Первые авторы и писатели Америки. Los Primeros Americanos autores

Первые авторы и писатели Америки.
Los Primeros Autores Americanos:

1. Acosta, José de. Historia natural y moral de las Indias.
2. Acrelius, Israel , The Founding of New Sweden
3. Acuña, Cristóbal de. Voyages and Discoveries in South America
4. Adams, C. L. (Charles L.). Works.
5. Adams, Samuel. Selected Writings.
6. Aguirre, Lope de. Letter to King Philip.
7. Alsop, George, A Character of the Province of Maryland
8. Ashbridge, Elizabeth. Some Account of the Fore Part of the Life
9. The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico

10. Balbuena, Bernardo. Poetry.
11. Barker, James Nelson. Works.
12. Barlow, Joel. Works.
13. Barlowe, Arthur. First Voyage to Virginia.
14. Bartram, John. Works.
15. Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida.
16. Baxter, Richard. Reliquiae Baxterianae.
17. Behn, Aphra. Works.
18. Bello, Andrés Works.
19. Benezet, Anthony, Some observations on the situation, disposition, and character of the Indian natives of this continent
20. Benzoni, M. Girolamo. La historia del mondo nuovo
21. Beristáin de Sousa, José Mariano, Oración eucarística
22. Berkeley, William. A Discourse and View of Virginia.
23. Beverley, Robert. History and Present State of Virginia (selections).
24. Blome, Richard. A Description of the Island of Jamaica.
25. Bocanegra, Matías de. Works.
26. Bolívar, Simón. Selected Writings.
27. Botello de Moraes, Francisco. El Nuevo Mundo
28. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, Various Works.
29. Bradford, William, Works
30. Bradstreet, Anne Works
31. Brainerd, David. The Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace
32. Brown, Charles Brockden. Works.
33. Brown, William Hill. The Power of Sympathy
34. Budd, Thomas. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
35. Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North-America
36. Byles, Mather. Works
37. Byrd, William. Works.

38. Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez, Relación
39. Camoës, Luis. Os Lusíadas and other works.
40. Carrió de la Vandera, Alonso. El lazarillo de ciegos caminantes.
41. Carver, Jonathan. Three years travel through the inner parts of North America
42. Castañeda, Pedro de. Relación
43. Castellanos, Juan de. Elegías de varones ilustres de Indias.
44. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and The Bahama Islands.
45. Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco. Writings.
46. Champlain, Samuel de. Works
47. Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres.
48. Checkley, John. Works.
49. Cieza de León, Pedro. Crónica de los Incas.
50. Clavigero, Francisco Javier. Works
51. Colden, Cadwallader. The history of the five Indian nations of Canada
52. Colman, Benjamin. Poetry
53. Columbus, Christopher, Journal and Letters.
54. Cooke, Ebenezer, Works.
55. Coronado, Francisco. Reports
56. Cortés, Hernando, Cartas
57. Craddock, Thomas. Poetry.
58. Crawford, Charles, An essay on the propagation of the gospel: in which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the ten tribes
59. Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John, Letters from an American Farmer
60. Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, Works
61. Cushman, Robert.The Sin and Danger of Self Love.

62. Dampier, William. Voyages.
63. Danforth, John. Poetry.
64. Danforth, Samuel. Poetry.
65. Davis, John. Travels .. in the United States.
66. Dawson, William. Poetry.
67. Denton, Daniel. A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands.
68. Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España
69. Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Historia argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata
70. Dickinson, John, Letters from a Farmer (selections).
71. Domínguez, Francisco Atanasio, and Francisco Silvestre Vélez de Escalante, Diario y Derrotero
72. Dwight, Timothy, Works.

73. Echevarría, Estéban. Works.
74. Edwards, Jonathan. Works.
75. Eliot, John. Tracts.
76. Elvas, Gentleman of, True Relation of the Vicissitudes that Attended The Governor Don Hernando de Soto and Some Nobles of Portugal in the Discovery of the Province of Florida
77. Equiano, Olaudah, The Interesting Narrative of
78. Erauso, Catalina de, Historia de la monja Alfèrez
79. Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de, La Araucana
80. Espinosa Medrano, Juan de (“El Lunarejo”). Amar su propia muerte
81. Evans, Nathaniel. Works.
82. Evia, Jacinto de. Ramillete de varias flores poéticas, recogidas y cultivadas en los primeros abriles de sus años
83. Exquemelin, Alexandre Olivier. History of the Buccaneers of America.

84. Feria, Pedro de. Revelación sobre la reincidencia en sus idolatrías de los indios de Chiapa después de treinta años de cristianos
85. Fernández de Biedma, Luis, Relation of the Conquest of Florida
86. Fernández de Lizardi, José Joaquín. El Periquillo Sarniento.
87. Fernández de Medrano, Sebastián. Breve descripción del mundo o guía geográfica de Medrano: lo más principal de ella en verso…
88. Fernández de Oviedo y Váldes, Gonzalo, Works.
89. Filson, John. Life And Adventures Of Colonel Daniel Boon.
90. Flores, Bartolomé de. Obra nuevamente compuesta.
91. Font, Pedro de. Diario.
92. Foster, Hannah Webster. Works.
93. Franklin, Benjamin, Works
94. Freneau, Philip. Poems.
95. Fretes Esquibel, Juan Pablo . Compendio geográfico

96. Gage, Thomas. A new survey of the West-Indies.
97. Garcilaso de la Vaga, el Inca, Works
98. Gardener, Lion. History of the Pequot War.
99. Gilbert, Benjamin, Narrative of the Capitivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and His Family: Who Were Surprised By the Indians and Taken From Their Farms on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania in the Spring
100. Goddard, John. Virginia Richly Valued.
101. Godfrey, Thomas. Works.
102. Góngora Marmolejo, Alonso de. Historia de Chile desde su descubrimiento hasta el año 1575
103. Gorges, Ferdinando. America Painted to the Life.
104. Grainger, James. The Sugar Cane.
105. Grotius, Hugo. On the Origins of the Native Races of America.
106. Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe. From El Primer Nueva Corónica y buen gobierno
107. Guevara, Miguel de. Poems.

108. Haies, Edward. Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s Voyage To Newfoundland, 1583
109. Hakluyt, Richard Works.
110. Hamilton, Dr. Alexander. Works.
111. Hamilton, Alexander, John Jay and James Madison. The Federalist Papers.
112. Hammond, Jupiter. Selections.
113. Hariot, Thomas, A Brief and True Relation
114. Hennepin, Lodewyk. Works
115. Henry, Patrick. Writings.
116. Hanson, Elizabeth, An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson
117. Heredia, José María. Poems.
118. Higginson, Francis. A True Description of New England.
119. Hopkins, Lemuel. Poetry.
120. Horne, Robert. A Brief Description of Carolina.
121. Hubbard, William. The Present State of New England
122. Hudson, Henry. Descriptio ac delineatio Geographica.
123. Hughes, W. The American Physican; or treatise of the roots, shrubs, …. growing in the English Plantations in America.
124. Hunter, Robert. Works.
125. Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego. Selected Poems.
126. Hutchinson, Anne. Trial Documents.


127. James, Thomas. The strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine Thomas James
128. Jefferson, Thomas. Works.
129. Jemison, Mary. Life.
130. Jesuit Relations
131. Josselyn, John. An Account of Two Voyages to New England.

132. Knight, Sarah Kemble. Journal.

133. Lacunza, Manuel. La venida del Mesías en gloria y majestad, observaciones de Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra
134. Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d’Arce, baron de. New Voyages to America.
135. Landívar, Rafael. Rusticatio Mexicana.
136. Lane, Ralph. The Colony at Roanoke.
137. Las Casas, Bartolomé de. Works
138. Lawson, John. A New Voyage to Carolina.
139. Lederer, John. The Discoveries of John Lederer.
140. Léry, Jean de. Histoire d’un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil : autrement dite Amérique
141. Lewis, Richard, Journey from Patapsco in Maryland to Annapolis
142. Lewis and Clark, Journals
143. López de Gómara, Francisco de, Historia general de las Indias
144. López de Mendoza Grajales, Francisco , The Founding of St. Augustine

145. Madison, James, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. The Federalist Papers.
146. Manzano, Juan Francisco. Autobiography.
147. Mariño de Lobera, Pedro. Crónica del Reino de Chile
148. Marrant, John, Narrative
149. Martir, Peter.De Nouo Orbe.
150. Mason, John. A Brief History of the Pequot War.
151. Mather, Cotton. Works
152. Mather, Increase. A relation of the troubles [with] the Indians
153. Matos, Gregôrio de, Crônica do Viver Bahiano
154. Mendieta, Jerónimo de. Historia eclesiástica indiana.
155. Mier, Servando Teresa de. Works.
156. Miranda, Francisco de. Selected Works.
157. Moore, Francis. A Voyage to Georgia.
158. Morse, Jedidiah. Works.
159. Mourt’s Relation.
160. Morton, Thomas. From New English Canaan .
161. Motolinía, Toribio de. Historia de los Indios de la Nueva España.

162. Navaho Origin Myth
163. Niza, Fray Marcos de. Relación.
164. Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán, Francisco, El Cautiverio feliz.

165. Occom, Samson. Selections.
166. Ogilby, John. America.
167. Olmedo, José Joaquín. Poems.
168. Oña, Pedro de. Arauco domado.
169. Otermin, Antonio de. Letter about the Pueblo Revolt

170. Paine, Thomas. Works.
171. Pastorius, Francis Daniel, Description of Pennsylvania
172. Penn, William. Works.
173. Pérez de Luxán, Diego. New Mexico.
174. Pesado, Joaquín José. Poems.
175. Pilgrim Fathers. The Mayflower Compact.
176. Pinder, Richard. The Captive
177. Pratz, Antoine-Simon Le Page du, Works
178. Prince, Lucy Terry. Poetry.
179. Popol Vuh
180. Purchas, Samuel. Works.


181. Ralegh, Sir Walter. Works.
182. Ramsay, David. The Life of George Washington.
183. Ranjel, Rodrigo,Narrative of de Soto’s Expedition
184. Rodríguez Freyle, Juan. Historia de la conquista y del descubrimiento de la Nueva Granada
185. Rowlandson, Mary, True History of the Captivity…
186. Rowson, Susanna. Works.
187. Ruiz de Alarcón, Hernando. Tratado de las supersticiones y costumbres gentílicas que hoy viven entre los indios naturales de esta Nueva España
188. Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan. Works.
189. Ruiz de León, Francisco. Hernandia : triunfos de la fe, y gloria de las armas españolas…
190. Rush Benjamin. An Account of the Bilious Remitting Yellow Fever

191. The Salem Witchcraft Papers.
192. Schmiedel, Ulrich. Viaje al Río de la Plata.
193. Oral Traditions of the Seneca.
194. Sewall, Samuel. The Selling of Joseph.
195. Shepard, Thomas. Works.
196. Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, Works.
197. Smith, John. Works .
198. Smith, Venture. Narrative of the Life.
199. Smith, William. Works.
200. Smith Barton, Benjamin. New views of the origin of the tribes and nations of America
201. Steendam, Jacob, Poem.

202. Tadea de San Joaquín, Sor. Relación de la Inundación que hizo el río Mapocho de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile
203. Taylor, Edward. Selected Poetry.
204. Terrazas, Francisco de. Poems.
205. Thorowgood, Thomas. Ievves in America.
206. Titu Cusi Yupanqui/Diego de Castro. Instrucción del Inca Don Diego de Castro Titu Cusi Yupanqui al Licenciado don Lope García de Castro
207. Tompson, Benjamin. Poetry.
208. Tyler, Royall. Works.

209. Ulloa, Antonio de, and Jorge Juan. Writings.

210. Valdivia, Pedro de. Cartas.
211. Valeriano, Antonio, On the Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe
212. Valle y Caviedes, Juan del, Works.
213. Vaz de Caminha, Pero. Carta.
214. Vaz de Camoës, Luis. Os Lusíadas and other works.
215. Vazquez de Coronado, Francisco. Reports
216. Vela, Eusebio. Works
217. Vespucci, Amerigo. Letters.
218. Vieira, Antônio. Sermões.
219. Villagrá, Gaspar. Historia de la Nueva México

220. Ward, Nathaniel. From The Simple Cobbler of Aggawamm.
221. Wesley, John. Works.
222. Wheatley, Phillis. Selected Poetry.
223. Wigglesworth, Michael. Day of Doom.
224. White, Andrew. A Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore in Maryland.
225. Willard Johnson, Mrs. Susannah, A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson:.
226. Williams, Roger. Works.
227. Wilson, John. Poetry.
228. Wilson, Samuel. An Account of the Province of Carolina in America.
229. Winslow, Edward. Good Newes from New England.
230. Winthrop, John, Works
231. Wood, William. From New England Prospects.
232. Woolman, John, Journal


233. Yeardley, Francis, Narrative of Excursions into Carolina, 1654