
Useful ASCII tables


ASCII Tables

ASCII abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they support many additional characters.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) prefers the name US-ASCII for this character encoding.

ASCII is one of the IEEE milestones.

ASCII Control Codes

BinOctDecHexSymbolHTML EntityName
0000000000000x00␀ (NUL)�Null char
0000000100110x01␁ (SOH)Start of heading
0000001000220x02␂ (STX)Start of text
0000001100330x03␃ (ETX)End of text
0000010000440x04␄ (EOT)End of transmission
0000010100550x05␅ (ENQ)Enquiry
0000011000660x06␆ (ACK)Acknowledgment
0000011100770x07␇ (BEL)Bell
0000100001080x08␈ ( BS)Backspace
0000100101190x09␉ ( HT)	Horizontal tab
00001010012100x0A␊ ( LF)
Line feed
00001011013110x0B␋ ( VT)Vertical tab
00001100014120x0C␌ ( FF)Form feed
00001101015130x0D␍ ( CR)
Carriage return
00001110016140x0E␎ ( SO)Shift out / x-on
00001111017150x0F␏ ( SI)Shift in / x-off
00010000020160x10␐ (DLE)Data line escape
00010001021170x11␑ (DC1)Device control 1 (oft. xon)
00010010022180x12␒ (DC2)Device control 2
00010011023190x13␓ (DC3)Device control 3 (oft. xoff)
00010100024200x14␔ (DC4)Device control 4
00010101025210x15␕ (NAK)Negative acknowledgement
00010110026220x16␖ (SYN)Synchronous idle
00010111027230x17␗ (ETB)End of transmit block
00011000030240x18␘ (CAN)Cancel
00011001031250x19␙ ( EM)End of medium
00011010032260x1A␚ (SUB)Substitute
00011011033270x1B␛ (ESC)Escape
00011100034280x1C␜ ( FS)File separator
00011101035290x1D␝ ( GS)Group separator
00011110036300x1E␞ ( RS)Record separator
00011111037310x1F␟ ( US)Unit separator

Printable Characters

BinOctDecHexSymbolHTML EntityName
00100000040320x20(space) Space
00100001041330x21!!Exclamation mark
00100010042340x22"" or "Double quotes (or speech marks)
00100101045370x25%%Percent sign
00100110046380x26&& or &Ampersand
00100111047390x27''Single quote
00101000050400x28((Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
00101001051410x29))Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
00101110056460x2E..Period, dot or full stop
00101111057470x2F//Slash or divide
00111100074600x3C<&#60; or &lt;Less than (or open angled bracket)
00111110076620x3E>&#62; or &gt;Greater than (or close angled bracket)
00111111077630x3F?&#63;Question mark
01000000100640x40@&#64;At symbol
01000001101650x41A&#65;Uppercase a
01000010102660x42B&#66;Uppercase b
01000011103670x43C&#67;Uppercase c
01000100104680x44D&#68;Uppercase d
01000101105690x45E&#69;Uppercase e
01000110106700x46F&#70;Uppercase f
01000111107710x47G&#71;Uppercase g
01001000110720x48H&#72;Uppercase h
01001001111730x49I&#73;Uppercase i
01001010112740x4AJ&#74;Uppercase j
01001011113750x4BK&#75;Uppercase k
01001100114760x4CL&#76;Uppercase l
01001101115770x4DM&#77;Uppercase m
01001110116780x4EN&#78;Uppercase n
01001111117790x4FO&#79;Uppercase o
01010000120800x50P&#80;Uppercase p
01010001121810x51Q&#81;Uppercase q
01010010122820x52R&#82;Uppercase r
01010011123830x53S&#83;Uppercase s
01010100124840x54T&#84;Uppercase t
01010101125850x55U&#85;Uppercase u
01010110126860x56V&#86;Uppercase v
01010111127870x57W&#87;Uppercase w
01011000130880x58X&#88;Uppercase x
01011001131890x59Y&#89;Uppercase y
01011010132900x5AZ&#90;Uppercase z
01011011133910x5B[&#91;Opening bracket
01011101135930x5D]&#93;Closing bracket
01011110136940x5E^&#94;Caret – circumflex
01100000140960x60`&#96;Grave accent
01100001141970x61a&#97;Lowercase a
01100010142980x62b&#98;Lowercase b
01100011143990x63c&#99;Lowercase c
011001001441000x64d&#100;Lowercase d
011001011451010x65e&#101;Lowercase e
011001101461020x66f&#102;Lowercase f
011001111471030x67g&#103;Lowercase g
011010001501040x68h&#104;Lowercase h
011010011511050x69i&#105;Lowercase i
011010101521060x6Aj&#106;Lowercase j
011010111531070x6Bk&#107;Lowercase k
011011001541080x6Cl&#108;Lowercase l
011011011551090x6Dm&#109;Lowercase m
011011101561100x6En&#110;Lowercase n
011011111571110x6Fo&#111;Lowercase o
011100001601120x70p&#112;Lowercase p
011100011611130x71q&#113;Lowercase q
011100101621140x72r&#114;Lowercase r
011100111631150x73s&#115;Lowercase s
011101001641160x74t&#116;Lowercase t
011101011651170x75u&#117;Lowercase u
011101101661180x76v&#118;Lowercase v
011101111671190x77w&#119;Lowercase w
011110001701200x78x&#120;Lowercase x
011110011711210x79y&#121;Lowercase y
011110101721220x7Az&#122;Lowercase z
011110111731230x7B{&#123;Opening brace
011111001741240x7C|&#124;Vertical bar
011111011751250x7D}&#125;Closing brace
011111101761260x7E~&#126;Equivalency sign – tilde
011111111771270x7F␡ (DEL)&#127;Delete

Extended ASCII Characters

BinOctDecHexSymbolHTML EntityName
100000002001280x80&#128; or &euro;Euro sign
100000102021300x82&#130; or &sbquo;Single low-9 quotation mark
100000112031310x83ƒ&#131; or &fnof;Latin small letter f with hook
100001002041320x84&#132; or &bdquo;Double low-9 quotation mark
100001012051330x85&#133; or &hellip;Horizontal ellipsis
100001102061340x86&#134; or &dagger;Dagger
100001112071350x87&#135; or &Dagger;Double dagger
100010002101360x88ˆ&#136; or &circ;Circumflex accent modifier
100010012111370x89&#137; or &permil;Per mil sign
100010102121380x8AŠ&#138; or &Scaron;Latin capital letter s with caron
100010112131390x8B&#139; or &lsaquo;Single left-pointing angle quotation
100011002141400x8CŒ&#140; or &OElig;Latin capital ligature oe
100011102161420x8EŽ&#142;Latin capital letter z with caron
100100012211450x91&#145; or &lsquo;Left single quotation mark
100100102221460x92&#146; or &rsquo;Right single quotation mark
100100112231470x93&#147; or &ldquo;Left double quotation mark
100101002241480x94&#148; or &rdquo;Right double quotation mark
100101012251490x95&#149; or &bull;Bullet
100101102261500x96&#150; or &ndash;En dash
100101112271510x97&#151; or &mdash;Em dash
100110002301520x98˜&#152; or &tilde;Small tilde
100110012311530x99&#153; or &trade;Trade mark sign
100110102321540x9Aš&#154; or &scaron;Latin small letter s with caron
100110112331550x9B&#155; or &rsaquo;Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
100111002341560x9Cœ&#156; or &oelig;Latin small ligature oe
100111102361580x9Ež&#158;Latin small letter z with caron
100111112371590x9FŸ&#159; or &yuml;Latin capital letter y with diaeresis
101000002401600xA0&#160; or &nbsp;Non-breaking space
101000012411610xA1¡&#161; or &iexcl;Inverted exclamation mark
101000102421620xA2¢&#162; or &cent;Cent sign
101000112431630xA3£&#163; or &pound;Pound sign
101001002441640xA4¤&#164; or &curren;Currency sign
101001012451650xA5¥&#165; or &yen;Yen sign
101001102461660xA6¦&#166; or &brvbar;Pipe, broken vertical bar
101001112471670xA7§&#167; or &sect;Section sign
101010002501680xA8¨&#168; or &uml;Spacing diaeresis – umlaut
101010012511690xA9©&#169; or &copy;Copyright sign
101010102521700xAAª&#170; or &ordf;Feminine ordinal indicator
101010112531710xAB«&#171; or &laquo;Left double angle quotes
101011002541720xAC¬&#172; or &not;Not sign
101011012551730xAD­&#173; or &shy;Soft hyphen
101011102561740xAE®&#174; or &reg;Registered trade mark sign
101011112571750xAF¯&#175; or &macr;Spacing macron – overline
101100002601760xB0°&#176; or &deg;Degree sign
101100012611770xB1±&#177; or &plusmn;Plus-or-minus sign
101100102621780xB2²&#178; or &sup2;Superscript two – squared
101100112631790xB3³&#179; or &sup3;Superscript three – cubed
101101002641800xB4´&#180; or &acute;Acute accent – spacing acute
101101012651810xB5µ&#181; or &micro;Micro sign
101101102661820xB6&#182; or &para;Pilcrow sign – paragraph sign
101101112671830xB7·&#183; or &middot;Middle dot – georgian comma
101110002701840xB8¸&#184; or &cedil;Spacing cedilla
101110012711850xB9¹&#185; or &sup1;Superscript one
101110102721860xBAº&#186; or &ordm;Masculine ordinal indicator
101110112731870xBB»&#187; or &raquo;Right double angle quotes
101111002741880xBC¼&#188; or &frac14;Fraction one quarter
101111012751890xBD½&#189; or &frac12;Fraction one half
101111102761900xBE¾&#190; or &frac34;Fraction three quarters
101111112771910xBF¿&#191; or &iquest;Inverted question mark
110000003001920xC0À&#192; or &Agrave;Latin capital letter a with grave
110000013011930xC1Á&#193; or &Aacute;Latin capital letter a with acute
110000103021940xC2Â&#194; or &Acirc;Latin capital letter a with circumflex
110000113031950xC3Ã&#195; or &Atilde;Latin capital letter a with tilde
110001003041960xC4Ä&#196; or &Auml;Latin capital letter a with diaeresis
110001013051970xC5Å&#197; or &Aring;Latin capital letter a with ring above
110001103061980xC6Æ&#198; or &AElig;Latin capital letter ae
110001113071990xC7Ç&#199; or &Ccedil;Latin capital letter c with cedilla
110010003102000xC8È&#200; or &Egrave;Latin capital letter e with grave
110010013112010xC9É&#201; or &Eacute;Latin capital letter e with acute
110010103122020xCAÊ&#202; or &Ecirc;Latin capital letter e with circumflex
110010113132030xCBË&#203; or &Euml;Latin capital letter e with diaeresis
110011003142040xCCÌ&#204; or &Igrave;Latin capital letter i with grave
110011013152050xCDÍ&#205; or &Iacute;Latin capital letter i with acute
110011103162060xCEÎ&#206; or &Icirc;Latin capital letter i with circumflex
110011113172070xCFÏ&#207; or &Iuml;Latin capital letter i with diaeresis
110100003202080xD0Ð&#208; or &ETH;Latin capital letter eth
110100013212090xD1Ñ&#209; or &Ntilde;Latin capital letter n with tilde
110100103222100xD2Ò&#210; or &Ograve;Latin capital letter o with grave
110100113232110xD3Ó&#211; or &Oacute;Latin capital letter o with acute
110101003242120xD4Ô&#212; or &Ocirc;Latin capital letter o with circumflex
110101013252130xD5Õ&#213; or &Otilde;Latin capital letter o with tilde
110101103262140xD6Ö&#214; or &Ouml;Latin capital letter o with diaeresis
110101113272150xD7×&#215; or &times;Multiplication sign
110110003302160xD8Ø&#216; or &Oslash;Latin capital letter o with slash
110110013312170xD9Ù&#217; or &Ugrave;Latin capital letter u with grave
110110103322180xDAÚ&#218; or &Uacute;Latin capital letter u with acute
110110113332190xDBÛ&#219; or &Ucirc;Latin capital letter u with circumflex
110111003342200xDCÜ&#220; or &Uuml;Latin capital letter u with diaeresis
110111013352210xDDÝ&#221; or &Yacute;Latin capital letter y with acute
110111103362220xDEÞ&#222; or &THORN;Latin capital letter thorn
110111113372230xDFß&#223; or &szlig;Latin small letter sharp s – ess-zed
111000003402240xE0à&#224; or &agrave;Latin small letter a with grave
111000013412250xE1á&#225; or &aacute;Latin small letter a with acute
111000103422260xE2â&#226; or &acirc;Latin small letter a with circumflex
111000113432270xE3ã&#227; or &atilde;Latin small letter a with tilde
111001003442280xE4ä&#228; or &auml;Latin small letter a with diaeresis
111001013452290xE5å&#229; or &aring;Latin small letter a with ring above
111001103462300xE6æ&#230; or &aelig;Latin small letter ae
111001113472310xE7ç&#231; or &ccedil;Latin small letter c with cedilla
111010003502320xE8è&#232; or &egrave;Latin small letter e with grave
111010013512330xE9é&#233; or &eacute;Latin small letter e with acute
111010103522340xEAê&#234; or &ecirc;Latin small letter e with circumflex
111010113532350xEBë&#235; or &euml;Latin small letter e with diaeresis
111011003542360xECì&#236; or &igrave;Latin small letter i with grave
111011013552370xEDí&#237; or &iacute;Latin small letter i with acute
111011103562380xEEî&#238; or &icirc;Latin small letter i with circumflex
111011113572390xEFï&#239; or &iuml;Latin small letter i with diaeresis
111100003602400xF0ð&#240; or &eth;Latin small letter eth
111100013612410xF1ñ&#241; or &ntilde;Latin small letter n with tilde
111100103622420xF2ò&#242; or &ograve;Latin small letter o with grave
111100113632430xF3ó&#243; or &oacute;Latin small letter o with acute
111101003642440xF4ô&#244; or &ocirc;Latin small letter o with circumflex
111101013652450xF5õ&#245; or &otilde;Latin small letter o with tilde
111101103662460xF6ö&#246; or &ouml;Latin small letter o with diaeresis
111101113672470xF7÷&#247; or &divide;Division sign
111110003702480xF8ø&#248; or &oslash;Latin small letter o with slash
111110013712490xF9ù&#249; or &ugrave;Latin small letter u with grave
111110103722500xFAú&#250; or &uacute;Latin small letter u with acute
111110113732510xFBû&#251; or &ucirc;Latin small letter u with circumflex
111111003742520xFCü&#252; or &uuml;Latin small letter u with diaeresis
111111013752530xFDý&#253; or &yacute;Latin small letter y with acute
111111103762540xFEþ&#254; or &thorn;Latin small letter thorn
111111113772550xFFÿ&#255; or &yuml;Latin small letter y with diaeresis
Published by
Serhii Kupriienko

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