Як стати  Software Engineer: моя історія

4 роки ago
Serhii Kupriienko

Для кого ця стаття? Для таких як я сам, хто в часи пандемії та суттєвої трансформації життя, вирішив змінити професію. …

Useful Git commands

4 роки ago

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with…

Useful ASCII tables

4 роки ago

ASCII Tables ASCII abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in…

Conda cheatsheet

4 роки ago

Conda Managing Conda and Anaconda, Environments, Python, Configuration, Packages. Removing Packages or Environments Читати далі Conda cheatsheet

TOP-10 questions about Python

4 роки ago

Читати далі TOP-10 questions about Python

TOP-10 questions about Django

4 роки ago

Читати далі TOP-10 questions about Django

Find the sum of the digits in the number 100! (Python)

4 роки ago

Python code to demonstrate a method to compute the factorial digists sum, i.e. 100 factorial (100!). This test exercise I've recieved when I was looking for a Trainee Python Developer…

Django ORM and SQL: Making QuerySet Expressions

4 роки ago

Making QuerySet & Query Expressions with Django ORM like SQL, or Django ORM == SQL. If you are migrating to…

Create an E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 4)

4 роки ago

How to create a checkout form in an E-commerce Shop with Django? Part 4. In the previous Part 3 we…

Create a E-commerce Shop with Django (Part 3)

4 роки ago

In the previous Part 2 we create models for Order and in this Part 3 of Create a E-commerce Shop…

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