halfe an houre

after foure ; which I take to be the time of the Sunnes



Of the threefold rising and setting of Stars.

Besides the ordinary emersion and depression of the

Starres in regard of the Horizon, by reason of the circum-

volution of the Heavens, there is also observed a threefold

rising and setting of the Starres. The first of these is called

in Latine, Ortus Matutinus sivc Cosmicus, the morning or

Cosmicall rising; the second, Vespcrtinus sivc Acronychus,

the Evening or Achronychall; and the last, Hcliachus vel

Solaris, Heliacal or Solar. The Cosmicall or morning rising

of a Starre is when as it riseth above the Horizon together

with the Sunne. And the Cosmicall, or morning setting of a

Starre, is when it setteth at the Opposite part of Heaven

when the Sunne riseth. The Acronychall or Evening rising

of a Starre is when it riseth on the Opposite part when the

Sunne setteth. And the Acronychall setting of a Starre is

when it setteth at the same time with the Sun. The Helia-

cal rising of a Starre (which you may properly call the

emersion of it) is when a Starre that was hid before by the

Sunne beams beginneth now to have recovered itselfe out of

the same and to appeare. And so likewise the setting of

such a Starre (which may also fitly be called the occupa-

tion of the same) is, when the Starre by his own proper

motion overtaketh any Starre, so that by the brightnesse

of his beams it can no more be seene.

Xow, as touching the last of these kinds, many authors are

of opinion that the fixed Stars of the first magnitude do

begin to shew themselves after their emersion out of the



Sunne beames, when they are as yet in the upper Hemisphere,

and the Sunne is “one downe twelve degrees under the

Horizon. But these of the second magnitude require that

the Sunne is depressed 13 gr., and those of the third require

fourteene, and of the fourth fifteene, of the fifth sixteene, of

the sixth seventeen, and the cloudy and obscure Starres

require eighteene degrees of the Suns depression. But

Ptolomy hath determined nothing at all in this case, and

with all very rightly gives this admonishment, lib. 8, cap. alt.,

Almag., that it is a very hard matter to set downe any deter-

mination thereof. For as he there well noteth, by reason of

the uneqnall disposition of the Air, this distance also of the

Sunne for the Occultation and Emersion of the Starres must

needs be uneqnall. And one thing more we have to increase

our suspition of the incertainty of this received opinion, and

that is that Aritellio requires nineteene degrees of the Suns

depression under the Horizon before the Evening twilight

be ended. Now that the obscure and cloudy Starres should

appeare ever before the twilight be downe I shall very hardly

be persuaded to beleeve. Notwithstanding however the

truth of the matter may be, we will follow the common


Now, therefore, if you desire to know at what time of the

yeare any Starre riseth or setteth in the Morning or the

Evening, in any climate whatsoever, you may find it out

thus: First set your Globe to the latitude of the place you

are in, and then apply the Starre yon enquire after to the

Easterne part of the Horizon, and you shall have that degree

of the Eclipticke with which the said Starre rises Cosmic-

ally and setteth Acronychally; and on the opposite side on

the West, the Horizon will shew the degree of the Eclipticke

with which the said Starre riseth Acronychally and setteth

Cosmically. For the Cosmicall rising and Acronychall set-

ting, and so likewise Acronychall rising and Cosmicall

C known

Latitude J The ( Distance J

{Longitude “) being f

and the > known •

The I and Rumbe )





and the














{Latitude ~) being f

and > known known

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