Create my Awesome Python Learning list in a table view (by Airtable) with 1070 links – (mostly in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages): – Articles about Software Engineering– Books– Developer’s Tools– Games for Education– Jobs– Math– MOOC and courses– Project examples for Junior– Roadmaps– Textbooks– Training– Video
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A month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses
The most training month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses (in DataCamp and LinkedIn Learning. Here is the list of completed courses: 1. Building Chatbots in Python(DataCamp) 2. Building RESTful APIs with Flask(LinkedIn Learning) 3. Building RESTful Web APIs with Django(LinkedIn Learning) 4. Building a Paid Membership Site with Django(LinkedIn Learning) 5. Case Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning in Python(DataCamp) 6. Data… Читати далі A month when I learned 44 Python’s online courses
Awesome Python Learning
# Awesome-Python-Learning Python Learning Library ## Contents Jobs Programming (learning) Roadmaps MOOC and courses Video Textbooks Books Games for Education Online education (others) IT-events Training Project examples for Junior Puzzles Developer’s Tools Articles about Software Engineering Jobs [15 App Ideas to Build and Level Up your Coding Skills] [15 вопросов по Python: как джуниору пройти… Читати далі Awesome Python Learning