Awesome-Python-Learning v.1.0.1

Awesome Python Learning
Awesome Python Learning

Extended my Awesome Python Learning dataset ( with new 205 links:

– Articles about Software Engineering
– Developer’s Tools
– MOOC and courses
– Video

Here CSV dataset –

P.S. You can try create your own database for everything

Автор Serhii Kupriienko

I have a multifaceted experience, accomplished several successful projects, including national-scale, modernized a museum, engaged in online commerce, wholesale and retail sales, was an entrepreneur, publisher, and editor. I headed the development department. I gave lectures and training. I organized events and press conferences. I was the secretary of the collegial boards. And I also did the planning and reporting in an organization. My Ph.D. thesis was “The social and economic system of the Inca Empire Tawantinsuyu“.