PEDRO SANCHO. REPORT OH THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE RANSOM OF ATAHUALLPA. Доклад нотариуса Педро Санчо о Распределении выкупа Атавальпы.

Доклад нотариуса Педро Санчо о Распределении выкупа Атавальпы.


IN the town of Caxamalca, of these kingdoms of New Cas-
tille, on the 17th day of the month of June, in the year of
the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1533, the very magnifi-
cent Lord and Commander Francisco Pizarro, Adelantado,
Lieutenant, Captain-General, and Governor for his Majesty
in the said kingdoms, in the presence of me, Pedro Sancho,
Lieutenant of the General Secretary, on the part of the
Lord Pedro Samano, declares : that, on the occasion of the
imprisonment and defeat of the chief Atahuallpa and of his
troops in this town, some gold was collected, and that after-
wards the said chief promised to the Christian Spaniards
that they should find a certain quantity of gold in his prison,
which quantity should, he declared, be a room full, namely,
10,000 tejuelos, and much silver which he possessed and
promised ; and which his -captains, in his name, had taken
in the war and capture of Cuzco, and in the conquest of
those lands, by many ways which are more fully declared in
the act which was attested before a notary; and which the
said chief has given, brought, and ordered to be given
and brought: of which a division and distribution has been
made, as well of the gold as the silver, and of the pearls and
emeralds which have been given, and of their value, among
the persons who were present at the capture of the said
chief, and who acquired and took the said gold and silver,
and to whom the said chief promised, gave, and delivered
it; so that each person might have, hold, and possess that
which belonged to him ; in order that his Lordship might
without delay settle the matter, and leave this town to go
and people and reduce the land beyond, and for many other
reasons which are not herein stated; for which object the said
Lord Governor declared that his Majesty, in his provisions
and royal orders, in which he granted the government of
these kingdoms, commanded that all the fruits and other
things that in these lands might be found and acquired,
Bhould be given and distributed among the conquerors who
should acquire them, in the way that seemed best to him,
and according as each person should deserve by reason of
his rank and services; and considering the above said com-
mands, and other things that ought to be considered in
making the distribution, and that each man might have his
share of what the chief had given, as his Majesty had com-
manded, he has determined to name and select before me,
the said notary, the quantity of silver which each person
shall have and take, according as, in his conscience, God
our Lord shall give him understanding; and, for the better
performance, he seeks the aid of God our Lord, and invokes
his divine assistance.
Then the said Lord Governor, considering what is said
and declared in the deed, having God before his eyes,
assigned to each person the marcos of silver that he had
earned and deserved, out of what the said chief had given,
and in this manner it was arranged.
On the 18th of June of the same year of 1533, the said
Governor approved another deed, by which the gold was to
be melted and distributed; and the gold was melted and dis-
tributed in this manner. I distinguish the gold and silver
that each one received in the following columns; that the
list of persons may only be given once.

Marcos Pesos
of of
silver. gold.
To the Church . . .90… 2220
To the Lord Governor, for his persons, his
interpreters, and horse . . 2350…57220
To Hernando Pizarro . . . 1267…31080
To Hernando de Soto . . . 724…17740
To Father Juan de Sosa, Chaplain to the army 310… 7770
To Juan Pizarro . . . 407…11100
To PEDRO DE CANDIA1 . . . 407… 9909
To Gonzalo Pizarro . . . 384… 9909
To Juan Cortes . . . 362… 9430
To Sebastian de Benalcazar2 . . 407… 9909
To Cristobal Mena, or Medina . . 366… 8380
To Luis Hernandez Bueno . . 384… 9435
To Juan de Salazar . . . 362… 9435
To Miguel Estete3 . . . 362… 8980
To Francisco de Jerez . . . 362… 8880
More to the said Jerez and Pedro Sancho for
writing . . . .94… 2220
To Gonzalo de Pineda4 . . . 384… 9909
TO-ALONZO BRiCEno5 . . . 362… 8380
»To Alonzo de Medina . . . 362… 8480
To Juan Pizarro de Orellana6 . . 362… 8980
ToLuisMarca . . .362… 8880
1 One of the thirteen. See Note at p. 8.
2 For some account qf the career of Benalcazar see my translations of
Pascual de Andagoya; and of Cieza de Leon. Note at p. 110.
3 See Note at p. 74.
4 Killed by Indians who captured him, in the war between Gonzalo
Pizarro and the Viceroy Blasco Nunez. G. de la Vega, n, lib. iv,
p. 24.
5 One of the thirteen. See Note at p. 8.
6 Went with Hernando Pizarro to Pachacamac. la Vega, n,
lib. i, cap. 29.

To Geronimo de Aliaga7
To Gonzalo Perez
To Pedro de Barrientos
To Rodrigo Nunez8
To Pedro Anades
To Francisco Maraver
To Diego Maldonado9
To Diego Ojuelos
To Gines de Carranca
To Juan de Quincoces
To Alonzo de Morales
To Lope Velez .
To Juan de Barbaian2
To Pedro de Aguirre
To Pedro de Leon
To Diego Mejia
To Martin Alonzo
To Juan de Rosas
To Pedro Catafio

. 339…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…7770
. 362…7770
. 362…8880
. 362 ..8880
. .362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 362…8880
. 862…8880
. 362…8880

7 He was appointed Governor of Lima by Vaca de Castro, and dis-
tinguished himself in the battle of Chupas against the younger Almagro.
Q. de la Vega, u, lib. ii, caps. 12 and 18.
p He was put to death on suspicion, by Gonzalo Pizarro, at Lima.
Q. de la Vega, n, lib. iv, cap. 20.
9 A very conspicuous personage in the future civil wars. He took a
part in them all, down to the insurrection of Giron. He was surnamed
” the rich”, and became a citizen of Cuzco, where he died in 1562.
Frequent mention of him will be found in Garcilasso.
i See Note at p. 104.
* It should be Juan de Barbaran. He was a native of Truxillo, and
was a servant of the Conqueror. When Pizarro was murdered no man
dared to bury the body, for fear of the assassins, until the faithful Bar-
baran and his wife performed the office in the best way they could,
dressing the body in the mantle of Santiago. Barbaran afterwards
fought bravely against the younger Almagro at the battle of Chupas.
G. de la Vega, n, lib. iii, cap. 7.

To Pedro Ortiz3

. 362…8880

To Juan Morquejo

. 362…8880

To Hernando de Toro

. 316…8880

To Diego de Aguero4

. 362…8880

To Alonzo Perez

. 362…8880

To Hernando Beltran

. 362…8880

To Pedro de Barrera

. 362…8880

To Francisco de Baena

. 362…8880

To Francisco Lopez

. 371…8880

To Sebastian de Torres .

. 362…8880

To Juan Ruiz .

. 339…8880


. 362…888C

To Gonzalo del Castillo .

. 362…8880

To Nicolas de Azpitia

. 339…8880

To Diego de Molina

. 316…7770

To Alonzo Peto

. 316…7770

To Miguel Ruiz

. 362…8880

To Juan de Salinas6 (blacksmith)

. 362…S880

To Juan Loz

. 248…6110

To Cristobal Gallego (no gold)

. 316… —

To Rodrigo de Cantillana (no gold)

. 248… —

To Gabriel Telor (no gold)

. 294… —

To Hernan Sanchez7

. 262…8880

To Pedro Sa Paramo

. 271…6115

3 Pedro Ortiz de Orue became a citizen of Cuzco, and married a sister
of the Ynca Sayri Tupac. See Note at p. 253 of vol. ii of my transla-
tion of Garcilasso de la Vega, Part I.
4 When the Indians rose against the Spaniards, under Ynca Manco,
Diego de Aguero received timely notice from the Indian servants on his
estate, and escaped into Lima. After the murder of Pizarro, he fled
from the Almagro faction, and joined Vaca de Castro at Truxilio. He
also persuaded the people of Lima to receive the unpopular Viceroy
Blasco Nunez. He seems to have been a loyal, peaceable man.
s One of the twelve who protested against the murder of Atahuallpa.
See Note at p. 103.
• G. de la Vega, n, lib. viii, cap. 13.
7 Hernan Sanchez de Vargas was abandoned on the desert shore of


To Juan de Porras
To Gregorio Sotelo
To Pedro Sancho
To Garcia de Paredes
To Juan de Baldivieso
To Gonzalo Maldonado
To Pedro Navarro
To Juan Ronquillo
To Antonio de Bergara
To Alonzo’ de la Carrera
To Alonzo Romero
To Melchor Berdugo8
To Martin Bueno9
To Juan Perez Tudela
To Inigo Taburco

181.. .4540

the Napo, by Orellana, when he descended the Amazon. See my Valley
of the Amazons, p. 12.
8 Melchior Verdugo was a native of Avila. He received a large grant
in the valley of Caxamarca. H e distinguished himself in the battle of
Chupas againBt Almagro the younger. He was a friend of the Viceroy
Blasco Nunez de Vela; and when Gonzalo Pizarro rebelled and declared
himself Governor of Peru, his Lieutenant Carbajal seized Verdugo at
Lima, and put hhn in prison. He was afterwards allowed to go to his
own house in Truxillo. There he played the party of Gonzalo Pizarro
an extraordinary trick. A ship was at anchor in the port, and he invited
the captain and pilot to his house, and locked them up. He then looked
out of his window and Baw the Alcalde and others. He called to them,
begging them to come up and witness a deed, as he had a pain in his
feet and could not go down. Up they came, suspecting nothing, and
were locked up also. He did the same to about twenty of the leading
men of Gonzalo’s party, and then seized the ship, sailing in her to Nica-
ragua, with a few followers; and a quantity of gold and silver, which
he had extorted from his captives. He was chased by some vessels of
Gonzalo, and his ship was seized, after he had landed. After staying
some time in Nicaragua and at Carthagena, he went to Spain and re-
ceived the habit of Santiago. He returned to Peru in 1563.

8 One of the three soldiers who were sent to Cuzco by Pizarro. See
p. 72. (Note.)

To Nuno Gonzalo (no gold)
To Juan de Herrera
To Francisco Davalos
To Hernando de Aldana .
To Martin de Marquina . .
To Antonio de Herrera
To Sandoval (Chistian name not given)
To Miguel Estete1 de Santiago
To Juan Bonallo
To Pedro Moguer2
To Francisco Perez
To Melchor Palomino
To Pedro de Alconchel
To Juan de Segovia
To Crisostomo de Ontiveros
To Hernan Munoz
To Alonso de Mesa3
To Juan Perez de Oma

111… —

1 See Note at p. 74.
2 One of the three soldiers who were sent to Cuzco by Pizarro. See
p. 72. (Note.)
* Alonzo de Mesa became a citizen of Cuzco, and had a house next
door to that of Garcilasso de la Vega (ii, p. 254). He had a very pretty
girl living in his house, and when young Altamirano was riding a race,
he kept looking back at her in Mesa’s balcony, until he fell off. In the
rebellion of Giron in 1550, Mesa fled from Cuzco, and the licentiate
Alvarado, Giron’s lieutenant, discovered and dug np sixty bars of silver,
worth three hundred ducats each, in the fugitive’s back garden. Young
Garcilasso saw the robbers at work, from a window of his father’s house.
Mesa’s son, also named Alonzo, and probably a half-caste, was employed
by the Ynca family as their advocate in Spain, in 1603.
4 According to Garcilasso de la Vega, this Diego de Trnjillo was one
of the men who stood by Pizarro on the island of Gallo. See Note at p. 8.
He had large estates near Ouzco, and was imprisoned there by Almagro,
when he came back from Chile and seized the Pizarros and their ad-
herents. He afterwards distinguished himself in the battle of Chupas
against the younger Almagro. In the rebellion of Giron he remained

To Palomino (cooper)
To Alonzo Jimenez
To Pedro de Torres
To Alonzo de Toro5
To Diego Lopez6
To Francisco Gallegosa
To Bonilla

To Francisco de Almendras7
To Escalante


loyal, and joined the Marshal Alvarado. The historian Garcilasso knew
Diego de Truxillo at Cuzco, and he was still living there in 1560.
* When the Ynca Manco besieged Cuzco, Gonzalo Pizarro sallied out
as far as the lake of Chinchero, two leagues to the north, where he was
attacked by a large army of Indians. He would have been overpowered,
had not his brother Hernando Pizarro and Alonzo de Toro come out to
the rescue. When Gonzalo Pizarro rebelled against the Viceroy Blasco
Nufiez, he appointed Alonzo de Toro to be his Master of the Camp at
Cuzco, but he fell ill on the road to Lima, and Carbajal took his place.
Toro returned to Cuzco, where he heard that Diego Centeno had risen
against Gonzalo Pizarro. He then collected some troops, and pursued
Centeno as far as La Plata (Chuquisaca) in the extreme south of Peru,
returning to Cuzco. There appears to have been much jealousy between
Toro and Carbajal. While Alonzo de Toro was Governor of Cuzco for
Gonzalo Pizarro, he married a daughter of one Diego Gonzalez de
Vargas. They all lived together. One day the father-in-law came
home, and found his daughter and her husband quarrelling. Alonzo
was proud and quick-tempered. Diego Gonzalez was an old man, more
than sixty-five. Alonzo rushed at his father-in-law, calling him names.
In self-defence the old man drew a dagger ; Alonzo rushed upon it, and
received a mortal wound.
6 Probably Diego Lopez de Zuniga, who served under Centeno, at
the battle of Huarina; and was afterwards named a Captain of Infantry
by the Royal Audience, to serve against Giron.
7 Francisco de Almendras settled in Charcas and became very rich.
He was very kind to Diego Centeno, who came out to Peru very young,
and treated him as his own son. Indeed, they were called father and
son. Almendras became Governor of La Plata (Chuquisaca) for Gon-
zalo Pizarro; where Centeno ungratefully put him to death, as a com-
mencement of his insurrection on the side of loyalty, and against Gon-
zalo. But Zarate gives Almendras a very bad character. (Hist, del
Peru, lib. v, cap. 21.)

To Andres Jimenez

. 181…3330

To Juan Jimenez

. 181…3330

To Garcia Martin

. 135…3330

To Alonzo Ruiz

. 135…3330

To Lucas Martinez

. 135…3330

To Gomez Gonzalez

. 135…3330

To Alonzo de Albuquerque

, 94…2220

To Francisco de Vargas .

. 181…4440

To Diego Gavilan8

. 181…3884

To Contreras (dead)

. 133…2770

To Rodrigo de Herrera (musketeer) .

. 135…3330

To Martin de Florencia9 .

• 135…3330

To Anton de Oviedo

. 135…3330

To Jorge Griego

. 181…4440

To Pedro de San Millan1

. 135…3330

8 Diego Gavilan was a man of good family, b”t he was unlucky. He
settled at Cuzco, and in 1550 he was still poor; no Giron persuaded him
to join in his rebellion, and to become a Captain of Horse in the insurgent
army. When Giron fled from Pucara, Gavilan went over to the royal
army, and obtained his pardon.
9 He did not wish to join the rebellion of Gonzalo Pizarro, and was
therefore hanged at Lima by cruel old Carbajal, together with Pedro del
1 Pedro de San Millan became a partizan of Almagro, and he was one
of the thirteen assassins who, led by Juan de Bada, ran across the
square of Lima to murder Pizarro, on Sunday, the 26th of June, 1541.
They ran with their drawn swords, shouting, “Death to the tyrant!”
Rushing up the stairs of Pizarro’s house, they were met by Francisco de
Chaves, who tried to stop them. He received a sword-thrust, and a
cut which nearly severed his head, and the body was hurled down the
steps. Dr. Velasquez and the servants, hearing the noise, escaped out
of the windows into a garden. Pizarro was defended by his half-brother,
Francisco Martin de Alcantara, and by two young pages, Juan de Var-
gas, a son of Gomez de Tordoya, and Alonzo Escandon. They had no
time to put on armour; but Pizarro and his brother defended the door-
way with great bravery, for a long time. At last Alcantara was slain,
and one of the pages took his place. Then Juan de Rada seized one of
the other assassins, named Narvaez, and hurled him against Pizarro, who
received him on his dagger, and killed him. But, in the scuffle, the

To Pedro Catalan
To Pedro Roman
To Francisco de la Torre
To Francisco Gorducho
To Juan Perez de Gomora
To Diego de Narvaez
To Gabriel de Olivarez
To Juan Garcia de Santa Olalla
To Juan Garcia (musketeer)
To Juan Perez
To Francisco Martin3
To Bartolome’ Sanchez (sailor)
To Martin Pizarro
To Hernando de Montalvo
To Pedro Pinelo
To Lazaro Sanchez
To Miguel Cornejo4


others rushed into the room. The two young pages fell fighting bravely,
after having severely wounded four of the assassins. Pizarro was thus
left alone. The murderers attacked him on all sides, and at last he was
stabbed in the throat.. He fell to the ground, made the sign of the Cross
on the floor with his right hand, kissed it, and expired. Four of the
assassins were killed, and four wounded. Of the others, Cristoval de
Sosa’s name occurs in this list, further on ; Martin de Bilbao was hanged
and quartered after the battle of Chupas; Juan de Rada died at Xauxa
before the battle; Diego Mendez (a brother of Orgofiez) fled to the court
of the Ynca Manco in the mountains of Vilcapampa, where he was
killed, with some other Spaniards, because one of them murdered the
Ynca; Martin Carrillo was killed in the battle of Chupas; Gomez Perez
was the actual murderer of the Ynca Manco, and was killed with Mendez.
The other two were obscure men, and their fate is unknown.
2 One of the twelve who protested against the murder of Atahuallpa.
See Note at p. 103.
1 Francisco Martin de Alcantara, the uterine brother of Francisco
Pizarro. He was killed by the assassins of Pizarro, while striving to de-
fend him.
* Miguel Cornejo settled at Arequipa. When old Francisco de Car-
bajal (afterwards the famous Lieutenant of Gouzalo Pizarro) first came

To Francisco Gonzalez
To Francisco Martinez
To Qarate5 (no Christian name)
To Hernando de Loja
To Juan de Niza
To Francisco de Solar
To Hernando de Jemendo
To Juan Sanchez
To Sancho de Villegas
To Pedro de Velva (wo gold)
‘To Juan Chico .
To Rodas (tailor)
To Pedro Salinas de la Hoz
To Anton Bstevan Garcia
To Juan Delgado Menzon
To Pedro de Valencia
To Alonzo Sanchez Talavera
To Miguel Sanchez
To Juan Garcia (common crier)

94… —

ito Peru, he was very poor. He arrived at Arcquipa, with his wife Dona
Catalina Leyton and two servants, on his way to Charcas; but he was
friendless, and they remained for three hours in a corner of the square,
houseless and hungry. Miguel Cornejo saw them there when he went
to church, and again when he came out; so he invited them into his
house. Long afterwards, after Gonzalo had won the battle of Huarina,
Carbajal marched to Arequipa. The citizens fled, but were overtaken
and brought back by the followers of Carbajal, and among them was
Miguel Cornejo. Old Carbajal sent for his former host, and told him
that, for his sake, he would do no injury to the citizens or the town of
Arequipa. When Giron rose in rebellion, Miguel Cornejo, with other
citizens of Arequipa, joined the royal army under Pedro de Meneses.
They were surprised by Giron at Villacuri, in the desert between Yea
and Pisco, and retreated, making a running fight for three leagues.
Cornejo wore a Burgundian helmet with a closed visor ; and what with
the heat and dust, he was suffocated, and so died, to the great sorrow of
all who knew him ; for he was a virtuous and generous knight.
5 This was Francisco de Zarate, one of the three soldiers who were
sent to Cuzco by Pizarro. See Note on p. 72.

To Lozano
To Garcia Lopez
To Juan Munoz
To Juan de Berlauga
To Esteban Garcia
To Juan de Salvatierra
To Pedro Calderon (no gold)
To Gaspar de Marquina (no silver)
To Diego Escudero (no silver)
To Cristobal de Sosa6

135… —
— …3330
— …4440

The Governor also said that 20,000 pesos should be as-
signed to the men who came with the Captain Diego de
Almagro, to aid them in paying their debts and freight,
and to furnish them with some necessaries that they re-
He also said that 15,000 pesos of gold should be given to
the thirty persons who remained in the city of San Miguel
de Piura sick, and to others who were not present at the
capture of the chief Atahuallpa nor at the taking of the gold;
because some were poor and others had much need; and
his Lordship ordered this sum to be distributed among
those persons.
He also said that for the 8000 pesos which the company
gave to Hernando Pizarro to enable him to explore the
country, and for other things such as the work of the barber
and surgeon, and for things that had been given the chiefs,
8000 pesos should be taken from the mass.
All which the Lord Governor declared to be good and to
be well arranged, and he moreover declared that the sum
which each man received might be taken by him in the
name of God and his conscience, having respect to what his

6 One of the assassins of Francisco Pizarro. See Note at p. 139.

Majesty had commanded; and he ordered that it should be
given and distributed by weight, and before me, the notary,
to each man as had been declared, signed by order of his