I analyzed 1000 articles about Python


I started studying the Python programming in March 2020.Since then, I have reviewed and collected thousands of PDF articles, as well as more than a thousand links to articles.This is, so to speak, my learning path and knowledge base.

Awesome-Python-Learning v.1.0.1

Awesome Python Learning

Extended my Awesome Python Learning dataset (https://airtable.com/shrNtoOfPJVDcO3fG/tblAYr9pYzqpWhYJ0) with new 205 links: – Articles about Software Engineering– Developer’s Tools– MOOC and courses– Video Here CSV dataset – https://github.com/skupriienko/Awesome-Python-Learning P.S. You can try create your own database for everything https://lnkd.in/dpnX4sE

Create my Awesome Python Learning list

Awesome Python Learning list

Create my Awesome Python Learning list in a table view (by Airtable) with 1070 links – https://airtable.com/shrNtoOfPJVDcO3fG/tblAYr9pYzqpWhYJ0 (mostly in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages): – Articles about Software Engineering– Books– Developer’s Tools– Games for Education– Jobs– Math– MOOC and courses– Project examples for Junior– Roadmaps– Textbooks– Training– Video

A month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses

Python's online courses

The most training month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses (in DataCamp and LinkedIn Learning. Here is the list of completed courses: 1.      Building Chatbots in Python(DataCamp) 2.      Building RESTful APIs with Flask(LinkedIn Learning) 3.      Building RESTful Web APIs with Django(LinkedIn Learning) 4.      Building a Paid Membership Site with Django(LinkedIn Learning) 5.      Case Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning in Python(DataCamp) 6.      Data… Читати далі A month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses

700 books that I read in 2018-2019


Here a part (500 items) of 700 books that I read in 2018-2019 (mostly in russian translation): Кто забрал мой сыр? ♥♥ Спенсер Джонсон Призвание. Как найти то, для чего вы созданы, и жить в своей стихии ♥ Кен Робинсон Грамотные ходы. Как умные стратегия, психология и управление рисками обеспечивают успех бизнеса Энн-Валери Олссон, Пол… Читати далі 700 books that I read in 2018-2019